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xx届高三英语上学期第五次月考试题考生注意:1. 时量120分钟 ,满分150分 2. 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷(选择题,满分100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the man probably do this weekend?A. Sleep at home.B. Prepare for his exams.C. Go to the concert.2. What did the man receive?A. A credit card bill.B. An ad for a new Visa.C. An announcement of a new bank fee.3. Who are the speakers?A. Colleagues. B. Applicants for a new job.C. University admissions staff.4. What does the man imply?A. He can give the woman two rooms.B. Hell give the woman something for free.C. Hell try to find the woman a house to rent.5. What will the woman probably do next?A. Eat her ice cream.B. Throw out the ice cream.C. Ask for a different ice cream.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What do we know about the woman?A. She invited the man to tea. B. She is interviewing the man. C. She thought she saw a famous actor.7. How does the man probably feel?A. Excited.B. Disappointed.C. Annoyed.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is special about the Double Jack?A. Theres double the amount of ingredients.B. The ingredients are of higher quality.C. It contains extra cheese.9. How might someone get a free hamburger?A. By using a VIP card.B. By entering a contest.C. By being the first one in the restaurant.10. What will the speakers do next?A. Go to a restaurant. B. Go to the bank. C. Go online.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. How many printers are available on the website?A. Six. B. Twelve. C. Twenty.12. What does the man help others do?A. Run their panies better. B. Print out photographs. C. Find the right equipment.13. What is most important to the man?A. Printing in color. B. Keeping the cost down. C. Having the latest technology.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. How will the woman municate with her professors?A. In person. B. Through email. C. In a live discussion online.15. When did the man probably go to school?A. A long time ago.B. A few days ago. C. He is currently in school.16. What does the woman want to do after she earns her degree?A. Work for Apple.B. Start her own pany.C. Do what she likes in a small pany.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the name of the old insurance pany?A. Blue Cross. B. Red Hat. C. United Care.18. How many reasons does the woman give for the change?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.19. Who will be covered for free under the new plan?A. Children of employees. B. All part-time employees. C. Wives and husbands of employees.20. How can people get the health plan number?A. By going to Human Resources. B. By looking in their mailbox. C. By checking their email.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AYou may be wondering what Shreveport is like as you book your trip. The Hustler breaks down what to know and what to do during your time in the city.Search for BigfootLocated about 20 miles northwest of Shreveport, Caddo Lake has been the location of frequent Bigfoot sightings over the years. Stop by the Whole Foods on 1380E 70th St, pack up your picnic, take your telescope and spend an attractive afternoon looking for likely animals!Where to EatHerby-Ks Restaurant: Herby-Ks is one of those classic hole-in-the-wall spots with a legendary reputation, according to Southern Living.Crawdaddys Kitchen: It amazes me how truthful people are in writing reviews; this was an awesome meal, according to Twins2Garner,Yelp Review.Real BBQ(烧烤野餐) and More: Real BBQ and More is a simple roadside barbeque stand in southwestern Shreveport, according to Louisiana Life Travel.Things to Do in ShreveportIf youre going to have some extra time in Shreveport before or after Vanderbilts bowl game, youll want to explore the city. The R.W. Norton Art Gallery is a free museum, which is currently featuring two exhibits: “Enlist! Art Goes to War,1914 1918”and “Scarlett Passions, Bellocqs Storyville”.For those who are interested in science, Sci-Port, Louisianas Science Center, is located in Shreveport. The center holds nearly 300 current exhibits in math, space and science, in addition to an IMAX theater and laser space Dome Planetarium.The Touchstone Wildlife & Art Museum is a popular Shreveport destination, home to an impressively large and diverse collection.How to Get to ShreveportIf you want to reach Shreveport, your best option might be Shreveport Regional Airport. They offer direct flights to and from a number of major cities in the United States, including Atlanta and Las Vegas. You may need a quick connecting flight, but Shreveports airport is there and is probably the quickest way to the city.21.Where will we go if we are interested in the mystery of the natural world?A. Caddo Lake. B. The R.W. Norton Art Gallery.C. Sci-Port. D. The Touchstone Wildlife &Art Museum.22.Why is Real BBQ and More remended?A. Visitors can know more about its reputation. B. Visitors can have a barbecue on the roadside.C. Visitors can have a picnic in the open air. D. Visitors can order some awesome meals.23. What had we better do as a movie fan if we feel tired after exploring the city?A. See a movie in Sci-Port. B. Go to the free museum.C. Enjoy diverse collections. D. Watch an exciting bowl game.24. What can be concluded from the text?A. Shreveport is in lack of tour resources. B. Shreveport has a relatively short history.C. Shreveport has developed movie industry. D. Shreveport provides convenient air services.BMy 11-year-old daughter has been awarded an academic scholarship to a private school. Its only a small discount, but the scholarship means shell skip the waiting list -provided my husband and I can cover $20,000 a year.Should we pay the private school fees, or choose free education instead?I always assumed my children would go to a private school, like I did. Not because my family is wealthy, but because I believe that the best education is private.It took years for me to make peace with the fact that my two children attended our local public primary school.Theyll go to a private high school, I told myself. Yet here we are. My eldest is now in her last year of primary school, and my husband and I will struggle to