2019-2020学年高二英语下学期3月月考试题 (II).doc

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2019-2020学年高二英语下学期3月月考试题 (II) 时间:120 总分:150 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What instrument is the woman best at playing? A.Erhu. B.Violin. C.Piano. 2.What is the possible relationship between the speakers? A.Classmates. B.Strangers. C.Workmates. 3.What is the man doing? A.Buying a book. B.Chatting with a friend. C.Asking the way. 4.Why is the woman late for her class again? A.She has to prepare the supper.B.She has to do her homework. C.She has to meet some friends. 5.What are the speakers going to do? A.Go skiing. B.Go to school. C.Clean the snow. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What will the man do next month? A.Have midterm exams. B.Go to swim with his friends. C.Borrow some books from the library. 7.Where will the speakers meet after class? A.In the gymnasium. B.In front of the library. C.In front of the classroom. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What is the woman doing? A.Sending an email to her friends. B.Editing a few words on her laptop. C.Writing her blog on her smart phone. 9.In what situation does the woman usually blog? A.Being on a business trip. B.Publishing some photos. C.Leaving her laptop at home. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A typhoon. B.An earthquake. C.A traffic accident. 11.Why do earthquakes happen frequently in China? A.China has a long history.B.China is located on the Eurasia plate. C.China is one of the biggest countries. 12.Where did the 8.0 magnitude earthquake take place? A.In Wenchuan. B.In Tangshan. C.In Gansu. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.Why does the man look pale? A.Because he is ill. B.Because he stayed up late. C.Because he seldom goes out. 14.How does the man feel about his Chinese learning? A.Satisfied. B.Amazed. C.Disappointed. 15.How does the woman study Chinese? A.By writing. B.By learning Chinese songs. C.By reciting Chinese poems. 16.What will the man take in case of running into new characters? A.A textbook. B.A dictionary. C.A magazine. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17.What is the first step to be popular? A.To stay in good shape.B.To wear suitable clothes. C.To improve our appearance. 18.What is the most important step according to the speaker? A.To be a good listener.B.To consider others more. C.To be real. 19.How can we get others respect? A.Get high scores in study.B.Be sincere to others. C.Do something ourselves. 20.Whats the purpose of the speech? ATo give tips on how to be popular.B.To encourage people to improve appearance. C.To explain why people like to be popular. 一、阅读理解 A Safety and Security Procedures Your safety and the security of your personal property(财产) are of the primary concern to those of us who wele you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions. YOUR VEHICLE Lock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside. We are not responsible for their loss. TRAVELING Be good at noticing things around you when sightseeing or traveling. Stay in heavily traveled areas. Don’t display large amounts of cash. GUEST ROOM SECURITY For additional security, use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. As an additional precautious measure, please secure the secondary locks provided. Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. If there is any doubt about the person’s identity, please contact the Front Desk. SAFETY BOXES Do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. We provide free safety boxes for you. We are not responsible for items left in room valued over $200. KEYS Safeguard your key. Please do not leave it in the door. Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out. FIRE Please familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits. Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator. In the unlikely event of a fire, please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building. Avoid the use of the elevator. REPORTING Please report any suspicious activity, or safety concerns to management. 21.What should you do when a fire breaks out according to the passage? A.Try your best to put out the fire. B.Report fire to your leader first. C.Leave the building through the safe exit. D.Use the electric lift to leave as fast as possible. 22.What should you do with a suspicious-looking stranger who knocks at your door? A.Pretend you are not in the room.B.Send him to the police station. C.Get in touch with the Front Desk.D.Let him in to make sure of his identity. 