2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection period 5 教案1.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection period 5 教案1 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目话题the importance of wildlife protection词汇名词: wildlife protection loss reserve zone carpet fur relief laughter mercy importance mosquito insect attention ine harm dinosaur incident dust ending 动词: decrease hunt respond rub contain affect appreciate succeed employ harm bite inspect形容词: wild distant certain powerful secure fierce短语: die out in peace in danger(of) in relief burst into laughter protectfrom pay attention to e into being according to so that功能1. 谈论意愿 (Expressing intentions)Im going to I intend/mean/plan toI will Id like toI feel like Im ready to2. 谈论目的 (Expressing purpose)to help/save to protectfromso that in order to句型1. Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.2. Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.3. The flying carpet traveled so far that next minute they were in Zimbabwe.3. In relief Daisy burst into laughter.4. Farmers hunted us without mercy.5. They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers.6. They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. 7. As a result these endangered animals may even die out.8. Why are they in danger of disappearing 9. You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.10. Nobody knows for sure why and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time.11. They learned this from the way the bones were joined together.12. When scientists inspected the bones, they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.基础知识归纳1. mercy n. 仁慈;慈悲 【拓展】merciful adj.仁慈的 merciless adj. 残酷的,无情的:常用短语:without mercy残忍地 have mercy on /upon 对表示怜悯 at the mercy of任凭摆布 beg for mercy 乞求饶恕(1) They their enemy. (毫不留情) (2) The boat was the storm. (任由风浪摆布)(3) He was treated . (无情地)(4) They sought (mercy) treatment for the slavesdo harm to sb./ do sb. harm 损害某人cause harm 造成伤害mean no harm没有恶意without harm 没有损害/伤害be harmful to 对有损害2. harm n. v. 【拓展】harmful adj. 有害的;harmless adj. 无害的(1). He meant no harm. (2). A few late nights never did anyone any harm= A few late nights never did any harm to anyone. (3) The chemicals harmed the environment.(4) Some chemicals are (harm)to the environment (5). He (无恶意) by saying what he thinks, but people tend to be upset by it. 常用句型:there is no harm in doing sth. (6). They may not be able to help but . (求他们一下也没坏处).3. affect vt. 影响;感动;侵袭Smoking affects health. Cancer had affected his lungs.We were deeply affected by the news of her death.【拓展】 affecting - moving or touching 感人的、动人的 an affecting film Its too easy to be influenced by our parents. 我们很容易受父母的影响。 effect n 影响 e/go into effect 生效bring/carry/put.into effect 实行 take effect 生效 奏效side effect 副作用contain与include contain: to have within; hold; to be capable of holding. 包含;容纳include-have sth./sb. as part of a whole 包括4. contain vt 【拓展】container 容器What does that box contain? Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.The letter contained information about the treasure.Jane couldnt contain her anger any longer.【词语辨析】 contain; include Rice protein and fat. The United kingdom Northern Ireland and Wales.I like many sports, _ football. I like many sports, football _.5. decrease v.Student numbers have decreased by 500. Student numbers have decreased to 500.n. There has been a decrease in imports.短语 on the decrease=decreasing Is crime on the decrease?appreciate (sb.)doing sth.Id appreciate it if将不胜感激appreciate thatexpress ones appreciation 表示感激have a deep appreciation of 对有很高的鉴赏力6. appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激;appreciation n. Im not an expert, but I appreciate fine works of art.Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer. We would appreciate you letting us know of any problem. I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.We appreciated that caring for a child is an important job.The chairman asked me to express our appreciation of all your hard work.It helps children to develop an appreciation of poetry and literature.employas 把雇为 employfor 雇来做employin doing使忙于/从事于in employment 就业/就职employee employer 7. employ vt. 雇佣;使用 She was employed as a taxi driver.The report examines teaching methods employed in the class. Her days are employed in gardening and voluntary work.n. 21.7% of all those in employment were in part-time jobs.8. inspect The government sent an official to inspect our school. He inspected the car before he bought it.【拓展】inspection n. -inspecting or being inspected He made an inspection of the school.die out (种族、家族、习惯、观念) 绝迹; 灭绝 die away (声音、光、风)逐渐消失或停止die from 死于(疾病、情感、饥寒之外的原因); die of死于(疾病、情感、饥寒)die off相继死去/枯萎/凋零 die for 为献身 die down 减弱下去9. 