2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》(Period 1)教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 1Tales of the unexplained(Period 1)教案一【设计思想】本文的体裁是新闻报道,采用新闻报告的常规要点为切入口,从title和五个“W”一个“H”这几个方面构画出新闻报道清晰的框架结构并指导学生如何阅读此类文章,如何在此类文章中捕捉所需要的信息。教学方法还是通过预测、略读和寻读等常规技巧,帮助学生了解课文内容。教学步骤的设计以培养说、读、写能力为主。二【教学目标】By the end of this class, the students will be able to1. know about some mysterious and unexplained phenomena in the world. 2. know typical writing features in news articles.3. learn how to read a newspaper article and how to get the important information in it.4. express themselves in both written and oral English so that their language learning abilities can be enhanced. 三【教学重难点】Encourage the students to express themselves in both written and oral English so that their language learning abilities can be enhanced.四【教学环节】【课堂导入】Group discussion:Talk about the pictures one by one. For example: Topic 1: about UFOs: (1) What do the letters UFO stand for?(2) Are they really from another planet? Why or why not?(3) Do you believe in UFOs? Why or why not? What do you think might be the most acceptable explanation for UFOs? (4) Can you show us more information you get about it? UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Objects, that is, objects, apparently moving in the sky, which we cannot identify. There are lots of reports about UFOs. Some say they are aliens visiting us in their spacecraft, and some say they are military test aircraft, while others say they do not actually exist. Since we have never seen one with our own eyes and there is no definite scientific explanation for it, we are not certain whether UFOs really exist, but we believe everything will be clear in the future.Topic 2: about Yetis: (1) Where is the Himalayas? Whats the weather like there? (2) Why do some people make great efforts to climb them? (3) Have you ever heard of Yetis? What do Yetis look like?(4) Do you believe there are Yetis? Why or why not?(5) Do you think some climbers disappearances are connected with Yetis?(6) Show us more information you know about Yetis.Topic 3: about crop circles: (1) Where can we see these strange circles?(2) What do they mean?(3) Who on earth created these circles?Topic 4: about Stonehenge: What is it? Where is it? Why is it famous?【预习检查】Word study(Match them and write the correct letters in the blanks)1. step up _ a. on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train2. disappear _ b. get control of3. witness _ c. arrive or appear4. assume _ d. bee lost or impossible to find5. show up _ e. think that something is true without having the facts6. aboard _ f. the fact that something might be true7. possibility _ g. increase the amount or speed of something8. take charge of_ h. someone who has seen something happen【课堂教与学】Step1. Lead-in1. Can you plete the title?2. What are features of a news title? Step2. Fast reading1. What is the article about?_2. When was Justin last seen?_3. Who is in charge of the case?_Step3. Reading strategyGo through the reading strategy to find out “how to read news articles”1. _: give a general idea of the news2. the 1st Para / the lead:_ like when, where, who, what , why and how about the event;3. the 2nd Para:_4. the rest: _Step4. Careful readingTitle: Boy missing, police puzzled Its about _ Paragraph _: Brief introduction to the case1) How old was the boy? _ 2) What happened to the boy?_3) When was the boy found missing?_ 4) Where did these events occur?_5) Why did people show interest in his disappearance?_Paragraph _: Supporting details to the case1.Fill in the timer shaft about Justin Foster.2. True or False1) No one saw Justin after he played baseball with his friends._2) Justins sister was sure that Justin was taken away by the aliens in the UFO._3) Justins mother thought that her son was spending the night with his friends._4) Justins father was working on his road construction job that night._5) Mrs. Mavis Wood was once taken away by aliens._3. Role playRead the Para 2-8 and pick out the sentences said by different characters. Then work in groups of 6 to make up a dialogue and then act it out.Paragraph _: Detective Sam Petersons description to the case.1) We can know that the police _A. have known the cause of the boys disappearanceB. havent found hard evidence about the boys disappearanceC. will stop looking into the evidence of the boys disappearanceD. have ruled out the possibility that the boy was taken by aliens2) The purpose of the passage is to _A. tell a news story B. discuss whether aliens exist C. describe a UFO D. introduce a schoolboy【课堂巩固】. Task-based readingThis news story is about a boys strange (1)_. Though a lot of efforts have been made to look into the case, it still (2)_unexplained.Main pointsSupporting detailsJustin Foster (3)_ missing.Mrs. Foster thought he was spending the night with a (4)_.Justin Foster did not (5)_ at the family lunch the next day.Evidence showed that Justin returned home.Justins friends said he went home after playing baseball with them.