afford private school.If were to send our girl to private school, I could increase my work hours. My law degree was supposed to be my ticket to a good job and a solid ine, but thats not quite how it turned out.The guilt and expectations are mine alone. Im terrified that my daughters potential will be wasted at the public school. And yet, I know that working more hours will crush (压垮) me.During many sleepless nights, I felt troubled by the decision.Although I want the best for my daughter, I have my own dreams too. I cant sacrifice everything for my precious girl.I explain that I want to be a positive role model for my daughter, and an unhappy parent is a terrible strain on a family.I point out that not even the privilege of private school will protect my children from disappointment or struggle.And finally, its decided. My daughter is going to the public school behind our home. She couldnt be more pleased.Its taken me a little longer, but now Im content. More than my fancy private school education, its my family that shaped me. With high school now 25 years in the past, I can no longer remember the mathematical problems and Shakespearean quotes I once knew so perfectly. The lessons from my childhood home, however, have proved impossible to forget.25. Why did the author want her daughter to go to a private school at first?A. Because her daughter earned an academic scholarship.B. Because she wanted her daughter to receive the best education.C. Because she wanted her daughter to skip the waiting list.D. Because her daughters potential was wasted at the public primary school.26. The author decided her daughter to go to a public school mainly because she realized that _.A. private school doesnt guarantee a solid ineB. she didnt want her daughter to struggle in private schoolC. however hard she worked, she couldnt afford private schoolD. public school is the most balanced choice for her family27. When the decision was made, _.A. the authors daughter was disappointedB. the author felt sorry and guilty about itC. both the author and her daughter were content with the resultD. the author encouraged her daughter to be a role model at school28. What is the main message the author intends to convey in the last paragraph?A. Family influences a childs growth more than school education.B. The lessons learned during our childhood will stay with us forever.C. It always takes people a long time to make a right decision.D. Private school education is not as good as people expect.CHave you ever dreamed of visiting a planet in the Milky Way (银河系)? While the trip sounds exciting, it would take years and years to reach your destination. So in the future, bedtime for astronauts may be more than a few hours of regular shut eyes. They would have to sleep for years. European researchers are now conducting hibernation experiments. The study may help them understand whether humans could ever sleep through the years it would take for a spaceflight to distant planets. If there was an effective technology, it could make deep space travel a reality, said Mark Ayre of the European Space Agency last month. What seems like a science fiction is not pletely unlikely. Researchers have been able to use chemicals to put living cells into a sleeplike state where they dont age. They have now moved on to the small, non-hibernating mammals like rats. A major challenge is the fact that cells can be very simple systems, whereas body organs are far more plex. Its like moving from a simple Apple puter to a superputer, said Marco Biggiogera, a hibernation researcher at Italys University of Pavia. Just like bears and frogs, the hibernation of human beings would cause a persons metabolism (新陈代谢) to be a lower level so they would need less energy. Medical research, however, is just half of a spaceflight hibernation system. There is a challenge of designing a suitable protective shelter. Such a shelter would provide the proper environment for hibernation, such as the proper temperature. It would also have to monitor life functions and serve the physiological needs of the hibernator. According to Ayre, the Human Outer Planets Exploration Mission to Jupiters moon (木星的卫星) Callisto, could be an opportunity to use human hibernation. The mission aims to send six persons on a five-year-flight to Callisto, where they will spend 30 days, in 2045. 29. According to the article, the hibernation research _.A. has made some progress B. is carried out in the U.S.A.C. will put into practice in 2045 D. gets the idea from a science fiction30. According to the article, what can be concluded from Marcos parison?A. Cells in different body organs work in the same way.B. What works in cells may be quite difficult for the organs.C. The hibernation of humans can help save human beings energy.D. The deep space travel may be possible if hibernation research is successful.31. What is the best title of the article?A. Hibernation and Long Life in Space B. Wele to the Milky WayC. To hibernate, to live longer D. Hibernation study for space travelDPhantom vibrations-the phenomenon where you think your phone is vibrating but its not-have been around since the mobile age. Today, theyre so mon that researchers have devoted studies to them. For Valerie Kusler, who works on a cattle farm, the feeling is plicated by the cows. “The cows moo is very muffled, it kinda sounds likeerrrr,” she says.