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WhereshouldIputallthesebooks bookcase bookshelf Wehavenomoney Wearegoingtomakeone board 1 2 rope 3 hammer 4 paint Lesson37 Makingabookcase bookstore bookshop bookcase bookshelf Whatareyoudoing I mmakingabookcase makesth make makethebedmakeawishmakemoneymakefriendsmakenoisemakemistakemakeadecision make paint paint Hewantstopaintthisbookcase paintsth Hewantstopaintthisbookcasepink paintsth 颜色 work gotowork outofwork homework housework doone shomework dothehousework 我喜欢这个演员 Ilikethisactor 我特别喜欢这个演员 Ilikethisactorverymuch 他是我最喜欢的演员 Heismyfavouriteactor favourite 1 Thisis 2 Youmust 3 Lilyisa student A workhard努力地工作B hardwork艰难的工作C hard working勤奋的 A B C hard listen 听 狗在叫 Listen Thedogisbarking 他们正听老师讲课 Theyarelisteningtotheteacher hear 强调听的动作 不显示结果 强调听见这个结果 Word 1 hammer2 favourite3 homework4 hard5 bookcase6 paint7 listen a Akindoffurniturewithshelvesforstoringbooks b Somethingyoucanuseittocolourthewallorfurniture c Toreceiveasoundwithears d Thingorpersonyoulikemost e Itisusedtohitnailsintoapieceofwood f Kindofschoolworkfromyourteachers g Youmustworkorstudycarefully Text You reworkinghard George Whatareyoudoing I mmakingabookcase 副词 修饰work workhardtryhard 现在进行时主 be v ing Whichhammer Thisone Givemethathammerplease Dan 祈始句 Sitdown Tellmeyourname 省略Doyouwantthisone Hereyouare No notthatone Thebigone Thanks Dan 省略Idonotwantthatone Whatareyougoingtodonow George I mgoingtopaintit 一般将来时主 begoingtodo Whatcolourareyougoingtopaintit I mgoingtopaintitpink Pink 一般将来时主 begoingtodo Thisbookcaseisn tforme It sformydaughter Susan Pink sherfavouritecolour 介词for为了 给 新手表是给我的 而新座钟是给我妈妈的 Thenewwatchisforme andthenewclockisformymother FreeTalk Q Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup A I mgoingtobea an Grammar I mgoingtobeagreatpainterlikeVanGogh am is are 一般将来时结构 1 主语 be am is are goingto 动词原形 2 主语 will shall 动词原形 are are are are is is are am VS will shall begoingtodo 一般将来时 主观实现可能较大 客观实现可能较小 I mgoingto playbasketballmakeabookcase tomorrow nextyear in2015 inthefuture 标志词 I mgoingtodomyhomeworktonight I mnotgoingtodomyhomeworktonight be后加not 否定句 Heisgoingtodohishomeworktonight Ishegoingtodohishomeworktonight 将be提前 一般疑问句 Heisgoingtodohishomeworktonight Whatishegoingtodotonight 1找2变3去掉4补充 do 特殊疑问句 Heisgoingtodohishomeworktonight whoishegoingtodohishomework 1找2抄 特殊疑问句 Heisgoingtodohishomeworktonight Whenishegoingtodohishomework 1找2变3去掉 特殊疑问句 Practice 1 Heisgoingtoplaybasketballtomorrowmorning 2 WearegoingtoBeijingnextmonth 3 I mgoingtomakeabookshelfnextweek 4 TheboyisgoingtohaveanEnglishtesttomorrow 变否 疑 Grammar Task1 2 Talkaboutyourplanofnextweek usingthesimplefuturetense 5sentences

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