浙江省绍兴市七年级英语上学期12月份教学质量调研试题 人教新目标版.doc

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浙江省绍兴市七年级英语上学期12月份教学质量调研试题 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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浙江省绍兴市七年级英语上学期12月份教学质量调研试题 人教新目标版一、听力 (共20分)第一节、听对话,根据问题选出正确的选项。每段对话读一遍 (每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. What color is Sallys bag? A. Yellow. B. White. C. Purple( )2. What does Anna like for lunch? A. Bananas, oranges and apples. B. Oranges, pears and noodles. C. Oranges, apples and tomatoes.( )3. Who wants to buy shorts?A. David. B. Kate. C. Kates brother.( )4. When is Shirleys birthday? A. Its on December 16th. B. Its on November 16th. C. Its on October 6th.( )5. Why doesnt Alice like geography? A. Because its useful. B. Because its boring. C. Because its relaxing.第二节、听长对话,选出正确答案。对话读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第6-7两个小题。( )6. What does the boy want to buy?A. A pencil B. A pencil-box C. A pen( )7. How much is it?A. 5 yuan B. 15 yuan C. 25 yuan听下面一段长对话,回答第8-10 小题 ( )8. Who found the photo for Tom? A. Mona B. Cindy. C. Alice. ( )9. What does Tom call Dale? A. Father. B. Uncle. C. Brother.( )10. How many people are mentioned(提到) in this photo? A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Five.第三节、听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)( )11.How old is Betty?A12. B13. C15.( )12.What class is Betty in?AClass Six. BClass Seven. CClass Eight.( )13.Who is Miss Li?ABettys mother. BBettys Chinese teacher. CBettys English teacher.( )14.Where are the bags?AOn the desks. BOn the chairs. CIn the desks.( )15.What color is the picture?ARed. BBlue. CYellow.二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Dear Wang Min,How are you? I go to school_16_Monday to Friday. We have_17_subjects math, English, Chinese, art, history, P. E. and music. We have six_18_a day four in the morning and two in the_19_. My favorite subject is math. It is very interesting. My math teacher, Mr. Brown, is very_20_to me. He always_21_me. He tells (告诉) me some good ways to do the exercises. I like music, too. I think it is relaxing. I dont like_22_. I cant draw (画) pictures well.I am_23_at school,but I like my school life (生活). How about you?_24_me at susangmail.com. I want to know_25_school life and favorite subject.Yours,Susan( )16A. about B. from C. under D. with( )17A. seven B. six C. five D. four( )18A. friends B. cards C. classes D. games( )19A. day B. morning C. afternoon D. evening( )20A. fine B. healthy C. happy D. nice( )21A. calls B. asks C. watches D. helps( )22A. English B. art C. Chinese D. history( )23A. busy B. great C. right D. welcome( )24A. Let B. Thank C. E-mail D. Find( )25A. his B. her C. their D. your三、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)AIm in the lost-and-found office (失物招领处) of my school. I help Mr. Green here. Students found some things in the school, and they put them here. For example, here is a purple notebook. Tim from Class 2, Grade 8 found it in the library. Linda from Class 1, Grade 7 found a yellow key. Lily from Class 2, Grade 9 found an English dictionary.Some students lost things in the school. They come to the lost-and-found office for help. Bill lost his black jacket. Tina lost her pen. Wendy lost her schoolbag. Some books and her ID card are in it. Eric lost his computer game.Some students can find their lost things here. Im very happy to help them.( )26Mr. Green works (工作) in _.A. the library B. the student officeC. the computer room D. the lost-and-found office( )27Who found a purple notebook?A. Linda. B. Tim. C. Lily. D. Bill.