2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修3 期中复习(一)Word版含答案.doc

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年级 :高一 科目 :英语2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修3 期中复习(一)Word版含答案Book 3 期中复习1课时1:词汇、表达与语法;课型A;课长30分钟一、单词拼写1. Her house is _ to mine. (对面)2. The _ were amazed by what had happened in the factory. (代表)3. We have been _ by the development of the developing countries. (鼓舞)4. _ is playing a more and more important part in Tianjin. (旅游业)5. Our _ have worked. The situation has improved. (努力)6. The report shows that we are making p _ but that we need to make greater improvements.7. Europe has a lot of industry, w_ Africa has little.8. We are trying to reduce p_ and increase peoples ine. 9. There are many p_ going on in Tianjin, and building the Freeway across the city is included.10. He got up very early. U_, he still missed the first bus. 二、单项填空1. Now everyone enjoys watching the live NBA games on TV, _ women and aged people. A. but B. only C. even D. yet2. The price of this washing machine has been increased _ 15 %. A. by B. to C. about D. in3. Taiwan is _ the east of Fujian and Fujian Province lies _ east of China.A. in; inB. in; to C. to; D. to; in 4. -_ the population of China?- About 1.3 billion. A. How much is B. How many areC. What is D. What are5. This coat costs about _ of that one. A. twice priceB. the three times priceC. four times the price D. the price five times6. In China, many people waste a lot of food _ in Africa people havent enough to eat . A. however B. although C. while D. as7. The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were8. You should make sure _ all the lights are turned off before you leave . A. thatB. ifC. whetherD.how9. She smiled to the people around but _looked straight ahead, getting hold of her husbands hand. A. mostB. almostC. mostlyD. nearly10. The teacher as well as 6 girls of her class _ visiting a museum when the earthquake happened .A. wereB. had been C. wasD. would be11. -Look , a stone is ahead! - Oh . I _ see it . A. dontB. didntC. cantD. wont12. Ms Chen is _ and she has a strange way of keeping her students _ in class. A. amusing; interestedB. amused; interesting C. amusing; interestingD. amused; interested13. rich one may be,there is always something one wants AWhatever BWhenever CHowever DWherever14. What was the party like? WonderfulIts years I enjoyed myself so much Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dsince15. Would you like to e to the dinner party here on Saturday? Thank youId love to, Ill be out of town at the weekendAbecause Bhowever Ctherefore Dbut三、翻译句子1. 瑞典是世界最富有的五个国家之一。_2. 巴塞罗那是西班牙第二大城市,坐落在东北海岸。_3. 尽管80%多的孩子们上学,但是大约20%的孩子们没有受教育。_4. 这个国家的人口是那个国家的三倍。_5. 在过去的10年中,大部分发展中国家的人们喝的是安全的饮用水。_课时2:能力训练;课型C(大综合);课长45分钟一、完形填空 There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he 1 his suitcase with Twinkies and a six-pack of root beer and he started his 2 .When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old woman. She was 3 in the park just staring at some pigeons(鸽子).The boy sat down next to her and opened his 4 . He was about to take drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old lady looked 5 , so he offered her a Twinkie. She 6 accepted it and smiled at him. Her 7 was so pretty that he boy wanted to see it 8 , so he offered her a root beer. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was 9 !They sat there all 10 eating and smiling, but they never said a word.As it grew dark , the boy realized how 11 he was and he got up to leave, but before he had gone more than a few steps , he 12 around , ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug . She gave him her 13 smile ever.When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was 14 by the look of joy on his face.She asked him, “What did you do today that made you so happy?”He replied, “I had 15 with God.” But before his mother could respond, he added, “You know 16 ? Shes got the most beautiful smile Ive ever seen!”Meanwhile , the old woman , also radiant (容光焕发的) with 17 , returned to her home .Her son was shocked by the look of 18 on her face and he asked, “Mother, what did you do today that made you so happy?”She replied, “I 19 Twinkies in the park with God.” But before her son responded, she added, “You know, hes much 40 than I expected.”1Apacked Bcarried Cdelivered Darranged 2Agame Bjourney CcarDwork3Astanding Bplaying CsittingDwaiting4AsuitcaseBbag CbeerDmap5AworriedBpale ChungryDpoor6AwillinglyBjoyfully CrespectfullyDgratefully7AfaceBskirtCsmileDring8AagainBoftenCfurtherDsoon9AsatisfiedBdelighted CmovedDshocked10AmorningBday CnightDafternoon11AhappyBtiredCboredDthirsty12AturnedBlooked CwalkedDjumped13AmonestBbiggestCweakestDtrickiest14AsurprisedBterrified CimpressedDattracted15Aa talkBa walk CfunDlunch 16AwhyBwho CwhatDwhere17AjoyBfear CangerDcontent18AvictoryBregretCpeaceDsurprise19AsoldBbaked CdrankDate20AnoblerBtaller CwiserDyounger二、阅读理解ABy walking, begging rides both in wagons and in the cars, in some way, after a number of days, I reached the city of Richmond, Virginia, where I continued my study. It was about eighty-two miles from Hampton. When I reached there, tired, hungry, and dirty, it was !ate in the night. I had never been in a large city, and this rather added to my misery. When I reached Richmond, I was pletely out of money. I had not a single acquaintance (熟人) in the place, and, being unused to city ways, I did not know where to go. I applied (申请) at several places for lodging (住宿), but they all wanted money, and that was what I did not have. Knowing nothing else better to do, I walked in the streets. In doing this I passed by many food stands where fried(油炸的)chicken and half-moon apple pies were piled high and made to present a most tempting(诱人的) appearance. At that time it seemed to me that I would have promised all that I expected to possess (拥有) in the future was to have got hold of one of those chicken legs or those pies. But I could get neither of these, nor anything else to eat.1. Where did the author arrive after a number of days? A. Richmond. B. A city of England. C. A city near Hampton. D. Hampton. 