2019-2020学年高中英语上学期第4周 Grammar教学设计.doc

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2019-2020学年高中英语上学期第4周 Grammar教学设计课题必修4模块3课时5授课班级考点、知识点文章中出现的重点短语和语言知识点学习目标1. 掌握阅读文章中出现的重点短语和语言点的用法。2. 学会分析句子和归纳总结知识点。重、难点1. 重点:重点短语和语言点的理解和运用;2. 难点:句子的分析和知识点的归纳;条件状语从句的引导词状语从句由从属连词if(如果), unless(除非), as long as(只要), on condition that, in case, once等领导。例如: You can not learn a language well unless you work hard. 除非你努力学习, 否则学不好语言。I will e on condition that Mary is invited too. 如果也邀请玛丽, 我就会来。If you wake up before me, give me a call. 如果你醒的比我早, 请叫我一声。I will give you the money as long as you go with your elder bother. 只要你同你哥哥一块去, 我就会给你钱。Take some money in case you may need it. 带点钱万一你需要。Once you give it to him, you will never get it back. 一旦他把东西得到手, 你就再也要不回来了。Period 4Function; Grammar 2; Pronunciation; SpeakingThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period first we will deal with Function part. The teacher may order the students to read the pieces of advice in Listening and vocabulary Activity 4 again and underline the modal verbs in them. Then work in groups of four to discuss in which conditions or situations people use the modal verbs should or must to give advice. In Grammar 2 part, we will further learn adverbial clause of condition. In Pronunciation part we will listen to two speakers with an American accent and a British accent respectively. The teacher may encourage the students to listen very carefully and then ask them to sum up the differences between the two accents. The Speaking part exposes a dialogue. The students get a chance to perform a role-play, which raise the students awareness of cooperation. Meanwhile, they can also practise how to ask and give advice. Teaching Important PointsTo motivate the students to work together. Teaching Difficult PointsHow to enable the students to master the differences between an American English accent and a British English accent. Teaching MethodsListening and discussion. Pair work as well as group work. Teaching Aidsa blackboard, a tape recorder and a multimediaThree Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsTo let the students know the differences of an American accent and a British accent clearly and can use them freely in the future studies. To train their listening skills. To train their speaking skills. Process and StrategiesEncourage the students to speak in class through organizing some practice. Feelings and Value Through listening to and making parisons between an American accent and a British accent, train the students cooperation concept and deepen their understanding of American English and British English. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision and lead-inT: Good morning, class! In last period we have learned adverbial clause of condition and two subordinate conjunctions when and if. In addition, we did some listening practice and improved our listening skill. Meanwhile, we learned some pieces of advice, right?(Show the following on the screen.)You should shake hands when you meet new people. You should bring some flowers or a bottle of wine. You should open gifts immediately. You shouldnt use family names. You shouldnt arrive too late. You shouldnt talk about politics or religion. You mustnt leave as soon as you finish the meal. You must thank your host for a wonderful evening. You mustnt arrive early. Step 2 FunctionT: Now look through these sentences again and underline the modal verbs. Then discuss with your partners to see in which situation people use them to give advice. (The teacher gives the students a few minutes to prepare.)T: (A few minutes later.) Are you ready?Ss: Yes. T: Well. According to your discussion, plete the following sentences. (Show the following on the screen.)1. We use the modal verb _ to give advice. 2. We use the modal verb _ to give strong advice. 3. You _ means Its a good idea to. . . 4. You _ means Its very important to. . . T: Lets do this together. Fill in the blanks one by one. No. 1? Which word?Ss: Should. T: pletely true. What about the second one?Ss: Must. T: Well done. Sentence 3?Ss: Should. T: Good job. How about the last one?Ss: Must. Suggested answers: 1. should2. must3. should4. mustT: Through Activity 1, weve got something about two modal verbs used to give advice. In the following activity, you can know more about how to use them to give advice. On the screen are five sentences about customs. Work in pairs and plete them with should, must and their negative forms by guessing. Do you know. . . ?1. In France you _ shake hands every time you say hello and goodbye. 2. In Thailand you _ touch someone on the head, even by accident. 3. In Spain you _ wait until 10 pm before you have dinner. 4. In Japan you _ give a pen-knife as a present. 