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2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期末联考试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the speakers do?A. Move to another place.B. Look after Johnsons house.C. Go somewhere for two weeks. 2. What do the speakers hurry to do?A. Buy tickets.B. Go skating.C. Play football.3. Why is the woman surprised?A. She is interested in the mans book.B. The man is doing something strange.C. She sees the man reading The Sunday Times.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. Womens career. B. Womens independence.C. Womens social position.5. Why doesnt the woman hire a gardener?A. To kill the time. B. To save some money. C. To get some exercise. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. When will the plane take off ?A. At 1:30 pm.B. At 2:00 pm.C. At 2:30 pm.7. Which gate will the man leave from?A. Gate 10.B. Gate 18.C. Gate 20.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. How does the girl go to school today?A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By bike.9. How will the woman deal with the bike?A. Throw it away.B. Try to repair it herself.C. Take it to the repair shop.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. What is the man doing?A. Renting a car.B. Booking a room.C. Checking out.11. Why does the man think there is a mistake in the bill? A. He didnt use the car at all. B. There is an extra charge of 100 yuan. C. The hotel room is more expensive than he thinks. 12. Where did the man go last night?A. A concert.B. The beach.C. A shopping mall.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. Why does Jim like the new apartment?A. Its cheaper.B. It is very big. C. Its close to his office.14. What does Jim like to do at night?A. Chat online.B. Do the laundry.C. Go to bed early.15. What does Jim think of his new roommate?A. Noisy.B. Friendly.C. Hardworking.16. What will Jim probably do?A. Find another apartment.B. plain to the landlord.C. Solve the problem in another way.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. Why should you outline a toast speech? A. To be the best speech writer.B. To avoid forgetting something.C. To make the speech interesting.18. How should you start a toast speech?A. By introducing yourself.B. By telling a short story.C. By singing a song.19. Who should you focus on in your toast speech?A. Yourself.B. All the guests.C. The person youre toasting.20. What is the passage about?A. Ways of making a speech. B. Tips on giving a great toast speech.C. The importance of making a toast speech.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Street Markets Around the WorldNowadays, you can shop by telephone, by post or through your home puter, but for many people, the most exciting way to shop is also the most traditional at a street market. You can find markets anywhere in the world. Here are four of themCamden Market Every weekend, thousands of young people from all over London travel to Camden Market in an attractive area in the north of the city its the place to go for street fashion, jewellery, CDs and tapes but many people just go for the lively atmosphere!Floating Markets There are many “floating markets” in Asia; perhaps the most famous is in Thailand, at a place called Damnoen Saduak, 100km from the capital city, Bangkok. From six in the morning to midday, every day, people sell fresh tropical fruit and vegetables from their boatsGrand Place Many Belgians(比利时人)say that the Grand Place in the centre of the capital city, Brussels, is the most beautiful square in the world. It is the home of a colourful flower market open every day except Monday. On Monday, instead of flowers, theres a wonderful bird market!Sonora Market One of the worlds most unusual markets is in Mexico City at the Sonora Market. As well as toys and birds, you can buy herbs(草药) and natural medicines which (they say) can help with anything from problems at work to problems with your marriage! Its open every day from early in the morning till late at night.21. When can you shop at Damnoen Saduak? A. On Monday evening. B. From 6 am. to midday. C. From early morning till late night. D. At 3 oclock in the afternoon on weekends. 