2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业6 Unit 14 Careers 北师大版必修5.doc

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课时分层作业(六)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1He made no response(respond) to my suggestion,which made me unhappy.2Over the past decades,sea ice has been decreasing(decrease) in the Arctic as a result of global warming.3I dont want to bother him with my problems at the moment.4The price of cotton has increased by 70%,because the production of it is on the decrease.5What he needs is not money but some understanding.6New technologies have made it possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.7How I envy her having(have) the chance to study in England!8He had camera ready in case he saw something that would make a good picture.9Being able to afford a drink would be a fort in those tough times.10The boy climbed the tree and hid in the branches (branch).完成句子1这个学校的教职工人数已减少到700人。The number of teaching staff members in this school has decreased to 700 persons2这顿饭不是为了一个人做的,而是供大家享用的。The meal is not for one,but for many to enjoy.3我度假时随身带着驾照,以备我租车之需。I took my driving license with me on holiday,in case I wanted to hire a car4最使我伤脑筋的是,他似乎对自己的工作毫无兴趣。What bothers me most is that he seems to take no interest in his work.5接到投诉后公司检查了其安全程序。In response to plaints,the pany reviewed its safety procedures.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解AFaced with a tough job market,fresh graduates are dreaming of running their own businesses instead.But a recent survey has showed that such ambitions lack the required support and remain just the dreams.The Shanghai Municipal Employment Promotion Center poll of 1,276 graduates in several universities and colleges in the city,released last Friday,showed 59.78 percent of respondents(回答者)considered the possibility of setting up a pany or at least a small store.“But they just stop at the thinking stage,” it stated.Respondents put the top reasons for not going it alone down to a shortage of money and a lack of business opportunity.They also listed lack of business experience and social networks,the need for advanced study and objections from family members as factors that stood in their way.More than 90 percent of the interviewees said they would rather take up a job after graduating and then consider starting their own business two or three years down the road.Guo Bing,a senior student in Shanghai International Studies University majoring in English,wanted to be his own boss last year.But he is looking for a job first.“If I fail to find a satisfying job,I would like to establish a pany in exhibition services,” Guo said.The Shanghai native has some relatives working in a local printing plant.With their help,Guo hopes to produce exhibition brochures(小册子)at a relatively low price.He is also confident that his English language skills can help him do well in the industry.“Social networking is an important factor leading to business success,” Guo said.Guo said that the shortage of graduate jobs is the main reason driving more university students to set up a business right after their graduation.Jiang Hua said the university sets up a business guide team made of government officials and professionals.They regularly give training courses to students who show an interest in having their own business.The parents of university graduates are more willing to help their children start their own business.The survey showed “Once you win the support of your family,you have won half the battle.”【语篇解读】面对严峻的就业形势,应届大学毕业生纷纷做起了“创业梦”。但近日的一项调查表明,由于种种原因,大学生的“创业梦”还仅仅是个“梦”而已。1What does this passage mainly talk about?AA tough job market.BGraduates can only dream of being bosses.CThe ambitions of fresh graduates.DThe story of Guo Bing.B主旨大意题。文章开头告诉我们,面对严峻的就业形势,应届大学毕业生纷纷做起了“创业梦”。但近日的一项调查表明,由于种种原因,大学生的“创业梦”还仅仅是个“梦”而已。下文介绍的是这次调查研究的具体信息。2In the view of Guo Bing,what is the key factor making fresh graduates dream of being bosses soon after graduation?ATheir families dont support them.BTheir social networking is not good.CThere are not enough graduate jobs.DThey want to achieve greater success.C细节理解题。Guo Bing在倒数第二段指出:严峻的就业形势(the shortage of graduate jobs)是越来越多的大学生一毕业就走上创业之路的主要原因。故答案选C。3Which of the following statements is NOT true about Guo Bing?AEnglish is his major in the university.BHe started his own business with the help of his relatives last year.CHe is trying to find a job which can satisfy him.DHe is a native of Shanghai.B细节理解题。由第五、六段对Guo Bing的描述可以看出: 他去年只是有了“自己当老板”的想法,而没有真正当老板。4Which of the following could be the most important for fresh graduates in running their own business?AShowing an interest in their business.BThe support of their family.CThe advice of a business guide team.DAttending training courses.B推理判断题。文章最后一句说“一旦你得到了家人的支持,你就赢得了这场战役的一半”。由此可知家人的支持对大学毕业生创业是最重要的。其他选项文中没有信息支持。