2019-2020年牛津译林版英语9A Unit2 Colours学案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版英语9A Unit2 Colours学案一、根据句意及中文或者首字母提示写出单词。1.My _ (最喜爱的) color is orange .2.Theres _(没什么) wrong with my puter .3.The girl went out in a _ (粉红色的) coat .4.You cant cross the road until the traffic light turns g_.5.Look at the b_ sky and the w _ clouds! What a fine day!6.There are seven colors in a r_ , arent there ?7.I like flowers in v_ . The color is beautiful .二、翻译下列句子。1. 我的手表没毛病。_my watch.2. 这件毛衣穿在我妈妈身上很好看。 The red dress_ my mum. = My mum _ the red dress. 3. 我可以试穿这条黄色的裤子吗?Can I _ ?4. 刚才你看到天上的云朵了吗?Did you see _?5. 你能告诉我你们班有多少学生吗?Can you tell me _?三、列出所学过的颜色的单词。说说周围有那些东西是有颜色的?它们是什么颜色的。四、根据课前预习,请听听它们在谈论些什么。 1. Which colour does Eddie want to wear ?2. What is Hobos idea about wearing pink ?3. What is Hobos idea about Eddies wearing blue ?五、同桌2人分别扮演 Eddie , Hobo 朗读 第20页的对话,尽量带有感情色彩。六、句子默写。 1. 艾米,你刚才看到天空中的彩虹了吗?_?2. 你知道彩虹有多少颜色吗?_?3. 你最爱的颜色是什么?_?4. 粉色没有什么不好的。_.5. 而且我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看?_?七、根据所给词的适当形式填空。1. I find it easy _ ( see ) a rainbow in the sky after the heavy rain in summer .2. I bought a _ ( color ) dress just now .3. Which coat do you want _ ( wear ) , this one or that one ?4. I think blue is _ ( good ) than green . Its the skys color .5. The world will be a dull place _ ( with ) colors .6. I _ just _ ( see ) Millie at the school gate .7. _ ( something ) wrong with your eyes . Dont worry about it .8. Most young people think pink is a _ ( girl ) color .八结合所学的颜色及你的经验,描述一下人们的情绪和他们所选择穿的衣服的颜色之间的关系。9A Unit 2 ic strip & Wele to the unit检测反馈一、英汉互译。1. colours of the rainbow 2. nothing wrong 3. 天空中的一道彩虹 4. 穿在你身上看起来很好 5. 当然 6. 往窗外看 二、根据对话完成下列文章。Eddie wants to _ clothes. Hobo brings him two clothes, one is _, the other is _. Eddie thinks he _ _ wear _ than _ because _ is girls color . Hobo says there is _ wrong _ pink and helps Eddie put on a blue _. Eddie feels shame .But Hobo says blue _ good _ him.三、单项选择。( )1. I think this Jacket looks nice _ you .A. at B.for C.on D.in ( ) 2. - Hey , how lovely you look _ yellow ! - Thank you .A.on B.in C.over D.for ( ) 3. A smile costs _ , but gives so much .A.something B. anything C.nothing D.everything ( ) 4. - Tom , supper is ready - I dont want to eat _ , Mum , I am not feeling .A.everything B. nothing C. something D. anything ( ) 5. - Do you know how many colors _ in the picture ? - Sure . There are five colors .A. there are B. does it have C. are there D. it has ( ) 6. Tommy _ his overcoat and left without saying a word .A. puts on B. wears C. dresses D. put on 9A Unit 2 Reading(1)学案一、基础词汇过关。1. 情绪_ 2. 影响_3. 平静的_ 4. 放松的_5. 和平 _ 6. 悲哀 _7. 感觉_ 8. 提醒_9. 智慧 _ 10. 需要_11. 困难_ 12. 决定_二、根据句意和所给的中文写出句中所缺的词。1. The report explains what colours can do and the (特征) they (代表).2. Have you ever walked into a room and felt (放松).3. The walls were (涂) blue, a calm and peaceful color.4. Shakespeare (创造) many ic characters.5. She is in a good _ ( 心情 ) today 。6. I _ (更喜欢) reading books to watching TV when I was young .7. When I saw the old picture , it _ ( 使想起) me of my childhood .8. Wearing red makes it easier for you to take _ ( 行动)9. Green can give us energy , because it _ ( 代表 ) mew三、词形变化。1. The little girl looked (happy) at herself in the mirror.2. Green represents new life and (grow).3. Jack prefers running to (swim).4. We had no (difficult) (find) the robber.5. After he heard the bad news, we could see the (happy) on his face.四、仔细阅读第22,23页课文,然后回答下面问题。1. Can colors really influence our moods ?2. When you are feeling sad , what can you also say in another way .3. What color do many women like to wear on their wedding day ?4.What can blue bring to our mind and body ?5.What does orange represent ?6.What can yellow remind you of ?7.What color should you wear when you feel tired or weak ?8.If you require strength in either body or mind , what color may be of some help to you ? 