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2019-2020学年高一英语上学期31练习. 单项填空(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)1. The teacher asked the children to write on _ line but Tom just wrote _ lines.A. other every; few every B. other every; every a fewC. every other; every few D. every other; every a few2. You must leave here now _ your mother can get some more rest.A. because B. though C. so that D. however3. I _ in a newspaper for someone to clean my house the other day.A. charged B. admitted C. advertised D. peted4. Little Tom admitted _ in the examination, _ that he wouldnt do that in future. A. to cheat; to promise B. cheating; promised C. having cheated; promising D. to have cheated; promised5. I hear the popular singer will give a performance at the Central Theatre this weekend. Where did you _?A. pick that up B. make up that C. make that up D. pick up that6. _, but also they are good friends.A. Not only does he know Jim B. Not only he knows JimCNot does he only know Jim D. Does not only he knows Jim7. Athletes pete the Olympic Games the honor of winning.A. in; against B. in; for C. against; in D. for; for 8. Would you please _ the magazine after reading it ? A. put B. replace C. place D. hide9. I consider _a mans worth lies in _he has done for the people.A. that; what B. what; thatC. that; that D. what; what 10. The hotel _ 75 yuan a night.A. worth B. charges C. spends D. pays. 完形填空(共20题,每小题1分,满分20分) If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they bee weak. When you 11 using them again, they 12 bee strong again. Everybody knows this and nobody would think of 13 this fact. 14 there are many people who do not 15 to know that memory works in the 16 way. 17 someone says that he has a good memory, he 18 means that he 19 his memory by practising exercising it. When someone 20 says that his memory is poor, he actually means that he 21 give it enough chances to bee 22 . Have you ever 23 that people who cannot read or write usually have 24 memories than those who can? This is 25 those who 26 read or write 27 remember things. They have to remember dates, places, names, songs and stories. So their memory is the whole time 28 . So 29 you want to have a good memory, you should learn from those people, and 30 by remembering what you see, hear, feel and write. If so, you must have a good memory. 11. A. begin B. go onC. stop D. continue 12. A. quickly B. slowly C. soon D. at once 13. A. doing B. agreeing C. questioning D. answering 14. A. Yet B. Still C. So D. Certainly 15. A. want B. seem C. get D. hope 16. A. other B. usual C. same D. opposite 17. A. That B. What C. While D. When 18. A. real B. actually C. true D. then 19. A. wants B. builds up C. makes D. keeps 20.A.again B. else C. more D. once 21.A.do not B. is not C. never D. does not 22.A.poor B. weak C. strong D. healthy 23.A.seen B. heard of C. noticed D. thought of 24.A.worse B. better C. more D. less 25. A.why B. how C. because D. the reason 26. A.used to B. cannot C. try to D. have to 27. A.will not B. have to C. refuse D. cannot 28. A.ready B. being used C. busy D. training 29. A.if B. that C. though D. thus 30. A.please B. try C. train D. enjoy. 阅读理解 (共 12小题;每小题2分)A When my son, Justin, was four, he found a caterpillar (毛虫) and put it in a jar. Each day he fed it with fresh grass and leaves. In a few weeks the caterpillar was fat and ready to sleep. One morning we discovered the caterpillar wrapped in a cocoon (茧). It hung from the top of the jar, an example of one of natures wonders.Justin was excited. To him it was like Christmas. He knew a moth (蛾) or butterfly was about to be born, but he didnt know what kind. He was curious to know what gift nature was about to give him.Dad! as he ran to me one day. Somethings happening. e see!He led me to his room. The cocoon had bee clear. We could clearly see the wings of the unborn. A few days later, a beautiful black moth broke free from its silky cage and began to lay eggs on the leaves of grass, pleting the life cycle of the little caterpillar.The next day, I advised my young son that it was time to set the moth free. He took the jar outside, opened it, and the little moth flew out. It circled the yard twice, came back, and landed on Justins arm. He picked it up, tossed (轻抛) it in the air, and the moth repeated its flight pattern. He tried over and over to set it free, but each time it would return to his arm.Justin gave up. He returned his little pet to the jar. The next day he tried to set it free again, and, after a few return flights to his arm, the moth finally flew off into the tall grass.Like a person, I believe the moth was afraid to leave what it was fortable with. It wanted to stay with something familiar, afraid to move on and experience new things.Humans are creatures of habit. We hate change! However, if we hadnt moved, we would not have experienced many new things.31. According to the passage, what was Justin anxious to know?A. Whether the caterpillar would change into a moth or a butterfly.B. What gift he would receive for Christmas from his dad.C. Why the caterpillar could hang from the top of the jar.D. How the cocoon had bee clear