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2019-2020学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题A第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;5每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the speakers now?A. In Paris.B. In Blackpool.C. In Manchester.2. What is the man?A. A ticket seller.B. A coach.C. A policeman.3. When will the man reach the womans house?A. At 6:20.B. At 6:40.C. At 7:15.4. What will the speakers do next?A. Check in.B. Download an app.C. Take a taxi.5. What is the woman poor at?A. Speaking Chinese.B. Writing Chinese.C. Reading Chinese.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where is the woman going?A. To a restaurant.B. To a zoo.C. To a park.7. Which bus is the woman going to take?A. Bus T-30.B. Bus T-8.C. Bus Z-8.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Whats wrong with the mans car?A. It is out of gas.B. It is being repaired.C. It is lent out.9. What will the man do first?A. Do some shopping.B. Pick up his parents.C. Go to the womans house.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the man say about Phil?A. He hurt his back.B. He doesnt like boating.C. He cant play soccer anymore.11. Why does Meg hesitate about going with the man?A. She cant afford the trip.B. She isnt fully prepared.C. She has to go to the club.12. How much does each person pay for the trip in total?A. 150 dollars.B. 200 dollars.C. 210 dollars.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the woman want the man to do soon?A. Have a talk with George.B. Help George find a job.C. Make a plan for George.14. What is the woman worried about?A. Georges health.B. Georges future.C. Georges schoolwork.15. Where should George work according to the man?A. In a bank.B. In a travel agency.C. In an insurance pany.16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. A couple.B. Workmates.C. Friends.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the talk mainly about?A. The time spent on after-school activities.B. The importance of after-school activities.C. Ways to balance study and after-school activities.18. What takes the second place of the activities?A. Doing homework.B. Watching TV.C. Doing sports.19. How much time do students spend on the puter every day?A. 46 minutes.B. 34 minutes.C. 30 minutes.12. What should the students be encouraged to do?A. Listen to music.B. Work hard at study.C. Do more exercise.第二部分 阅读理解(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分60分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给人、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Booking a theatreThese locations have theatres available for rental: Fairview Palmerston York WoodsPriority BookingsEach June, theatre booking requests for dates in the following calendar year (January to December) are accepted.For more information call the Room Booking Unit at 416-397-5969.Regular BookingsFor people who didnt make a booking request in June, call the Room Booking Unit at 416-397-5969 to check for remaining dates.pleting a BookingOnce the library receives a request, staff will check the availability and place a tentative booking for you. You will then receive a contract that you must return with payment within 10 calendar days of the tentative boding and with a minimum of two months before the first booking to confirm the booking.PaymentPayment for the first booking and any bookings in the current month is due when you return the signed contract. If you have booked for multiple months, payments for those months are due at the beginning of each month. Type of OrganizationTheatreRateNon-profit groupsFairview or York Woods$ 418.00/dayPalmerston$209.00/daymercialFairview or York Woods$ 163.00/hrPalmerston$ 150.00/hr21. Whats required if you want to make priority bookings?A. Calling the library first.B. Booking in previous June.C. Having a look at the theatre beforehand.D. Paying a visit to the Room Booking Unit22. When should you make payments if you book a theatre in the current month?A. Ten days before the booking.B. When you make the booking.C. When you return the contractD. At the beginning of the month.23. Whats the rate if a non-profit organization rents a theatre at Palmerston?A. $418.00/day.B. $209.00/day.C. $163.00/hr.D.$150.00/hr.BI began cycling in xx when I was a poor student. It was dangerous, sure, but cycling is the fastest, cheapest point-to-point form of transport in Melbourne. I own a car now, but thats just for transporting the baby or groceries.I hate driving. So its been quite encouraging watching the growth in cyclist numbers over the past decade. It is estimated 10,000-plus cyclists enter the CBD (Central Business District) each day, taking pressure off public transport. But as more people take to cycling as a mode of transport, the number of cyclists seriously injured or killed keeps climbing. And that is a sign that our infrastructure (基础设施) is still not good enough.Melbourne was once a dream for cyclists-flat, long, wide roads, with plenty of paths along rivers. Now, cycling can be deadly, with roads dominated by cars. I have a friend who broke her back and was lucky to escape paralysis, and others with broken bones. In my time riding, Ive been forced off the road by a truck, cut off by four-wheel drives, and told to get off the road.These things dont exactly happen to trams and buses, those other slowcoaches on Melbournes roads. Nodrivers reserve a particular savagery (残暴行为) for cyclists. And thats a sign of exactly one thing: inadequate infrastructure.We shouldnt need to be taught how to coexist in the same narrow space. Drivers and cyclists should be kept apart. The present debate over how to minimize “dooring” is a distraction.Dooring is not a legal problem. You cannot legislate (制定法律) it away. Designing bike paths so riders are channelled between moving cars and parked cars is deadly. All it takes is one daydreaming driver to fling open the door and you are gone. Thats what happened to the young university student James Cross.This year, there are to be new anti-dooring lanes (车道) built on Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, where Cross died in xx. But these lanes are not safe. Cyclists must still pass between two rows of cars.24. