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2019-2020年牛津英语高二上册阅读鉴赏教案及其设计意图说明教学内容:牛津英语阅读鉴赏高二上教学目标:知识目标:Be able to get the general information about the festival Kwanzaa and get to know roughly same important language points as follows:Words and expressions: honor, ancestor, nation, self-determination, purpose, generation, faith, joy, light, as well as, do as much as we can, etc.能力目标:Be able to talk about festivals in China and Western countries.Be able to use basic reading skills (skimming, scanning, generalization, prediction) through authentic reading materials.Be able to write a summary of the text.情感目标:Let the students learn about the relation between festivals and history and culture and arousethestudents interests in foreign festivals.教学难点:How to help the students understand the passage exactly教学重点:Improve the students reading ability.Help the students learn about foreign history and culture by reading about festivals.教学方法:任务教学法、启发式教学、多媒体辅助教学课堂教学过程Step1. Greeting and Lead-in时间 4-5分钟教师活动 1. 与学生问好2. 展示一组有关中国春节和西方圣诞节的图片。引导学生思考并讨论填写表格“pare a Chinese festival with Christmas Day”, 从而导入本课话题。学生活动 结合图片内容,思考和讨论“pare a Chinese festival with Christmas Day”, 了解本课学习的主题。FestivalsWhenWhoHowWhyMain themesHow oldSpring FestivalChristmas Day设计说明 借助图片媒体,启发学生自己去比较并归纳说出中国的春节和西方的圣诞节的区别,通过学生熟悉的两个节日,激发学生学习新课的兴趣;通过师生和生生之间的回答和讨论,调动学生学习的学习情绪,创设宽松、民主的教学氛围。学习策略 认知策略:联想学生所熟悉的节日知识。调控策略:根据学习活动的需要,合理的分配注意力,调控学习过程中的情绪和情感。交际策略:抓住机会用英语进行真实交际。Step 2. Fast Reading 时间 8分钟教师活动 在屏幕上呈现六个句子,结合课文录音,让学生听完课文的朗读后快速的判断句子的对错,加深学生对文章的印象。之后呈现两个简单的问题,将学生引入到下一过程。 学生活动 结合屏幕所示的句子,带着相关已知的信息去听课文录音,听完后快速的巩固课文信息并判断句子的对错。之后略读全文,由两个简单的问题进入下一步的精读课文。( ) 1. Kwanzaa is a very old festival.( ) 2. The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili.( ) 3. Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals.( ) 4. People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture.( ) 5. Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day.( ) 6. People who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. Questions: (1) What is the name of the festival?(2) What is the festival about?设计说明 通过听课文的录音,让学生在训练听力的同时能有效的判断出文章 相关信息。通过对文章整篇知识点的了解,引导学生进一步的细读文章。Step 3. Careful Reading 时间 20分钟学生活动1. Read and fill in the form.FestivalWhenHow oldWhoHowWhyMain themeKwanzaa2. Read the text paragraph by paragraph carefully and answer some questions.Paragraph 1(1)What do the African Americans celebrate in Kwanzaa?(2)When do people celebrate Kwanzaa? When does Kwanzaa begin and end?Paragraph 2(1) Why did the people choose “Kwanzaa” to name the festival?(2) Why did people create Kwanzaa?(3) What did the African first-fruit festivals have in mon?Paragraph 3(1) What are the seven principles?(2) Which one do you think is the most important?Paragraph 4(1)Why did people choose that dates?(2) How do people celebrate Kwanzaa?Paragraph 5What do you think these festivals mean to us?3. Summary: Fill in the blanks with the key words in the text.Kwanzaa is a _-day festival celebrating the _ and _ of African Americans. It is between _ and _, the week _ Christmas Day. There are seven _for this festival: unity, _, living together, _, purpose, creativity and _. People celebrate the festival by _ a candle each day and _ one of the seven principles. They enjoy a _ on the last day of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa, like other important holidays and _in the world, helps us understand_, remember _, and share _for a happy future. 教师活动 1. 通过与导入部分的一个类似的表格,让学生细读课文,掌握与Kwanzaa节日相关的信息,让学生对节日有个整体的了解。而且让学生在头脑中对篇章的整体结构有个大致的轮廓。2. 图片结合文字,让学生以各种不同的方式(学生个体朗读、齐读、默读)一段一段的细读文章,并带有问题的思考。3. 呈现一段文字,让学生找出文章的关键字填空,让学生在短时间内再次通读全文。设计说明 分部分阅读,读前给出任务,让学生带着任务精读文章。本部分以多样化的阅读技巧、各种问题,紧紧抓住文章主线(What is Kwanzaa?),层层递进,使学生更加深入的了解西方的宽扎节。最后的填空练习,旨在检测学生对文章的理解程度。学习策略 认知策略:在阅读中抓住关键词、重点句子,对文章有个整体的认识后,再对文章深入理解。调控策略:根据学习活动的需要,合理的分配注意力,调控学习过程中的情绪和情感。交际策略:抓住机会用英语进行真实交际(朗读每个段落、组织语言回答问题)。Step 4. Post Reading 时间 4分钟教师活动 通过一系列的图片和文字展示西方宽扎节的特点和内容,让学生尽可能的说出有关这一节日的句子。Say something about the festival with the key words:(Seven-day festival, African American, 1966First fruit, Swahili, December 26 to January 1Candle, principle, light, youngest childLast day, family and friends, enjoy, large meal )学生活动思考并组织语言描述西方宽扎节。设计说明 通过对西方宽扎节的描述,学生在理解课文、处理获得的信息同时锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。Step 5. Discussion时间 6分钟 教师活动总结全文,呈现讨论话题,让学生有充分的时间讨论,最后放映一些展示节日欢乐气氛的图片和音乐。pare Kwanzaa with the Chinese Spring Festival and Christmas. In which way are they similar and in which way are the different?学生活动小组讨论问题,分组给出各自的观点,并加以总结。最后欣赏一些展示节日欢乐气氛的图片和音乐。设计说明 以本篇文章介绍的西方宽扎节和学生熟悉的中国春节、西方圣诞节进行比较,要求学生共同合作,探讨出它们的不同之处,从而加深学生对西方宽扎节的理解。随后的图片和音乐的欣赏,让学生回味这堂课所学。学习策略 认知策略:发动小组力量合作完成任务。调控策略:创造和把握学习英语的机会,根据学习活动的需要,合理的分配注意力,调控学习过程中的情绪和情感。交际策略:根据语言使用环境得体的运用语言,利用各种机会用英语进行真实交际。Step 5. Homework时间 1分钟1. Finish the exercises about important words in the workbook.2. Preview four short passages about festivals in the Integrating skills.设计说明 通过对重要单词、短语的练习,让学生掌握、巩固课文的重要语言点。预习下一部分关于各国节日的短篇,是学生课后对外国节日的兴趣的延伸。

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