2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 10 Money单元整合训练 北师大版必修4.doc

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Unit 10 Money单元整合训练 语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1I get annoyed(annoy) when someone talks to me while Im reading.2The government made an appeal to citizens to obey (obey) the traffic rules.3After returning to his hometown,the old man found everything changed(change)4I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good to breathe(breathe)5So many things needs doing this year,but the one to be done(do) immediately is collecting money for the orphans.6This book contains(contain) ten units,including(include) two main revisions.7He behaved well towards/to his wife and they lived a happy life. 8There is no doubt that mobile phone and Internet are important means of munication.9She stood there chatting with her friend,with her child playing(play)beside her.10I am going to replace my battered car with a new one.完成句子1玛丽靠近火炉坐着,背对着门。Mary was sitting near the fire,with her back towards the door2是你教会我爱并不是要保持沉默,爱要大声地说出来。It is you who tell me love is not keeping silence,love needs to be told.3如果是这样,你可以关闭警报。If so,you can turn off the alarms.4我认为该完全禁止烟草广告了。l believe it is time to ban tobacco advertising altogether.5这台计算机重10磅,只有一部词典那样大。The puter weighs 10 pounds and is no bigger than a dictionary.微写作将下列句子翻译成英语并连成一段意义完整、语言流畅的小短文(80词左右)网购对越来越多的人充满了吸引力(appeal to)。根据大众评论(ment),网购是一种先进的(advanced)购物方式。一方面,它包含了(contain)各种各样的非常有价值(be ofn.)的商品。另一方面,许多人羞于(be ashamed of)与店主面对面地讨价还价(bargain),因为有时任何一方行为不当都会使彼此恼怒(annoy),但网购可以避免这种尴尬的局面。越来越多的人更喜欢网购,这很好的平衡(balance)了他们的时间、感受和工作。 【参考范文】Shopping online appeals to more and more people.According to peoples ment,it is an advanced way of shopping.On the one hand,it contains a variety of goods which are of great value.On the other hand,many people are ashamed of bargaining with the shop owners face to face,because sometimes if either of them doesnt behave well,it will make them annoyed.But shopping online can avoid this embarrassing situation.In a word,more and more people prefer to shop online,which can balance their time,feelings and work.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解Which es first,happiness or money?Are richer people happier?And if so,how do people get much richer?A recent study could tell you the answer.The study looked into thousands of teenagers and found that those who felt better about life as young adults tended to have higher ines by the time they turned 29.Those who were happiest earned an average of $8,000 more than those who were the most depressed.The researchers,from University College London and the University of Warwick,say that very gloomy teens,no matter how tall or smart they were,earned 10% less than their peers,while the happier ones earned up to 30% more.Happier teenagers have an easier time getting through school,college and the job interview,chiefly because they always feel better about life.It may also be true that happier people find it easier to make friends,who are often the key to homework help or networking.A report in June suggested that professional respect was more important than dollars in terms of workplace happiness.In August scientists announced that they had found the gene for happiness in women,Alas (the same gene doesnt appear to have the same effect on men)And in October researchers in the UK and in the US announced that people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day report being the happiest.The big question is:if it is really true that happier kids end up being wealthier kids,is it necessary for parents to get their kids to do the homework?The fact is that no homework will make kids happy but surely hurt their grades.Studies do show,after all,that more education leads to betterpaid jobs,which may give us a deep thought.“These findings show that the teenagers happiness is important to their future success,”one of the reports authors writes.“But what is the most important is that we should find a way to help children gain more satisfaction from doing schoolwork.”【语篇解读】本文是一份调查报告,说明了富有与幸福之间的关系,发人深省。1What conclusion can the researchers draw from the recent study?AHappy teenagers grow up to be wealthier.BMoney can make people bee happier.CWealth has nothing to do with happiness at all.DSchoolwork can help teens achieve success.A推理判断题。根据第二段可知研究发现那些年轻时对生活感到较好的人到29岁时易于有更高的收入,故得出结论幸福的青少年长大后会更富有。