2018-2019年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 书面表达 话题17 语言学习.doc

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话题17语言学习(Language learning).话题相关词汇名词、形容词及短语:1单词word2字母letter3短语/词组expression/phrases4固定词组set phrase5句子sentence6篇章passage7官方的official8正式的formal9非正式的informal10外国语foreign language11拼写spelling12发音pronunciation13语法grammar14句式sentence structure15母语native language16方言dialect17口音accent18标准standard19美语/英式英语American English/British English20要求request21单词和短语words and expressions22语言学习策略language learning strategies23语言文化language and culture24学习态度attitudes to learning25之间的差异differences between.26有效的学习方法the effective ways to do/of doing sth.27英汉词典ChineseEnglish dictionary 28惯用法idiomatic expression29写作技巧writing skills30阅读理解reading prehension动词及短语:1训练practice drill2预习go over3快速浏览glance/read through4做笔记take notes5听讲attend a lecture6课题研究subject study7做课题make a project8给听写dictate9说英语speak English10提高improve11背诵recite12模仿imitate 13复述retell14战胜overe15培养兴趣develop ones interest16养成习惯form the habit of17遇到困难e across difficulties18起作用play a role/part in19与交流municate with20向求助turn to sb. for help21以为基础be based on22参考refer to23造句make a sentence24写日记keep a diary.实用句型1熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.2掌握一门外语对于一个大学生来说是至关重要的。To master a foreign language is very important for a college student.3坚持用英语写日记是提高英语写作技巧的有效途径。Keeping a diary in English is an effective way to improve English writing skills.4必须指出学习只能靠自己。It must be noted/pointed that learning must be done by a person himself.5对于那些想过上健康而有意义的生活的人们来说,找时间学习一些新知识是很重要的,正如那句老话:活到老,学到老。For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes:One is never too old to learn.佳作背诵在学习英语的过程中,你有什么体会呢?请写一篇题为“How I Learned English”的文章。内容包括:1你学英语的最大困难;2你是如何解决这个困难的;3提出学好英语的一个建议。注意:词数80个左右。写作提示:描述过去学习经历应该用一般过去时;提出建议用一般现在时。How I Learned English_ 参考范文How I Learned EnglishIn the past three years, English learning has been a big headache for me. I used to be afraid of learning English which was really difficult for me at Grade 7.Whats worse, I couldnt pronounce the new words correctly and my classmates always laughed when I started speaking English. I felt so embarrassed and dared not speak in public. So I asked the teacher for help in and out of class and I read after the tape again and again.Luckily,it helped me a lot that way.From my experience I think practice makes perfect. If we keep practice and never give up working hard, we will learn English well some day in the future.

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