2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 22 Environmental Protection Section Ⅲ Lesson 3课后演练提能 北师大版选修8.doc

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Unit 22 Environmental Protection Section Lesson 3课后演练提能 KEHOUYANLIANTINENG夯实基础知识.单词拼写1_ (沉迷于) on puter games, he takes no interest in study now.答案:Hooked2First, please allow me, on_ (代表) of our school, to wele you here.答案:behalf3His tempers been _ (多变的) this week, so dont annoy him.答案:changeable4Could you give me a _ (粗略的,大概的) idea when youll be back?答案:rough5_ (分开,分离) from her children was a terrible experience for her.答案:Separation6By no _ (方法) can we treat an old man like that.答案:means7The building being _ (建设) is for the old who have no child.答案:constructed8You should _ every good opportunity to improve your spoken English.答案:seize9Unluckily, no one was able to _ the burning house.答案:flee10She has acting _, but she needs training.答案:potential.选词填空result in, turn on, earn ones living, at risk, get over1Finally, rising sea levels and drought caused by global warming could _ large migrations.答案:result in2He has _ the language barrier.答案:got over3So why is nature beginning to _ us?答案:turn on4The whole future of the pany is_.答案:at risk5Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to_ at it.答案:earn ones living.完成句子1Our school _ in the last few years.我们的学校最近几年发生了许多巨大变化。答案:has seen many great changes2The dusk _ in the street.黄昏时,一个小男孩在街上哭。答案:saw a little boy crying3. _ ,the room was lively.这么多孩子又说又笑,房间里充满了生机。答案:With so many children laughing and talking4He stood there _ on the floor.他站在那儿眼睛盯着地板。答案:with his eyes fixed5With a nurse _, he was able to go to work.要有护士照顾他生病的母亲,他就能够上班了。答案:to look after his sick mother.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1 I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,_ my classmates remended to me.答案:which考查定语从句。句意:上周我从图书馆借了一本福尔摩斯,这是我同学推荐给我的。从句中缺少remend的宾语,先行词是the book指物,故用which 引导非限制性定语从句。2 Some people believe _ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future.答案:whatever考查宾语从句连接词。此处believe后是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,又由句意“无论以前发生了什么事”可知用whatever。3 I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village.答案:the;a考查冠词。第一个空表示“去Wilson家的路”是特指用the;第二个空在姓氏前加a表示某一个人。4 If you had told me in advance, I _ (meet) him at the airport.答案:would have met考查虚拟条件句。句意:如果你提前告诉我的话,我就会去机场接他了。根据语境可知,此处是与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,故主句动词用would have done形式。5 Its based on the idea _ all people are created equal, _ is accepted by most people.答案:that; which考查名词性从句和定语从句。idea后为其同位语从句,引导词无词义,不作任何成分,故用that;第二空用which引导非限制性定语从句并作从句主语。6The train will arrive at the station at midnight!Dont worry. Ben _ (stand) on the platform waiting for us.答案:will be standing句意:火车半夜到站!不用担心,Ben那时将正在站台上等我们。本题考查时态。由句意可知,Ben将会在火车到达时正在站台等我们,故用将来进行时。7The cigarette end thrown by a careless woodcutter resulted _ the big forest fire.答案:inresult in “导致”。句意:由一位粗心大意的伐木工人扔的烟头导致了这次森林大火。8People in Los Angeles have no idea of distance on the map, so they measure distance _ means of time not miles.答案:byby means of“凭借,通过(表示做事的方式)”。9We are disappointed because _ (endanger) species increases every year with their natural habitats disappearing.答案:endangeredendangered species濒危物种。10With a flower _ (stick) onto his suit, the bridegroom went into the hall.答案:stuck考查with复合结构。a flower与stick为被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。句意:新郎走进大厅,西服上粘着一朵花。提升实战能力.阅读理解California has a new program called the Digital Textbook Initiative. “Starting this fall with high school math and science, we will be the first state in the nation to provide schools with a stateapproved list of digital textbooks.” That was Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in June, talking about his effort to get schools to use materials available free online. He listed reasons why he thinks digital textbooks make sense.California approves traditional textbooks in sixyear cycles. Digital ones can offer the latest information. They lighten the load of school bags. They save paper and trees, and make learning more fun and interactive. And above all, he said, they help schools with their finances.The state has had to make severe cuts in school spending because of deep financial problems. More than six million students attend California public schools. Earlier this year, California invited content developers to offer digital math and science materials for high schools. These had to meet at least 90% of the states learning requirements. Specially trained teachers examined 16 textbooks and approved ten of them. Six of the ten were published by the CK 12 Foundation, a nonprofit group that had been developing digital science and math books for about two years. The foundation paid teachers and other education professionals to write and edit them. The money came from a group financed by the Khosla Family.California cannot require schools to use the digital textbooks. Individual school districts will have to decide for themselves. Susan Martimo, a California Department of Education official, says she does not expect widespread use right away. Her best guess is that some schools with a lot of technology will be the first to use them, but only in addition to their traditional books.School administrators point out that the texts may be free online, but students need a way to access them. Not everyone has a puter or electronic reader. Schools could print out copies, but that would not help the environment. Also, there is the cost to train teachers to use digital textbooks effectively. 