2019-2020学年高中英语上学期第16周 模块1 课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020学年高中英语上学期第16周 模块1 课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020学年高中英语上学期第16周 模块1 课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020学年高中英语上学期第16周 模块1 课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修2课题必修2模块1 课文语言知识点课时3授课班级考点、知识点文章中出现的重点短语和语言知识点学习目标1. 掌握阅读文章中出现的重点短语和语言点的用法。2. 学会分析句子和归纳总结知识点。重、难点1. 重点:重点短语和语言点的理解和运用;2. 难点:句子的分析和知识点的归纳;学习内容学生活动A puter and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-inShow the following pictures on the screen. T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. Look at the pictures. Who is he?Ss: Liu Xiang.T: Yes, what do you know about him?S1: He was born in Shanghai. He is tall and very handsome.S2: He won the gold medal in the Olympic Games in xx. We are proud of him.S3: He is a sports man and he is good at sports.T: Good! And do you think he is healthy?Ss: Yes.T: Do you want to have a body as healthy as his?Ss: Yes.T: OK, this class, we will talk about how to keep healthy.Step II DiscussionT: In order to stay healthy what you should do or shouldnt do. Fill in the table, please.Sample answers:should doShouldnt doEat fruit and vegetables.Take exercise.Smile often.Get up and go to bed early.Wear warm clothes when the weather is cold.Eat too much fat and sugar.Sleep too long.Get angry or feel sad often.Play in the rain.Drink dirty water.Sit for a long time.T: What do you usually do to stay healthy?S1: I often run for half an hour at weekends.S2: I play basketball every afternoon.S3: My mother has always made sure that we eat healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet.S4: I often listen to radio and watch TV to notice the weather forecast, so that I can change clothes. I dont often get an illness.T: Very good! But what do you think are the most important things you should do or shouldnt do in order to stay healthy. Now talk about this question in groups of five. Five minutes later, a leader should be chosen from one group to speak to the class.Show some pictures on the screen for suggestions. Five minutes later.T: The leader can express the opinion of your group now.S1: We should take a lot of exercise. We think that is the most important thing. Taking exercise can make our bodies strong and we will feel energetic. People, who exercise often, seldom bee ill.S2: We think that eating healthily is the most important thing. Nowadays more and more people bee fatter and fatter because they eat too much fat and they get toothache for eating too many sweet things. The food we eat affects the way our bodies work. So if we eat healthily we will feel great, too.S3: We think that we should keep a good habit. That is the most important thing. For example, get up early and go to bed early. There is a proverb: Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.S4: We should keep happy. We think that is the most important thing. Healthy mind in a healthy body. Anger, horror, sadness, all of them can affect our health. If we smile often, we will bee younger.T: Wonderful! You have done a good job. We know the importance of health and know how to keep healthy, so we should follow the advice. T: Look at the pictures. The persons in the pictures got health problems. Work in pairs. One describes the symptoms. The other asks about it and offers help. First read the example in our book. Then make a dialogue with your partners. You can choose any health problem.Gives some words about health problems on the screen. pneumonia, broken arm, toothache, sore throat, cough, have a cold, have a temperature, stomachacheSample dialogue 1:S1: I think I have a high temperature.S2: Why? What are your symptoms?S1: I have a headache and I feel very cold, but my face is very hot. And I also have a sore throat.S2: Oh dear! What are you going to do?S1: I am not going to school. I think I need a rest and some medicine.S2: OK, youd better stay in bed, and I will get some medicine for you. After you take the medicine, I will go to school and ask a leave for you.S1: Thank you!Sample dialogue 2:Aside: Several students are playing football on the playground. Suddenly a boy falls to the ground. The other students e near. S1: Oh, god! Are you OK?S2: My arm hurts badly. I think I broke my arm. S1: What a bad news! Dont move it. Leave it where it is. Lets send for a doctor immediately.Aside: Here es a doctor. The doctor examines him and binds his arm.S1: You should follow the doctors advice. Stay in bed and dont move the arm for two weeks. S2: That means I cant play football for two weeks. What a pity!S1: Health is the most important. Step IV FunctionFirst, get the students to read the sentences and explanations in Activity 1.T: Read the sentences aloud, please! Pay attention to will.T: We can know that all these sentences make a prediction not talk about intention.Second, ask the students to do Activity 2 and then check the answers. Third, make more sentences according to the examples.S1: Dont play in the rain or you will get a cold.S2: Drink more water and you will feel warm soon.S3: Dont run when you are crossing the road or the car will hurt you.T: Youre quite right. Youve done an excellent job.Step V SummaryT: In this period, we have talked about how to stay healthy and how to offer help when somebody gets a health problem. We have also covered how to make a prediction using “will” and talk about an intention using “be going to”.The Fifth Period WritingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语migraines, feel great, give sb. a prescription, feel a lot better, in full b. 