( )28What are in Wendys lost schoolbag?books pencilsa pencil box an ID cardA. B. C. D. BTiantian Clothes StoreClothesColorPricepantswhite, blue$16shoesblack, brown$20skirtRed, yellow$32socksWhite, black, red$6shirtOrange, blue$28( )29The prices of a skirt and a shirt are _.A. $36 B. $60 C. $50 D. $ 55 ( )30People can buy _ at this store.A. yellow pants B. a white skirt C. brown shoes D. red hats( )31Mrs. Brown has $40 and she can buy _ with it.A. pants and shoes B. a shirt and shoes C. socks, shoes and pants D. a shirt and pants( )32Which sentence is right?A. You can buy socks for only $8 at Tiantian Clothes Store.B. The skirts in yellow and black are $32.C. They have sweaters at a good price at Tiantian Clothes Store.D. skirts and shirts are more expensive(贵) than pants and shoes.CEveryone needs to be healthy.Do you eat healthy food every day? Its important (重要的)for your health. You need fruit, like oranges, apples and bananas. “ An apple a day can keep the doctor away (避开).” You also need vegetables, like carrots and broccoli. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health. But dont eat lots of chocolate. Its not good healthy food. What about dessert?(甜点) Dont eat lots of dessert because its not good for your health. Many people eat lots of chocolate and dessert, so they are unhealthy. Sports can also keep you healthy. Play sports every day. Dont be lazy. You can be healthy.( )33. What keeps you healthy?. A. Food. B. Sports. C. Healthy food.D. Healthy food and sports.( )34. 文中画线句子 “ An apple a day can keep the doctor away.” 的意思是_.A. The doctor doesnt like an apple. B. You dont need a doctor.C. You bring an apple to the doctor and he runs away.D. You eat an apple a day and you can be healthy.( )35. If you dont want to be unhealthy, what cant you do?A. eat carrots and broccoli B. play volleyball every day C. eat bananas and oranges D. eat chocolate and dessert( )36. Whats the best title(标题) of the passage?A. Everyone is healthy. B. How to be healthy.C. Food isnt important. D. A doctor is important.DThis is Bobs room. Its a big room. Some pictures and a clock are on the wall. We can see a desk and a chair in the room. A sofa and a bookcase are also in the room. The desk is between (在.之间)the bed and the bookcase. Bobs schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk. We can find some pencils, a pen and a ruler in the pencil box. The sofa is next to (挨着)the bookcase. His shoes are under the bed. His jackets and ID card are on the bed. Bob likes his room very much. ( ) 37Bobs pencil box is_. A. on the desk B. in the deskC. under the bed D. on the bed ( )38Where is the bookcase?A. It is between the desk and the bed.B. It is between the bed and the sofa.C. It is next to the sofa.D. It is next to the bed.( )39In Bobs room we cant find _.A. pictures B. CDsC. his shoes D. his jackets ( )40Which of the following sentence isnt right?A. Bobs room is really big. B. There are so many things in his room.C. We cant see any school things under the bed. D. There are four kinds of(种类) of things in the pencil-box.四、词汇。(每题1分,共15分)A. 用方框中所给单词适当形式填空,每词限用一次。41. Gina has two _. One is big and the other is small.42. The trousers are too long. Do you have _ones?43. The clothes at Mr. Cools clothes store are on _.44. _your father love sports?45. These are my books. Where are _?B. 根据所给汉语意思及文章内容,写出单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)Dear David, How are you? Im fine. Im in London, at the International School of English. Im in Class 3 with eight _46_(学生). Theyre _47_(来自) different countriesSpain, Japan, Argentina, Switzerland and Thailand. Our _48_(老师)name is Henry Briscall . Hes very nice. Im living _49_(和) an English family. Mr and Mrs Brown _50_(有) three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is _51_(十二), and Andrew is seven. They are _52_(所有) very friendly, but it isnt _53_(简单的) to understand them! London is very big and very interesting. The weather is _54_(好)cold but sunnyand the _55_(商店)are beautiful! Hyde Park, Green Park, and St. James Park are in the city center. English food is OK, but the coffee is terrible . Write to me soon. Love, Paul 五、语法填空(每题1分,共10分)阅读短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的适当形式填空。(不多于三个词)Hi, boys and girls. We know doing sports and _56_(eat) good food can help us be _57_(health). Do you have good eating habits? Now let _58_(I) tell you what I eat every day.In the _59_, I always have eggs. I eat baozi or mantou and I drink some _60_. Milk is good for our health. The breakfast helps me start (开始) the day well. I have rice and vegetables for _61_. I eat meat, too. _62_I dont eat too much, because I dont want _63_(be) fat. My favorite fruit is apples. I usually eat _64_ (one) after lunch. In the evening, I often have soup (汤) and some vegetables. I think _65_(it) are good for me.