2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels Section Ⅲ Lesson 4课后演练提能 北师大版必修3.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels Section Ⅲ Lesson 4课后演练提能 北师大版必修3.doc_第3页
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Unit 9 Wheels Section Lesson 4 03课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. Im _ (有希望的) that he can pass the English exam. He is a hardworking student.答案:hopeful2. Dont _ (争论) with your parents. They do everything for you.答案:argue3. As a young man, you should have a _ (意识) of responsibility.答案:sense4. The new road is under _(建设) and will be pleted at the end of this year.答案:construction5. The little boy was so _ (沉溺于) to puter games that he was forced to leave school.答案:addicted6. My time is fully _(占据) by the housework.答案:occupied7. Every year a large _(数量) of money is spent protecting the environment.答案:amount8. The patient is having an _ (手术) on his leg.答案:operation9. The beauty of the coat is beyond _ (描述)答案:description10. Parents must consider both their childrens _(身体的) and emotional needs.答案:physical. 选词填空get stuck in, go up, on average, be stressed out, cut the risk of, be addicted to1. In the last 5 years, the number of private cars _ by 40% in this city.答案:has gone up2. Leg power and regular exercise helps to _ heart disease by 50%.答案:cut the risk of3. _, a family will use 5 kg of wood per day to cook on a simple wood stove.答案:On average4. We often _ traffic jams and then arrive at work or school _.答案:get stuck in; stressed out5. He admits he _ his car and drives it anywhere.答案:is addicted to. 完成句子1. The rabbit turned over, _.兔子翻了个身,死了。答案:dead2. It depends on _ the letter will arrive in time.这取决于信是否来得及时。答案:whether3. Once _ gambling, its hard to give it up.一旦你赌博成瘾,戒掉很难。答案:you are addicted to4. It _ he realized the fact.没过多久他就知道了真相。答案:was not long before5. How does your bike _ mine?你的自行车怎么能和我的自行车相比呢?答案:pare with.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. _ there are cultural differences, people from different countries can enjoy a happy time together.答案:While句意:尽管存在文化差异,但不同国家的人可以在一起度过美好时光。while“尽管”,符合句意。2. Mary _ (learn) music in this famous college for three years when she was abroad and now she is an actress.答案:learned根据句意并分析句子结构可知,“学习音乐”这一动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时。3. It is the second time that he _(e) to visit China.答案:has e考查时态。it is第次that从句,从句谓语用现在完成时。4. We havent settled the question of _ it is necessary for him to study abroad.答案:whether句意:我们还没有解决他是否有必要去国外学习的问题。whether在此引导宾语从句,作“是否”解。if(是否)引导的从句不可作介词的宾语。5. Its no use having ideas only.Dont worry. Peter can show you _ to turn an idea into an act.答案:how考查“特殊疑问词不定式”中特殊疑问词的选择。答句句意:别担心。彼得会向你展示如何将想法付诸实践的。由句意可知此处要用how表示方式。6. _ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.答案:Whicheverwhichever在此引导主语从句,并在从句中作定语,表示“无论哪一个”。no matter which不用于引导名词性从句。7. The person _ to drugs had much difficulty in getting rid of the _.(addict)答案:addicted; addiction第一空用addicted to(沉迷于的),addicted to.作后置定语;第二空用addiction(瘾)。8. He occupied himself _ solving the problem.答案:inoccupy oneself in doing.“忙于,专心于”。9. With the prices of everyday goods _ (go) up, he can hardly support his family now.答案:going“with宾语宾补”结构中的宾补不用动词原形,go up“上升”,为不及物动词短语,且prices和go构成主动关系,故用going。10. The adventurer found the treasure _ accident.答案:by句意:冒险家意外地发现了宝藏。by accident“偶然地,意外地”。提升实战能力. 阅读理解Mrs. Keller had a big family. Her husband had a factory in the town. One of her sons was a lawyer and the other two were drivers. And her two daughters worked in the post office. The old woman stayed at home and could do all housework and wouldnt employ anybody. One evening, the telephone rang while the old woman was preparing supper. She went to answer it. She was told that one of her sons died in a traffic accident. She heard this and fell in a faint. When she came back to life, she was in hospital. And she needed to be helped after that.Several months later she was told on the telephone her daughter died while she was being operated on. The old woman was so sad that she had to be in hospital again. From then on she was afraid to answer any telephones and sometimes she was afraid to hear the bell. Of course it brought them some trouble and some important business was held up. So her husband advised her to see a psychiatrist. The man examined her carefully and then asked her some questions.“You will soon be all right if you follow my advice, Mrs. Keller.” said the psychiatrist. The old woman took the medicine the doctor gave on time and tried to forget her dead son and daughter. And two months later she went to see the psychiatrist again.“You have saved me, Doctor,”the old woman said, as soon as she saw him.“Are you afraid to answer the telephone now?”“No,” answered Keller. “I dare answer it whether it rings or not.”Keller夫人原本有个幸福的家,健康的身体。一次电话打来告知她的一个儿子死于车祸,Keller夫人住院了。几个月之后,又一个电话打来告知她女儿死了。从此她害怕接电话,于是去看了心理医生,结果如何呢?1. Mrs. Keller could do all housework because _.A. she had no money to employ a helper B. she was strong enough to do all at home C. she didnt believe anybody D. only she was free at home答案:B细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话推断,Keller夫人应该是身体健康,能料理一切家务。故B项正确。2. The old woman fell in a faint because _.Ashe went to answer the telephoneBshe was very ill that evening Cshe walked in the room carelessly Dshe heard the news about her sons death答案:D细节理解题。第二段第三句话“She was told that one of her sons died in a traffic accident. She heard this and fell in a faint.”可知老太太晕倒的原因是听到了儿子死亡的消息。3. After she came out of hospital, Mrs. Keller wasnt _ as before.A. strong B. able C. clever D. sad 答案:A细节理解题。第二段最后一句“she needed to be helped after that.”说明老太太出院后需要别人帮忙,不如以前健康了,答案为A项。. 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer._1_ Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a persons health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. _2_Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure._3_ They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “_4_ Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. _5_A. In general the person feels excited and ready to actB. They say that laughter is much healthier than anger.C. Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing itD. Anger may cause you a cancer.E. Do not express your anger while angry.F. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.G. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.答案:15 FDGEB. 语法填空The Internet has bee part of young peoples life. _1_ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet. Most of them get _2_ (use) information on the Internet and use the Internet _3_ (help) in their studies. But many students dont use it _4_ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites that _5_ shouldnt look at. So bad things may happen _6_ students spend too much time on the Internet._7_ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _8_ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use _9_ Internet. It gives useful advice.Some students also make friends on the Internet. But if you want to have a facetoface meeting _10_ your online friends, let your parents know and meet in a proper place.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _网络已成为年轻人生活中重要部分。大部分学生能在网上获得有用信息,帮助他们学习。但许多学生不能正确利用网络,有害身心健康。1. A一份报告“a report”。2. useful句意:大部分人可以获得有用信息。useful“有用的”,符合句意。3. to help此处表目的,作目的状语应用不定式。4. inin a way“用方式”,为固定短语。5. theythey指代此句话中的some。6. if此处表假设。句意:这样的坏事会发生,如果学生们在网上花的时间过多。if“如果”。7. It考查形式主语。it isadj. for sb. to do sth.句型中it作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式。8. which考查定语从句。先行词为textbook指物,从句中缺少主语,故用which。9. thethe Internet表特指。10. with句意:但是如果你想和网友见面,一定让你父母知道,还要在合适的地点见面。with sb.“和某人”。

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