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2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第一阶段检测试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man want to do?A. Take photos.B. Buy a camera.C. Help the woman.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. A noisy night.B. Their life in town.C. A place of living.3. Where is the man now?A. On his way.B. In a restaurant.C. At home.4. What will Celia do?A. Find a player.B. Watch a game.C. Play basketball.5. What day is it when the conversation takes place?A. Saturday. B. Sunday.C. Monday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答6、7题。6. What is Sarah going to do?A. Buy John a gift.B. Give John a surprise.C. Invite John to France.7. What does the man think of Sarahs plan?A. Funny. B. Exciting.C. Strange.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?A. She has to give up her travel pan. B. She wants to visit another city. C. She needs to put off her test.9. What does Diana want Peter to do?A. Help her with her study. B. Take a book to her friend. C. Teach a geography lesson.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why does the man call the woman?A. To tell her about her new job. B. To ask about her job program. C. To plan a meeting with her.11. Who needs a new flat?A. Alex.B. Andrea.C. Miranda.12. Where is the woman now?A. In Baltimore.B. In New York.C. In Avon.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant?A. Where the restaurant is. B. Whether the prices are low. C. How well the food is prepared.14. When did Jan begin to write for a magazine?A. After he came back to Sweden. B. Before he went to the United States.C. As soon as he got his first job in 1982.15. What may Jan do to find a good restaurant?A. Talk to people in the street.B. Speak to taxi drivers.C. Ask hotel clerks.16. What do we know about Jan?A. He cooks for a restaurant. B. He travels a lot for his work. C. He prefers American food.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What do we know about the Plaza Leon?A. Its a new building.B. Its a small town.C. Its public place.18. When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?A. Saturday nights. B. Sunday afternoons. C. Fridays and Saturdays.19. Which street is known for its food shops and markets?A. Via del Mar Street.B. Fernando Street.C. Hernandes Street.20. Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best?A. It has an old stone surface. B. It is named after a writer. C. It has a famous university.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑What are American high schools like? Well, Im happy to tell you what I know. When I started school here, it had already been a week since the school opened. At this school, freshmen usually go on a trip for about three days at the beginning of school. Unfortunately, I missed that wonderful trip, which would have been the best time to get to know my classmates. I was really sad. I wished Id known about it earlier.Despite the disappointment, however, I gradually adapted to my new life and school.There is a space in the basement of the teaching building where students chat and meet each other. As we do not always have the same classrooms and classmates, the school wants us to get to know each other there. Students usually e to school early, sit in that space and have fun. Around the space, there are many lockers for students to leave their books in, so that students do not have to carry a heavy schoolbag everywhere.It really surprises me that we have almost no textbooks. We only have textbooks for World History and Algebra 2 and they are big and heavy, like bricks. For other classes, we only need binders (活页夹) with paper in them. Without textbooks, students learn things freely and actively. For example, my humanities teacher just teaches us what is in her mind at the time. We never know what we will learn.Another difference between American schools and Chinese schools is that American schools care about students morality more than their academic studies. For example, if you do not finish your homework, you will just be asked to do it later, but if you cheat or lie, you will get a warning or even be kicked out.I think that most students here are good at schoolwork as well, but pared to Chinese students, they can make learning a more joyful experience. I think we should take the good points from our two different kinds of education to perfect our approach to studying.21. What was the writer sad for?A. He was late for school. B. He missed the trip at the beginning of school.C. He didnt know anyone. D. American students looked down upon him.22. Why do students go to the basement of the teaching building? A. To attend class.B. To share a classroom. C. To have fun. D. To meet teachers.23. How do teachers in the US teach the students? A. However they want to.B. They use bricks. C. Some use textbooks; some teach freely. D. They always teach as required. 24. According to the passage, in American high schools, _. A. you are likely to be kicked out if you cheat B. youll be punished if you do not finish your homeworkC. students are better at school work than Chinese studentsD. students care much about the grades they getBZheng Pengyu: Interest is the best teacher. Classrooms that werent fixed could give students the chance to explore their interests. At the same time, they would be able to learn on their own because they would have to make their own decisions. All in all, the new system would be a good chance to inspire students passion for studying.Sun Yao: Despite its benefits, Im worried about whether the new system would work. Going to different classrooms would take up a big part of our break time and we would have less time to relax after class. Also, not all schools could offer so many diversified classes.Shi Zhenghan: I support students learning in different classes. It would solve the problem of some students thinking the classes are too easy while some think they are too difficult. Teachers could also teach more effectively. Whats more, friendships built while in different classes might be a pleasant surprise.Zhou Qingqing: In my opinion, studying in different classrooms might affect students psychological (心理的) development. They might find it difficult to develop deep and strong friendships with other students if they had to change classrooms constantly. They would also lose their sense of belonging to a certain class.Hu Qile: I applaud the idea. It would help teachers set up special teaching plans for different classes. For students, making choices by themselves could encourage them to be responsible. Changing classrooms could also help relive the boredom of doing the same dull routine (惯例) every day. Wang Xiaoqian: The new system might help with students individual development, but I still prefer the current system. Studying in one fixed classroom, students with different academic levels can help each other. Spending your senior middle school years with the same classmates is an unforgettable experience. 