五、翻译下列句子。1. 一些人相信颜色能影响我们的心情。_2. 你曾经走进一个房间并感觉到轻松吗?_3. 我正伤心着 。_4. 它能在你伤心的时候使你振作起来。_5. 绿色能给你带来活力,因为它是大自然的颜色而且代表着新的生命。_ 6. 穿红色衣服也更容易使你采取行动 。_六、根据本单元课文所学关于颜色的知识 ,写一篇小文章,描述一下你对生活中所出现的颜色的认识,以及你所喜欢的颜色,他们会对你的心情及身体有什么影响。9A Unit 2Reading(1) 检测反馈一、Millie 正在告诉她的笔友颜色与心情的关系,请帮助她完成这封email。Dear Raymond:Did you know that colours can affect our _? Did you know what the differentcolours _? For example, _ can help you feel relaxed. However, it can also mean _.Do you like green? Green can give you _; it also represents _. _ can help you when you are having difficulty making a decision.What is your favourite colour? Write back soon.Yours Millie二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Last night I stay up until 12 oclock , so I am very _ ( sleep )2. His mother language was very poor and he spoke with _ ( difficult )3. Let us sit around the table and make a _ ( decide ) today .4. If you need physical _ (strong ) , you should wear red clothes .5. Yellow is the color of _ ( wise ) .6. She has difficulty _ (do ) his homework .7. He prefers _ ( forgive ) others for their mistakes.8. To childrens _ ( sad ) . Mrs Yin died .三、完成下列句子。1当你觉得忧伤时,橙色能带给你成功,使你兴奋。 Orange can _ and _ when you feel sad.2. 我们生活在一个充满颜色的世界里,颜色可以影响我们的情绪。 We live in a world_ and colours can_.3.当你感觉有压力时,你应该穿白色衣服。You should wear if you are .4. 这些照片使我想起了我的儿童时代。 These old photos _ my childhood. . 9A Unit 2 Reading(2) 学案一、基础词汇过关。1. 关系_ 2. 必定地_3. 个人的_ 4.庆祝(n)_5. 发觉_ 6. 允诺_7. 有压力的_ 8. 平静_9. 宁愿_ 10.相配_11. 使。平衡_ 12. 手提包_二、翻译下列短语。1. make us feel happy or sad 2. cheer you up 3. be good for our mind and body 4. study for exams 5. have difficulty making a decision 6. in a deep sleep 7. affect our moods 8.change our moods 9. on their wedding day 10. people living in cold climates 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我们正在猜这首歌曲会使他想起什么。We are guessing what the song _.2.剩下的时间不多了,恐怕我们得尽快作出决定了。Theres little time left . I am afraid we have to _.3. 你最喜欢的颜色和你的个性相配吗 ?Does your favourite colour _?4. 我认为能最能代表莉萨的是红色。I think _ is red .5. 当你感觉生气时,蓝色能帮你冷静下来。When you feel angry , blue can _.四、完成第24,25 页 B1 , B2, B3 内容,不懂的可以相互讨论。五知识点讲解结构含义Prefer sth 更喜欢某物Prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事Prefer to do sth 宁愿选择做某事Prefer not to do sth 宁愿选择不做某事Prefer A to B比起B 更喜欢 APrefer doing A to doing B比起做事情B 更喜欢做事情APrefer to do A rather to do B比起做事情B 更喜欢做事情A关于 require 的短语:require sth 需要某物require doing = require to be done 需要/要求被做(表被动)require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事require + that 从句 需要/要求。关于穿的相关知识点:wear + 衣服,意为着穿着。,表示穿的状态put on +衣服 ,意为 穿上。, 表示穿的动作dress sb 给某人穿衣服 dress oneself 自己穿衣服be dressed in。 穿着。dress up 盛装 , 乔装打扮关于remind 的用法 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事remind sb of sth 提醒某人某物remind sb + that 从句 使某人想起。have difficulty ( in ) doing sth 做某事有困难make a decision to do sth = make up ones mind(s) to do sth = decide to do sth 决定做某事9A Unit 2 Reading(2) 检测反馈一、根据所给词的适当形式填空。1.If you were born on 21st, October, you like to be a _ (power) person.2. John looks _ (happy), because he couldnt pass the exam.3. Jim is _ (energy) and active. He often takes part in activities.4. I often share my _ (happy) and sadness with my sister.5. Are you _ (satisfy) with his performance last Sunday?6. Yellow is the colour of _(wise). Some people like _(use) it when they study for exam 7. Wearing red can help when you are having difficulty _(make) a _(decide).8. He seems _ ( relax ) at the news . 二、单项选择。