22. What can you buy at the Sonora Market? A. Tapes. B. Jewellery. C. Natural medicines. D. Tropical fruit.23. Which of the following is true? A. There are many “floating markets” in Europe. B. The lively atmosphere at Camden Market is attractive. C. The flower market at the Grand Place is open every day. D. The writer has strong belief in medicines sold at the Sonora Market.BI still remember the days when I was a youthful student in an engineering school. I lived a casual life, without caring about the future. I smoked, drank with friends and made girlfriends. Little did I realize that casualness would certainly lead to loss.Two years had passed and I was staring down a report card that highlighted FAIL in more than half the subjects. I didnt care, at least not until my dad found out about it. You see, I studied in India and unlike the United States where the students are expected to finance their own education, my dad financed me.Then came the day when my dad found out my habit of smoking. He lost his temper but he just told me, “Son, your allowance is cut in half from this moment on.” It hit me like a roundhouse kick from Bruce Lee. I was jolted(震摇) out of my bones! I couldnt prehend how to pay off the debts that I had accumulated in college. I owed everybody money: the grocery store, the bars, the restaurants, my friends, etc. I was living a life filled with credit.When I came back to college, I knew if I didnt change the way I lived my life I wouldnt be able to pay everybody off. So I decided to make some changes, drastic changes. I quitted smoking, cut off from my friends who led me down the wrong road, starting hanging out in libraries and reading my engineering books.One year later, I went from a miserable failure to a magna cum laude(优等成绩). Life was never the same again. This incident made me know that anything is possible if you take action and do something about it, however small or large. Even today it still motivates me when I feel that Im about to lose or give up. It reminds me that I can do it!24. Father decided to cut the authors allowance when he found his son . A. drank with friends B. made girl friends C. failed in most subjects D. had the habit of smoking25. The author didnt care about his study until . A. his allowance was cut in half B. he decided to give up smoking C. he entered the engineering school D. he was in heavy debt he couldnt bear26. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that the author . A. removed his habits and didnt lead a casual life B. began to live a happy life due to his good grades C. never hung out with his friends but study all day D. paid off his debt and life wasnt hard for him any more 27. The authors purpose of writing this article is . A. to those lazy students to study hard at school B. to introduce his university life to teenage readers C. to call on the readers not to develop bad habits in college D. to show you can overe any difficulty if you take action CRegarded as one of the English languages most gifted poets, John Keats wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery, human nature, and philosophy. Although Keats didnt receive much formal literary education, his own studies and passion brought him much success. Additionally, his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly.Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower middle-class family, the young John didnt attend a private school, but went to a public one. His teachers and his familys friends regarded him as an optimistic boy who favored playing and fighting much more than minding his studies. After his fathers death in the early 1800s, followed by his mothers passing away due to tuberculosis (肺结核), he began viewing life differently. He wanted to escape the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.At around the age of 16, the teenager John Keats began studying under a surgeon so that he might bee a doctor too. However, his literary appetite had taken too much of his fancy, especially with his addiction to the poetry of Ehmund Spenser. He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816, entitled O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell. Within two months in 1817, Keats had written an entire volume of poetry, but was sharply criticized by a magazine. However, the negative response didnt stop his pursuit of rhythm.John Keats next work was Endymion, which was published in May 1818. The story involves a shepherd who falls in love with the moon goddess and leads him on an adventure of one boys hope to overe the limitations of being human. Following Engymion, however, he tried something more narrative-based and wrote Isabella. During this time, John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry due to his own limit in life experiences. He would have to have the “knowledge” associated with his poems. His next work was Hyperion that would attempt to bine all that he learned. However, a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy kept him from his work and eventually took his life in 1821.28. John Keats