2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period 3 Learning about Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc

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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period 3 Learning about Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period 3 Learning about Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period 3 Learning about Language课时巩固提升 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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Unit 3 puters Period 3 Learning about Language课时巩固提升. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The land to the north of the Mississippi_. (already, explore)2. When and where to build a new hospital_(decide)yet. 3. _the photo_(develop)yet? If not, youd better get it ready as soon as possible. 4. Professor James will give us a lecture, but when and where_(decide). 5. The students_(tell)to look after their desks and chairs. 6. Every possible means_(try)by the pany to bring down the wholesale price of its products. 7. Three fourths of the project_(plete)until today. 答案: 1. has already been explored2. hasnt been decided 3. Has;been developed 4. hasnt been decided 5. have been told 6. has been tried 7. has been pleted . 用主动语态或被动语态改写句子1. The storm has caused millions of pounds worth of damage. _2. They have asked him some difficult questions. _3. Tom has given me two tickets for the new play. Would you like to go with me? _Would you like to go with me? 4. Widespread attention has been attracted by the standard of the nations literature and art. _5. A new library has been built by us in our school this year. _答案:1. Millions of pounds worth of damage has been caused by the storm. 2. Some difficult questions have been asked by them. 3. I have been given two tickets for the new play. 4. The standard of the nations literature and art has attracted widespread attention. 5. We have built a new library in our school this year. . 完成句子1. In the Name of People is one of the best TV dramas that_ _ _ this year. 人民的名义是今年被播放的最好的电视剧之一。2. In the last few years thousands of films_ _ _ all over the world. 过去几年全世界已拍摄了上千部电影。3. It is the third time so far that such a festival_ _ _ in my hometown. 迄今为止这是第三次在我的家乡举行这样一个节日。4. Great changes_ _ _ in my hometown and a lot of factories _ _ _ _. 我的家乡发生了很大变化并建起了许多工厂。5. The construction of the two new railway lines_ _ _ by now. 迄今为止, 这两条新铁路的建设已完成。答案:1. have been shown 2. have been produced 3. has been held 4. have taken place;have been set up5. has been pleted . 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Drugs in Britain 1. _(use)by more and more people in the last five years. Use of hard drugs, for example, cocaine and crack cocaine, 2. _(increase)as a result of these drugs 3. _(bee)cheaper and easier to buy. Many people in Britain are more likely than other Europeans 4. _(take)illegal drugs. UK 5. _(teenager)are taking up to five times 6. _(many)drugs, for example, ecstasy tablets and cannabis, than in other European countries. 7. _most mon drug for UK teenagers is cannabis. Over 35% of 15 to 16-year-olds say they have tried 8. _. Harder drugs such as crack cocaine are less mon. As many as one in twelve 12-year-olds have taken drugs. British law puts drugs into three groups, 9. _the most 10. _(danger)Class A drugs to the least addictive Class C drugs. 1. 【解析】have been used。根据句中的时间状语in the last five years可知该句应用现在完成时, 并且物作主语, 用现在完成时的被动语态。2. 【解析】is increasing。由全文语境及后文的“毒品越来越便宜且容易买到”, 可知毒品的使用量正在增加, 故应用现在进行时。3. 【解析】being。介词of后应该用动名词, 故填being。4. 【解析】to take。be likely to do sth. 固定句式。5. 【解析】teenagers。从后面谓语动词的形式are taking可知主语应是名词复数形式。6. 【解析】more。由本句话中than可知用比较级形式。7. 【解析】The。最高级前用the。8. 【解析】it。第二次提到那种药, 为了避免重复用it。9. 【解析】from。from. . . to. . . , 从到, 固定搭配。10. 【解析】dangerous。修饰名词drugs, 故用形容词。

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