2019届高三英语第五次模拟考试试题 (I).doc

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2019届高三英语第五次模拟考试试题 (I)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A UK is being a popular destination for people who wish to study abroad. However, Britain is quite an expensive place to study and live in. Tuition fees have now reached 9,250 a year and students also face some of the highest living costs in the world. Fortunately, there are a number of countries where universities offer degree programs entirely in English, along with the chance to learn the local language while you live there. Here are three of the options. Tianjin University Moving to China is not for the faint- hearted. Undergraduate degree courses at Tianjin last four years. Living costs are only around 400 a month and tuition fees are 2,300 a year. Flights will cost 3,600 over the four years. The total cost, at 28,800, is still around half that of a three-year degree in Britain. Tianjin is one of the worlds latest cities and is only a half-hour train ride from Beijing. Three undergraduate programs are offered in English: Chemical Engineering, Environment & Energy and Pharmaceutical Science. University of Amsterdam The Dutch capital is not a cheap city to live in, but standard tuition fees of 1,800 a year make it significantly cheaper than a British degree. There are 14 bachelors degrees on offer that are taught in English, including Political Science, Economics & Business Economics and Actuarial Science. Nearly all Dutch people speak English, making it an easy country to get by in. University of Milan The University of Milans fees range from 140 to 3,650 a year. The one bachelors degree offered entirely in EnglishPolitical Science is a three-year course. While living costs in Milan are high, the significantly lower fees make it a cheaper option than a British university. 1.What is probably the total cost of a three-year degree in Britain? A. 14,400B. 27,750C. 28,800D. 57,6002.Where can you major in Political Science? A.London and Tianjin.B.Amsterdam and London.C.Amsterdam and Milan.D.Tianjin and Milan.3.What is the purpose of the text? A.To encourage people to study abroad.B.To introduce some affordable universities.C.To advertise some degree programs.D.To pare tuition fees and living costB When I was little, my grandfather would pick me up after school and take care of me until my parents came home. Every day I looked forward to being with Grandpa. If it was a fine day, he would take me to the park where he told me the names of the flowers and trees. Sometimes, we would go shopping together. He would push the cart and I would help him get things off the shelves. He always found ways to involve me in what he was doing. I was his ”little helper”. Grandpa taught me to care about the world by having me help with the gardening. He watered the trees and bushes, while I watered the flowers. We fed the birds. He showed me that if you were really quiet and stayed still, the birds would e up to you. I still love feeding birds and never understand people who get so wrapped up in owning a home that they dont stop to care for the surrounding wildlife. For an after-school snack, my grandfather would give me boiled potatoes and carrots with a little bit of butter on them or he would cut up some fresh fruit for me. My mother was so strict that she held that I must finish my homework as soon as I got home from school. Grandpa thought it was more important to relax, so he would let me watch one show first. He had his way and the way worked. And he said, “Were I you, I wouldnt tell your mother, or you wont have time to relax.” Whenever I left a room, Grandpa would remind me to turn off the light to save electricity. My grandpa was a devoted family man. He helped my parents through really tough financial times. Grandpa passed away when I was 10. I love him and he will live in my heart forever and always. 4.We can learn from this passage that . A.the writer was attached to her grandpa.B.the writer lived with her grandpa as a little girl.C.the writers grandpa died when she was grown-up.D.the writers grandpa finally moved to live with her parents.5.The writers experiences in the garden made her . A.help her grandpa a lot when he was busy.B.get the idea of protecting the wildlife.C.know vegetables were difficult to plant.D.bee a gardener when she grew up.6.Why did the writers grandpa tell her not to tell her mom the truth? A.Because he was afraid that she would punish the writer. B.Because he wanted the writer to know about TV shows.C.Because he was afraid that she would get angry with him.D.Because he wanted to let the writer relax before studying.7.The writer refers to the experience of turning off the light to show . A.Grandpa made her develop a good habit.B.Grandpa tried his best to save money.C.she was too forgetful to remember that.D.she was careless when she was young. CLike to watch TV or play with your phone while you eat your dinner? Watch outit could make you pile on the pounds. Not paying attention to our food makes us tend to more snacking later. Over a series of experiments were carried out by researchers. For the first experiment, 39 normal-weight young women were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: a high-distraction group, a low-distraction group, and a no-distraction group. Each person was given the same 400-calorie lunch consisting of several food items presented in a fixed order, and instructed to eat all of the items. In the high-distraction group, the women were told to play a puter game while eating, and that they would win money if they did well. In the low-distraction group they were just told to play the game while eating; and in the third group they were just told to