2018-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题无答案 (IV).doc

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xx-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题无答案 (IV)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where might the man e from?A. Sweden. B. France. C. England.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Magazines. B. A desk. C. A puter.3. What will the man do after work?A. Prepare for a show. B. Attend a party. C. Write some songs.4. When did the woman begin taking a bath?A. At 9:50. B. At 10:00. C. At 10:10.5. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Old friends. C. Aunt and nephew.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Whats the weather like now?A. Its sunny. B. Its rainy. C. Its cloudy.7. What does the woman mean?A. She has no time. B. She will walk the dog with the man.C. She has a new project to do.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why does the man make the call?A. To pay for the party. B. To order a table. C. To invite the guests.9. How much discount can the man get? A. 3%. B. 5%. C. 8%听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the man do?A. A student. B. An engineer. C. A designer.11. Whats the man advised to do to celebrate Mothers Day?A. Buy owers. B. Go home. C. Travel with Mom.12. What will the woman help the man with?A. Decorations. B. Gifts. C. Experiments.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the woman want to do?A. Change a college. B. Change a major. C. Ask for a leave.14. Hows the womans life in Kryptos University?A. Colorful. B. Stressful. C. Lonely.15. What attracted the woman in Kryptos University?A. The business school. B. The teachers. C. The distance to her home.16. Why is the woman familiar with Central University?A. She has visited it for many times. B. She has old friends there.C. She has studied there.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Whats the speaker doing?A. Having a tour. B. Driving a ship. C. Hosting a program.18. What sort of center was Cape Cod 150 years ago?A. Seabirds watching. B. Whaling industry. C. Ships industry.19. Why is the speaker in Cape Cod?A. To stop hunting. B. To do research. C. To see whales.20. Where do people get money to protect whales?A. From tourism. B. From donation. C. From government.阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) AGold Coast Theme Parks e in all shapes and sizes and whether you like roller coasters or playing with furry animals, youre sure to find something. Movie WorldMovie World is the only movie-related theme park in Australia. With one of the best coasts and a good handful of movie-related rides, youll experience a fun filled adventure with the glamour of Hollywood. Get behind-the-scenes movie information and stunt shows(特技表演) to keep the whole family entertained for the best part of a day.Phone: 07-5573-8485Address: Pacific Motorway, Oxenford, Queensland 4210.Sea World With an obvious emphasis on things that live in the water, Sea World has a fantastic rang of fish, sharks, dolphins, seals, polar bears and other animals in the water. With a bunch of great rides, water slides and roller coasters, Sea World is known as the best all-round theme park on the Gold Coast.Phone: 07-5588-2222Address: Sea World Drive, Main Beach, Queensland 4217.Tropical Fruit World Home of the worlds largest variety of tropical fruits, its free to get in and shop for varieties of strange and wonderful fruits, or you can pay to check out mini-train rides, a jungle cruise(漫游) and fruit-tasting shows. Admission is $32 for adults and $15 for kids and free for kids under 5.Phone: 02-6677-7222Address: Duranbath Road, Duranbath, NSW 2487.Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Crocodiles, kangaroos, koalas and almost all of the other famous Australian native animals are living in Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. You can look at them, feed and play with some of them or just experience the fantastic 27-hectare bush land settingan oasis(乐土) of wildlife among the Gold Coast bustle.(喧闹)Phone: 07-5534-1266Address: 28 Tomewin Street Currumbin, Queensland 422321. Where can you ride roller coasters?A. Sea World.B. Movie World.C. Tropical Fruit World. D. Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary22. If you bring your 7-year-old twin to have fun at Tropical Fruit World, you will have to pay_.A. $32.B. $47.C. $79.D. $62.23. What can you do in Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary ?A. Ride water slides.B. Watch stunt shows.C. Feed some animals.D. Experience a jungle cruise.As a kid growing up in Stevens Point in the 1980s, I loved to play and watch basketball. However, after graduating from Pacelli High School, I went to New York to attend the US Military Academy at West Point and joined the army, where life was very different. Over the course of many military moves I met my wife, Dee Dee, and had three of four beautiful daughters: Mackenzie, Brooke and Claire.In xx I left the military and became a civilian. We had been stationed far from family and had travelled enough to have an appreciation for raising our girls in a small university town. This landed us back in Stevens Point. Soon thereafter, my father and I began attending UWSP mens basketball games again. I had not followed them at all over my 25 years away but the games brought back my childhood memories and joy.That first year, my father and I would go to the home games when we could. With work, having children in their own sports and activities, and the birth of our fourth daughter, Paige, the basketball games were few and far between. However, each time we went to a game I could tell there was something special there.We have been going to games more frequently lately. And Christmas gifts to each other have bee season tickets. These are more than just tickets; they are symbols of our mitment to spending some quality time together. Win or lose, the time is well spent. It is a link to our past but also a mitment to our shared future.Going to those games in an experience that allows me to bee a better son, husband and father. We not only cheer for the basketball games and players , but for our successes at home as well.So thank you to all the players, coaches, and fans who have provided not only some entertainment for my father and me, but also a life lesson.24. What did the author do after leaving the army?A. He coached a basketball team. B. He settled down in his hometown.C. He invited his father to live with him. D. He visited West Point with his family.25. How did the author feel while watching games?A. He desperately missed his military life. B. He has worried about his newborn baby.C. He was sad for his teams bad performance. D. He felt happy to be together with his family.26. What does going to basketball games teach the author to do?A. Live a more balanced life.B. Play his family roles better.C. Keep away from his family issues.D. Teach his daughters important life lessons.27. What life lesson did the author learn?A. He would have to face an uncertain future.B. It is necessary to entertain ourselves at times.C. He should avoid giving up what he truly loves.D. It is important to spend quality time with loved ones.CSince ancient times, people have recognized four basic tastes: sour, salty, sweet, and bitter.It wasnt until the late 1800s in Paris that a famous chef, Auguste Escoffier, made a new discovery about taste. First, he fried beef in a pan at a very high heat until it was brown. Then he added a liquid and the taste of the browned meat stock(高汤) wasnt sweet, salty, bitter or sour. Escoffier was a chef, not a scientist, but he was sure he had found a fifth taste. He used his discovery to create some of his famous sauces.(调味汁)About 20 years later in Japan, Kikunae Ikeda was eating a bowl soup. As he ate, he tried to decide what made the soup so delicious. His wife told him how she made it. The basic ingredient was dashi, a stock made with dried seaweed. Suddenly, it occurred to him too: there werent four tastes. There was a fifth taste.Ikeda was a food chemist. He wanted to know exactly what this fifth taste was. He went to work in his laboratory and found the answerglutamate (谷氨酸钠). Glutamate is an amino acid (氨基酸) that is produced when living things begin to die. Ikeda decided to call the taste umami. This es from a Japanese word that means “delicious.”Ikeda continued to work with glutamate. He wanted to find a way to make umami similar to salt or sugaran additive to flavor food. Finally, he isolated (使分离) the glutamate and found that he could add salt (sodium) to it. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, was the food additive he was looking for. It produced the fifth taste.Ikeda and another man started a pany, Ajinomoto, to make MSG. Soon Ajinomoto was selling MSG all over the world. Ikedas MSG was a hug mercial success, but some scientists did not believe umami was really a fifth taste. Then, in xx, almost 100 years after Ikedas discovery, scientists found that the human tongue contains tiny receptors (受体) which responded in a special way only to glutamate.It turned out that the great French chef Escoffier was right. There are five tastes, not just four. Its umami!28. Why did Escoffiers sauces have the fifth taste?A. They bined four tastes. B. They were added a special liquid.C. He made them with seaweed stock. D. He cooked them at a high temperature.29. What do we know about glutamate?A. It is the origin of the fifth taste. B. It es from a Japanese word.C. It is