2018届高三英语第一次模拟考试试题 (I).doc

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2018届高三英语第一次模拟考试试题 (I)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) Sydney Trains is one of the most economical, reliable and convenient ways to travel throughout Sydney and its surrounds. Our network, the NSW Trains Intercity, covers suburban Sydney and extends to the Hunter, Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands and South Coast regions.The network is made up of several color-coded lines. Trains from different lines can share the same platform, so check display screen and listen to announcements.Ticket prices are generally based on the distance traveled. You can visittransportnsw. Infofor details.Getting to the City.In Sydney, if youre near a train station, youre on your way to the city. Every rail line leads directly or indirectly to the City Circle. Its the loop around the central business district of Sydney. Most City stations are underground so look out for the sign on street level.Automatic ticket gatesLarge stations have automatic gates for entry to, and exit from, the station. If you have an Opal card or a ticket which has a magnetic stripe you must use the automatic gates. You may use the wide gate for wheelchair, pram or luggage access. Station staff will assist you.Night Ride busesMost trains do not operate between midnight and 4:00 a.m. For your convenience a special Night Ride bus service is available between these hours on most Sydney suburban lines.Track workIn order for the tracks to the maintained, we sometimes have to replace train with buses, particularly at weekends, Please check the track work section for the latest service alterations on your line.1. To get more information about ticket pries, travelers had better_.A. go to the City Circle B. visit a websiteC. check display screen D. listen to announcements2. What service is offered to travelers in need at most big stations?A. A free Opal card. B. Earlier entry to the station.C. Help from station workers. D. A ticket with a magnetic stripe.3. Which is the best convenient time to travel by Sydney Trains?A. At midnight. B. On Sunday afternoon.C. Between midnight and 4:00 a.m. D. At 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday.B “Ive always love food,” says Cassie Dawson in the kitchen of her flat in London. “But Ive bee bored with eating out. Ive had too many disappointing meals and paid too much money for them! At one point, fed up with my plaint, a friend suggested I open my own restaurant. Impossible, I thought. But then I heard about supper clubs.” Supper clubs are a mixture of a restaurant and a dinner partyyou go to a strangers house and he/she cooks dinner for you. Like a restaurant, you pay for your food, but like a dinner party, you eat at the same table as other people. They are advertised through social-networking sites with a menu and little information about where the supper club is until just before the meal. “Its like running a secret restaurant for one night,” says Cassie. “The next morning, I set the tables and chairs aside. I put the TV back and its my living room again.” Cassie opens her “restaurant” for people about once a month, and she really enjoys the evenings shes had so far. She uses fresh, local ingredients and a typical meal costs about the same as a takeaway-much less than a restaurant meal. So how does she make money out of it? “I dont,” says Cassie. “In fact, at first I was worried about losing money on my club. Im good at cooking but my maths is terrible! But I was surprised by how cheaply I could make a good meal. This isnt about money. Its about a different eating experience.”And what about inviting plete strangers into her house? Was Cassie ever nervous about that?“Not at all,” she says. “Almost everyone at the supper club is just interested in having a good meal with other interesting people”.4. Why did Cassie decide to open her own restaurant finally? A. To earn a living B. To satisfy her friends needs C. To make friends with strangers D. To cook cheap and good meals for others5. What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. Dinner parties B. Supper clubs C. Fresh ingredients D. Invitations to dinner6. We can know that Cassies restaurant _. A. serves meals for free B. only serves takeaways C. is only open to her friends D. is only open in the evening7. How does Cassie feel about her restaurant now? A. Worried B. Content C. Annoyed D. SensitiveC Many people believe that language belongs to human beings. However, cats have developed a language not for each other, but for the human begins who have them as pets. When municating with each other, cats “talk” with a system of signals. Their tails, rather than any kind of “speech”, act as an important way to express themselves. They also touch each other to express their feelings. With other cats, they will use their voices only to express pain. Unbelievable, all of that changes when a human walks into the room. Cats use many different kinds of vocal(声音的)expressions when they municate with a person. Since these vocal expressions are not used to municate with other cats, it seems that cats developed this “language” to municate with their human owners. This fact is shown more clearly when watching rooms that have only one cat and those with several cats. An only cat is usually very vocal, since the only creature(动物)around with whom the cat can municate is its owner. Cats with other cats, though, are much quieter. If they want to have a conversation, they only need go to other cats and municate in their natural way. Since cats learned to meow(喵喵叫)for the only purpose of municating with human owners should take the time to learn what their different meows mean. If an owner knows, to name just a few examples, with meow means the cat is hungry, which means the cat wants to be petted, and which means the cat wants to have a little “conversation”, the relationship between cat and owner will be closer.8. If a cat among other has finds part of its body hurts, it may express its pain with its_. A. tail B. eyes C. voice D. head9. When a human