eat their lunch. Later in the afternoon, each participant had access to a variety of biscuits on a plate, and the amount each person ate was assessed by weighing the plate before and afterwards. There was a significant difference between the groups. Those in the high-distraction condition ate 69 percent more snacks than the no-distraction group, and those in the low-distraction group ate 28 percent more than those in the no-distraction group . A second experiment, involving a further 63 people, was similar but involved watching TV in the distraction condition and eating soup and bread. This found that those who watched TV while eating their lunch ate 19 percent more biscuits later on than those who had eaten their meal without any distractions. A third experiment was also carried out, in which 45 normal-weight people were allocated to three groups. The first listened to an audio clip instructing them to imagine they were watching themselves eatmaking them extremely focused on their own food intake. The second listened to a clip instructing them to imagine they were watching a celebrityspecifically David Beckhameat, making them still focused on the food, but to a lesser degree;the third, which was the control group, just ate their lunch in silence. When all participants were given access to biscuits later, those in the self-imagining group-i.e. those who had really paid attention to what they were eatingate far fewer than the other groups. 8.Why does eating dinner with a TV or a Smartphone make us fat? A.Because were more likely to snack later on.B.Because were paying more attention to our eating.C.Because food is being more delicious while were playing.D.Because we need more calories while playing.9.What is TRUE about the three experiments? A.The low-distraction group ate the most snacks in the first experiment.B.Non-distracted members ate more biscuits later in the second experiment.C.Participants focusing on eating ate far fewer in the third experiment.D.Each person was told to watch TV or play a game.10.What would be the best title for the text? A.Eating attentively doesnt help control appetite.B.Attentive eating increases later snack intake.C.Focusing on food increases later snack intake.D.Distraction leads to more snacking later.11.Where is the text most probably from? A.A textbook. B.A scientific paper.C.A nutrition guidelines. D.A fashion magazine. D Games have already bee a good panion for people. Whether kids or adults, they prefer to spend their spare time in playing games. Why are games so popular? Firstly, they can attract people easily and secondly, they are easy to upgrade . Each day, thousands of games e out. And no matter which kind of game you like, there is always a game that suits you. Now when people meet, they would like to talk about the newest games. Here are the hottest new games for girls. They are Didi games. 80 percent of girls like dressing-up games. There are varieties of dressing-up games in Didi. The leading roles of them also vary from mon girls to princesses. If you are lucky enough, you can be dressed up as the famous stars you admire. At the same time, wedding dressing-up games can also be found. Whether you admit it or not, all girls like things related to wedding, so most girls like to be dressed up as brides. In order to attract kids attention, many games choose fairies (精灵) as the leading roles, for fairies are really alluring to girls. Maybe the magic wands (魔杖) of the fairies really have supernatural powers. There are various kinds of Didi fairy games, such as Fairy of Water, Catching Flowers Contest, Winter Garden Fairy, etc. Cooking games are also girls favorite games. Making a cake, soup or other delicious food is a category of simple games. There are also plicated ones, for example, preparing a dinner. It is more challenging but most girls like challenges. Another category of games which attracts people must be the games related to farms. Why are they so popular? Because the games can let people enjoy the fun as farmers. There are also farm animals that kids like very much. Here you can build your own farms. Also you can experience the life of farmers.12.What is the reason why many people like games according to the author? A.Games are usually easy to play.B.Playing games helps people learn a lot.C. Games can be updated easily and are attractive.D.There are many kinds of games that suit everyone.13.What can we learn about Didi games? A.The fairies are the leading roles in the games.B.They have been famous for several years.C.They are the most popular games among girls.D.They are all about traditional dresses.14.What kinds of games do all the girls enjoy in the authors opinion? A.Cooking games like making a soup.B.The games that are about weddings.C.Games that let them enjoy the country life.D.The games related to magic wands.15.The underlined word “alluring” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”. A.confusingB.annoyingC.challengingD.fascinating第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Dirty, dangerous and dull. These are three words you do not want to use to describe your job. While many jobs are a little dirty, dangerous or dull, some are so much so that it is better not to have humans performing them at all. Would you want to be the first person to go into a building on fire? 16 This is already happening all around the world. There are millions of robots at work today.The most mon type of robotic device is a mechanical arm. This is often used in manufacturing. 17 But robots have moved well beyond such simple tasks. A robot named Demeter is an agricultural harvester that can move around a field of crops, planting and harvesting by using GPS, controllers and sensors (传感器).Some robots are programmed to do certain jobs, but others are remotely operated vehicles(ROVs). 