only found in cooked food. D. It easily disappears.30. Why did some scientists doubt Ikedas discovery?A. They didnt like the taste of MSG.B. There was no physical proof of a fifth taste.C. They were unwilling to support Ikedas MSG.D. There was no proper way to produce glutamate.31. What does the text mainly tell us? A. The influence of producing umami. B. A chef and a chemist identified the fifth taste.C. The importance of amino acids in the foods we eat. D. People all over the world use MSG to flavor food . DToday too many parenting websites, books, and articles seem to say, “Make your kid do this, even if he cries, because it is good for him.” Its funny because its a ridiculous message, but its definitely one of the ideas that seems to be conveyed. Its probably a message that many parents get whenever they read pelling advice on the “right things to do” with their children.Yes, we know that kids learn things like language and movement skills best at certain stages of growth and maturation(成熟). Whether we are talking about crawling(爬行), language learning, or social development, we know they are particularly receptive to certain adaptations and “learnings” at different times.Consequently, its logicalwhenever possible and practical - that we might want to take advantage of these stages of maturation and development by providing the right learning environments and stimuli (促进因素) at those stages. After all, who wouldnt want their child to earn a second language when language learning is easiest? Or develop great soccer skills?But we have to remember one thing. Its wrong to force it with a heavy hammer. Id be one of the first people to say this. As parents, we need to learn to recognize when our children are ready for a new learning experience or activity. And then we simply ask one question: Is our child actually a willing participant in our little development project?Because children are not robots. And especially during the toddler(学步的儿童) and preschool ages, its possible to seriously reduce their emerging sense of initiative(主动性) if we “force them” to do particular physical activities “because its good for them”.There are lots of good ways to encourage the personal development of our children. But their early learning and play should never bee boot camp (新兵训练营). It should be, and can be, joyful fun.32. What does the underlined part “pelling advice” in Paragraph1 refer to?A. Encouraging parents to force their kids to learn. B. Advising parents to educate their kids themselves.C. Persuading parents to create a learning environment.D. Remending parents acpany their kids often.33. Which of the following does the author seem to agree with?A. Children should learn what their parents arrange. B. Maturation means being able to learn certain things best.C. Children learn certain things best at certain stages of growth.D. Parents should pay more attention to their kids language learning.34. What does the author advise parents to do?A. Balance the amount of time kids spend on play.B. Avoid forcing their kids to learn new things.C. Help their kids adapt to new learning environment.D. Encourage their kids to develop as early as possible.35. What would be the best title for the text?A. Children are developing well. B. Children should say “no”.C. Children should have fun . D. Children are not robots. 第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Many people dont like formal meetings because they find them a boring waste of time. However, well-run meetings are an essential forum (场所) for discussion, planning and passing on information. 36 Here are three main rules that can help you to make meetings more productive.Rule 1: 37 Run for meetings as you would like others to run meetings that you attend. Running an effective meeting or being a good participant in a meeting is all about showing respect for others, for their ideas and advice. All the other rules depend on this basic principle.Rule 2: Make sure you and others are prepared. Be prepared yourself and make sure that all the participants in the meeting have relevant background information and materials. 38 Nobody should take part in a meeting without knowing why they are there and what the aim of the meeting is. In practice, however, this happens all the time.Rule 3: Start on time. 39 This calls for discipline, but if everyone knows that the meeting will start right on time, they are more likely to be punctual(准时的) themselves. Finishing on time is also very important. If everyone agreed that the meeting would last an hour, say, then it should not “drag on” longer than that. Finally, if you need only 45 to achieve your aim, then you should end after 45 minutes.40 Arranging meetings at inconvenient timesoutside working hours, for examplecan have a negative effect because participants may feel angry and exploited (被压榨的). Apart from emergencies, its a good idea to arrange meetings during the so-called “core week”, i.e. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays.A. Show respect.B. The key word here is “well-run”.C. Never hold unnecessary meetings.D. Begin on time and end on time, or earlier.E. The meeting is a waste of everyones time.F. The time you hold a meeting is also important.G. Write an agenda and distribute it at least two days before the meeting.英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 My dad was one fun guy. He found _41_ in so many aspects of life. One thing he loved was collecting Hawaiian shirts. His favorite was his red shirt with sailboats on it, _42_ sailing was another of his hobbies.My dad _43_during my second year in high school. That summer, I flew to another state to _44_ a family for whom I had baby-sat(当临时保姆) since junior school. I had watched the two boys grow up, and I was close to their parents, Carl and Sarah. It had been a _45_ couple of months for me since losing my dad. It was nice to stay with them. Before I left, Carl told me that if I needed anything, I should never _46_ to call him. I was _47_ by his offer and felt strengthened knowing there was someone else _48_ me.Next summer, I again _49_some time with them. While I was there, my mom drove up to visit. As I helped unpack(卸下货物) the car, I noticed a box with my dads _50_ in it.In plete_51_, I asked my mom what she was planning to do with them. I wasnt _52_ for her to clean out my dads closet(衣橱) yet, and to me, items like his shirts held too many _53_. My mom explained Carl had mentioned he would love to have the Hawaiian shirts and she had decided to _54_them to him. To me, it was like giving away a part of my dad. It took me a while to _55_. But once I did, I could see it _56_. I told her it was OK, and Carl _57_accepted them.Indeed I _58_my dad terribly, but holding on to his_59_wasnt the way to hold on to him. If anyone deserved something that expressed my dads sense of love, it was Carl. His own love for others made him a(n)_60_ recipient (接受者) of those wonderful shirts.41A. tasks Bhope Cjoy Drisks42A. although Bsince Cso D when43A. passed away Bset off Cgave in Dgot back44A. start Bvisit Craise Dcall45A. busy Bhappy C. peaceful Dtough46A. hesitate Bdoubt C attempt Dpretend47A. amazed Bannoyed Cconfused Dtouched48A. wanting Bsupporting Cfollowing D respecting49A. waited B gained Cspent Dwasted50A. books Bphotos Ctickets Dshirts51A. shock Bdisappointment Crelief D embarrassment52A. thankful Bready Cconcerned Dsorry53A. memories Battractions Cinterests Ddreams54A. donate Bsell C deliver Dgive55A. give up Bbreak down Ccalm down Dget away56A. made sense Bworked out C paid off Dmade sure57A. gratefully Bbravely C unhappily Dpitifully58A. admired Bhated Cmissed D trusted59A. promises Bpossessions C positions Dopportunities60A. unsuitable Bunwilling Cobvious Dpassive第 II 卷阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Watching sad movies can sometimes be just _61_ the doctor ordered. A new study shows that watching movies that make us feel _62_ (extreme) unhappy, worried or upset may increase our tolerance(忍耐力) to pain. Researchers at Oxford University say that movies that get your emotions going can increase the amount of endorphins(内啡肽) _63_ (produce) by the brain. These chemicals are our bodys _64_ (nature) painkillers. Dr Dunbar, a co-author of the study, explained that, “Maybe the strong feelings you get from sad movies start the endorphin system The same areas in the brain_65_ deal with physical pain also handle psychological pain.”_66_ (determine) the effect that sad stories have on us, Dr Dunbar and his colleagues conducted tests. They _67_ (invite) 169 people to take part in the experiment. One group watched a sad movie about a disabled man _68_ (battle) homelessness, drug addiction and alcohol. Another group watched a TV program on Britains rocks and minerals. The result showed that _69_ average, the pain tolerance of those who watched the movie increased by 13.1%, while the pain tolerance of those who watched the documentary decreased by 4.6%. Dr Dunbar suggested one reason we like to watch sad movies_70_ (be) the high benefit from the endorphins. 写作 (共两节 满分 35) 第一节 短文改错(10 分) Ms Fan taught me English two years before. Kind and patience, she gave up so many of her free time for others. She listened to our problems, helped us and gave advices while expecting everything in return. As one of her students, I was inspiring to do same for other people. She even forted me and sat with me while I cried because of I failed an important examination. Think of it, I wanted to say ho


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