2019年小升初英语专项强化训练 完形填空3.doc

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2019年小升初英语专项强化训练 完形填空3 This week, I interviewed(采访) students _1_ fashion(时尚). I _2_ each student seven things and asked them what they _3_ each thing. Some of their answers _4_ me! Heres _5_ the kids in class 8 said: Jodie Smith likes the key ring. Her _6_ brother Jordan says he cant _7_ the scarf. “Its for Moms!” he said. William Ritchie loves the wallets, _8_ his classmate Gina Ardilles loves the watch. Her best friend Sony Hary doesnt mind the watch, but she _9_ likes the hat clip! Jerry Green likes the sunglasses(太阳镜). And the _10_ thing was the belt. Everyone loved it. (B)1. A) for B) about C) with D) at 【详解】关于某方面的事情用介词about. (D)2. A) gave B) made C) did D) showed 【详解】show .v.展示.根据句意可知是把东西展示给学生看。 (C)3. A) think of B) think about C) thought of D) thought over 【详解】think of .ph.认为.根据句意知是问每位同学对这些东西的观点,看法。 (C)4. A) interested B) worried C) surprised D) pleased 【详解】surprise .v.使惊讶. 根据短文内容可知学生的对这些东西的看法各种各样,出乎作者的意料。 (A)5. A) what B) how C) why D) where 【详解】特殊疑问词引导名词性从句,接下来的一段是学生对这些东西的看法,是他们所说的内容,故用what. (A)6. A) twin B) twins C) twins D) twins 【详解】twin brother .ph.双胞胎弟弟/哥哥. 是固定用法。 (D)7. A) like B) love C) mind D) stand 【详解】stand .v.忍受. 这条围巾是妈妈们戴的,他不能忍受,就是不喜欢。 (C)8. A) and B) or C) while D) so 【详解】while引导让步状语从句突出主句和从句的对比。 (B)9. A) real B) really C) true D) truly 【详解】really .adv.真正地,发自内心地. 副词修饰动词。 (C)10 A) cool B) bad C) best D) good 【详解】根据句义知这里要填“最好的”,所以用最高级best. B Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You may _1_ they go to learn languages, PE, history, science and all other _2_. But why do they learn these things? We send our children to school to get them _3_ for their future work and life. Nearly(几乎) everything they study at school is _4_ in their life, but is that the only reason(原因) they go to school? We go to school first of all to learn _5_ to learn, so when we leave school, we can _6_ learning. If a man really does so, he will always be successful, because whenever(无论何时) he has to do something _7_ he will quickly teach himself to do it in the best way. But an uneducated(没受过教育的) person can not do it, or does it _8_. So the purpose of school is not _9_ to teach languages, science, etc., but to teach students the _10_ to learn. (D)1. A) tell B) speak C) talk D) say 【详解】此题考察动词tell, speak, talk, say的词义区别,say侧重于表示“说”,直接接说话的内容。 (A)2. A) subjects B) books C) lessons D) classes 【详解】结合句子前半,可知此处应选择subjects,表示“科目”。 (B)3. A) good B) ready C) back D) careful 【详解】get sb/sth ready意为“把准备好”。 (C)4. A) easy B) difficult C) useful D) interesting 【详解】联系上文,可知此处句意“学校里学到的东西在人生中会有用”,useful表示“有用的”。 (C)5. A) what B) why C) how D) who 【详解】how引导名词性从句,how to learn表示“怎样学习”。 (A)6. A) go on B) enjoy C) finish D) stop 【详解】go on .ph.继续. 联系上下文,此处表示“继续学习”。 (D)7. A) good B) important C) different D) new 【详解】联系下文可知此处句意为“当他遇到新的事物时就能迅速的学习到解决的办法”。 (B)8. A) well B) badly C) luckily D) quickly 【详解】badly .adv.糟糕的. 与句子前半can not do it意义一致。 (D)9. A) enough B) often C) really D) just 【详解】not just. but.结构表示“不仅是而是”的含义。 (C)10 A) things B) lessons C) ways D) reasons 【详解】联系文章大意,学习的目的是为了教会学生学习的方法。


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