“So thats very similar to what my phone sounds like when it vibrates on my desk or in my purse.” Other people may not confuse cows for their phones, but research shows phantom vibration symptom is a near-universal experience for people with smartphones. Nearly 90 percent of college undergraduates in a xx study said they felt phantom vibrations. The number was just as high for a survey of hospital workers, who reported feeling phantom vibrations on either a weekly or monthly basis “Something in your brain is being triggered(触发)thats different than what was triggered just a few short years ago,” says Dr Larry Rosen, a research psychologist who studies how technology affects our minds. “If youd asked me 10 years ago, or maybe even five years ago if I felt an itch beneath where my pocket of my jeans was, and asked me what I would do, Id reach down and scratch it because it was probably a little itch caused by the neurons firing(神经元刺激),” he says. Now, of course, the itch triggers him to reach for his phone. Rosen says its an example of how our devices are changing how our brains process information “were seeing a lot of what looks like obsessive behavior. People who are constantly picking up their phone look like they have an obsession. They dont look much different from someone whos constantly washing their hands. Im not saying that it is an obsession, but Im saying that it could turn into one, very easily,” Rosen says. While 9 out of 10 participants in the study of college students said the vibration feeling bothered them only a little or not at all, Rosen still remends backing away from our phones every once in a while to keep our anxiety levels down. “One of the things Im really adamant about in spite of being very pro-technology, is just away from the technology for short periods,” Rosen says. “And by short periods. I mean, maybe just 30 minutes or an hour”. 32. According to the article, phantom vibrations_.A. are mainly caused by neurons firing B. affect people mostly working on farmsC. started troubling people in recent years D. help our brains better process information33. The underlined word adamant in the last paragraph probably means_.A. determined B. curious C. satisfied D. cautious34. It can be concluded from Larry Rosens research that_.A. phantom vibrations could probably result in obsessive behaviorB. the use of smart phones has pletely changed the way our minds workC. most people feel unfortable when they experience phantom vibrationsD. hospital workers are more likely to suffer from phantom vibrations than students35. According to Larry Rosen, the most effective measure against phantom vibrations is to_.A. move to a quieter neighborhood B. stop using smartphones in poor conditionC. keep a close watch on your anxiety levels D. take a break from using smartphones occasionally第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ways to Be More Aware of Your EmotionsEmotional awareness es more easily to some people than others. The good news is that its a skill that anyone can practice. Here are a few ways to help you bee more in touch with your emotions.Notice and name your emotions.36._ Name them to yourself. For example, you might say “I feel proud when a class presentation goes well, “I feel disappointed when not doing well on a test or “I feel friendly” when sitting with a group at lunch.Track one emotion.Pick a familiar emotion-like joy-and track it throughout the day. 37._ Whenever that emotion shows up, you can simply make a mental note to yourself or jot(草草记下) it down in a journal. Notice where you are, who youre with and what youre doing when that emotion is present.38._How many emotions can you name? Try going through the alphabet and thinking of one emotion for each letter.Keep a feelings journal.Take a few minutes each day to write about how you feel and why. Journaling about your experiences and feelings builds emotional awareness. 39._ Make art, write poetry or pose music that captures a specific emotion youre feeing.Therere lots more you can try, of course. For example, you can try identifying the emotions an artist is trying to convey as you read poetry or listen to music. 40._A. Build your emotional vocabulary.B. Theyll help you to know yourself.C. Notice how often you feel it and when.D. Know what we want and make choices.E. Then recognize how you feel in response.F. You also can express an emotion creatively.G. Start by just realizing different emotions as you feel them.第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分。)第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分。)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。B.F.Skinner, the world-famous psychologist, discovered that an animal rewarded for good behavior learns more rapidly than an animal punished for bad behavior. Later studies have shown that the same is true of human beings.George is a section chief in charge of 41 for an engineering pany. One of his responsibilities is to 42 that employees wear their hard hats when they are working. Whenever he 43 workers who were not wearing hard hats, he would tell them with a lot of authority of the regulation and that they must obey. 44 , he threatened, they would have 10 percent of their bonuses taken away. As a result they would get silent and sometimes angry 45 , but often after he left, the workers would remove the hats.Later, he decided to try a different 46 . The next time he found workers not wearing their hats, he asked if the hats were 47 or did not fit properly. Then he reminded the men in a 48 tone of voice that the hat was designed to protect them from injury and 49 that it always be worn on the job. Not surprisingly, it worked.Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a persons pride and hurts his sense of 50 . Criticism seldom achieves the desired goal because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him try to 51 himself. Any fool can criticize, but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and 52 . A great man shows his greatness 53 the way he treats little men.Bob Hoover, a test pilot, was surprised when, at 300 hundred feet in the air, both engines suddenly stopped. His first act after the emergency landing was to 54 the airplanes fuel. Just as he suspected, the plane had been filled with jet fuel 55 gasoline. He asked to see the mechanic who had serviced (维护) his airplane. One could 56 how Hoovers anger would burst out at the poor man for that 57 . But seeing the young man was sick with pain from his mistake, Hoover didnt scold him; he didnt 58 criticize him. Instead, he put his big arm around the young mans shoulder and said, “To show 59 Im sure that youll never do this again, I want you to service my F-51 tomorrow.”Instead of condemning people, lets try to understand them. Lets try to 60 the reasons why people do what they do and learn to forgive. Thats more profitable and often breeds sympathy, tolerance and kindness.41. A. environmentB. qualityC. safetyD. finance42. A. witnessB. seeC. emphasizeD. determine43. A. called inB. picked outC. dropp


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