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review Sentences 它是关于蚂蚁的 你为什么正在查找蚂蚁的信息 它们确实做有趣的事情 它们都做什么样的事情 它们通常生活在干燥的地方 但能在水中存活两个星期 这没说 蚂蚁总是在早晨伸展腿 It saboutants Whyareyoulookingupants Theydoreallyinterestingthings Whatkindofthings Theyusuallyliveindryplaces buttheycansurviveunderwaterfortwoweeks Itdoesn tsay Antsalwaysstretchtheirlegsinthemorning Anelegantsize elegant elignt adj 高雅的 讲究的size saiz n 尺寸 大小bybus乘公共汽车intoprep 进入perfect p fikt adj 完美的footn 脚wearv 穿 戴clothesn 衣服 apairof一双theatren 剧院 NewwordsandExpressions sizebybusintoperfectfootwearclothesapairoftheatre 大小 尺寸乘公交车进入完美的脚穿 戴衣服一双剧院 ListeningandUnderstanding Listentotherecording andthenanswerthisquestion Whycan tAnniewalkinhershoesbeforelunch Polly You relookingveryeleganttoday Annie Annie Yes I monmywaytomyaccountant s Ialwaysputonaniceoutfitforhim onone swayto 在某人去 的路上onone swayhome在某人回家的路上OnmywaytoschoolOnhiswayhome accountant s accountant sofficemymother s mymother shouse Notesonthetext 课文注释 1 You relookingveryeleganttoday look意为 看上去 arelooking 这里的现在进行时态表示现在时刻的状态 elegant eli nt 人或其举止 优美的 文雅的 漂亮的 Notesonthetext 课文注释 2 I monmywaytomyaccountant sonone swayto 在某人去 的路上Sheisonherwaytoschool HeisonhiswaytoNewYork Heisonhiswayhome 3 Ialwaysputonaniceoutfitforhim always总是 频度副词 同样的词有often经常 usually 通常 sometimes有时never从不表示事情发生的频率puton穿上putonyourjacket putyourjacketonputiton putthemon Annie SoI mgoingbybus Polly Whatdoyoumean Annie 4 whatdoyoumean 你是什么意思Whatdoyoumean youdon tlikemycooking 你是什么意思 你是不喜欢我做的饭 Whatdoyoumeanbycominghomesolate 你怎么竟敢这么晚才回家 Annie Well Iusuallywalkintotown ButtodayI mgoingbybus It smyshoes yousee Polly Yourshoes Into 表示进入动作gointotheshopIn 表示在里面的状态intheshop 5 town城镇city城市country国家 乡村 Annie Yes myshoes Theyaresizesix Polly They reperfectwithyouroutfit too 用于肯定句和疑问句Ilikethem too Doyoulikethem too either 用于否定句Idon tlikethem either Annie Thanks Ilikethem too Annie ButIcan twalkintheminthemorning They refineintheafternoon Polly Whatdoyoumean Annie Myfeetaresizefiveinthemorning andsizesixintheafternoon Ican twalkintheseshoesbeforelunch foot复数feettooth teethgoose geese 一般现在时 TheSimplePresentTense 1 表示现在的状态 2 表经常或习惯性的动作 3 表主语具备的性格和能力等 4 普遍真理和自然规律 e g He stwelve She satwork e g Igetupat6 30everyday HereadsEnglisheverymorning e g Shelikesnoodles TheyspeakFrench e g Twoplusfourissix Themoongoesaroundtheearth sometimes 有时 一般现在时态的时间状语 always often usually sometimes hardlyever seldom 很少 never everyday everyweek onSundays threetimesaweek always 总是 usually 通常 often 经常 never 从不 hardlyever 几乎不曾 almostalways几乎总是 seldom很少 almostnever几乎从不 频率副词的比较 1 be动词的一般现在时的句式 肯定句 主语 be 表语 n adj 等 e g Heisateacher Youarethirteen Theyareintheclassroom 否定句 主语 be not 表语e g Heisnotateacher Youaren tthirteen Theyaren tintheclassroom 一般疑问句 Be 主语 表语 e g Isheateacher Yes heis No heisn t Areyouthirteen Aretheyintheclassroom Yes theyare No theyaren t 特殊疑问句 疑问词 be 主语 e g Whatishe Whatcolouristhatbird Howoldareyou Wherearethey 2 实义动词的一般现在时句式 肯定句 主语 I We You They 实义动词 其他e g IgotothebeachonSaturdays Theyplaybasketballeveryday 主语 He She It 实义动词三单现形式 其他e g