enters a room full of cats, they _. A. begin to use vocal expressions B. use their tails to show love C. stop making any noise an D. stop municating with each other10. What are cat owners advised to do? A. Encourage cats to talk with each other B. municate more with cats C. Learn to meow in different ways D. Teach cats to understand human language11. What is the text mainly about? A. munication among cats B. pets different expressions C. Advice on keeping pets D. The language of catsD How much weight a baby gains during its first month could determine its IQ, as a new research suggests. The study found that children who gain more weight, and whose heads grow quickly during the first month of life, tend to have a higher IQ when they start school. Researchers at the University of Adelaide, in Australia studied 13,800 children who were born at full-term. They found that hose who put on 40% of their birth weight in the first four weeks had an IQ 1.5 points higher than those who only put on 15% of their birth weight. Those who experienced the biggest growth in head circumference(头围)also had the highest IQs by the age of six. “Head circumference is an indicator of brain volume, so a greater increase in head circumference in a newly-born baby suggests more rapid brain growth,” says the led author of the study, Dr. Lisa Smithers.She added, “Overall, newly-born children who grew faster in the first four weeks had higher IQ scores later in life. those children who gained the most weight scored especially high on verbal(those children who gained the most weight scored especially high on verbal(言语)IQ at age 6. This my be because the neural(神经的) structures for verbal IQ develop earlier in life, which means the rapid weight gain during the first month could be having a direct cognitive benefit for the children.” Previous studies have shown the association between early postnatal(产后的)diet and IQ, but this is the first study of its kind to focus on the IQ benefits of rapid weight gain in the first month of life. Dr. Smithers says the study further highlights the need for successful feeding of newly-born babies. “We know that many mothers have difficulty establishing breastfeeding in the first week of their babies life,” Dr. Smithers said.“The findings of our study suggest that if babies are having feeding problems, there needs to be early intervention(干预)in the management of that feeding.”12. The study mainly shows that _. A. head circumference is certainly connected to IQ B. babies heads grow quickly during the first month C. full-term babies tend to be cleverer than premature babies(早产儿) D. the more weight newly-born babies gain, the higher IQ they are likely to have 13. How did the researchers get their conclusion from the study? A. By asking questions B. By making parison C. By having a discussion D. By referring to documents14. According to Dr. Smithers, we can learn that _.A. a kids verbal IQ scores reach its highest at age sixB. this study helps parents find feeding problemsC. quick weight gain benefits newly born babies on verbal IQD. this study reminds parents of the need for breastfeeding15. The study differs from previous ones that _.A. it associates early postnatal diet with IQB. it pays attention to the IQ of newly-born babiesC. it emphasizes the significance of successful feedingD. it first focuses on the relation between IQ and weight gain in the first month of life.第二节 阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) Many people find it hard to lose weight and have to go starvation. Now, Id like to offer some tricks to help lose weight. Put out a large vegetable plate. Eating water-rich foods such as tomatoes during meals reduces calorie consumption. Other water-rich foods include soups and salads. _16_ Because the body processes hunger and thirst through different systems, it simply doesnt register a sense of fullness with water (or tea, coffee or juice). Downsize your dinner plates. The less food put in front of you, the less food youll eat. So instead of using standard dinner plates, serve your main course on salad plates._17_ Instead of large glasses and coffee mugs, return to the old days of cups and even smaller coffee cups. Serve your dinner restaurant-style (with food already on the plates) rather than family-style (where the food is served in bowls on the table)._18_ Theres no reaching for seconds. _19_ Youre more likely to eat more-and eat more high-fat, high calorie foodswhen you eat out than when you eat at home. Eat slowly and calmly._20_ Vary your eating with stories of the interesting things that happened during your day. Your brain is behind your stomach by about 20 minutes when it es to fullness signals. If you eat slowly enough, your brain will catch up and tell you that you no longer need food. Serving separate courses will also slow you down.A. The same goes for liquids.B. Eat 90 percent of your meals at home.C. When your plate is empty, youre finished.D. Put your fork or spoon down between every bite.E. Be sure to choose a high-fiber, low-sugar variety of food.F. You wont get the same benefits by just drinking water, thoughG. You should eat equal amounts of vegetables and grains at dinner.