2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修6 Unit 2 Poems Period 5 教案2.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修6 Unit 2 Poems Period 5 教案21、 重点词汇总结1. convey: 运送,传达,表达 convey sth. to sb. 向某人传达某事 关联词语: carry-搬运 transport-运输 express-表达 transmit-传送 The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son.老农夫将农场转让给了儿子。2. flexible, adj, 灵活的,可弯曲的 flexibly: adv. 灵活地 flexibility: n. 灵活性,韧性We need a foreign policy that is more flexible. 我们需要一个更为灵活的外交政策。3. take it easy: 放轻松,放心好了(相当于take things easy)联想记忆:take ones time(Dont hurry, there is enough time.)别着急,慢慢来; take sth. seriously: 重视某事,认真对待某事;take sth. for granted: 认为理所当然Take it easy, you will be all right in a couple of days. 4. eventually: adv. 最终,终于,相当于finally, at last或in the end. 区别:eventually:强调作为结果而最终发生;at last:通常表示在等待很长时间以后终于发生,带有较浓厚的感情色彩,如,不耐烦,放心,如愿等。 in the end: 用于预测将来。I will spare time to mend it eventually.5. make sense:有意义,讲得通,明智的,合理的;in no sense:绝不,一点也不No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didnt make sense.6. run out of: 用完,花光 (以人作主语);run out=bee used up(不及物动词) 用完了,通常以时间,食物,金钱等。We are running out of our money. 我们快要花光钱了。run short of:短缺,缺乏;give out:(不及物动词)用尽,分发,宣布;use up: (及物动词)用完,耗尽Can you spare me some paper? Mine has been run out.7. be made up of=consist of 由组成The mittee is made up of (consist of)12 members.make up:构成,组成,编造,化妆 make up for: 弥补 make out: 分辨,辨认出 8. in particular=particularly 特别,尤其 be particular about: 挑剔,对苛刻Her figure looks so elegant but her smile is in particular attractive.9. worth a try: 值得一试二、重点句型总结1. There are various reasons why people write poetry. 人们写诗有各种各样的理由。这是一个定语从句,从句why people write poetry修饰先行词reason,连词why 在从句中作原因状语。可用for which替换。You must tell me the reason why you wont accept his gift. This is the reason (that) he gave me.(that在从句中作宾语,可用which替换)拓展:This is why 这就是的原因(强调结果)This is because 这是因为(强调原因)The reason why is that 的原因是(此句型中哟搬用that引导表语从句,而不用because)The reason why he was late was that he missed the first bus.2. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with English writers. 它不属于英诗的传统形式,但是在英国作家中非常流行。notbut 不是而是,引导两个并列的成分。连接两个主语时,适用就近原则,谓语的人称和数要与but后的主语保持一致。3. Where she awaits her husband on and on the river flows. 她在河边等待夫君的归来。(1) 当先行词是表示地点的名词(如:the room, the case, the situation, the scene等),且引导词在从句中作状语时,引导词用where或介词+which.(2) Where引导状语从句时,其前面没有表示地点的先行词,且where引导的状语从句可放在主句前。(3) 先行词虽为表地点的名词,但引导词在从句中作宾语,这时要用that或which,而不能用where。三、重点语法总结Grammar-Subjunctive mood (II) 虚拟语气(2)(一)虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用1. 用在wish之后的宾语从句中wish后的宾语从句使用虚拟语气,表示不能实现的愿望。主句用法从句谓语动词的形式主语+wish表示现在不能实现的愿望用一般过去时(be用were)表示过去不能实现的愿望had+过去分词表示将来不能实现的愿望would(could)+动词原形 I wish I knew what was going to happen.但愿我能知道发生什么事情。 He wishes he could bee a scientist some day. 他希望将来的某一天能成为科学家。 How I wish I had seen her off at the station, but I was too busy. 我要是去车站送过她就好了,但我太忙了。注:当从句主语为第一人称时,应说I wish I could,一般不说I wish I would。2. 用在表示命令、建议、要求等一类动词后面的宾语从句表示命令、建议、要求等动词后面的从句中用“should+动词原形”构成虚拟语气,其中”should”可以省略,这些动词可速记为:一坚持(insist);二命令(mand, order)三建议(advise, suggest,proposal)四要求(request, require, demand, desire)I insisted that we (should) tell this to her. 我坚持要求我们该把这是告诉他。The teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard after class.老师建议我们课后把黑板擦了。注:当insist表示“坚持认为”、suggest表示“表明,暗示”时,其后的从句不用虚拟语气。