B(2017贵州安顺高二下期末) Todays workplace is unique in history.Never before have we seen people working together who represent such different backgrounds and experiences.This difference of age,race,gender,and work style makes it very difficult to organize and run a pany.As a result,panies are looking for individuals who can manage a wide range of employees effectively.Increasingly,managers are discovering that age differences among workers are a major cause of concern.This has been an important realization.The management difficulties and challenges have led some experts to study intergenerational differences for an understanding of problems in the workplace.What they have discovered is interesting and may provide ways of improving working conditions in panies that employ individuals from different generations.The first thing to realize,they say,is that differences of opinion about the importance of work and how to get work done are not a coincidence.That is,it is not an accident that young employees will be different from older employees.In fact,if employers do not pay attention to these differences,it is possible that anger will build up between people and lead to difficulties in the pany.Resentment(仇恨)between members of different generations,if not attended to(处理),can lead to extreme anger and unhappiness and even lasting enmity if people are not careful.That individuals from different generations should e to view each other as if they were from different sides of warring countries should not be surprising.It is natural for individuals from the same generation to form alliances(联盟),to e together for protection.Different generations represent different experiences in life,and these lead naturally to different opinions about oneself and ones approaches to work.If you were raised in a time of plenty,when products were readily available and relatively inexpensive,you would believe that prosperity is natural and expectable.If,on the other hand,you were raised in a time of scarcity,you would always be careful not to waste things for fear you would not have enough.You would make angry people who seem to believe that problems will always solve themselves.Such optimism in the face of difficulties would be a source of unhappiness between you and them.It is difficult,in such circumstances,to achieve a happy,agreeable atmosphere in the workplace.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。主要描述了雇员间因年龄差异很容易导致矛盾,给公司的发展造成困扰。出生在不同时代的人对事物的看法不同,他们对待生活的态度与成长的时代有很大关系。5What most possibly makes it difficult to organize or run a pany?AEmployees work in different styles.BEmployees are in different races.CEmployees are in different generations.DEmployees are of different backgrounds.C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“This difference of age,race,gender,and work style makes it very difficult to organize and run a pany.”以及第二段中的“Increasingly,managers are discovering that age differences among workers are a major cause of concern.”可知,雇员间年龄、种族、脾气和工作风格的不同都会给公司的经营造成困难,而其中年龄的差异是最主要的,故选C。6Employers should pay attention to if they want to avoid anger between employees.Athe different generations of employees in the workplaceBthe different views on value of work and working methodsCthe different understanding of problems in the workplaceDthe different ways of expressing anger in the panyB推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The first thing to realize,they say,is that differences of opinion about the importance of work and how to get work done are not a coincidence.”可知,年龄的差异首先表现在对工作重要性的认识和工作方法上的不同,所以要避免雇员间的矛盾,要特别注意这一点。故选B。7The word underlined “enmity” is closet in meaning to AforgivenessBsorrowsCignorance DhatredD词义猜测题。本段的首句“Resentment(仇恨)between members of different generations,if not attended to(处理),can lead to extreme anger and unhappiness and even lasting enmity if people are not careful.”根据本句内容可知,不同年龄段成员之间的怨恨,如果不处理得当的话,雇员间的矛盾会发展为愤怒,甚至互相敌视,hatred怨恨,敌意;sorrows悲伤;ignorance忽视;forgiveness原谅。故选D。8What does the writer mainly talk about in the passage?AThe generational differences cause the disharmony among employees.BIt is difficult for employers to have workers work in a friendly way.CThe weakness of human nature causes the anger between employees.DEmployees should be cooperative and friendly with each other.A主旨大意题。根据文章第一段最后一句“This difference of age,race,gender,and work style makes it very difficult to organize and run a pany.”,第四段最后一句及第五段第一句可知,雇员间的年龄差异很容易导致矛盾,给公司的发展造成困扰,故选A。.短文改错The best advice I received in my childhood was from my dad.He always gives me some advice,but I seldom took them seriously.One day he was encouraged me to participate in a speech petition.So I signed up and after the petition,I did my best to be full prepared.But the moment I stood on the stage,I was such nervous that my mind pletely went blank.The experience of lose a petition was really painful.Then,my dad said,“My son,life is like battlefield.You have to lose many time to win the final victory.”Thanks for his advice,I never give up when I do anything.【答案】


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