( ) 1. I _ lemons _ apples . I like the sour taste . A. would rather; to B. prefer ;to C. prefer to ;rather than D. like;better ( )2. Helen has no difficulty _ writing , but she has some difficulty _ pronunciation .A. in ; in B. with ; with C. in ; with D. with ; in ( )3. - Jeff seems unhappy . Whats the matter ? - He got his bike lost this afternoon . Lets go to _ him _.A. cheer; up B. make ; up C. set ; up D. let ; up ( )4. -How do you like the two pairs of trousers ? - They dont fit me well . They are _ too long _ too short .A. not only ;but also B. both ;and C. neither ;nor C. either;or ( ) 5. - Would you like some tea , please ? - Yes , and I prefer tea _ some sugar .A. to B. for C. with D. from 9A Unit 2 Grammar学案一、词组翻译。1. 与。有关_ 2. 影响我们每天的生活_3. 浅色 _ 4. 在许多方面_5. 看起来更大一些_ 6. 对。有好处_7. 更适合于。_ 8. 取决于个人口味_9. 代替_ 10. 确信_二、选用 that , if 或 whether 填空。1. I believe _ you can pass the exam .2. Peter is wondering _ his mother likes the pink dress .3. We are sure _ our school basketball team will win the match .4. Sandy is asking _ Millie will e . _ she es , please call her .5. Tommy doesnt know _ he should choose the black shoes or the brown shoes .三、完成下列句子。1. Can you tell me _(她是否住在北京) ?2. Sandy is wondering _(是否白色衣服适合她).3.Amy is asking _(这个运动包是否是棉质的).4. We should choose _( 让我们感觉舒服的颜色).5. Do you know _( 颜色和我们的心情有关吗) ?四、阅读第26 页文章, 摘抄出你认为比较重要的短语。并且和同桌讨论一下你自己的卧室是什么颜色的,这个颜色会给你什么样的感觉。五、用宾语从句完成B1 部分内容。六、关于宾语从句。宾语从句是英语中用来充当宾语的句子。带有宾语从句的那个句子叫主句。宾语从句一般由“引导词+主语+谓语+其他”构成,其语序是陈述语序。1) that 引导的宾语从句 : 主句的谓语动词是 say , think , tell , know , hear , see , feel , mean, hope , wish , remember , forget 等时,或主句的谓语是由be 动词和形容词 afraid , glad , sure , sorry 等构成的系表结构时,后面常接that 引导的宾语从句。例句: He says that he wants to speak to the headmaster . I am sorry that he isnt here right now .2) if 或 whether 引导的宾语从句,表示“是否”,常放在动词 ask , see , say , know , 和 find 等后面 。一般情况下,两者可换用,在口语中多用if , 若后面有or not 连接时 , 只能用whether .例句: Nobody knows whether / if it will rain . Can you tell me whether she will e here or not ?七、完成第28 页 B2 部分 内容 。八词条含义用法daily 形容词,意为 “每日的”特指每天发生一次的,也可以指按日计的,只做定语everyday形容词,意为“每天的;日常的”指日常发生的,无须特别关心的,只做定语every day 时间副词短语,意为“每天”在句子做状语九完成下列单项选择( )1. I dont know _ .A. why he is leaving B. why is he leaving C. whether he is leaving D. whether is he leaving ( )2. These are my _ shoes , not my best ones .A. every day B. everyday C. every-day D. each day ( )3. The Internet is so closely connected with our _ life . Can you imagine a life without it ?A. daily B. primary C. every day D. college 9A Unit 2 Grammar检测反馈一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. This is a story about an _ ( 古老的) village .2. I practice my _(日常的)English every morning .3. Do you think this coat is _(合适的) for him ?4. Does he have a good _ (关系) with his classmates ?5. We _ (无疑地) mustnt forget that .二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Would you please e to my birthday _ (celebrate)?2. Its all a matter of _ ( person ) taste .3. Is this kind of books _(suit ) for your son ?4. she is very kind and I feel _ ( relax ) with her .5. I notice light colors make rooms seem _ ( large) than they really are . 三、单项选择。( )1. I know _ I promised to take you to dinner , but I wont finish working until tens oclock .A. that B. if C. what D. why ( ) 2. I cant say _ or not they can e on time .A, that B. if C. when D. whether ( ) 3. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared , people didnt know _ doctors could cure it .A. if B. that C. what D. why ( ) 4. He asked me if I _ the novel “The Old Man and the Sea ”when he was in . A. am reading B. would read C. was reading D. will read ( ) 5. Can you tell me _ Huang Hua will give us a speech this afternoon ? Yes , he will . He is the top student _ we all admire .A. when ; which B. what ; which C. that ; which D. whether ; that 9A Unit 2 Integrated skills&Study skills学案一、根据汉语完成句子。