18 The US space agency NASA has used ROVs to explore the surface of the moon and Mars. ROVs are also used in underwater environments.What do regular people want from robots? Some people would like robots to perform tasks around the house. One home robot on the market now is Roomba, a turtle-shaped robot that slowly vacuums (用真空吸尘器打扫) its way around the room. 19 A robot that washes the windows and does the dishes could make a small fortune! 20 . Surely they will continue to explore the ocean, analyze the surface of distance planets, and build our cars and puters. But what else? Will more robots drive our cars for us? Will they do our laundry? Will they do our gardening? Perhaps. When someone invents that window-cleaning robot, they will be rewarded by a grateful population.A. What if a robot could assess and fix the situation?B. Robots will play a more important role in the future.C. It senses walls and turns to avoid stairs and objects on the floorD. They are also used to gather information on geographical changes in volcanoes.E. They can perform maintenance (保持) on oil drilling platforms and explore the ocean floors.F. These arms move in many directions and perform precise and repetitive tasks with ease.G. ROVs can have cameras, sensors and other devices that provide hard-to-obtain information.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own 21 .I learned this lesson from a(n) 22 many years ago. I took the head 23 job at school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program. It was a tradition for the schools old team to play against the 24 team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didnt even practise to 25 the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment, we were defeated. I couldnt 26 I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to 27 that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were 28 me. I had to change my 29 to their ability and potential. I started doing anything I could to help them build a little 30 . Most importantly, I began to treat them like 31 . That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their 32 , we met every day and 33 passing and kicking the football. Six months after suffering our 34 on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to 35 . Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a 36 for us even if we lost the game. But that wasnt what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest 37 of my life! From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 38 the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and 39 them. I helped them to see themselves 40 , and they built themselves into winners. Winners are made, not born. 21. A. luckB. testsC. effortsD. nature22. A. experimentB. experienceC. visitD. show23. A. operatingB. editingC. consultingD. coaching24. A. successfulB. excellentC. strongD. new25. A. cheer forB. prepare forC. help withD. finish with26. A. believeB. agreeC. describeD. regret27. A. realizeB. claimC. permitD. demand28. A. reacting toB. looking forC. depending onD. caring about29. A. decisionB. attitudeC. conclusionD. intention30. A. prideB. cultureC. fortuneD. relationship31. A. leadersB. partnersC. winnersD. learners32. A. rewardsB. vacationsC. healthD. honor33. A. riskedB. missedC. consideredD. practised34. A. defeatB. declineC. accidentD. mistake35. A. relaxB. improveC. expandD. defend36. A. shameB. burdenC. victoryD. favor37. A. chancesB. thrillsC. concernsD. offers38. A. surpriseB. serveC. interestD. affect39. A. encouragedB. observedC. protectedD. impressed40. A. honestlyB. individuallyC. calmlyD. differently第卷第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The giant panda 41 (love) by people throughout the world. Chinese scientists 42 (recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby. She was a very 43 (care)mother. For 25days, she never left her baby, not even to find something 44 (eat)! She would not let any other pandas e near. She licked the baby constantly to keep it clean. Any smell might attract natural 45 (enemy) that would try to eat the little forting pats. The mother held the baby in her front paws much the way a human does. 46 it cried, she rocked it back and forth and gave it little forting pats, The mother continued to care for the young panda 47 more than two years. By that time, the panda no longer needed 48 (it) mother for food. However, it stayed with her and wandered about the ways of the forest. Then, after two and a half years, the mother 49 (drive)the young panda away. It was time for her to have a new baby, 50 it was also time for the young panda to be independent. 第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 With the improvement of peoples living standards, more and more people possess their own car. Some thought it is good to own a car. First, its an convenient, fast and fortable means of transportation, that saves people much time on the trip. It also makes businesses and industries to develop faster. However, others have different opinions, thinking that cars give waste gases and pollute the environment around. Have too many cars will have some bad effects, such as more accidents and crowdedness. Besides, lacking parking lots are another big problem. As far as Im concerned, we ought to think careful before buying cars. Even if we have cars, we should use it less. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友John对茶感兴趣。请用英语给他写一封邮件,诚邀他参加即将在宁波举办第九届国际茶文化节(the 9th International Tea Culture Festival),并简要介绍茶文化节活动及我国茶的历史,茶的益处等。注意:1)词数100左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Hi John,

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