attitude towards life changed because of _.A. the deaths of his parents B. the criticism of a magazineC. Edmund Spensers poetry D. his early education from school 29. What is the mon thing between John Keats and his mother?A. They read many books. B. They had a bad childhood.C. They died of the same disease. D. They showed strong interest in poetry.30. What do we know from the passage?A. Endymion was about a real love story.B. Keats received little education at school.C. Keats once had a chance of being a doctor.D. In 1816 Keats spent two months writing a poem. 31. While pursuing his dream of being a poet at first, John Keats was _.A. impatient B. determined C. knowledgeable D. experiencedDA volcanic eruption in Iceland has sent ash across northern Europe. Airlines have stopped or changed the flights across the Atlantic Ocean, leaving hundreds of passengers stuck in the airports. Grimsvotn is one of the largest and most active volcanoes in Europe. What makes Grimsvotn different is that it lies under a huge glacier of ice up to 12 meters thick. The hot volcano heats up the ice above it, which then forms a layer of water between the glacier and the volcano. This layer of water puts pressure on the volcano, keeping it stable. As the water flows out from under the glacier, the pressure lifts. The lava from the volcano then es up to the surface. This is exactly what happens today. Now, airlines have to make changes to their flights so as not to fly through the clouds of volcanic ash. According to KLM, one of Europes biggest airlines, airplanes cannot go under the cloud or over it. Going through the cloud can result in ash getting stuck in the airplanes engines, causing damage to the plane.The eruption has also caused problems for animals in Iceland. The volcano left ash and sharp, glass-like rocks all over the countryside. Farmers are keeping their animals inside to stop them from eating ash-covered glass or the sharp object.32. What makes Grimsvotn different from other volcanoes?A. It lies under a huge sea. B. Its lava affects the airlines. C. It is the most active volcano.D. It is below a thick layer of ice. 33.What keeps Grimsvotn stable?A. The thick glacier. B. The water pressure.C. The slow flow of water. D. The low water temperature.34. Which of the following is the result of the volcanic eruption?A. People stop traveling in Europe.B. Airlines suffer from the loss of planes.C. Farmers have lost many of their animals.D. It bees dangerous for animals to eat outside.35. This text is most probably taken from _.A. a travel journal B. a research paperC. a newspaper reportD. a geography textbook第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。Revising is an important part of study. It helps you learn, remember, and apply what you know. It is also a good idea to revise before quizzes and exams. 36. _. Here are some tips on how to revise well. Find Your PlaceTo revise for an exam, you must first find a quiet and relaxing environment. Where you feel most fortable works best. 37. _. Take Your TimeIts a good idea to make revising part of your weekly routine. 38. _. You should take care to make sure that you study for no more than two hours at a time, and that you take regular breaks every half hour or so. This will keep you fresh and able to take in information. 39. _It can be very helpful to set up a system. So you are organized if you are taking notes, organize them by subject, topic and date. That way when you have a quiz or exam, you can easily find the right notes to study to help you prepare. Check Your Process 40. _. In this way, you can be sure that you have understood what you have learned. You can then use these as a summary of the subjects that you have studied.A. Get ReadyB. Stay OrganizedC. Never revise too often.D. This will help keep material fresh in your mind.E. The best way to do this is to revise every school day.F. It should be in a place where you will not be disturbed .G. At the end of every revision, review your notes carefully. 第三部分 英语知识运用 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I wouldnt have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big red words: DONT FORGET. I was 41 . Dont forget what? Under the words were three numbered items: 1. Snow peas. 2. Shakespeare. 3. Sadira Kirmani. What was my name doing on someones list? And what was it 42 this person wanted to remember about me?After all, no one here knew 43 about me.Yesterday was my first day here. When Mrs. Allison introduced me, nobody 44 the boy with glasses spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch. In the following hours, I tried to 45 the lessons, but my mind went 46 . Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me? What did it mean?“Sadira.” I 47 when Mrs. Allison called my name. “Its time to 48 for lunch .”As I moved through the line, I heard a girl with braces ask, “Whats that?”, 49 at a pan. “Snow peas,” the lady answered. “Ill try some snow peas,” the boy behind me shouted out . Snow peas! Number 1 on the 50 .After lunch, Mrs. Allison 51 that it was “rhyme time”. The boy who had asked for snow peas stood up. “OK, Wyatt.” Mrs. Allison nodded, “Please, To be or not to be” Wyatt began. When he finished, Mrs. Allison 52 , “Shakespeare wrote sonnets, a special kind of 53 .” Shakespeare? Number 2 on the list. I started to panic, 54 what would happen next. After school, I sat alone on the bus, still staring at the list. It was quite a while 55 I noticed Wyatt. He smiled in a 56 way, saying, “I wanted to talk to you. I almost forgot.”“Forgot what?”“Youre Number 3 on my list.”So now I 57 what was going on.“This is yours?” I held up the card. “Yeah. Its my moms 58 . Im supposed to try three new things every day.” continued Wyatt, “You are new, so I thought Id say hi.”That night, I made my own list: 1. Try the spinach quiche. 2. Offer my dessert to the boy with glasses. 3. Say 59 to the girl with braces. Then I smiled before adding one more 60 : Thank Wyatt.41. A. gratefulB. casualC. curiousD. optimistic 42. A. ifB. howC. whyD. that 43. A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing44. A. besidesB. exceptC. withoutD. beneath45. A. focus on B. rely onC. try onD. e on46. A. blankB. weakC. paleD. bad47. A. criedB. laughedC. jumpedD. greeted48. A. pick upB. speed upC. sweep upD. line up49. A. glaring B. knocking C. staringD. pointing50. A. panB. listC. boardD. menu51. A. announced B. predictedC. advocatedD. judged52. A. readB. addedC. wroteD. sang53. A. dramaB. storyC. novelD. poetry 54. A. wanderingB. wonderingC. expectingD. excusing55. A. whenB. afterC. before D. since56. A. depressedB. disappointedC. friendlyD. voluntary57. A. pointed out B. carried outC. picked out D. found out58. A. idea B. contributionC. mandD. effect59. A. sorryB. helloC. goodbyeD. please60. A. entryB. numberC. wordD. list 第II卷(共两部分,满分50分)注意:将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。第三部分 英语知识运用 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The Extinction Crisis is Far Worse Than We ThinkThere have been five mass extinction events during the history of the earth. Scientists say were entering the 61 (earth) 6th mass extinction. According to the survey, species are going extinct at a rate thats roughly 100 times 62 (high) than normal. 63 does it e about? 64 is reported, CNN journalists explored five causes. First cause, climate change. We are heating up the planet by burning fossil fuels. Second cause, agriculture. So far, about 37% of Earths land 65 (change) into farms all the land we use for crops. Third cause, wildlife crime. Environmental crime is valued at $258 billion per year, 66 (include) wildlife trade. Fourth cause, 67 (pollute). Nearly 9 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Final cause, disease. Humans are likely 68 (help) carry the deadly fungus(真菌) around the world . Maybe all of this sounds hopeless. 69 (fortunate), we have the tools to deal 70 this crisis . What we need is enough time .第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Heres the exciting news of the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceship.In Oct 17, the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceship was launched into the space from the Satellite Launch Center in Jiuquan, Gansu. Two days later, the spacecraft successful docked(对接)with space lab Tiangong-2. Two Chinese astronaut, Jing Haipeng, 50 and Chen Dong, 38 were onboard Shenzhou-11.We would have a 33-day mission on Tiangong-2, test new technology and doing some experiments to prepare for future space missions. Therefore, a month-long space mission was not an easy task. So Chinese scientists and engineers had e up with modern technologies , that allowed astronauts to stay safer and fortable in space. The Shenzhou-11 has been Chinas sixth manned space mission since xx, when astronaut Yang Liwei bee the countrys first person in orbit. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)xx即将过去,福州一中学生会将举办一年一度的英语演讲比赛。假设你是校学生会主席李华,诚邀外籍教师Peter Smith先生来做评委。请根据以下海报给他写一封邀请信。 英语演讲比赛主题:感恩(thanksgiving)时间:12月26日(下周五)下午2:30-5:30地点:一号楼三层会议室参赛选手:30名高中学生联系人:李华(电话89895566) 欢迎大家光临注意:词数100左右。 注意:1.可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、连贯。2.词数100左右。3.开头和结尾已经提供,不计入词数。Dear Mr Smith,Im Li Hua, _

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