2019-2020年高一英语 Book4 Unit 1 Great women and their achievements学案4 人教新目标.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Book4 Unit 1 Great women and their achievements学案4 人教新目标A Chinese saying goes: Women can hold up half of the sky.A study of African Wildlifeonly if we understand can we care; 唯有了解,我们才会关心 ; only if we care will we help; 唯有关心,我们才会行动; only if we help shall all be saved. 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。 Jane Goodall 珍妮古道尔 Step 1 Brainstorm : What qualities do you think a great woman should have?(Such as hard-working, determined, generous)Step 2 skimming the text and choose the correct answers .1. What did the group do first in the morning? They_.A. went into the forest slowlyB. left the chimp family sleeping in the treeC. observed the family of chimps wake upD. helped people understand the behaviour of the chimps2. Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in the wild? Because she wanted_.A. to work with them in their own environmentB. to prove the way people think about chimps was wrongC. to discover what chimps eatD. to observe a chimp family3. Jane was permitted to begin her work after_.A. the chimp family woke up B. she lived in the forestC. her mother came to support her D. she arrived at Gombe4. The purpose of her study was to _.A. watch the wild chimps in cagesB. gain a doctors degreeC. understand and respect the lives of chimpsD. live in the forest as men can5. Where did Jane Goodall suggest the chimps be left? A. In the wild. B. In the zoo. C. In cages. D. In Africa.6. The chimps show love in their family by _ each other. A. touching B. feeding C. feeding or cleaning D. feeding or touchingStep3 Read the text quickly to get the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1 :_ Para.2 :_Para.3 :_Para.4:_Step4 Details-reading1.The second paragraph:way:She spent years following and recording chimps daily life. discoveries2.The third paragraph:True or false:1.She hopes that chimps can be left in the forest.2.She has helped build many homes for the wild animals to live in.3.She has spent about forty years helping people understand her work.4.Once she stop working, all the scenes of chimps in the laboratories will appear in her mind.3.The fourth paragraph:Janes achievements:Step 5 Some important sentences:1. Following Janes way of studying chimps, our group are going to visit them in the forest.2. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.3. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the night before.4. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.5. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.6. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of there animals.Step 6 Discussion: (choose one )1.What should we learn from Jane Goodall?2. What do you think is the best way to protect wildlife?Step7 Consolidation: plete the summary of the story with one word in each blank. We set out at 5:45 am to _1_ the chimps in Gombe National Park. We watched a _2_of chimps wake up in the morning and followed them _3_ into the forest. Jane had been there _4_ and recording chimps daily _5_. _6_ 40 years, she had been helping the world to understand and _7_ the life of these animals. Jane is _8_ a woman of _9_ and a good example for us all.Step8 HomeworkChoose one woman that you think great and try to describe her to your classmates and tell why you think she is great.Answers:Step 1 Brainstorm :Personal qualities of the great women:Unselfish intelligent determined generous kind modest warm-hearted honest active hard-working brave confident considerate helpful responsible independent broad-and-open mindedStep 2 CACCACStep3 para.1 A day in the park.Para.2 Janes way to study chimps and her achievements.Para.3 Janes attitude and feeling to the animals.Para.4 Jane has achieved everything she wanted to do. (a short summary to her)Step41.The second paragraph: discoveries:She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat.She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.She also discovered how chimps municate with each other.2.The third paragraph:True or false: T T T T3.The fourth paragraph: achievementsWorking with animals in their own environment.Gaining a doctors degree. Showing that women can live in the forest as men can.Step 6 Discussion: (choose one )1. wisdom and courage deeply love to the animals her considerationher hard work2. We should call for all the citizens to love wildlife, protect their living conditions, forbid hunters to kill them freely, build more natural reserves for them and we shouldnt disturb them. The national wildlife protection parks shouldnt be open to the tourists. Make people aware of the importance of wildlife protection.Step7 ConsolidationKey: 1. visit 2. family 3. wandering 4. observing 5. activities 6. For 7. respect 8. indeed 9. achievementREADING FOR YOUYears ago people could hardly accept the ideas of a womans being a doctor. In order to get into medical school in 1847, Elizabeth Blackwell was asked to keep it a secret that she was a woman. This was contrary to her beliefs, and she refused to do it. After entering medical school, Elizabeth often had to summon all her courage to free the unkindness of teachers and classmates. By her great efforts, she was able to plete her studies. Many people came to her graduation just to have a look at a woman doctor. Doctor Blackwell soon found that most people were not as ready as to go to a woman doctor. She had to struggle to make a living. Then came the great day when she was offered a job as a doctor in a hospital. She did so well that she was asked to organize a new hospital and medical college. The United States can now be proud of thousands of women doctors.1. How do you think Elizabeth was treated in the medical school? A. Kindly. B. Unfairly.C. Normally. D. Cruelly.2. Many people came to see Elizabeth when she graduated . A. because they wanted to congratulate her on being a doctor B. but they didnt believe she would be famous in the future C. because they wanted to find out the secret of her success D. but they werent sure that she could manage to finish her schooling3. When she was at the medical school, Blackwell . A. had to pretend to be a boy student in class B. was discouraged by the others critical looks C. felt sorry that she was a woman D. made