25. According to Sun Yao, which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. The new system will work if great measures are taken.B. All the schools cant afford so many diversified classes.C. Students will have more time to relax.D. He supports the system because of its benefits.26. Among the following people, who prefers the new system?A. Sun Yao B. Hu Qile C. Zhou QingqingD. Wang Xiaoqian27. What is the passage about?A. Schools should offer diversified classes to students.B. Students find it difficult to develop friendship.C. Different opinions about changing classroom.D. Changing classroom can help with students individual development.28. Which of the following can best replace the word “applaud” in paragraph 5?A. hate B. oppose C. favorD. benefit CIn the gym of Croxteth munity School, Liverpool, 50 boys have pleted a course on boxing that is seen as a sign for its return to state schools.The Schools Amateur Boxing Association (SABA) has developed the Kid Gloves scheme, a non-contact (非接触)version of the sport where outside coaches teach a range of basic skills.Chris Andrews, assistant secretary of the SABA, said the scheme was regarded as a way of changing the decline in boxing in state schools which began 25 years ago.Safety fears and the poor image of professional boxing had accelerated the sports decline. Concern was worsened by incidents such as the death of the professional boxer Bradley Stone. But the Croxteth example was winning more supporters. Mr. Andrews said the idea was particularly well received in the north-east of England.He said, “I think there is a genuine recognition that there are aspects to boxing, if it is controlled and properly run, that really is very beneficial to children. This scheme takes away the dangers. I hope boxing can be promoted throughout the country in a more coordinated(协调的) way.” Such an idea horrifies such groups as the British Medical Association (BMA) and the British Safety Council, both critics of the idea.Dr. Jeffrey Cundy, the joint author of a BMA report on boxing, accepted that the scheme in Liverpool was non-contact, but he was still opposed. He said, “We feel that children should still not be introduced to boxing, because they will then be encouraged to take up an activity which is uniquely dangerous when actual contact takes place.”He added, “There is a whole range of sports which will teach the discipline that es from boxing without the dangers. We see this reintroduction in schools as an unhealthy development.”At the 800-pupil Croxteth school, Steve Stewart, head of PE, said boxing had helped to improve self-confidence, self-discipline, self-awareness and self-respect in those taking part. Everybody could get involved and, because all were starting from scratch, the improvements could be quickly seen.Gerry Thompson and Tony Curry, both 12, have enjoyed the boxing sessions and say they will both join a local boxing club. “I thought it was brilliant,” said Gerry. “I would rather be a professional boxer than a footballer. Its more enjoyable.”29. According to the text, the Kid Gloves scheme is developed by SABA primarily to .A. provide more fun for students B. promote the boxing course in a less dangerous wayC. help students gain a sense of achievement D. encourage students to be better-behaved30. Dr. Jeffrey Cundys attitude towards the return of boxing to schools can be described as .A. supportiveB. unconcernedC. neutral D. disapproving31. The underlined part “all were starting from scratch” probably means .A. starting the course was difficult B. scratching was the first step to learn boxingC. everyone was inexperienced and started from the very beginningD. students would easily get hurt during the course32. In which section of a newspaper can we most likely read the passage?A. EducationB. LifestyleC. ScienceD. BusinessDSurfing the net when you should be finishing a work report, changing clothes when you have a train to catch, or perhaps even lying in bed when youve promised yourself youll work out. Sound familiar? You arent alone. We all procrastinate (拖延) sometimes, especially when it es to things we arent really fond of. A study revealed that we spend about 218 minutes procrastinating every day, which amounts to 55 days of lost time each year. We might not think these figures particularly worthy of worry, but when we look at the overall impact of procrastination on our lives, its a different story. Not only does this cost financial loss, it also affects peace of mind. In general, people who continually put things off are unhappier, as well as being less wealthy and healthy.So why do we do it? “When we avoid taking action, were really avoiding pain,” explains psychiatrist (精神病学家) Phil Stutz.For most of us, pain avoidance isnt limited to one situation. It applies to almost anything thats painful. Most of us try our best never to leave a fort zone. Thats why we sacrifice something much more valuable: time. “Our time on earth is limited,” Stutz adds. “Every moment is an opportunity well never have again. Procrastinators act as if they have all the time in the world. But deep down, they know theyre wasting parts of their life. The trouble is, most of them dont know how to free themselves.”One way he says we can reach this level of freedom is by overing the pain of avoidance using daily visualization (想象). “Picture the pain youre avoiding as a black cloud in front of you,” Stutz says. “Notice how youre tied of the ways this pain has held you back in life, and tell yourself that youre determined to conquer it. Then its time to get through the cloud and to the other side where youre free.” It is obvious that this tool works when we want to procrastinate. We then get into the habit of moving “towards” pain instead of away from it.Experts insist: procrastinators can change their behavior, it takes a lot of self-work but in the end, its worth the effort. And start today, not tomorrow. 