重点句式He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms. P8I have had very bad headaches about three or four times a month. P8I woke up one day feeling awful. P722. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to write a paragraph about a health problem.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to write a paragraph about a health problem. Teaching important & difficult points教学重点和教学难点Teach the students how to write a paragraph about a health problem that they have had.Teaching methods教学方法Task-based learning and discussion.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a puter.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I ReadingFirst, let the students put the sentences in Activity 1 and Exercise 15 in workbook in the right order to make two paragraphs. And check the answers. After that, ask the students to read the paragraphs in the right order. Step II DiscussionT: Try to remember a small health problem you have had and try to describe it, including what the problem was, the reasons, how things ended and so on. Do you remember the last time you were ill?S1: I got an illness two months ago.S2: Last week, I was ill.S3: I have a healthy body and I havent been ill for a year or so. T: Have you ever been to hospital or do you know anybody who has been to hospital?Ss: Yes.S1: I have been to hospital for several times.S2: My grandma has been to hospital.T: Do you still remember the situation that the first time you went to hospital?S: I had flu last week and my parents took me to the hospital. The hospital looked dark and frightening.S: I remember the first time I went to hospital. The smell is terrible. And I saw many children were crying when they were having an injection.T: Good! Can you describe the feeling when you got ill? S: I feel awful when I have a stomachache. I have no appetite even when I see my favorite food.S: I once had a very bad headache. I cant concentrate on my study. And I feel dizzy.T: Now, try to get as much information as you can to fill in the table about a health problem that you have had. Work in pairs.Show the table on the screen.start of the illnesscause of the illnesssymptomswhat the doctor saidwhat the doctor didwhat the doctor didSample answer 1:start of the illnessa high temperaturecause of the illnessplay football in the rainsymptomshave a headache, have a sore throat, feel very tired, have no appetitewhat the doctor saidnot play in the rain, have a full rest, take some medicine, stay in bed and not go to school for two dayswhat the doctor didexamine me, take the temperature, give some medicine, have an injectionhow the illness endedsleep in bed for two days, take some medicine three times a day, feel better at lastSample answer 2:start of the illnessa stomachachecause of the illnesseat sour foodsymptomshave no appetite, feel sickwhat the doctor saidwhat I have eaten, how often it happens, how long it has last, what kind of food I like to eatwhat the doctor didexamine me, give some medicine, give some advicehow the illness endedhave a rest, take some pills three times a day, feel better at lastStep III WritingT: Write a paragraph using the information we have prepared. Pay attention to the connection of the information and organize them well.A sample version:A Health Problem That I Have HadI am a fifteen-year-old girl. Usually I am healthy and seldom get ill. But last week, I had a bad stomachache. I had no appetite at all. I didnt want to eat anything. Although I ate nothing, I still felt sick. Half an hour had passed but I still didnt feel well. My mother called the doctor after she came back from work. The doctor examined me and asked me whether it happened often or not. I told him what had happened that afternoon. He asked me what I had eaten that day. I told him that I had an egg and two pieces of bread in the morning. And at lunch, I had a sandwich and a sausage in the fridge. On hearing that, my mother said the sausage had been out of date for a long time. She was too busy to throw it away. No wonder it tasted sour when I ate it. The doctor gave me some pills and asked me to have a rest that night and not to eat too much sweet or fatty food, especially sour food. After taking the pills, I slept in bed and I felt much better at night.Step IV HomeworkT: After class, go on writing the paragraph, and make your expressions in full.


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