5. In Russia you _ make a toast every time you take a sip from you glass. (Give the students a few minutes to discuss and guess.)T: (When time is up.) Stop here, please, are you ready?Ss: Yes. T: Well. (The teacher can ask volunteers to do this one by one.). . . T: (After finishing this exercise.) In these customs, which one do you think is surprising or interesting? If you have your own distinguished opinion, would you like to share it with others?Ss: (Different students have different opinions so this is an open topic which can interest the students in other countrys customs and culture. In this way could they strengthen their munication ability.)Suggested answers: 1. should2. mustnt3. should4. shouldnt5. mustStep 3 Grammar 2 T: In last period we have learned something about adverbial clause of condition and two subordinate conjunctions when and if. As we have known, both of them introduce situations whose results are explained in the other part of the sentence. In addition, it usually uses the present simple tense. The following Grammar 2 part will lead you to further more information about adverbial clause of condition. Here are three sentences with adverbial clause of condition. Read them through and answer the questions below. (Show the following sentences and questions on the screen.)a)If you meet someone you usually shake his or her hand. b)What should I do if Im invited to dinner?c)Unless youre unlucky youll soon think of something. 1. Which sentence refers to a normal everyday situation?2. Which sentence refers to a possibility in the future?3. Which word in the third sentence means if. . . not? (Give the students a few minutes to prepare this and then ask a few good pairs to give answers by such means as one ask the questions and the other reads the sentences or gives answers.)T: You performed well just now. In order to consolidate what you learned, I prepare an exercise for you. (Show the exercise on the screen.)1. If you _ a cake you host _ very pleased. (take, be)2. Unless the weather _ better, I _ at home. (get, stay)3. He _ home early if he _ well. (go, not feel)4. What _ I _ if they _ about politics?(do, talk)5. If you _ your hand the taxi _. (raise, stop)6. I _ anything unless he _ me. (not say, ask) (Give the students some time to prepare.)T: (A few minutes later.) Are you ready?Ss: Yeah. T: Now check the answers according to what are shown on the screen. Suggested answers: 1. take; will be2. gets; will stay3. will go; doesnt feel4. shall; do; do talk5. raise; will stop6. will not say; asksStep 4 PronunciationT: You all give wonderful performances in the last steps. In the following section we will practice our pronunciation. Here is a short passage about giving advice which es from the listening activity. You may be familiar with it. First read it through, meanwhile pay much attention to your intonation and pronunciation, OK?(Show the following dialogue on the screen.)When youre invited to someones home, its a good idea to bring a gift for you host. It doesnt have to be something expensive, perhaps some flowers or a bottle of wine. If you have a meal, dont start eating before everyone else is served. And whatever you do, dont leave immediately after the meal is finished. T: Stop here. Now listen to a speaker with an American accent and pare his pronunciation with your own. (The teacher plays the tape.)T: Now listen to a speaker with another accent, that is, a British accent. Listen more carefully and pay attention to the differences existing between the American and British accents. (Once more the teacher plays the tape through.)T: Work in pairs and discuss the differences in both accents you have heard. T: (A short while later. ) Who wants to show your opinion?Sa: /t/ in American English sounds more like /d/. T: Good. Just this one? Different opinion?Sb: I think that / in American English sounds like /. T: Absolutely true. The third one?Sc: In my opinion, when /r/ is pronounced in an American accent, the stress is usually put in the front of the tongue. T: Right. What about the last one?SD: I heard that /: / is more like / /. T: This practice really shows that your listening ability is greatly improved and your pronunciation sounds wonderful. Now you practice reading this short passage again with an American accent. T: (A little while later.) You may have learned how to pronounce a word in an American accent. Next lets have another kind of practice to see if you really master it. Look at the following three short passages and listen to the tape as well as follow the reading. Then check what kind of accent they are read with. (The teacher shows the passages on the screen.)Its best to avoid any heavy-going conversation topics. So avoid politics or religion pletely. If your mind goes blank, try not to panic. And its usual for people to open gifts when they receive them, so dont be surprised. Thats the way we do things. . . But when you leave, be sure to thank your host for a wonderful evening. Oh, and one last thing to remember: Have a great time!