2. How did the author get there? A. By walking. B. By begging rides. C. By car. D. Both A and B. 3. Why did the author walk in the streets? A. He was unused to city ways. B. He didnt know how to apply for lodging. C. He had no money D. He knew nothing else. 4. What did the author expect to possess when he passed by food stands? A. Chicken legs. B. Apple pies.C. Both chicken legs and apple pies. D. Either chicken legs or apple pies. 5. Whats the best title for this passage? A. Long Journey for School. B. Happy Journey to America. C. Walking in the Streets. D. Begging in the Streets. B It was the end of my exhausting first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant My cap had gone away, my apron was stained, my feet achedThe loaded trays I carried felt heavier and heavierWeary and discouraged, I didnt seem able to do anything rightAs I made out a plicated check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream order a dozen times, I was ready to quitThen the father smiled at me as he handed me my tip“Well done,” he said“Youve looked after us really well”Suddenly my tiredness vanishedI smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how Id liked my first day, I said, “Fine!” Those few words of praise had changed everythingPraise is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without itAnd yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praiseWhy when one word can bring such pleasure? A friend of mine who travels widely always tries to learn a little of the language of any place she visitsShes not much of a linguist, but she does know how to say one word “beautiful” in several languagesShe can use it to a mother holding her baby, or to a lonely salesman fishing out pictures of his familyThe ability has earned her friends all over the worldIts strange how chary (谨慎小心的) we are about praisingPerhaps its because few of us know how to accept pliments gracefullyInstead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hearBecause of this defensive reaction, direct pliments are surprisingly difficult to giveThat is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which e to us indirectly, in a letter or passed on by a friend When one thinks of the speed with which spiteful (恶意的) remarks are conveyed (传达), it seems a pity that there isnt more effort to relay pleasing and flattering mentsIts especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentionedAn artist gets plimented for a glorious picture, a cook for a perfect mealBut do you ever tell your laundry (洗衣店) manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right? Do you ever praise your paper boy for getting the paper to you on time 365 days a year?To give praise costs the giver nothing but a moments thought and a moments effort perhaps a quick phone call to pass on a pliment, or five minutes spent writing an appreciative letterIt is such a small investment and yet consider the results it may produce “I can live for two months on a good pliment,” said Mark TwainSo, lets be alert to the small excellences around us and ment on themWe will not only bring joy into other peoples lives, but also, very often, added happiness into our own1Serving the family with several children in the restaurant added to _ Athe writers enjoyment of her job as a waitress Bthe writers weekly ineCthe writers weariness and discouragementDthe writers feeling of helplessness2According to the writer, pliments are very difficult to give because _ _ Amost people dislike to be praised Bthe great majority of people dont know how to take them gracefully Cpeople tend to be uneasy and shrug off the remarks they are really so pleased to hear DBoth B and C3Its especially worthwhile to give praise to _ Aa film star Ba paper boy Ca novelist Da cook4It can be inferred from the passage that praise gladdens _ _ Athe heart of the giver Bthe heart of the receiver Cthe heart of the investor Dthe hearts of the givers5. From the whole passage we can see that the writer want to convey (传递) a _ attitude to the readers. A. positive B. negative C. worse D. brave答案:课时1一、opposite representatives encouraged Tourism effortsprogress while poverty projects Unfortunately二、1-5CADCC 6-10CCACC 11-15BACDD三、翻译句子1. Sweden is one of the five richest countries in the world.2. Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is situated on the northeast coast .3. Although more than 80% of the children go to school, (yet) about 20% are not being educated. 4. This countrys population is 3 times as large as that one.5. In the last / past ten years, most people in the developing countries drank safe water.课时2:一、1-5ABCAC 6-10DCABD 11-15BABAD 16-20CACDD二、passage A 1-5ADCDA passageB 1-5CDBDA

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