2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Is it a monster教案 外研版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Is it a monster教案 外研版教学目标:知识目标:学生识记并会运用单词monster, new, kite, or, dont, know, no, not, help 会在情境中运用短语Is it a monster?I dont know,Help.技能目标学生能听、说并初步运用目标语句:“Is it a.? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.”对物品的推断进行询问。情感目标:通过小组评价机制,培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识,让学生体验成功的喜悦,调动学生学习英语的积极性和自信心;学会运用英语中的求救用语:“Help!”教学重点:学生识记并会运用单词monster, new, kite, or, dont, know, no, not, help 会在情境中运用短语Is it a monster?I dont know,Help.教学难点:1. “Cat, kite”两个单词的发音。2.学生能根据实际情况,利用所学的句型:“Is it a.? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.”来询问对物品的推断是否准确。教学过程Step1. Warming up 1. Greetings(say hello to each other) 2. Sing a song to 3. RevisionLook at the pictures and then ask and answer.T: Whats this/that? S1/S2/S3/S4: Pen/pencil/bird/dog.T: Its a . Ss:Its a .设计意图:通过歌曲问候方式调动学生的注意力,拉近师生间距离,轻松愉快完成课前问候。引入A.B小组的合作机制,激发学生参与活动的积极性,同时培养了学生的竞争意识。对旧知的巩固复习为新课的呈现做好铺垫。Step2.Presentaion and leading in1.教师拿出实物问学生whats this?Is it a?T: Now is it a cat? Yes or no?Ss: No. T: No, it isnt. Is it a kite? Yes or no。Ss: Yes. T: Yes, it is.2. Say a chant to practice cat and kite. Cat, cat, its a cat. Kite, kite, its a kite. Cat, kite, its a cat kite.3Play the CD-ROM to think about what happen between Daming and Sam.4 .Look at the PPT to learn the new knowledageIs it a .? Yes, it is/ No, it isnt. (learn the new wordsno, isnt = is not) 设计意图:通过简笔画,在画出一只猫型风筝的过程中教授新单词“kite”并让学生在老师引导下初步感知句型:“Is it a .?Yes, it is/ No, it isnt.”。通过多媒体课件中单词的音标标识以及绕口令区别练习Cat 和 Kite 两个单词。对这两个单词的反复练习,旨在让学生能够感知这两个词发音的相似性从而引导学生理解活动1中Daming 与 Sam 之间发生误会的原因。通过PPT图片仿照活动1的情形进行新句型的学习,使学生深刻理解文本内容并初步学习了新句型,为课文的学习打下良好的基础。 Step3. Text-Learning 1. Draw a stick figure about a monster kite and learn the new words monster and new sentences:I dont know, Help! by the actions. T: Can you guess, whats that? Do you know? Ss:. T: You dont know whatt that, so you should say I dont know. 2.Play the CD-ROM to find Whats that in the story? 3.Review the guess between the two girls in the text and read aloud by follwing teacher, boys and girls, group and group in roles. 4. Read aloud the text.设计意图:利用学生好奇的心理,设计与课文类似的情境,通过语境教学,在完成怪物形风筝的简笔画过程中,层层导入与课文相关的目标语句,进而让学生在语境中充分感知目标语言的使用含义。接着让学生带着疑问“Whats that?”观看录像,解开疑团。之后,通过老师带读,男女分角色问答,两个大组分角色朗读,完整回顾文本中两个小女孩对落在树林后的事物所做的猜测。最后达到全班熟练朗读课文。 GA/ GB: Is it a.? S1: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.设计意图:采用有趣的Guessing game 符合目标语句的语境,首先让学生根据老师出示的残缺的图片猜测物品,进而巩固了对猜测的肯定与否定回答。然后让一名学生自选一张教学图片藏其身后,其他学生按小组对该图片进行猜测,每组三次机会,这样便巩固了目标语句“Is it a.”对物品的推断。通过游戏活动的开展真正使学生体验“玩中学,学中玩”的英语课。 Step5.总结 1. useIs it a .? to guess and use Yes, it is. No, it isnt. to answer. 2. Which group is the winner in the end? 3.Enjoy a song What is this? 设计意图:帮助学生总结本课学习的重点,使本课教学目标更加突出。对胜利的小组进行奖励,让学生体验成功的喜悦。并鼓励落后小组在下节课更加努力。以一首歌曲轻松愉快地结束本课的教学。 Step6. Homework Read aloud the text and act it out with your partners. 板书设计 Moduel 8 Unit 1 Is it a monster?kite isn;t = is not . Is it a .? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.

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