(The teacher plays the tape after the students.)T: Are you clear what accent the speakers use to read them with?Ss: Not definitely yet. T: OK. Another chance to hear again. (The teacher plays the tape again.)T: Are you sure of your answers now? If not, have a short discussion with your partner. (Then the teacher shows the answer on the screen for them to check.)Suggested answers: UKUKUSStep 5 SpeakingT: So much for our pronunciation practice. Now lets e to the next part: Speaking. In this part we will perform a role-play game. First please look at the instructions and ensure that you know what to do. T: Now I divide you into groups of four to prepare the same role play together. Ss: (Preparing the role play. )T: Have you prepared well yet?Ss: Yes. T: Since you have made a full preparation, pair students of different groups, e on! Give a performance before the class. Any volunteer pair?Group A: Lets have a try. T: Wele. (Circulate and monitor their performances.) Step 6 Summary and homeworkT: Today first we further practiced how to give advice by summarizing some modal verbs we usually use to express our opinion. Through the study of this section your spoken English surely has been improved. Then we further study and consolidate adverbial clause of condition by filling in the blanks exercise. In addition, we listened to short passages about giving advice and knew something about the differences existing in pronunciation between an American accent and a British accent. This practice improves your accuracy of pronunciation. Meanwhile we have also acted out a role-play to practice our speaking ability. Your homework today is to practice the American accent after class. Thats all for today. You are dismissed!The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 3Body Language and Non-verbal municationThe fourth period1. Its a good idea to do. . . 2. Its important to do. . . 3. Every time sb. do. . . 4. Your mind goes blank. 5. by accident 6. by chance7. make a toast8. take a sip 9. refer toRecord after Teaching_Activities and Research1. Find two cities to make parisons. 2. Find out more listening materials to practice. Reference for TeachingGrammar条件句可分为真实条件句和非真实条件句假设的情况有可能发生的条件句叫真实条件句, 使用陈述语气; 如果主句是将来时, 从句就用一般现在时。假设的情况完全是一种假设或发生的可能性不大的条件句叫非真实条件句; 在非真实条件句中, 用虚拟语气。I will go out with you if it is fine tomorrow. 明天天气好的话, 我就和你一块去。If it were not raining now, I would not be staying at home. 如果现在不下雨的话, 我就不会待在家里了。He will not leave unless it is fine tomorrow. 除非明天天气好, 否则他不会走的。If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay at home with him. 如果明天下雨的话, 我们就跟他待在家里。If you had stayed with us, you would have seen him. 如果那时你跟我们在一块的话, 你就会见到他了。Period 5Grammar 3; Writing; Everyday EnglishThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period we will lead the students to another kind of adverbial clause adverbial clause of concession and train the students speaking and writing ability. In Grammar 3 the students will understand how to apply interrogative pronouns and adverbs plus ever to introduce adverbial clause of concession. In writing the students will learn to write a short reply to an invitation and have a good understanding of the differences between a formal invitation and an informal invitation. Everyday English in this module is not so difficult and the students may try to use them into their conversations. If the students could bine everyday English and body language to express themselves, it would be much better. Pair-work as well as individual work will be involved in this period. Teaching Important PointsLearn to write a reply to an invitation and pare a formal invitation and an informal one. Teaching Difficult PointsMake the students pare two kinds of invitations. Learn to use everyday English to municate by bining body language. Teaching MethodsPair work and individual work. Discussion. Practice & explanation. Teaching AidsMultimedia & a blackboard. Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsTo train the students speaking. To make the students learn to write a reply to an invitation. To make the students practice expressing themselves by using both everyday English and body language. Process and StrategiesMake the students learn how to use some simple Everyday English in a conversation. Through the analysis of the steps in writing a short reply to an invitation, the students may learn some strategies in writing parisons. Feelings and ValueThrough the study of this period deepen their understanding of different customs and culture of different countries and areas. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision (Greet the students as usual.)Check their workbook exercises. Have a dictation: munication, aggressive unconscious threatening involve deal spread give away hold up informal etc. Step 2 Grammar 3 Adverbial Clause of ConcessionT: Good jobs, all of you! In last period we have learned something more about adverbial clause of condition. Remember? Ss: Yes. It introduces two situationsa normal everyday situation and a possibility in the future. T: Very good! This period well learn another kind of adverbial clause, that is, adverbial clause of concession. Please look at the screen. (Show the following sentences on the screen.)1. Whatever you do, dont leave immediately after the meal is finished. (a)It is important to leave immediately after the meal has finished. (b)Dont do anything after the meal has finished. (c)You can do anything you like after the meal has finished. (d)It is important not to leave immediately after the meal has finished. 2. However hungry you are, you shouldnt start to eat before your host does. (a) If you are very hungry you can start to eat. (b) Even if you are hungry you should wait. (c) It is important to start eating before your host. (d) Dont eat anything if youre not hungry. T: Read the sentences and choose the correct meaning. You can discuss with your partner if you have difficulty in understanding them. (After a short discussion call back the students answers by asking one students to read the sentence and another to read the correct definition. Then show the answers on the screen. )Suggested answers: 1)d2)bT: Well done. Can you summarize the grammatical rules of this adverbial clause through this exercise? Sa: Sometimes the adverb clause is placed at the beginning of the sentence. When it introduces the sentence, it is always set off with a ma. T: Quiet right. Any different idea? Sb: I think that the interrogative pronouns act as object in the clause, however, interrogative adverbs only modify adjectives or other adverbs. T: Good summary, ha? Lets have a brainstorm. Please think of as many interrogative nouns and adverbs ended with ever as you can. (The students say these words and the teacher write on the blackboard. )interrogativepronounswhoeverwhicheverT: Have known interrogative pronouns and adverbs, lets practice using them. Here are some sentences on the screen. Discuss with your partner and fill in the blanks with whoever, whenever, wherever or however. (The teacher shows the sentences on the screen.)1. _ I feel lonely, I think about you. 2. _ he is, he is very rude to me! 3. _ I go, I always meet interesting people. 4. You can invite _ you like to the party. 5. _ late you arrive, Ill e and meet you. 6. I feel shy _ she say hello to me. 7. I hear that song _ I switch on the radio. 8. _ much I study, I find these exercises difficult. T: (A few minutes later.) Are you ready? The right answers are on the screen. You check them by yourself. Then translate them into Chinese. (The teacher shows the right answers on the screen.)Suggested answers: 1. Whenever2. Whoever3. Whenever4. whoever5. However6. whenever7. whenever8. HoweverStep 3 WritingT: You all give wonderful performances. Now follow me to the next partWriting. Read the invitations and answer the questions on the screen. (Show the questions on the screen.)1. Who is the first invitation from? 2. Who is the second invitation from? 3. Which is formal or informal? How do you know? T: (A few minutes later.) Have you finished your reading yet? Ss: Yes. T: Question 1, who gives your answer? S: Let me try. The first invitation is from Mr. & Mrs. Harry. T: Good. Sit down, please. What about the second one? S: In my opinion, it es from Sylvia. T: pletely true. The last question might be a little bit difficult. Any volunteer? S: Me. As far as I am concerned, the first invitation is formal because the language is formal. T: Thanks a lot. Step 4 Everyday EnglishT: The writing practice gives us a chance to contact two different styles of invitations, that is, formal and informal. Choosing the right level of formality is important on social occasions. For example Good morning is formal, but Hi is very informal. Next time you listen to a speech in a conversation, try to guess if it is formal or informal by the words people use. You can then use them in similar situations. When we talk with foreigners we may often be confused by what they say. For example, if we hear somebody say “Mary has gone bananas. ” maybe well be puzzled. But actually he means “Mary has gone mad. ” Sometimes it is difficult for us to make sense of some English expressions. Here are more examples. Read

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