23.Where are you advised to put your valuable things when you go out? A.In your cars.B.In the room.C.At the Front Desk.D.In the free safety box. 24.Where might you see these suggestions? A.At a gym.B.At a hotel.C.At a shop.D.At a bank. B Two weeks before my 12th birthday, my teacher asked me to conduct an experiment. When I mixed some powder together, they exploded. Molten liquid hit me in the face, but I felt no pain. I vividly remember standing there in a state of calm. I thought I was in a dream, but however hard I struggled to swim to the surface of consciousness, I couldn’t wake up. I didn’t understand how terrifying it was until I heard people saying, "Who’s that?" That’s when I knew I was unrecognizable. I was taken to hospital, but the doctors didn’t know what to do with me. Later I was flown to Houston for surgery. Between the ages of 13 and 16, I had 40 operations. As each operation came and went, my vision would e back, then fade again. Eventually, it faded pletely and I had what was left of my eyes removed for cosmetic reasons. Since then, I have lived in total darkness. Most blind people, even if they don’t have any sight they’re aware of, are still able to sense light. That gives them a sense of day and night. But not me. I absolutely lost that sense of time passing. For many years, I felt my sight loss darkening my life like the loss of my parents from which I would never recover. But when I was in my 40s, I realized I had to find a way to live. I trained to bee a counselor, and that has helped me see my experiences in a different way. I can’t fix people’s broken lives — just like I can’t fix my sight — but I can help them find a way to manage. Sometimes it feels as if all the struggles and negative experiences I’ve lived through were in fact a kind of preparation for helping others to make their own way towards the light. 25.How did the writer feel when the mixed powder exploded? A.Painful.B.Frightened.C.Calm.D.Desperate. 26.What can we know about the writer? A.She recovered her sight at last.B.She just has slight sense of sight. C.She is now living a meaningful life.D.She received 40 operations in 28 years. 27.What is the passage mainly about? A.Telling her own experience.B.Encouraging the blind to cheer up. C.Calling on people to care for the blind. D.Warning students doing experiments is dangerous. C If you’re a teacher, an activities director, a childcare facility owner, a homeschool parent—anyone who has to plan and carry out field trips and enrichment programs for children, you will want to keep this guide. Several of our uping programs are listed below. Water Quality Program Date: Sun, Jul 31, xx Time: 10:30 AM Want to know what types of organisms are living in Table Rock Lake? Join Park Rangers in taking water samples(样本) if time allows. Be prepared to get wet, and water shoes are remended. Dewey Short Visitor Center,4500 State Highway 165,Branson MO 65616 USAAustin, Lost in America Date: Sat, Sept. 3, xx Time: 11:00 AM “Austin, Lost in America” 11 a.m. for grades K-5 in the Children’s Department. Jeff Czekajs quirky dog, Austin, grew up in a pet store but dreamed of finding a real home. Help him find his real home at the Library by reading the new geography picture book—Austin, Lost in America and “travel” to all 50 states in the book! Learn fun facts, play games and make crafts in this program. Call 862-0135. Midtown Carnegie Branch Library,397 E. Central St. Teen Tuesday Advisory Club Date: Tue, Sept. 6, xx Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 AM Teen Tuesday Advisory Club 6-7:30 p.m. for grades 6-12 in the Harrison Room. All teens are wele to e and chat about your favorite books and movies, and play some awesome games with friends. Earn volunteer credit by helping plan library events that you want to attend. Call 882-0714. Library Center,4653 S Campbell Ave,Springfield MO US 28.Who may not be interested in this passage? A.A teacher.B.A music director.C.A home school parent. D.A childcare facility owner. 29.What will you do by joining Park Rangers? A.To protect the lake from being polluted. B.To improve water quality in a laboratory. C.To learn about the living creatures in a lake. D.To judge whether the water is suitable for drinking. 