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2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第13周周练题完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项Most dogs have an easy life in theU.S.They eat, play, get attention from their1and sleep. But some dogs work hard. They are called guide dogs. Guide dogs help 2people move from place to place safely.Guide dogs and their owners are a 3. Guide dogs dont lead the owners, and their owners dont4 control the guide dogs. They work together. The guide dogs dont know where the owners want to go, so they 5the owners instructions. The owners cant see the obstacles (障碍物) along the way, so the dogs make decisions for the 6of the owners. Guide dogs stop at all crossroads before 7a street. They dont see color, so they dont know if the light is red or8. The owners decide if it is time to cross the street by listening to the sound of 9. The dogs help the owners get on a bus or train. They learn to10many tasks.Most guide dogs are very11and friendly. A guide dog needs to work12distraction in noisy places, bad weather, crowds of people, and13situations. When you see a guide dog, it is important that you14that the dog needs to concentrate on its job. Dont pet or talk to the dog.15is very difficult, and it requires a dogs full16.Guide dog training lasts about five months. Only about 72 percent of dogs that enter the training program “graduate”. Those that graduate bring their owners valuable17and love. In other dog training programs, trainers use18as a reward (奖励). In guide dog training, the trainers dont use food. They use physical affection (爱抚). This is19a guide dog sometimes takes the owner to a restaurant. It must lie20at the owners feet without wanting to eat.1. A. friends B. parents C. owners D. neighbors2. A. normal B. blind C. elderly D. deaf3. A. family B. couple C. class D. team4. A. obviously B. pletely C. exactly D. immediately5. A. follow B. read C. understand D. repeat6. A. preference B. health C. safety D. judgment7. A. crossing B. observing C. mapping D. leaving8. A. dark B. green C. bright D. yellow9. A. traffic B. dogs C. music D. steps10. A. give up B. take over C. search for D. carry out11. A. small B. intelligent C. noisy D. attractive12. A. beyond B. against C. over D. without13. A. pleasant B. simple C. difficult D. serious14. A. admit B. feel C. notice D. recognize15. A. Thinking B. Deciding C. Directing D. Guiding16. A. attention B. time C. service D. memory17. A. advice B. experience C. support D. help18. A. water B. money C. food D. toys19. A. when B. why C. because D. how20. A. quickly B. patiently C. carefully D. gently阅读理解(每题2分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My first impression of Miss Vicki was a highly authoritative (权威的) person towering over me. She spoke in a loud voice and the earth shook whenever she marched. That was in the first year of high school. She was a knowledgeable literature teacher then. However, during my first year in school, she struck terror into my heart (使我胆战心惊). And everyone elses of course. Just the mention of her name made the most unruly classes silent.Nevertheless, the two years of junior high passed by rather quickly. Soon, I went to senior high class. I had worked hard and gotten the subject bination that I wished for. Together with a group of old friends, I soon settled down in class fortably.To everyones surprise, she was fortunate enough to be my teacher that year. I was shocked when I heard the news. This time round, however, I decided not to hide in terror whenever she was near. I decided to face the fact that we were going to meet each other for the next 365 days. Instead of trying too hard tolick her boots, I tried my best to be my natural self in front of her.Still, I could not shake off the ice-cold impression that she put in my heart. True, her jokes sometimes sent me into fits of laughter, yet at other times these jokes simply fell flat the moment she told them. My lovely class, however, was always ready to laugh at the right time of her amusing stories. After all, we would not want to run the risk of provoking (激怒) her.Unluckily, life was not to remain boring. One day we received news that Miss Vicki was to leaveSingaporefor thePhilippineswhere she would take part in a voluntary teaching program for the poor. We did not know what to say actually. All of us cried at the airport.21. During the first year in school, the author thought Miss Vicki was _.A. proud but patient B. beautiful but strictC. scholarly but serious D. humorous but single-minded22. What does the underlined phrase “lick her boots” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Win her favor. B. Embarrass her.C. Argue with her. D. Follow her closely.23. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A. Miss Vicki was a good joke teller.B. Miss Vickis jokes were always boring.C. Students liked Miss Vickis class very much.D. Students pretended to laugh to please Miss Vicki.24. What can we infer about Miss Vicki from the last paragraph?A. She was dismissed from the school.B. She was not accepted by the students.C. She was unwilling to leave her students.D. She had a strong sense of social responsibility.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It was another boring and sad day. I had e home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local restaurant as a busser (餐厅侍者助手).25And to make matters worse I was busing that evening. Its the same thing over and over again. Dealing with customers who plain about their food, where they are sitting and whether the piece of pie that they are served is too big or too small.26 Though its annoying (恼人的), we all have to learn to deal with it.27 It happened to be the very area where I bused and kept the dirty dishes in the bins. These elderly women watched how I was busing and working really hard to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.When they had finished their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about school, how I was doing, and what grade I was in.28As they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a confident and gentle voice, “You are going places.” And that was it. They left the restaurant and I was pretty surprised.29They raised my spirits and gave me a reason to keep on working hard and to give it my all.A.I know I have got used to it.B.I went to work feeling down.C.They also asked what I planned to do in the future.D.I had been busing since 5:00 pm and we were quite busy.E.Little things like that always annoy a lot of our employees.F.Three elderly ladies walked in and sat at a table by the windows.G.I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me a reason to believe in myself.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。I needed to get some money so I 30. _ (take) a job in the clothes department at Grahams for the January sale. I cant say that I enjoyed it, 31. _ it was an experience Ill never forget.When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there was already 32. _ queue around three sides of the building. This made me very nervous. The moment the security guards unlocked the doors, they hid behind the doors for 33. _ (protect) as the noisy crowd rushed in. I couldnt believe my eyes: this wasnt shopping; it was a battlefield!After a while, clothes were flying 34. _ all directions as people searched for the sizes, colours and styles they wanted. Within minutes I had half a dozen people 35. _ (push) clothes under my nose, each wanting 36. _ (be) the first served. The whole day continued like that. People were spending money like water without thinking 37. _ they needed what they were buying. As long as it was a bargain it was OK.That night, after a quick dinner I went to bed 38. _ (exhaust), fearing the sound of the alarm 39. _ would tell me to get ready for the second day of the sale.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear Ian,Thank you for share the stories about you and your best friend in your last letter. I have a best friend, who name is Wang Ming, and we had known each other for a long time. We met on the first day of school. We were deskmate in class. We both liked pop music and we often went to my house to listen CDs. It wasnt long after we became best friends.Now were in different senior high schools and all of us are busy with our studies. Although we cannot see each other often, but were still best friends. He always encourage me to realize my dreams. I am thankfully I have such a good friend to rely on. Yours, Li Huaxx级英语学科双向细目表(第13周周练题)题号分值考点识记理解简单运用综合运用难易程度11.5动词辨析中21.5介词短语辨析中31.5形容词辨析难41.5动词辨析中51.5动词辨析难61.5名词辨析易71.5动词辨析难81.5副词辨析易91.5形容词辨析中101.5形容词辨析易111.5名词辨析易121.5动词辨析中131.5动词短语辨析中141.5名词辨析难151.5副词短语辨析中161.5动词短语辨析易171.5动词辨析易181.5连词辨析易191.5副词辨析中201.5动词辨析易212细节理解题中222推理判断题易232细节理解题易242细节理解题中252考查语境的准确运用易262考查语境的准确运用中272考查语境的准确运用易282考查语境的准确运用易292考查语境的准确运用易301.5考查冠词易311.5考查不定冠词易321.5考查过去分词易331.5考查代词易341.5考查形容词的最高级中351.5考查v-ed形式作定语的用法中361.5考查定语从句的连词中371.5考查形容词变副词易381.5考查副词易391.5考查连词难401考查连词易411考查形式宾语难421考查动名词作主语中431考查介词固定搭配易441考查句子结构中451考查名词转换为形容词易461考查冠词的固定搭配易471考查动词时态易481考查人称的逻辑关系中491考查名词的单复数易

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