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2019-2020学年高二英语寒假学考复习题7学生签字: 家长签字: 效果自评:语法填空一There are two main reasons 11 the temperature of the air is always 12 (change). One reason is that the air around you moves in from somewhere else . Air usually moves in large bodies 13 (call) air masses. Some air masses move in from the north. These air masses usually have cold air that cause the temperature 14 (drop). Air masses also move in from the south. They usually have 15 (warm) air that causes the temperature to rise.Temperature changes during the day or night can be great 16 small. This depends partly 17 how many clouds are in the sky. 18 there are many clouds during the night, they act like tile covers on your bed. They blanket the earth and keep the air from losing much of 19 heat. The temperature usually does not drop much during such a night. When there are many clouds during 20 day, some of the suns energy will not reach the earth. The temperature usually does not rise much on such a day.语法填空二At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but31I drove up to the light, it turned red, and I braked to a halt. I look left, right, and behind me. Nothing.32acar, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat,33(wait) the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.I started wondering34I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of35(catch) by the police, because there was obviously no cop anywhere around and36certainly would have been no danger in going37it. Much later that night, the38question of why Id stopped for that light came39to me. I think I stopped because its part of acontract(合同) we all have with each other. Its not only the law, but its an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor40: we dont go through red lights. Like most of us, Im more ready to be stopped from doing something bad by the social agreement that disapproves of it than by any law against it.二完型填空练习:The sun was shining when I got on No.151 Bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. Thats one of the 1 rules. 2we see the same faces every day, we prefer to 3behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their4. As the bus came near the Mile, a5 suddenly rang out “ 6!This is your driver speaking.” We looked at the back of the drivers head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The 7 came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go8.” Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped in a red scarf(围巾).I saw her9 every day. Our eyes met We waited for the next10 from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning neighbor!” Our voice were11.For many of us, these were the12words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like13,to the strangers beside us. We couldnt help 14 .There was the feeling of relief(解脱), that we were not being held up(抢劫). But more, there was the sense of ice being15 . “Good morning ,neighbor.” It was not so 16after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands ,many laughed. The bus driver said nothing more. He didnt 17 to. Not a single newspaper went back up. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in18 . When I reached my stop, I said19 to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day was20 off better than most. 1. A. unwritten B.strict C.bus D. city 2. A. As B.Because C.When D. Although 3. A. read B.sit C.talk D. hide 4. A. ways B.methods C.respect D. distance 5. A. message B.warning C.suggestion D. voice 6. A. Attention B.Minding C.Help D. Listen 7. A. papers B.passengers C.driver D. tears 8. A. on B.round C. ahead D. down 9. A. still B.nearly C.even D. hardly 10. A. turn B.talk C.order D. remark 11. A. loud B.neat C.slow D. weak 12. A. first B.last C.best D. only 13. A. passengers B.citizens C.patients D. schoolchildren 14. A. shouting B.crying C.smiling D. wondering 15. A. formed B.heated C.broken D. frozen 16. A. sad B.hard C.ordinary D. shy 17. A. need B.want C.like D. begin 18. A. my life B.Bus No.151 C.public D. other words 19. A. good morning B.good-bye C.hello D. thanks 20. A. starting B.seeing C.taking D. turning 2月11 日 用时 30分钟 学生签字: 家长签字: 效果自评:一 完形填空Someyearsago,SARSbrokeoutinthemainlandofChina,causingsomepeople(1)_(kill)ornearlygotclosetodeath.Thesituationwassoseverethattherewasnotime(2)_(debate)whoistoblame.Themostimportantthingforthegovernmenttodoisto(3)_thecauseofthis(4)_(dead)disease.Theyinvitedallthemostexpertsinthisfieldto discussandquiteafewsuggestions(5)_(put)forward.Someofthetopexpertspickedoutthosesuggestionsandtestedthemtoseewhethertheywere(6)_(avail).DoctorZhongNanshanchoseonepatient(7)_)wasseriouslyillandhadlittlehopeofpickingupandhadthenewmedicinetestedonhim.(8)_hisgreatjoy,thispatientrecovered!Hemadehiswaytohisofficeandtelephonedtothetopofficial,(9)_(tell)himthisexcitingnews.For(10)_( convenient),hemovedtoliveinhisoffice.Hismethoddidmakesense.Notsoonafterthat,theotherhospitalalsocontrolledthisterriblediseaseandkickeditoutfinally.Tomwascrossingtheroadtheotherdaywhenhesawaredcaringinthedistance.Hethoughtthecarwould41,asthelightshadturnedred.42 ,thecarwasgoingtoo43andTomsoonrealizedthatitcouldntstopintime.He44 tomoveoutofitswaybutitwastoolate.Tomwas45downbytheredcarandlayalmostdeadontheroad.Passers-by46wenttohimandanambulancewas47for.Thedriveroftheredcardidntstop,48oneofthemenhadwrittendownthe49ofthecar,whichhe50tothepolicewhoarrivedatthesite(现场).Atthesametime,Tomwastakentothe51andhisparentswerecalledfor.Theywerevery52tohearoftheaccidentandquicklyrushedtohisside.ForthreedaysTomwasnotabletofeelorthinkandhisparentswereworriedthathemightdie.ButonthefourthdayTom53 andspokesoftly.Hisparentswere54.Thepolicebythenhad55 theownerofthecarandcaughtholdofhimatlast.41.A.start B.stop C.move D.break42.A.UnfortunatelyB.Obviously C.Besides D.However43.A.fast B.slow C.far D.late44.A.tried B.managed C.failed D.wasable45.A.put B.knocked C.laid D.thrown46.A.slowly B.calmly C.quickly D.carefully47.A.looked B.called C.sent D.asked48.A.but B.and C.or D.so49.A.type B.name C.number D.address50.A.took B.gave C.posted D.sent51.A.station B.school C.hospital D.home52.A.angry B.sad C.surprised D.disappointed53.A.feltsick B.gotup C.fellasleepD.wokeup54.A.surprisedB.calm C.glad D.puzzled55.A.noticedB.grasped C.found D. followed二 语法填空题Without proper planning, tourism can cause _1_ . For example, too many tourists can crowd public places _2_ are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants will bee _3_(annoy) and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists _4_ to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the countrys economy _5_ is important to think about the people of a destination country and _6_ tourism affects them. Tourists should help _7_ country keep the customs and beauty that attracts tourists. Tourisms should also advance the wealth and _8_(happy) of local inhabitants. Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism _9_ (grow) too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work _10_ the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.


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