30.Which program can help kids enrich their geography knowledge? A.Water Quality Program B.Austin, Lost in America C.Teen Tuesday Advisory Club D.Planning Library Events 31.What can we do to gain volunteer credit? A.Make a plan for different library events. B.Discuss your favorite books with others. C.Act out some awesome stories with friends. D.Attend library events in the Harrison Room. D There is one language that is used in every country in the world. The people who use it are young and old, short and tall, thin and fat. It is everybody’s second language. It is easy to understand, although you can’t hear it. It is sign language. When you wave to a friend who is across the street, you are using sign language. When you smile at someone, you are saying, “I want to be friendly”, but you are not using speech. You are using sign language. When you raise your hand in class, you are saying, “Please ask me. I think I know the correct answer.” Babies who can’t talk can point at things. They are using sign language. A policeman who wants to stop traffic holds up his hands. He is using sign language. Many years ago, a French priest, Charles Michel de Epee, became interested in education for deaf people. He invented a finger alphabet (字母表). It is still in use. People can make the sign for letters and spell words with their hands, and deaf people can read and understand them. Soon there were schools for the deaf in many countries. The only university for the deaf is Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C. Today, in the United States, there are special TV news programs for deaf people. The newsreader tells the news in sign language. At the same time, the words appear on the TV screen. The actors in the Theatre of Deaf don’t spell every word. Sometimes they use hand signs. When they put two hands together, it means sandwich. They can make a roof with their hands when they want to show a house. One finger in front of an actor’s mouth can mean quiet. You can talk to people who are behind windows that are closed. And when you go swimming with your friends, you can have conversations under water.How many hand signs do you use every day? 32.Which of the following about sign language is TRUE? A.It is a special language used in a few countries in the world. B.It is a way to express one’s ideas without words. C.It is only used by the deaf.D.It can be heard. 33.If you want to express the idea that “I am very friendly” to someone, you will ______. A.raise your hand B.put one hand onto the other C.smile to the person D.make a roof with your hands 34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Hand signs instead of finger signs are used every day.? B.There are schools, colleges and universities for the deaf in the USA. C.The French priest Charles invented sign language. D.Even babies are using sign language. 35.The passage is mainly about ______. A.an introduction to sign language B.the importance of sign language C.a famous priest in France D.how to use sign language 二、七选五 Heart disease is the most mon cause of death in the United States. Over a million people each year will have a heart attack and 25% will die before they get to the hospital or in the Emergency Department.36__________Prevention(预防) is the best way so it does not damage your heart and limit your ability to enjoy life. Simple ways might help reduce your risk: Dont smoke This means that you should stop smoking as soon as possible if you already smoke, and if you live with a smoker, you should put limits on the smoker37__________ Get moving 38__________Find a form of exercise you enjoy enough to want to do it regularly and stick to it. If you have health issues that limit exercise, see your doctor for suggestions and make sure you begin with a program that will not be too challenging for you to keep with it. 39__________Make sure you follow a heart prevention diet, even if you dont have any symptoms(症状) of heart disease. The key is to prevent the disease before it starts. You should eat a high­fiber, low­fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Meats should be lean(瘦的), and fats should be limited to heart healthy fats such as olive oil 40__________And fruits and vegetables should make up a large part of your daily meals. A.Manage your weight. B.Sugars and processed foods should be limited. C.Eat healthy foods D.A heart attack is a very frightening event. E.It’s best if you can get in 30 minutes a day of exercise. F.If you havent started smoking, be sure never to start this habit. G.If you feel any of these heart attack symptoms, do not ignore. 三、完形填空 6.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Hello, Mr. Wi-Fi. Life without you is next to impossible. We’re happy to sing your name from morning till evening, sometimes till dawn. 41 I know you help me, sometimes you’re making me do things with42 attention. Many times I promise myself that I’ll43my feelings towards you, but you’re 44 me closer and closer… You’ve entered both my home and my45. You’re just a window for our 46and information. But we people aren’t 47 only with the window. So we open all our 48for you. Is this a(n)49 or some kind of attachment? If this is an illness, is it curable? And if this is an attachment will you 50me to the lifelong togetherness? We want you 24/7. Can’t you take a few days off so that both you and I can 51? You’re a poison—not