1). The noise of the car _ in the distance.2). The old traditions are _.3). The man _ a wound 4). Im _ something to eat. in danger in danger of out of danger without danger a danger to 10.Why are they in danger of disappearing? 它们为什么处于灭绝的危险中? The girls life was obviously in immediate danger. 很明显,这女孩的生命危在旦夕。The sick man is in danger of death. 这位病人有死亡的危险。The wounded policeman is now out of danger. 受伤的警察已脱离危险。联想拓展be a danger to sb./sth. 危险的人/因素 be dangerous for 对有危险endanger vt. 危害,危及 endangered adj. 有危险的;濒临灭绝的 live in peace生活在和平之中 leave sb. in peace别打扰at peace处于和平(或和睦)状态 make peace with(与)讲和11. 对比:protectfrom (against) prevent (from)doing12. 1).He raised his arm to his face the blow. 2).Bad habits you making greater progress. 3).We must _ the factory from sending out waste into the river without permission. 4).Hes wearing the sunglasses to _his eyes from the strong sunlight.e into being 形成/产生/建立 e into effect/force/operation 开始生效 e into existence 形成;产生;开始存在 e into power 开始掌权 e into use 开始被使用 e into office 就职/上任 e into fashion 流行起来/开始风行 学以致用,我来挑战 Wildlife ProtectionDinosaurs _1_ because of an unexpected incident. But _2_ today disappears or is 3 _ just because humans _4_ it. For example, tigers are hunted for fur to make carpets so that they can only live in secure reserves; grassland is destroyed without _5_ so that dust storms _6_ affecting distant cities.Last year, scientists saw some monkeys rubbing themselves with a certain kind of insects to _7_ fierce mosquitoes biting. _8_ the result of the inspection, they found that the insect _9_ a powerful drug, so local farmers were a_10_ to catch the insects. The ending was that the insects disappeared from the whole zone. When told that it was a _11_ to humans, the farmers _12_ and responded, “Our real loss is our decreasing ine.”We should _13_ the natural balance and pay more attention to the _14_ of wildlife protection. Not until we _15_ letting wildlife live in peace, can we smile _16_. 恐龙因一次意外事件而灭绝,但是今天的野生动植物却是因为人类的伤害而消失或处在危险中。例如,老虎被猎杀以获取做地毯的皮毛,以致它们只能生活在安全的保护区里;草地被毫不怜悯地破坏,以致沙尘暴开始影响遥远的城市。去年,科学家观察到猴子在身上擦某种昆虫来保护自己不受凶猛的蚊子的叮咬。根据检查的结果,他们发现这种昆虫含有一种具有强大效力的药物,于是,当地的农民都被雇来抓虫子。结果是,这种昆虫从这整个地区都消失了。当被告知说这是整个人类的损失时,农民们都突然大笑着回应道:“我们减少的收入才是我们真正的损失呢!”我们应该意识到自然平衡的重要,更加注意野生动植物的保护。直到我们成功让野生动植物安详平静地生活,我们自己才能如释重负地笑开颜。 基本技能竞技场一、完成句子:1. 那条狗刚咬了我的腿。 _.2.你似乎体会不到我有多忙。(appreciate) _.3.如果你让我继续工作,我会不胜感激。 _ you let me get on with my job.4. _(如释重负) Daisy burst into laughter.5. They_(不怜悯) their enemy. 6. The kids were_(寻找)shells on the beach. (hunt)7. The old traditions are _(逐渐消失).8. Daisy had always _(渴望) help endangered species of wildlife. (long)9. 她死亡的噩耗使我们深为感伤. (affect)。_ by the news of her death.10. She didnt _ (回答) my question.(response)二 单句改错1. Employers must by law employ employees, taking care of them and pay them in time. 2. What should be done to punish people who harm to the animals?3. They are late, as it is often the case.4. Some insects take on the color of their surroundings to prevent themselves.5. What do you think we can do protect our environment? 6. We are used to be an endangered species.7. The bridge is in dangerous of collapse.8. It is sure that he will succeed. 三、单选:1. This disease has pletely in this country.A. died out B. died down C. died away D. died off2. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from sunlight.A. prevent B. care C. defend D. protect3. Pine trees, of which there are almost one hundred , are found throughout the North Temperate Zone.A. species B. samples C. specie D. standards4. In the botanic garden we can find a(an) of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.A. species B. group C. amount D. variety5. With the water in the lake rising, villages around are .A. in danger B. dangerous C. danger D. in dangerous6. Dont look at him. He is doing that to attract general .A. word B. expression C. attention D. appearance7. The new law will e into on the day it is passed.A. effect B. use C. service D. existence8. He thinks that therapy (治疗) the patients health.A. cures B. effects C. treats D. affects9. I apologized to Mr. Wang and made my with him.A. word B. peace C. promise D. mind10. He suggested it in a different way.A. to do B. doing C. to be done D. done11. She suggested that Mike there at once.A. gone B. went C. go D. was going12. His way of speaking suggested that he very angry.A. was B. were C. be D. should13. The belt in the car sometimes can you from traffic accident.A. care B. prevent C. defend D. protect14. Stop this kind of deer. They are .A. hunting; dying away B. to hunt; dying out C. hunting; dying out D. hunting; dying down

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