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) When I was in my twenties, I travelled alone through the UK. In order to _21_locations that the public transportation couldnt get to, I bought a(n)_22_car, drove it around for three months and sold it before I returned to Australia. The car cost most of my money, so I lived mainly on _23_during that trip, it being cheap and filling. In Ireland, my _24_was stolen, and it was impossible to get another. So for the rest of the trip I _25_out in my car, being too poor to afford bed and breakfast. One morning, I _26_in my old Skoda under a twisted tree on a remote lane in the Irish countryside, with no more than a _27_house in sight. I had a terrible desire for a _28_cup of tea and some hot water to make porridge with _29_. I would not have to eat the cold leftovers from the previous day. My thermos(暖瓶)had gone cold overnight so I knocked on the door of the house. A woman opened it. Hot water? She _30_let me get away with just that! I was invited indoors, seated at the breakfast table with the _31_and given a delicious breakfast, as much as I could eat. I was _32_to eat something more than porridge! I _33_being friends with the whole family. That was only one of many acts of _34_strangers showed me when I was travelling alone in foreign regions. One London businessman rushing to work, seeing me _35_, offered to pull my ridiculously heavy suitcase _36_ several flights of stairs in the underground. After hed done so, with a smile and a wave, he _37_into the crowd. Kindness gets _38_. The other day, I was able to point out a rare parking spot to a young man who had been driving around the railway car park, looking _39_desperate. His grateful smile was all the _40_ I needed as I dashed off to catch my train.21. A. search B. reach C. choose D. arrive22. A. modern B. intelligent C. ancient D. special23. A. porridge B. brand C. rice D. vegetable24. A. car B. mobile C. luggage D. wallet25. A. camped B. worked C. watched D. looked26. A. appeared B. slept C. awoke D. explored27. A. deserted B. single C. simple D. shabby28. A. typical B. clean C. necessary D. steaming29. A. now that B. even if C. so that D. in case30. A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. couldnt31. A. couple B. family C. woman D. adult32. A. amazed B. frustrated C. ashamed D. delighted33. A. ended up B. gave up C. kept on D. turned up34. A. sadness B. kindness C. happiness D. forgiveness35. A. working B. travelling C. struggling D. crying36. A. around B. forward C. away D. up37. A. faded away B. threw away C. put away D. stand away38. A. turned down B. handed out C. passed on D. started with39. A. immediately B. increasingly C. constantly D. directly40. A. award B. memory C. intention D. reward第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) “Be careful, doctor. I can stand anything 41._pain.” When returning from the hospital, I thought about what my previous patient said. Arent we all like that? Well do anything 42._(avoid) pain. We look for weight loss programmes 43_dont require us to count calories or give up our e favorite foods, and exercise programmes that wont make us sweat toe much or feel 44_(tire). We avoid strict teachers and the tough classes in school 45_we dont want to deal with the difficult tasks. When it es right down to it, we dont like the hard work 46_(require)to acplish the goals we truly want in our lives. Why cant we 47_(nature)take the path that we know is best for us? Our earthly nature is to avoid the pain of diet, exercise, difficult classes, and hard work. Only if we change our nature, can we choose the tough, troublesome, and trying pathway. Because it is in 48_(face)the difficult choices that we will truly grow, and our being will be advanced once we decide to face the tough tasks. We 49_(give)a choice when we es across cur earthly nature. We can overe the problems that challenge us or we can enjoy50_(we)by avoiding all difficulties in following our earthly nature. Its our choice. My hope is that well step forward in faith.第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Bill, Im glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring for the weather or my health. Now Id like to tell you anything about the smog. Since last winter, the smog has been occurred a lot of times. It has done great harm to our daily lifea great number people got sick; many traffic accidents happened and quite lots of flights had to be put up. Luckily, people have realized the serious harm causing by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. People all over the country are taking measure to reduce the smog. As for me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I wouldnt throw the waste anywhere. Beside, I will tell people around to try their best to protect the environment. Would you like to tell me some other good ideas? Looking forward to receive your reply.第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom来邮件想了解茶在中国文化中的作用。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括: 1.茶的历史悠久; 2.茶与文学(唐代“茶圣”卢羽写了第一本关于茶的书茶经); 3.茶在生活中的作用。注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:茶经Cha Jing 圣人saint_ 甘肃省天水市第一中学xx高三第一次模拟考试英语试题参考答案阅读理解1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D. 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9. A 10. B 11.D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D七选五16.F 17. A 18. C 19. E 20. D完型填空21-25BCADA 26-30CBDCA 31-35BDABC 36-40DACBD语法填空41. except/but 42. to avoid 43. which/that 44. tired 45. because/ as46. required 47. naturally 48. facing 49. will be given 50. ourselves短文改错Dear Bill, Im glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring for the weather or my health. Now Id like to tell you and anything about the smog.somethingSince last winter, the smog has been occurred a lot of times. It has done great harm to our daily lifea great number people got sick; many traffic accidents happened and quite lots of flights had to be put up. Luckily, of offpeople have realized the serious harm causing by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. People caused all over the country are taking measure to reduce the smog. As for me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I measureswouldnt throw the waste anywhere. Beside, I will tell people around to try their best to protect the environment. wont Besides Would you like to tell me some other good ideas? Looking forward to receive your reply. receiving参考作文Dear Tom, In your email you asked about tea in China. Let me tell you something. Tea has a long history in China, dating back to 5,000 years ago. Obviously it plays an important part in Chinese culture. A great many distinguished poets and writers have written many masterpieces in appreciation of tea and about the love for it, among whom was Lu Yu in the Dang Dynasty, who wrote Cha Jing, the first book on tea, and was regarded as the “Tea Saint”. Chinese people take delight in tea-drinking. It is served not

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