33. The writer begins the passage by . A. mentioning habitual activitiesB. asking related questions C. presenting abnormal thingsD. paring different opinions 34. According to the passage, people procrastinate because they . A. get accustomed to taking action B. dont know how to free themselves C. are not aware of the limited time D. prefer to stay in the fort zone to avoid pain35. One possible way to stop procrastination is to . A. lie in bedB. avoid the pain C. overe it mentally D. reach the freedom 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Are You Ready to Make a Lifestyle Change?When it es to weight loss, the words you might hear are: lifestyle and changes. 36 But, if it were that simple, Id be out of a job and youd be too busy working out to read this. Losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life like, how you spend your time, how you schedule your day, and how/what you eat.Whats Your Lifestyle Like? 37 So what is a healthy lifestyle? The typical ponents include not smoking, eating healthy foods, exercising and keeping the body at a healthy weight. First, figure out how much time you spend doing the following:Sitting at a desk 38 Sitting in front of a puterDrinking alcoholEating fast food or junk foodsStaying up late/not getting enough sleepNow, How Much Time Do You Spend?Being active in general (taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, gardening, cleaning, etc.)Doing cardio exerciseStrength training for all muscle groups with challenging weightsTracking your caloriesSleepingDealing with stress in a healthy way39 Living healthy means spending time and energy on your bodymoving it around and paying attention to what you put into it. Staying in an unhealthy lifestyle means you can avoid expending energy, time and effort. Choosing HealthAs humans, we like habits and routines so much that we often keep doing the same things even when we know they arent good for us. Changing bad habits takes time and effort. 40 For example, what time you get up each morning.A. Sitting in front of a TVB. How you spend your free timeC. For a healthy lifestyle, you may be changing a variety of things.D. It may seem like losing weight is a simple goaldo some exercise, go on a diet!E. The reason why lifestyle is so important is that it determines how healthy you are.F. Losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life.G. If you spend more time doing the things in the first list than the second, its time to change your lifestyle.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Im a straight-A student and have been my whole life. When you e from a family of educators, it just seems41.With high academic standards and a 42 school, I dont just like losing and I also cant43 it. I need to beat the 44 students, perfectly in everything. Ive even gone so far as to define myself by my 45, saying how outstanding I am. If I dont get the grade I 46 then I am lost. Today I was sitting in class trying to 47 the last minutes studying for a test in which I had to get full marks. 48 the girl behind me started talking to me, I tried to listen 49while still glancing at my study sheet 50. When I thought the conversation required it, I smiled, nodded and 51. And then I found myself wishing she would be 52 so I could study. After a while, she said, “You know, youre a really good 53. Youre so easy to talk to.” I froze.I 54 the praise in my head before smiling and accepting it gladly. But inside, I knew it wasnt true. Shed made every effort to have a conversation and I wasnt even trying to 55.I passed the test excellently despite my 56 of lost study time, but the one thing I needed to learn most wasnt on that test. I had 57 being the best student so that I had failed at just being normal. So what 58 to me most? What I have is all about my personal 59and about me being too self-centered. There can only be so many scholars, but there is 60enough sympathy. I want that to be what matters to me sympathy.41. A. naturalB. amazingC. unforgettableD. usual42. A. conservativeB. petitiveC. controversialD. conventional43. A. grantB. remendC. resistD. stand 44. A. ordinaryB. handsomeC. top D. allergic45. A. gradesB. tricks C. strengthD. appearance46. A. inventB. expectC. intendD. hide47. A. swellB. spendC. collectD. take48. A. Because B. Before C. WhenD. Since49. A. cautiouslyB. bitterlyC. stifflyD. politely50. A. now and thenB. in no timeC. for a long timeD. in any case51. A. refusedB. workedC. agreedD. doomed52. A. quietB. gentleC. elegant D. capable53. A. talkerB. listenerC. lecturerD. teacher54. A. rewardedB. restoredC. renewed D. replayed55. A. alarmB. gatherC. participateD. proceed56. A. worryB. emotionC. horrorD. possession57. A. plained ofB. turned in C. focused on D. given up58. A. appealsB. matters C. emergesD. devotes59. A. diplomaB. mitmentC. depressionD. success60. A. alwaysB. everC. muchD. never第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 I feel _61_by my friend Hannah. On Monday, we had _62_surprise math test. I was sure to get a good mark, _63_ I was wrong. I failed. I felt so ashamed that I didnt want others to know it. I pretended _64_(be) cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.I told her the truth. I admitted how_65_I had done. I made her promise _66_to tell anyone and she said she would keep my secret.To my surprise, the next day, I noticed that my classmates _67_(stare) at me. I thought Hannah must_68_(tell) others.I was so angry _69_ I went straight to her and blamed her for not keeping my secret. She swore that she hadnt told anyone, but I didnt believe her. I dont think I c

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