加利福尼亚州开展了一个“电子教科书倡议”项目,它可以解决这个州公立学校的经费问题,及时更新信息,但是它也有一定的弊端。1The Digital Textbook Initiative_.A. will probably take effect in six yearsB. covers all the high school subjectsC. has been approved by all statesD. is advocated by California state governor答案:D细节理解题。由文中第二段第一句可知A项错误;由第三段第一句可知B项错;由文中第一段第二句可知C项错,故D项正确。2Digital textbooks are most meaningful in that they are to_.A. help save moneyB. benefit the environmentC. provide interesting materialsD. reduce students heavy burden答案:A细节理解题。由文中第二段最后一句“above all, they help schools with their finances”可知,电子教科书很有意义是因为它们可以帮助学校省钱,故A项正确。3Which of the following is TRUE of the CK 12 Foundation?A. It publishes all the books for students free of charge.B. It provides money to write and edit all the textbooks in the USA.C. It is organized and supported by Khosla Family.D. It offers digital math and science materials for high schools.答案:D细节理解题。文中第四段第一句提到“offer digital math and science materials for high schools”可知D项与此相符。A项错在all the books,此组织提供数学和科学材料;B项与第四段倒数第二句话内容不符。Khosla Family只是提供钱,故C项错误。4According to Susan Martimo, digital textbooks will _.A. e into fashion from now onB. soon replace traditional booksC. first be adopted by wellequipped schoolsD. surely be approved by school districts答案:C细节理解题。倒数第二段提到她的观点,她认为条件好的学校会首先使用电子课本,但只是作为传统课本的辅助。C项正确。5It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.A. schools are reluctant to print out copiesB. the program is not easy to carry outC. students have no access to the putersD. teachers fail to use the textbooks effectively答案:B推理判断题。最后一段主要讲述了学校人员对这种电子书的担忧。他们指出学生们需要接近电子的途径,并非每人都有电子设备,学校订制复本的话对环境不好,还要让老师有效的使用电子书,综合来看,本段都在说明电子课本执行的难处,故B项正确。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What do they really mean?Food manufacturers and retailers are letting shoppers down. This is the view of the CWS, which has just brought out a new report.According to the report, shoppers believe food labels because they think there are strict regulations in place._1_ So the food industry can get away with all sorts of tricky strategies to make products look bigger and sound better than they are.The report has identified the different ways in which shoppers are misled._2_ Descriptions on packaging are sometimes inaccurate in an attempt to oversell the product. One example given in the report is the phrase “haddock fillets”, used for a product that is in fact cut from big blocks of fish rather than individual slices._3_ These include “traditional”, “wholesome”, or “premium”. The claim that a brand is “90% fatfree” hides the fact that it contains 10% fat, which above remended levels. Phrases such as “free from preservatives”make a virtue out of a normal attribute of food.Labels have a wide variety of text sizes on them. You sometimes need a magnifying glass to read the small print._4_ Another deliberate type of misinformation lies in the image. Many pictures on packets use small plates to make the product look bigger._5_ However, misleading messages on packaging could soon be a thing of the past. The CWS recently produced a code which, if used, would end the current inaccuracies and half truths. It has called on the government to support it as a way of improving food standards.A. Meaningless adjectives are often used to give a positive message.B. An officer says the labels will receive very serious consideration.C. Photographs are sometimes retouched to achieve the same effect.D. By contrast, the hard sell information is given emphasis.E. The rules are, in reality, very weak at present.F. This result has not pleased the food industry.G. The most mon of these is poor labeling.答案:1. E2. G3. A4. D5. C. 语法填空Without proper planning, tourism can cause_1_. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places_2_ are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country. If tourism creates too much traffic, the inhabitants will bee_3_ (annoy) and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them_4_ (polite). They forget how much tourism can help the countrys economy. _5_ is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism_6_ (affect) them. Tourism should help a country keep_7_ customs and beauty that attracts tourists. Tourism should also advance the wealth and_8_ (happy) of local inhabitants. Too much tourism can be a problem._9_ tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work_10_ the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._没有正确的计划,旅游会造成诸多问题。1problems由后文举到的例子“旅游造成交通拥堵,当地居民不高兴等”都是无计划的旅游造成的问题,故此空填problems。2which/that考查定语从句。先行词是places,在从句中作主语,既可用which也可用that。3annoyed考查词形变换。bee在此作系动词,后面需加形容词作表语,主语又是人,故用annoyed“烦恼的”。4impolitely考查词形变换。句意:他们开始不喜欢游客,对他们不礼貌。修饰动词用副词,impolitely“不礼貌地”,符合句意。5It考查形式主语。It is important to do sth.“做某事是重要的”,it作形式主语。6affects考查时态。句意:旅游业怎样影响他们。本文主体时态是一般现在时,主语是tourism,故用动词的三单形式。7the考查冠词。customs后有一个定语从句修饰,表特指,故用定冠词the。8happiness考查词性变换。and连结并列成份,and前是名词wealth,故其后也应是名词。9If考查连词。句意:如果旅游业发展太快,人们必须离开其它的工作到旅游行业中来。if“如果”符合句意。10in解析句意见上题。

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