He insisted that he was honest. 他坚持认为自己是诚实的。3. 用在would rather后面的宾语从句中would rather后面的宾语从句中常用虚拟语气,表示对现在或将来的愿望用一般过去时,表示对过去的愿望用过去完成时。Id rather you didnt make any ment on the issue for the time being.我倒希望你暂时先不要对此事发表意见。Wouldnt you rather your child went to bed early?为什么你不愿让你的孩子早点上床睡觉呢?Id rather you hadnt said it.(二)含蓄条件句的虚拟语气有时在虚拟语气中假设的情况并不是以条件状语从句表示出来,而是通过一个介词、介词短语、连词、分词短语或其他方式表示。常用的表达有:without, but for, otherwise, or及but 等。Without sunlight, peoples life would be different from today.But for water, it would be impossible to live in the desert.(三)错综时间条件句中的虚拟语气在错综条件句中,if从句谓语动词发生的时间与主句所假设的谓语动词不一致,主句和从句的谓语动词要依照对应的时间而定。If you had followed the teachers advice, you wouldnt be in hospital now.If I were you, I would have taken his advice yesterday.虚拟语气在主语从句、表语从句及同位语从句中的用法1) 在it is demanded(表命令、建议、要求的一类词)/ necessary(important, natural, strange)/a pity(a shame)that 等结构的主语从句中,谓语动词用(should+) do, 其中should可以省略。It is desired that we (should) get everything ready by tonight.希望一切在今晚准备好。It is a pity that Lucy (should) be so careless.2) 在suggestion, proposal,order, plan, idea,advice等需要有内涵的名词后的表语从句或同位语从句中要使用虚拟语气,其谓语动词应用(should+)do,should可以省略。My suggestion is that we (should) send a few people to help them.(四)虚拟语气在状语从句中的用法1) 在as if/as though引导的状语从句:as if/as though时间谓语动词的虚拟形式与过去相反had+过去分词与现在相反一般过去时(be动词用were)与将来相反would/could/might+动词原形Ive loved you as if you were my son.It seems as if he had just returned from the Mars.2) 在in order that, so that引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词多用may /might/ can/ could+动词原形。The teacher spoke slowly in order that the students could/ might hear clearly.(五)虚拟语气在其他一些句型中的用法1) it is (high) time that从句中,谓语动词可以使用过去式,也可以使用should+动词原形,表示“早该了”,其中should不能省略。Its time we got/ should get up.2) if only! 要是多好啊!If only he could e tomorrow!4、 巩固练习I. 用所给短语的正确形式填空。take it easy; run out of; make up; in particular; be popular with; make sense; be well worth a try; give a strong impression; convey ones feelings; transforminto 1. I found it hard to _in words.2. _, you are sure to pass the examination.3. We need two more persons to _ a team.4. His money is _.5. Liu Qians magic tricks are _ the young students.6. It is a good chance which is _.7. Yesterday I saw a film, which _ me _.8. I noticed his eyes _, because they were such an unusual color.9. What he said doesnt _ any sense.10. A steam engine can _ heat _ power.II、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1) Without your help, we _(not succeed) in the experiment.2) But for the rain, we _(finish) the work already.3) If he _(not work) hard last year, he _(not get) such a great success now.4) If it had rained last night, the ground _(be) wet now.5) Im really busy, otherwise I _(go) there with you.6)It is suggested that the English evening _(hold) on Saturday.7)It is necessary that he _(send)to Beijing right away.8)He behaved as though nothing _(happen).9)It is time that he _(make a decision).10)Their plan is that they _(build) a new factory in their hometown.11)If only I _(have) a bigger house!Reference: 1.couldnt have succeeded; 2.would have finished; 3.had not worked, wouldnt get; 4.would be; 5.would go 6.should be held 7.should be sent 8.had happened 9.should make/made 10.would build 11.had


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