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Some people hating driving.B. More people choosing to cycle.C. More cyclists having accidents.D. Distracted driving happening a lot.25. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A. Many people are bad at cycling.B. There are many cars in Melbourne.C. Melbourne was once very beautiful.D. Its dangerous to cycle in Melbourne.26. Which was the major cause of James Cross death according to the author?A. Deadly bike paths.B. A drivers mistake.C. Cross carelessness.D. An outdated legal system.27. What is the purpose of the text?A. To tell a personal story.B. To encourage readers to cycle.C. To criticize rude driving behavior.D. To stress the necessity of safe bike paths.CGoogle, one of the worlds outstanding tech panies, was attacked. It wasnt its search engine that was attacked or its advertising platform or even its social network, Google+. Instead, it was a building.Two web security experts hacked (侵入) into its Wharf 7 office in Sydney, Australia, through Googles building management system (BMS). One of them, Billy Rios, says, “My colleague and I have a lot of experience in web security, but it is not something that people couldnt learn. Once you understand how the system works, it is very simple.”They found the system on Shodan, a search engine that lists devices connected to the Internet, and then ran it through their own software to identify who owned the building. In the case of the Google hacking, the researchers had no immoral purpose and just informed Google about what they found.According to Mr. Rios, Who runs security pany Whitescope, there are 50,000 buildings currently connected to the Internet, including research institutes, churches and hospitals, and 2,000 of those are online with no password protection. Martyn Thomas, a professor of IT at Gresham College in the UK, says, “It is beyond doubt that attempts to attack building management systems arc happening all the time.”Making a building smart generally means connecting the systems that control heating, Hating and security to the Internet and the wider corporate network. There was a strong reason for doing this, said Andrew Kelly, principal security consultant at defence pany Qinetiq.“Energy savings are the biggest factor in connecting building management systems to the corporate network,” he says. “It gives those who run the building better control and offers between 20% to 50% in energy savings,” he adds.But it also makes them less secure. And if any of these feels like a Hollywood film, think again.28. How did Billy Rios and his colleague hack Googles building?A. They invented a search engine and connected it to Googles building.B. They connected their own software to the building to run Google.C. They worked for Google and mastered how the building worked.D. They used Googles BMS to find out the owner of the building.29. In the case of the Google hacking, the researchers had the intention of .A. telling Google about the Wharf 7 offices hidden dangerB. entering Googles building to save more energyC. explaining the reasons for energy savingsD. analyzing some immoral problems30. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. There are many researchers contributing a lot to web security.B. The attack on building management systems happens all over the world.C. The building management systems of some buildings are in danger.D. There are too many buildings connected to the Internet to be managed well.31. What is the authors attitude towards the way of the energy savings of some buildings?A. Favorable.B. Ambiguous.C. IndifferentD. Negative.DDo students learn as much when they read digitally as they do in print? Investigators have been trying to determine whether students do as well when reading an assigned text on a digital screen as on paper.A number of researchers have sought to measure learning by asking people to read a passage of text, either in print or on a digital device, and then testing for prehension.Most studies have found that participants scored about the same when reading in each medium, though a few have indicated that students performed better on tests when they read in print.Since in standardized testing, reading passages and answering questions afterwards may tell us little about any deeper level of understanding, some researchers are beginning to pose more subtle questions.When people were asked to read d story in print or on a digital device and then to reconstruct the plot development, the answer is: Print yielded better results. When people were asked to read by choosing how much time to spend on each platform, the researchers found that participants devoted less time to reading the passage on screen and performed less well on the following prehension test.So, how does the learning question relate to educational goals?To bee skilled in critical thinking, students need to be able to handle text. The text may be long, plex or both. To make sense of it, students cannot skim, rush ahead or continually get distracted. So, docs reading in print versus on screen build critical thinking skills?When asked in which medium they felt they concentrated better, 92 percent replied “print”. For long academic reading, 86 percent favored print Participants were also reported to be more likely to reread academic materials if they were in printWhats more, a number of students indicated they believed print was a better medium for learning. By contrast, in talking about digital screens, students noted “danger of distraction” and “no concentration”.Evidently, its not too hard to tell that a pattern did emerge: Print stood out as the medium for doing serious work.32. What have the researchers asked participants to do on two reading media?A. Participants are tested in standardized testing for critical thinking.B. Participants are allowed to decide the time they spend on each platform.C. Participants are asked to read a story and then pose a similar plot.D. Participants are required to write a summary after skimming academic materials.33. What do researchers find about reading medium?A. Reading in print is more likely to form a deeper understanding.B. In standardized reading test, print is distinctively better than screen.C. Spending a little more time on screen, participants may have a better understanding.D. Reading on screen is of no benefit to improving reading ability.34. To achieve educational goals, how can we read a text better?A. We should delete all the amusement apps from our cellphone.B. We should read more attentively and be able to analyse the text.C. We should be able to go through the most materials in the least time.D. We should search for more documents on digital reading devices.35. What can be the best title for the passage?A. Studies on reading mediaB. Printed reading: better for serious workC. Digital screen or Printed paper? Reader decides.D. Strike a balance on reading media第二节(共5小题:每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Are you planning to go to university? 