1. 我承诺你会成功。I youll be successful2. 他使用的油有不同的颜色和气味.The oil he uses 3. 你为什么不穿一条裙子呢? wear a skirt ?4. 如果你不知道穿什么,我可以给你一些建议。If you dont know _, I can _5. 她会建议不同的人穿不同的衣服。She will _.6. 假如治疗没有效果,你可以取回你的钱。If the therapy _ , you can _.7. 她承诺这个办法可以改变你的心情.She _ change your moods .8. 颜色可以改变你的心情,提高你的生活质量。Colors can _ and _ .9. 她告诉人们吃什么颜色的食物。She tells people _.10. 你的发型和你的衣服很配。Your hairstyle _ .二、根据Millie 发现的广告内容,帮助Millie 完成她的部分笔记。三、同学们之间可以相互讨论一下你们自己对于颜色疗法的理解及看法。四、听录音,苏西的问题,完成第30页 A3 部分。五、熟记下知识点。1) promise sb .sth. = promise sth. To sb 意为,答应/允诺某人做某事Promise sb. to do sth. 意为 允诺某人做某事Promise sb + 从句 意为 许诺/答应某人。Promise 作为名词的时候 意为 “诺言”,make/break a promise 许下/违背诺言2)结构含义Would rather do sth.宁愿做某事Would rather not do sth.宁愿不做某事Would rather do sth. Than (do) sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事3)词条含义用法Discover发现指原已存在但尚未被人 或看到的东西Invent 发明指发明目前不存在的东西六、了解 “ Scanning “ 的意思。Scanning (扫读) 是指为了寻找某一特定信息而大致快速地浏览。这种阅读方法尤其适合于广告类题目,因为大部分情况下,广告类题目都是信息对比题-大家先看题目,找出定位词,然后再到文章中找相关信息,最好进行对比。七、阅读课本第31页内容,回答下面问题。1. What did it mean if the sky was blue ?2. Why did women in the past like pink and red ?3. What power was blue once believed to have ?4. Where did girls e from according to a European story ?9A Unit 2 Integrated skills&Study skills 检测反馈一、根据句意及中文或首字母提示写出单词。1. The salesgirl _ ( 建议) different colors to different people .2. Maybe I will bee a scientist and _(发现)the answer 3. If the medicine doesnt _(奏效),please see a doctor at once .4. I cant p_ you anything at this moment , but I will try my best .5. Did you use to get s_ when you saw the school report from your teacher ?二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I dont like red . Id rather _(wear) orange .2. - Will you e and pick me up tomorrow morning ?- Yes , I _ ( promise)3. Many baby boys _ (dress) in blue and baby girls in pink in China .4. If this therapy cant help you , you _(get ) your money back 5. Young couples like to search the Internet for some _ (suggest) on how to name their babies .三、单项选择。( )1. - I will buy a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer . - Is that a _ ? Im sure Ill get the bike .A. chance B. promise C. trick D. treat ( ) 2. Jack , I am busy now . Can you _ the baby for me ? A. put on B. wear C. dress D. take care ( ) 3. At present , lots of people would rather _ in the country because there is _ pollution in the city .A. live ; more B. to live ; less C. live ; less D. to live ; more ( ) 4. Mrs Rainbow _ this kind of therapy since she left college .A. has suggested B. has discovered C. has practiced D. practiced ( ) 5. - How about climbing the hill ? - I would rather _ along the river than _ the hill . Im a bit tired .A. walk ; climb B. walking ; climbing C. walking ; to climb D. walk ; to climb 9A Unit 2 Task学案 一、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式完成句子。Look more powerful , a little bit , strength , keep a balance , successful 1. We all know orange represents _and joy .2. Millie would like to make herself _.3. Im feeling _ tired . Shall we stop to have a rest ?4. Could you _between the two ?5. He pushed against the rock with all his _.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We made a fire and we felt the _ ( warm ) of the fire .2. My mother prefers _ ( sit ) to jogging .3. He would rather read books at home than _(go) hiking .4. Look ! She _ ( wear ) a black-and white dress .5. He advises me _(look ) up the words in the dictionary .三、根据句意及中文或首字母提示写出单词。1. He will never forget his _(悲伤).2. The joke makes us feel _( 轻松的).3. The old man lives in a _(宁静的)village by himself .


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