2019-2020年牛津英语8B Unit5 Grammar学案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津英语8B Unit5 Grammar学案【自学探究】一、 预习pp83-85,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1. (过去)经常做某事2. 谈论3. 在医院里4. 失明5. 吃早饭6. 给做手术7. 花时间做某事8. 在奥比斯飞机上9. 给治疗眼疾10. 如以往的收入11. 更有意义12. 习惯于13. 炎热的天气14. 离家老远15. 工作时间16. 不寻常的生活方式17. 起初18. 觉得很晕19. 一名飞行着的医生20. 想当21. 一名志愿者医生22. 长大23. 如此以至于24. 供得起25. 医疗眼疾26. 感激某人27. 足够的细心28. 对某人有必要29. 保持学习30. 感觉很累二、 完成课本pp83-85, parts A & B 练习。三、 used to 与 be used to 的区别。四、 so 与 such 的区别。【教案】课题8B Unit 5 Grammar课型新授课教学目标1. 学习运用used to来谈论过去经常性的动作或过去的状态。2. 学习运用be used to来谈论过去的惯例。3. 学习区分运用so that和such that .重难点分析used to和be used to 结构相似意义相近,难以掌握,需作重点操练。学情分析学生学过use作为“使用”的用法,容易错误地推测used to 和be used to的意义。so 和such意义相同,但词性不同,而学生对于它们的使用场合极易混淆,故需进行比较归纳。教学方法情景教学法、归纳法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充STEP 1 Warming upSay:Lets have a free talk.(Ask A) Do you often swim in summer? Did you often swim last summer? Where did you like to swim? How did you like swimming? How often did you swim?(Ask B) Do you often play basketball? Did you often play basketball? When did you like to play basketball? How do you like basketball stars ? Can you tell us some of them?(Ask C) Do you live in a city? Did you like to live in the country? How is the city like?(Ask D) Do your family like a computer? Do you often use a computer? Did you like to use a computer?Did you often use a computer in the past?What do you think of the computer?STEP 2 Presentation.1. Explain that we use used to to talk about a past habit or state that does not happen any more.2.Ask students to look at the examples at the top of p83. Ask them to think of other examples.3.Change the two sentences into positive and negative sentences, then tell the students how to form Tag Questions. (Pay attention to their changes.)STEP 3 Practice(Finish the exercises on p83.)1. Help describe what Dr Mas work was like using used to then check in pairs.2.Go through the answers with the class orally.STEP 4 Consolidation . 1.Make sentences with used to .2.Work in pairs.( Ask students to bring a photo of themselves when they were younger. Students tell each other what their lives were like in the past. Each student should make up at least three sentences with used to. Ask some to tell the class about their partners lives using used to.)STEP 5 Presentation.1. Explain we often use be used to to talk about something we have done regularly for a long time so that it is not new any more. We put it before a noun (phrase) or -ing form of a verb.)2.Stress that the meaning of be (get) used to (习惯于) is different from used to(过去常常).3.Ask students how their lives have changed since they started secondary school.4.Work in pairs. (Ask students to formulate sentences to express the idea of becoming accustomed to something.)5.Go through the explanation and example sentences on p 84. Explain how to form positive and negative sentences with be (get) used to.STEP 6 Presentation.1. Explain we often use sothat to describe the action or degrees. And we use suchthat to describe somebody or something.2.Stress that the structuresso +adj./adv. + that and such (+ a/an) + n. + that.3. Ask the students to translate some sentences using the structures of so +adj./adv. + that and such (+ a/an) + n. + that1). 这双鞋太小了,我穿不了。2). 他很聪明,经常有新主意。3). 这是一部很有趣的电影,他们都想再看一遍。4). 这么热的天你老是呆在室外会生病的。5). 你真是一个有礼貌的孩子,我们都很喜欢你。4. Work in pairs. (Ask students to give the partner two sentences to join them into one using so that or such that )5. Go through the explanation and example sentences on p 85. Explain how to rewrite the structuresso +adj./adv. + that and such (+ a/an) + n. + that with too to and enough to.STEP 7 AssignmentsChoose and write some of the answers on the blackboard.I often swam in the river.I often swam in the river last summer.I liked swimming very much.I swam every afternoon.He often played basketball after school.He liked to play basketball after school.He likes basketball stars.He can tell everyones names.She liked to live in the country.The city is very beautiful.She likes the city very much.They didnt often use a computer. The computers are wonderful.They all like it.They want to buy some more.Change the first sentence into:I used to swim in the river.Ask some students to change the others by themselves.He used to play basketball after school.Write the structure“subject + used to + infinitive” on the blackboard.Ask the students to try and then give the correct answers to them.Help the students.Change the first sentence into:I am used to swimming in the river.Ask some students to change the others by themselves.He is used to playing basketball after school.She was used to living in the country.They werent used to using the computer.Write the structure“subject + be/get used to +-ing” on the blackboard.Ask the students to try and then give the correct answers to them.Ask students to pay attention when be used to means 被用于 , we should use an infinitive after it.Change the first sentence into:I liked swimming so much that I swam in the river every afternoon.Ask some students to change the others by themselves.He likes so many basketball stars that he can tell everyones names of theirs.The city is so beautiful that she likes it very much.They have such a wonderful computer that they want to buy some more.Write the structures so +adj./adv. + that and such (+ a/an) + n. + that on the blackboard.Help the students.Answer the questions.Learn to change the sentences.Read and think.Try to give the answers to them.Give the answers to them.Work in pairs.Learn to change the sentences.Try to give the answers to them.Work inpairs.Read and think.Give the answers to them.Learn to change the sentences.Try to give the answers to them.Work inpairs.Read and think.Give the answers to them.作业设计1. Reciting the passage on p84.2. Finish the exercises of this part in 同步导学板书设计I often swam in the river last summer. He often played basketball after school. They didnt often use a computer. subject + used to + infinitive” subject + be/get used to +-ing I used to swim in the river. I am used to swimming in the river. He used to play basketball after school. He is used to playing basketball after school. They didnt use to use a computer. They werent used to using the computer.so +adj./adv. + that I liked swimming so much that I swam in the river every afternoon.He likes so many basketball stars that he can tell everyones names of theirs.The city is so beautiful that she likes it very much.such (+ a/an) + n. + thatThey have such a wonderful computer that they want to buy some more.It is such a hot day that you will be sick when you stay outside so long.教学反思【当堂巩固】一、 根据句意选择used to或be used填空1. My father _ work in the police station here.2. His grandparents _ living in the country.3. They _ go out with their friends at weekends.4. I _ my life now because its meaningful.5. She _ working at weekends.6. He _ be blind and _living in the darkness in the past.二、 根据句意选择so或such填空1. He is _ a foolish boy that he makes the same mistake again and again.2. The exercise is _ difficult that we cant work it out by ourselves.3. There were _many people in the street that we could only walk slowly that day.4. The boy ran _ fast that he caught up with his classmates very soon.5. It is _ an interesting story that the children want to listen to it once more.6. There was _ much noise in the room that we didnt want to stay in it.三、 将下列句子译成英语。1. 他过去上学常常迟到,但现在习惯早起了。2. 妈妈习惯在晚上收拾屋子,可以前她常在周末收拾的。3. 她父母没那么多的钱,她不能立刻住院治疗。4. 雨下得那么大,他们看不清前面的路了。5. 这种工具是用来开瓶子的。6. 史密斯先生现在习惯说汉语了。7. 那个老人习惯了乡村的生活,他不想和他的儿子一起生活在城市里。8. 以前他们经常去那个公园锻炼,那儿的人都认识他们了。


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