六、任务型阅读(每题1分,共5分)阅读短文,并根据短文内容完成表格。(每空不多于两个单词)Healthy food and drink for children Is your food and drink healthy? A lot of ice cream, hamburgers are not healthy. Meat is healthy but too much meat is not good for children. Cola and candy are very sweet, and too much sugar is bad for you. Many children dont like tea and milk. But they are really good for their health. Eat the right food and be healthy. Carrots, eggs and potatoes are good for your eyes. Milk, cheese and fish are good for your teeth. A bit tired? Have lots of delicious chicken soup. Its important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and dont get fat.Information Card What is the passage(短文)about?(66)healthy food and for children.What kind of food is (67) ?ice cream, hamburgers and too much meat.What kind of drink is healthy?(68) and milk.What is good for our (69) ?carrots, eggs and potatoes.How can you do to be healthy?(70) ,stay healthy, and dont get fat.七、书面表达(共10分)请根据表格内容,写一篇短文,在英语课堂上介绍Cindy。nameCindy MillerClasses on Fridayage128:00English (interesting)birthdaySeptember 18th9:00Chinese (favorite)Telephone number023-4756869110:00-10:50Music (.)Family Father, mother, a sister11:00-12:00P.E (.)Favorite dayFriday要求:1.词数60左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。2.包含所有要点,可适当发挥。3.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。4.文中不能出现真实的姓名和所在学校的名字。I have a friend, _一、听对话, 根据问题选出正确的选项。每段对话读一遍。1. M: Is this your bag, Sally? W: No, it isnt. My bag is white. This one is green.2. M:Does Anna like fruit for lunch? W: Yes, she does. But she doesnt like pears. She loves oranges, apples and tomatoes.3. M: Kate, lets go to Mr. cools Clothes Store. I need a pair of shorts for school. W: Great! David, I want to buy socks for my brother .Lets go.4. M: When are their birthdays? Do you know, Paul? W: Well, Cindys birthday is on November 6th. Shirleys is on December 16th and Jennys is on October 16th.5. M: I like history and geography. Do you like geography, Alice?W: No, David! I dont like it at all. Its boring. I like Chinese best. Its useful.第二节、听长对话,选出正确答案。对话读两遍 听下面一段对话,回答第6-7两个小题。W: Look, this kind of pencil box is nice.M: Yes, I want to get one for my brother. Tomorrow is his birthday.W: Thats a good idea. What color does he like, blue or green?M: I think he likes red.W: OK, red, How much is it?M: Here is the price tag. It says 15 yuan.W: Its cheap. Lets take it.M: All right.听下面一段长对话,回答第8-10 小题M: Hey, Mona. Where is my photo?W: Your photo?. Its on the chair.M: Oh, thank you, Mona!W: Tim, is this a photo of your family?M: Yes, it is. These are my grandparents. Theyre on the sofa.W: Are these your parents?M: No, they arent. They are my uncle and aunt. Their names are Dale and Alice. And this girl is my cousin Cindy.第三节、听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。My friend Betty is an English girl. She is twelve. She is a student in PEP Middle School in Beijing. She is in Class Eight,Grade Seven. She likes Chinese very much. Miss Li is her Chinese teacher. Bettys classroom is very big. In her classroom,you can see a computer,some desks and chairs. There are some books on the desks and some bags on the chairs. There is a blue picture,too. She likes her classroom.一、听力 (共20分)1-5 BCAAB 6-10 BBABC 11-15 ACBBB二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)16-20 BACCD 21-25 DBACD三、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)26-30 DBDBC 31-35 ADDD 36-40 BACBD四、词汇。(每题1分,共15分)41. dictionaries 42. short 43. sale 44. Does 45. yours46. students 47. from 48. teachers 49. with 50. has51. twelve 52. all 53. easy 54. good 55. stores/shops五、语法填空(每题1分,共10分)56. eating 57. healthy 58. me 59. morning 60. milk61. lunch 62. but 63. to be 64. one 65. they六、任务型阅读(每题1分,共5分)66. drink 67. unhealthy /not healthy 68. tea 69. eyes 70. eat well七、书面表达(共10分)略

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