江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题1 (新版)牛津版.doc

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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题1 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题1 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题1 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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7下 Unit 7 易错题一单项选择( )1.-Please dont stop your car here. Look at the sign“ No parking” -Sorry , I _it. A.dont see B. didnt see C. wont see D. saw( ) 2. Tomas_ to school, but he was still late for class. A. walked B. rushed C. went D. climbed ( ) 3. Xiao Ming plays basketball_ to join the school team. A. well enough B. enough well C. good enough D. enough good ( ) 4. I heard someone _my name when I passed the bookstore. A. calls B. called C. calling D. to call ( ) 5. The fire was so big. It took the firemen 3 hours to_ . A. put it up B. put it down C. put it away D. put it out( )6. I _buy the recorder because I had no money with me then. A. can B. cannotC. could D. couldnt ( ) 7. The man has a_ son. A. five year old B. five-years-old C. five years oldD. five-year-old ( ) 8.We must try_ best to learn English well. A.we B.us C. our D.ours( )9.Suzy was_today because she didnt do well in geography A. happy B. unhappy C. happily D. unhappily( )10.Be careful_ fire for or anything may happen _ you. A.with; to B.for; with C.with; for D.to; to ( ) 11. The piece of music sounds_? A.wellB. good C. badlyD. wonderfully( ) 12. _ exciting news! A.WhatB. What a C. What an D. How ( )13. His sister didnt know the time because she_ her watch at home. A. leaveB. leftC. forget D. forgot ( )14. Will you please _for my dinner,Peter?Sure! A. spend B. pay C. costD. take( )15. _!Its dangerous over there. A. Look overB. Look atC. Look outD. Look up二、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空1.She did her best_(learn) English well.2._(not put) anything hot into the rubbish bin.3.Dont ask others for help. You must do the homework by_(you).4.Many of us_(can) swim when we were about five years old.5.Sandy likes music and she plays the piano very_(good).6.Fire can be _(danger).7.Dont play with the _(match).8.He is _(careful)and he often leaves something at home.9.He does _(well) in dancing than me.10.The keys are those _(fireman).三、根据汉语意思完成句子1.顺便问一下,你的电话号码是? _ _ _ , whats your phone number?2.没问题,我一定会参加你的生日聚会。 _ _ , Ill _ _ _ your birthday party.3.最后,消防队员们尽他们最大的努力扑灭了火。 At last , the firemen_ _ _ _ put out the fire.4.你知道他上周从大火里救了一个小男孩吗? Do you know that he _ boy _ the fire last week.5.不要把头发靠近火。 _ your hair _ _ _.6.没人知道昨天他出了什么事?Nobody knows _ _ _ _yesterday ?Unit 7一1-5 BBACD 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 BABBC二1.to learn 2.Dont put 3.yourself 4.could 5.well 6.dangerous 7.matches 8.careless 9.well 10.firemens三1.By the way 2.No problem , take part in 3.tried their best to 4.saved, from 5.keep, away from fire 6.what happened to him

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