2The main reason why happier people have more chances to succeed is that Athey are easy to municate with othersBthey are good at doing their schoolworkCthey are hopeful and optimistic about their lifeDthey eat much more fruit and vegetables a dayC细节理解题。根据第四段“Happier teenagers have an easier time getting through school,college and the job interview,chiefly because they always feel better about life.”可知更幸福的青少年在经历上学和求职面试时更轻松,主要是因为他们对生活充满希望、更乐观,故C项正确。3The underlined word “gloomy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”AupsetBgloriousChappyDwealthyA词义猜测题。根据上下文可知gloomy与下文的happier是反义词,故它与upset“不高兴”同义。4What can be the best title for the text?AThe way to educate kidsBThe source of happinessCHow to achieve your goalDThe secret of being wealthierD主旨大意题。本文重点论述了更幸福的青少年长大后会更富有,故选项D“更富有的秘密”为最佳题目。 .完形填空Learning to save money when youre young is an important lesson.All good lessons and habits begin early,and saving is a skill that everyone 1 Many peopleadults includeddo not have a good 2 of saving for the long run.I have been 3 to learn this lesson early because I have had a grasscutting business since I was 10 years old. 4 the money I make I spend about 10 percent and save the rest.Making sure you save and dont spend too much is a good way to 5 wealth.I have put my earnings in a bank.Many teens I know spend all the money they earn so it never has a chance to 6 Young people should 7 that their teenage years are a great time to begin saving.If you have a job at high school,you 8 have fun with some of the money.But you should also save some 9 it will grow.Then you can begin planning for your future.When you spend money, you not only lose that money, 10 lose the interest you could have earned by saving it.After high school, college is 11 ,with expenses such as food and rent.If you can 12 a good percentage of the money you earn as a teen,going to college and buying a house will be much easier.If you are in your thirties without any savings,you will always have to 13 Later in life it can be hard to start saving 14 general cost of living is more expensive and you may only have enough to pay your 15 If you want to buy a house and have a family,you need money to start with,which 16 saving.Many say money cannot make you happy,and this is true.But money can help you to lead a 17 life.Saving early will mean you will have to work for fewer years when you are older.It will also 18 you to spend time doing the things that you want to do. 19 ,it will mean you can live the way you want to without 20 【语篇解读】年轻时就要学会攒钱,这是重要的一课。早点儿开始攒钱有很多好处。作为新时代的年轻人,如何面对理财、如何学会理财是值得我们深思的问题。1A.needsBlikesCearnsDexpectsA由语境可知,攒钱应该是每一个人都需要(need)的技能。2A.knowledgeBexperienceCformDsenseDhave a good sense of“对有明确的意识”。句意:很多人,包括成年人,从长远的角度来看对于攒钱都没有明确的意识。这里强调的是意识问题,所以用sense。3A.foolishBenjoyableCluckyDgratefulC 第一段告诉我们,早点接受攒钱的教育是很好的,而“我”恰恰在小时候就学到了,自然是很幸运的。foolish“愚蠢的,傻的”;enjoyable“使人快乐的”;lucky“幸运的”;grateful“感激的”。4A.WithBOfCInDFromB这里表示范围,意思是“在我赚的钱中”,所以要用of。5A.give upBbuild upCkeep upDmake upBbuild up在此表示“逐渐积累(资金等)”。句意:要确保储蓄而不挥霍才能有效地积累财富。give up“放弃”;keep up“保持,维持”;make up“弥补,编造”。6A.breakBrunCmakeDgrowDgrow“增加,增长”。既然花掉了所有的钱,钱就不可能增多。7A.believeBrealiseCdetermineDdoubtBrealise“意识到”,符合语境。believe“相信”;determine“确定,决定”;doubt“怀疑”。8A.mustBdareCshouldDmayCshould“应该”,符合语境。9A.so thatBin caseCin thatDbut forA由语境知“it will grow”是“you should also save some”的目的,所以用so that引导目的状语从句。in case“以防万一”;in that“因为,由于”;but for“要不是”。10A.butBandCalsoDorAnot only.but also.是并列连词词组,表示“不仅而且”,also可以省略。11A.expensiveBcheapCboringDpleasedA由下文的“with expenses such as food and rent”可以看出,大学的费用应该是比较高的。12A.hold outBhold upChold on toDhold backChold on to“紧紧抓住”,在这里引申为“积攒”。句意:如果你能把少年时期赚的钱积攒一大部分的话,那么你上大学、买房子就轻松多了。hold out“伸出,维持”;hold up“阻挡”;hold back“抑制”。13A.surviveBstruggleCannoyDdieB这里是从反面论证从小学会攒钱的好处:如果你30多岁了还没有积蓄,那你将不得不一直努力了,所以要选struggle“奋斗,努力”。survive“幸存”;annoy“使烦恼”;die“死亡”。14A.ifBas long asCwhileDsinceD很显然,后一个分句解释的是“Later in life it can be hard to start saving”的原因,所以选since,表示“因为,由于”。15A.billsBtaxesCattentionDbalanceApay your bills指“支付你(生活中)的各种账单”,符合语境。pay taxes“交税”;pay attention“注意”。16A.results fromBgets fromCes fromDescapes fromCe from“来自”。这里要表达的意思是,这些钱来自你攒下来的钱。17A.happyBsimpleCmiserableDsecureDsecure“安心的,无虑的”。文章最后一句给出了暗示。句意:但是钱可以帮你过一种安心的生活。由上一句话可以排除A。simple“简朴的”;miserable“悲惨的”。18A.forbidBallowCadviseDrequestB这样你就可以做一些自己想做的事情了。allow“允许,准许”。19A.In additionBAbove allCOn the contraryDBelieve it or notA这里承接上一段的两个方面,进一步阐述早点儿开始攒钱的好处,所以应该选A。in addition“另外,除之外”。20A.consultingBworryingCrestingDthinkingB句意:此外,早点儿开始攒钱还意味着你可以无忧无虑地按你想要的方式生活。consult“咨询,商量”;worry“担心”;rest“休息”;think“思考”。

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