one day.32. The thing that means the end of the little caterpillars life cycle is that _.A. it was wrapped in a cocoonB. the moth began to lay eggsC. the cocoon became clearD. the moth was born from the cocoon33. The first time Justin set the moth free, it _.A. flew off into the tall grass immediately B. flew into the jar itself after flying a whileC. returned to Justin after circling the yard D. came back into the jar and then flew away34. What can we learn about the author from the passage?A. He thinks we had better not change our habit.B. He didnt allow his son to have the moth as a pet.C., He thinks the moth is not brave enough.D. He thinks it necessary to experience new things.Tracy Caulkins is known as the first American to set an American record and win an American title in each of four swimming strokes: breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, freestyle.Tracy Caulkins was born in Minnesota and lived in Iowa until she was six. She began swimming when she was eight, after the family had moved to Nashville, Tennessee. While unwilling at first to swim in cold water or get her face wet, she began to train in earnest (认真的) as her talent became clear. Though her father worked for the public schools, the family sent her to a private school when the public schools could not acmodate (适应) her training schedule.At age 13, Tracy Caulkins took part in the trials for the 1976 Olympics, but did not make the team. She continued to win national and international titles, and was disappointed in 1980 when the U.S. didnt attend the Moscow Olympics. She continued to train and pete.In 1981, Tracy Caulkins began college, graduating in 1985. In college, she continued peting and training, though she had slowed down from her peak (顶峰 )years.Caulkins trained especially hard for the 1984 Olympics, and not only made the team, but was captain of the swim team, and at Los Angeles, won three gold medals and was named Sportswoman of the Year by the U. S. Olympic mittee. After that she retired from swimming, and was a mentator (解说员) for swimming events as well as taking advantage of her fame to do business.Tracy Caulkins married Australian swimmer, Mark Stockwell, in 1991, their romance having begun at the1984 Olympics when he jumped into a warm-up pool to introduce himself. They married in Nashville and moved to Australia, where they had three children who have dual citizenship. Caulkins continued to be professionally involved in sports.35. Where did Tracy Caulkins begin swimming?A. In Los Angeles. B. In Iowa. C. In Minnesota. D. In Tennessee.36. Tracy Caulkins was sent to a private school because _.A. the schedule of the public school wasnt suitable for herB. her parents had to work in the schoolC. her family had moved to Nashville, TennesseeD. she showed strong interest in swimming37. Which Olympic Games did Tracy Caulkins attend?A. The 1976 Olympic Games.B. The 1980 Olympic Games.C. The 1984 Olympic Games.D. The 1992 Olympic Games.38. Give the correct order of the following events in Tracy Caulkins life.a. She was named Sportswoman of the Year.b. She became a mentator.c. She got married.d. She went to college.e. She attended the Olympics.A. d; e; a; b; c B. d; e; c;b;a C. d; a; e; c; b D. d; e; a;c;bC A dog cant speak words, but it can talk. It has feelings just as you do. At times it may feel angry or afraid. Watch a dog closely. You can see what it is trying to tell you. When you are afraid, you may look down shyly. A fearful dog looks away from you. It may run away too. When you are angry with people. you stare at them and press your lips together. An angry dog also stares. Sometimes the hair along its back stands up.Do you feel guilty when you have done something you shouldnt? Dogs can feel guilty, too. At times when I e home, my dog gives me a guilty look. Then I know hes done something wrong.Dogs need love and attention. Some dogs are very unhappy when they are left alone for a long time. Some dogs even snap(撕咬)if they dont get enough attention. You may have a dog or you may know a dog. Treat it well if you want to have fun with it. Play with it. Take it on walks. Dont order it round too much. Try not to punish it one time and not the next for doing the same thing. Always remember, a dog has needs and feelings just as you do. Talk to a dog, itll talk to you, too.39. If a dog snaps at things, it is because it may A. feel lonely B. feel shyC. be fearful D. be disappointed40. You can tell that a dog has done something wrong when_. A. its hair stands upB. it runs away from you C. it has a guilty expressionD. its lips are pressed together41. Which of the followings does the writer advise you to do towards your dog? A. Never punish the dog. B. Never leave the dog alone. C. Train the dog to take orders from you. D. Treat it the way you want to be treated.42. Suppose you punish your dog for tearing up a shoe, what should you do the next time it does so? A. Talk to it. B. Punish it again. C. Pay no attention to it. D. Take it out for a walk. 单项填空1.-10CCCCA ABBAB . 完形填空 11-20ABCAB CDBDB 21-30 DCCBC BBBAC阅读理解A) ABCD B)D ACA C)ACDB

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