36 Perhaps you will be choosing the classes you want to take, finding acmodation and enrolling in other activities. However, if you go to university in Chile there is something extra you must do before you can begin.An essential part of starting university in Chile is the “mechoneo” 37 Students beginning their first year at university are “weled” by the older university students. They are taken from their classrooms on an unknown day and blindfolded. The older students tear their clothes, cut their hair, and cover them in raw eggs and other disgusting things. 38 This will be based on how well the students do the activities, and many students try very hard as they want to be the king or queen of the year. The older students then take away everything of the younger students and tell them they must go out onto the street and ask people for money. They will need to bring back a certain amount of money in order to be given their things back. 39 During March it is mon to see new university students all around town wearing ripped, dirty clothes and covered in paint and mess. But the “mechoneo” is increasingly a source of dispute and debate. Some students see it as an important tradition and a unique experience that help new arrivals get to know everyone. 40 There have been campaigns to ban or soften it in favour of more “positive weles, and student organizations in some universities have voted to end the “mechoneo” pletely.A. It is an ancient university tradition here.B. The younger students are forced to do games in dirty places.C. The “queen mechona” and “king mechon” are chosen that day.D. They have to do games and take up challenges for a whole day.E. But others find it abusive, like a form of bullying.F. What do you think you need to do in the first few weeks?G. The money is then used to have a massive wele party at night-time.第三部分 语言知识运用(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分55分)第一节(共20小题;每小题 2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Medical bills were piling. Kids needed glasses, cars needed repairs and the dog needed surgery. On top of that, Christmas was almost 41 us so presents needed to be purchased.But all of that was 42 when my husband, Brian, was waiting in our local tire shop to have his six truck tires 43 on a snowy night He overheard the tire salesman 44 a young mom with 3 children that she was in serious 45 of all new tires, as each one was pletely 46 down. 47 , die young mom said she didnt have the money to replace more than one tire on her car.On hearing that, Brian 48 to pay for a tire to be installed, 49 of the one tire this woman was able to purchase. Brian knew that even though it was just a start, the young mom would be much 50 driving on the 51 roads with a balanced set of two new tires than they would with just one new tire.The young mom was so surprised that she 52 choked up. Eyes filled with tears, she thanked Brian and pulled away.My husband is a naturally modest 53 man who feels rewarded in the giving, not m the 54 in life. So imagine his unexpected 55 , when he later discovered the salesman had 56 the entire amount spent on the 57 tire to his bill! 58 the seven tires my husband bought, the salesman only 59 him for six.The simple act of one man making the decision to share what be had, rather than worrying about what he would 60 , changed things that night.41. A. inB. beforeC. uponD. for42. A. solvedB. changedC. purchasedD. forgotten43. A. replacedB. abandonedC. repairedD. examined44. A. persuadeB. mentionC. warnD. explain45. A. dangerB. needC. placeD. face46. A. takenB. brokenC. wornD. pulled47. A. AngrilyB. SadlyC. ImpatientlyD. Unexpectedly48. A. hurriedB. usedC. triedD. offered49. A. frontB. sureC. oppositeD. instead50. A. fasterB. saferC. happierD. luckier51. A. darkB. hardC. icyD. long52. A. instantlyB. finallyC. greatlyD. excitedly53. A. humorousB. generousC. meaningfulD. intelligent54. A. helpingB. usingC. thankingD. receiving55. A. satisfactionB. surpriseC. chanceD. discovery56. A. returnedB. addedC. paidD. discounted57. A. spareB. newC. wholeD. extra58. A. Regardless ofB. More thanC. In spite ofD. Rather than59. A. chargedB. soldC. askedD. appreciated60. A. go forB. go withoutC. e overD. e across第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。What are the benefits of laughter? Laughter 61 (use) as a signal for being part of a group it signals acceptance and positive interactions with others. In fact, laughter is important, and has been shown to have many 62 (benefit) effects on the human body in different ways. Just check out these health benefits of laughter.Boosts (增强) your immune system. 63 (study) have shown that laughter boosts the immune system, increasing the number of antibody-producing T cells. This then makes us less likely 64 (catch) coughs and colds. It also lowers the levels of at least four hormones (激素) which are connected with stress. So, after a good laugh you should be far less anxious.Improves your breathing. Laugh more and more, because laughter empties your lungs of the air 65 it takes in, resulting in a cleansing effect - similar 66 deep breathing. This is 67 (especial) helpful for people who are suffering from asthma (哮喘).Protects your heart. Your heart is a muscle and, like any muscle in your body, it gets 68 (strong) and functions better when exercised. Regular laughter is like 69 (get) a gym membership for your heart The study said that 15 minutes of laughter a day is as important for your heart 70 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week.第四部分 写作(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处


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