(6)_ said they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10:45 p.m.Kelly heard him (7)_ his favorite CD after he went to his room.Some believed the boy was taken away by (8)_.Kelly saw a large spaceship flying outside and heard Justin shout.Mavis Wood said that that the aliens took her aboard a UFO so that they could do (9)_ on her.The police were puzzled.It was (10)_ that Justin was taken by aliens, but there is no convincing evidence for it and there are other possibilities as well.Fill in each blank with a proper word and then enjoy the following sentences.1. Police in America have (加快) their search a fifteen-year-old boy who (失踪) two days ago in Dover.2. This incident has received great interest (由于) reports of strange lights (在空中) and of alien visits (前后) the boy disappeared. 3. (站) inside were lots of strange (长着生物) white skin and large black eyes.4. When Justin did not (出现) for lunch the next day, Mrs. Foster (担心起来) and told her husband to (报警 ).5. The aliens took me _ (上飞机、船等)the UFO (目的为了) they could (进行研究)me.6. When asked about the possibility Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who (已负责)the case, told journalists, “Sometimes people (杜撰) such (令人惊异的) stories”.7. So, while we (不排除) the idea, we are (调查) other possibilities as well.8. We will (直到.才放弃) we find out (发生了什么) .【知识小结】让学生对要学的文体特点先有个粗略的了解。【提升与拓展】Task-based readingStonehenge is a prehistoric and mysterious monument located on the Salisbury Plain in Southern England. Construction on the great monument began 5,000 years ago; the famous stones that still stand today were put in place about 4,000 years ago.There are circles of stones in the monument, which do not seem very different from other stone circles in the world, but it gets much more attention. Maybe this is because of the way it was built and its functions.The great age, massive (庞大的) scale and mysterious purpose of Stonehenge continue to draw hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Stonehenge attracts over 800,000 visitors per year and several thousand gather on the summer solstice (夏至) to watch the sunrise at this ancient and mysterious site.There are many theories regarding Stonehenge. Among the most widely accepted are the ideas that the circular stone formation was either an astronomical observatory or a burial ground. Although it may be likely that Stonehenge was used to chart the heavens or honor the dead, there are other possibilities as well. Some believe that the monument was actually a megalithic (巨石的) puter. It is also believed that the stone circle may have been a place of healing or worship.The current site, however, is only part of the original Stonehenge. The original construction has suffered a great deal of damage from both bad weather and humans who stole its rocks. Stonehenge has been the subject of much archaeological and scientific research, especially in the last century.Stonehenge was constructed in three phases. Stones used in the building can be found in places far away and some are said to have e from a place 385 kilometers away. How builders took these stones, which are four tons each, to the site remains unknown. After that, builders had to put all the stones up in the correct position. It has been estimated that the three phases of the construction required more than thirty million hours of labor. The Stonehenge that we see today is the final stage that was pleted about 3,500 years ago.Stonehenge(1)_Stonehenge, a prehistoric and mysterious monument, is located on the Salisbury Plain in (2)_ England.ConstructionThe construction of Stonehenge began five (3)_ years ago.Builders took stones, each of which weighs four tons, from far away, and put them in the correct position.It (4)_ over thirty million hours of labor to build Stonehenge in three phases.The final stage was pleted about 3,500 years ago.Theories regardingStonehengeStonehenge is believed by many to be an astronomical observatory or a burial ground, used to chart the heavens or honor people who (5)_.Some think of Stonehenge as a megalithic (6)_.Others also believe it was used for healing or (7)_Current status(8)_ its great age, massive scale and mysterious purpose, Stonehenge attracts over 800,000 visitors each year.(9)_ we see today was only part of the original monument, while the rest has been (10)_by bad weather and humans.Stonehenge has been the research subject for archaeologists and scientists for centuries.【课后预习】划出课文能够的词组、句型并赏析。五【板书设计】新闻体裁的特点。六【家庭作业】1. 熟读课文,并划出重难点;2. 完成语言点导学案。

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