great effort to do well in her lessons4. After graduation, Elizabeth found that . A. she was not right for the job and had to struggle for a living B. she must organize a new hospital and medical college for women C. few people were willing to go to a woman doctor D. most people were ready to go to a woman doctor5. What in fact was Elizabeths great effort in the medical school? A. To study hard to plete her studies. B. To refuse to pretend to be a boy. C. To realize her idea of being a doctor. D. To struggle for the position of the women.BB DCDBook 4 Unit 1 Women of achievementNO.5Using language:Why not carry on her good work?Step1 skimming the text and choose the correct answers .1.The main idea of the passage is_.A. Lin Qiaozhis achievement s as a doctorB. that the writer was greatly inspired by Lin Qiaozhi and decided to study at a medical college.C. that Lin Qiaozhi helped losts of poor people in the countryside.D. why Lin Qiaozhi chose to be a doctor2.A doctor should have some important qualities except being _.A. kind B. considerate C. hard-working D. fashionable3.The small book explaining how to cut the death rate is for the women who _.A.care for babies B. live in the countrysideC.will deliver a baby D.need advice on medicine4.Which of the following statements about Lin Qiaozhi is NOT true?A. She did some research on great women in China B. She worte a book for women in the countryside about how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.C. She is a hard-working women with determination and gentle nature.D. Her kindness and consideration made her succeed later.5.From the passage we can infer that_.A. in the early 20th century women didnt have the same right as men in education.B. Lin Qiaozhi was a specialist because she was the cleverest lady of her time.C. as a university student, the writer decided to be a second Lin Qiaozhi.D. poor people in the countryside could never reach a doctor if they had an emergency.Step 2 Read the text carefully then do exercise 12 on page 6 (book4)Step3 Pay attention to the important parts and translate them.1. I didnt know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the puter to do some research on great women of China.2. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens disease.3. It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.4.Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a women to get medical training at that time.5.What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients.6.There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a days work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.7. I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi had devoted her whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own.Step4 Consolidation.1.The man, as well as his friend, _the students in the mountainous area. A. are devoted to teach B. are devoted to teaching C. is decoted to teach D. is devoted to teaching2. Only when she took off her sun glasses _she was Mary. A. did I really realize B. I really realize C. had realized I really D. really I had realized3. I will lend you my car _you return it to me as it is tomorrow.A. on one condition B. on conditions thatC. under condition that D. on condition that4.-How do you like the book? -Its _again. A. very worth reading B. well worth reading C. quite worth being read D. rather worth being read5. Tom didnt care _money at all, but he cared _his sick child day and night. A. about; with B. about; for C. for; on D. for; about6. Though the family _not big, all of the people in the family _all music lovers. A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are7. In an hour ,we can travel to places _would have taken our ancestors days to reach. A. where B. when C. which D. what Homework: Write a description of the woman that you think great . Using language: Why not carry on her good work?Step1 BDBAA Step4 Consolidation. DBADB DC单项选择练习:1. I dont mind what time tomorrow you arrive at my place _ you promise to e and help me.A.on condition that B.so far asC.as well asD.as good as2. Wallace and Darwin didnt agree _different forms of life had begunA. with the person whose B. on the way in whichC. on the way which D. to the plan to which3. The seller would sell the skirt for 50 dollars, but the customer _ only half the price, and finally they agreed _ the price. A. supplied; on B. charged; onC. offered; with D. offered; on4. The lawyer was so kind that he devoted all his spare time he had _ the disabled. A. to helping B. helped C. helping D. to help5. Why havent you bought any butter?I_ to but I forgot about it.A. likedB. wished C. meantD. expected6. Only by shouting at the top of his voice . A. he was able to make himself hearB. he was able to make himself heardC. was he able to make himself hearD. was he able to make himself heard 7. It was only when I read this story for a second time_to appreciate its beauty.A. did I begin B. that I began C. then I began D. had I begun8. Only after did people know it was not an accident, but an attack of some kind. A. the second tower of the World Trade Centre was hitB. did the second tower of the World Trade Centre fallC. was the second tower of the World Trade Centre hitD. the second tower of the World Trade Centre was fallen9. What surprised me was not what he said but_ he said it .A. the way B. in the way thatC. in the way D. the way which10. Its no use trying to solve problems _. Talks are the only solution. A. by the way of war B. by force C. by munication D. by means11Ever since the Greens moved to the country a year ago, they _ better health.A. are enjoying B. have been enjoyingC. could have enjoyed D. had enjoyed 12. Im glad to see that you _ a lot of progress since I _ you last. A. will make; have met B. have been making; met C. had made; met D. have made; meeting 13. She knows so much about England. She there before.A. must be B. must live C. must have been D. must have lived in14. Would you like to e to my birthday party? _ to go to. At what time will it start?A: Im very willing B: Im too willingC: Im sorry I have no time D: I hate 15.It was _ puter games that cost the boy a lot of time he ought to have spent on his lessonsA. having playedB. to have played C. playing D. played ABDAC DBAAB BBCBC


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