a slow one but a super 52 poison which holds our mind and makes us dance 53its tune. Nowadays you’re so 54that anyone can buy and make you our 55 . You’ll never be bothered about our health but we’ll 56 be concerned about your “health”. Because you acpany us everywhere and never let us be alone. You were a 57person made of flesh and blood, would we love you the same? You 58us with your numerous talents and we even can’t get rid of you. We’re all your 59. Sometimes I wonder how people in the previous generations 60, but if they did why can’t we? 41.A.Now thatB.Only ifC.ThoughD.When 42.A.praisedB.increasedC.focusedD.divided 43.A.keep inB.bring backC.approve ofD.give up 44.A.drawingB.pushingC.forcingD.observing 45.A.spaceB.soulC.societyD.workplace 46.A.entertainmentB.argumentC.expansionD.struggle 47.A.strictB.satisfiedC.generousD.busy 48.A.thoughtsB.eyesC.exitsD.doors 49.A.diseaseB.inspirationC.routineD.phenomenon 50.A.remendB.instructC.mitD.adapt 51.A.persistB.relaxC.progressD.balance 52.A.rawB.ambiguousC.strongD.fast 53.A.toB.againstC.fromD.within 54.A.affordableB.valuableC.conventionalD.attractive 55.A.additionB.expertC.panionD.instrument 56.A.sometimesB.alwaysC.neverD.seldom 57.A.selfishB.dishonestC.responsibleD.real 58.A.controlB.scoldC.fortD.challenge 59.A.friendsB.salvesC.colleaguesD.employers 60.A.sufferedB.connectedC.survivedD.surfed 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共50分) 四、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 As fewer people choose to make sugar paintings, the traditional Chinese folk craft might have bee a 61(distance) memory in some ways. However, a 38-year-old craftsman, Li Jiangzhong, is devoted to 62(keep) the art of sugar painting alive. Li worked as a miner for more than ten years. After 63mine closed down, Li turned64housing decoration, until he 65(force) to give that up due to a finger injury. Earlier this year, he discovered sugar painting, something he really had an interest in. Since there was no sugar painting craftsman in his village, he studied by himself through large quantities of videos and information on the Internet. Li loved painting when he was young, and he found66easy to learn the skill in sugar painting. He soon mastered the skill and could make a67(vary) of sugar paintings. A sugar painting is made with 68(melt) brown or white sugar. Craftsman 69(normal) paint animals and flowers on a stone board with the syrup(糖浆). When the sugar cools down, 70appears is a piece of sugar art. 五、短文改错 It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begin. Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his and her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class activity, others were nervous and anxious. I had done myself homework but I was shy. I was afraid that to speak in front of a larger group of people. At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, "The classroom is a place for learning and that include leaning from textbooks, and mistake as well." Immediate, I raised my hand. 六、书面表达 假如你是李华,是一名高二学生。期末考试马上来临,请给某英文报社栏目的Mary写一封信,希望Mary就以下几个方面提一些建议。 1.正在紧张备考,身心压力很大。2.父母的期望很高,不断施压。3.与父母沟通很难,很苦恼。注意:1.词数120左右;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mary, I’m a Senior Two student and I am going to have the ing final examination soon Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, LiHua 高二英语三月月考参考答案 听力1--5 BCCAA 6--10ABCAB 11-15 BABCB 16--20 BCCBA 一、阅读理解 答案: 1.C; 2.C; 3.D; 4.B 解析: 1.【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了旅馆居住要注意的事项。 细节理解题。 根据FIRE部分中please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building可知选C。 2.细节理解题。根据GUEST ROOM SECURITY 部分中If there is any doubt about the person’s dentity please contact the Front Desk.可知选C。 3.细节理解题。根据SAPETY BOXES部分中的内容可知,贵重物品可以放到免费保险箱内保存,选D。4.推理判断题。根据文章中出现的the Front Desk等内容判断这些是旅馆内的安全注意事项,选B。 答案: 1.C; 2.C; 3.A 解析: 1.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,作者在学校做实验的时候,化学药品发生爆炸,不幸双目失明,在多年庸庸碌碌的生活后,作者决定用自己的经历和自己对生活的感悟去帮助别人。 细节理解题。根据第二段首句I vividly remember standing there in a state of calm.可知作者在爆炸时很冷静,故选C。 2.推理判断题。根据文章末段可知,作者开始帮助别人,作者的生活也变得有意义起来,故选C。 3.推理判断题。本文主要讲述了作者失明的经过以及自己对生活态度的转变,故选A。 答案: 1.B; 2.C; 3.B; 4.A答案: 1.B; 2.C; 3.D; 4.A 二、七选五5.答案:D; F; E; C; B 三、完形填空 6.答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.A; 4.A; 5.D; 6.A; 7.B; 8.D; 9.A; 10.C; 11.B; 12.D; 13.A; 14.A; 15.C; 16.B; 17.D; 18.A; 19.B; 20.C 四、语法填空 distant ; keeping ; the; to; was forced; it; variety ; melted ; normally; what 五、短文改错 8.答案: It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just . Everyone was silent, to see who would be called upon to read his her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class activity, others were nervous and anx
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