HegoestothebeachonSaturdays Lucyplaysbasketballeveryday 否定句 主语 I We You They do not 动词原形 其他e g Idon tgotothebeachonSaturdays Theydon tplaybasketballeveryday 主语 He She It does not 动词原形 其他e g Hedoesn tgotothebeachonSaturdays Lucydoesn tplaybasketballeveryday 一般疑问句 Do 主语 I we you they 动词原形 其他 e g DoyougotothebeachonSaturdays Dotheyplaybasketballeveryday Does 主语 he she it 动词原形 其他 e g DoeshegotothebeachonSaturdays DoesLucyplaybasketballeveryday 主语为第三人称时谓语动词的变化 1 一般情况下加s 清辅音后读作 s 浊辅音后诗作 z help helpscome comes 2 以s x sh ch结尾的在后面加es 读作 z teach teacheswash washesgo goesguess guessesfix fixes 3 以辅音字母加y结尾的改y为i再加es 读作 z study studiestry tries carry carriesplay 游戏 plays 4 以o结尾的在后面加es 读作 z go goes 1 WhatcanKate Shecan ride abike 2 Letme open thedoorforyou 3 Jimlikes swim atthepool 4 Myfatherwantsme clean thebedroom 5 It ssunnytoday Let s go shoppingnow 6 Doyouwant fly thekite 7 Look She lie onthebeach Sheoftenenjoys onthebeach do ride open swimming toswim toclean go tofly islying lying 1 Theygoswimmingeverysummer 2 Katestudieshardatschool 不规则一般现在时 包含发音 单数第三人称形式 be is z have has h z do does d z say says sez 以不发音字母 e 结尾的开音节词 如果尾音是 s z 时 加 s 后字母 e 发音 与所加 s 一起读做 z 如 close closes z Lookandsay Whataretheydoing Dotheyoftendolikethis Thegirlisskipping Thegirlskipseveryday Sheisflyingakite Sheoftenfliesakite Sheisdoingherhomework Shedoesherhomeathome Theyareplayinggames Theyoftenplaygamesafterclass Theyaresinging Theysometimessing Theyareswimming Theyusuallyswimintheriver MrsGreeniswashingthedishes Shewashesthedisheseveryday 一 现在进行时的概念 定义 现在进行时态表示现在 说话瞬间 正在进行或发生的动作 定义 现在进行时态还可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 Example Wearelearningintheschoolthesedays Iamreadingabookthisweek 二 现在进行时的构成 主语 be am is are 动词现在分词 V ing 基本结构 肯定式结构 主语 be 动词 ing形式 其他 否定式结构 主语 be not 动词 ing形式 其他 一般疑问句式结构 Be 主语 动词 ing形式 其他 特殊疑问句式结构 疑问词 be 主语 动词 ing形式 其他 现在分词的基本构成 一 动词原型 ing Example read reading eat eating 二 以e结尾的动词 去e ing Example write writing make making 三 重读闭音节要双写结尾的辅音字母在 ing Example put puttingrun running 把下列句子变为进行时态 WewatchTV 2 Ilookattheblackboard 3 Wedrinktea 4 Hehashislunchathome 5 Youmaketea WearewatchingTV Iamlookingattheblackboard Wearedrinkingtea Heishavinghislunchathome Youaremakingtea 1 youraunt work herenow No she 2 Look SamandBill swim intherivernow 3 Whatarethey They play soccer 4 you yourhomework No I write aletter 5 Look Thegirls dance inthepark Is working isn t areswimming doing areplaying Are doing amwriting aredancing 1 Listen What he sing inthenextroom 2 It steno clocknow Thestudents have aChineseclass 3 Don ttalk I m do myhomework 4 Canshe look aftermybabynow Sorry shecan t she eat lunch 5 LiLei yourmother wait foryouattheschoolgate is singing arehaving doing look iseating iswaiting 1 I mplayingcomputergames 2 TheyarewatchingTVinthesittingroom 3 We replayingbasketballat4 00 课堂练习 2 Look they play Soccer 3 Thefamilyoften eat dinnerat7 00a m 4 Iwant talk toyou Jeff 5 Whatlanguagecanhe speak 1 Jim clean hisroom Yesheis 用括号里的动词适当形式填空 totalk speak eat areplaying cleaning Is 一 二 句型转换1 Iamwateringtheflowers 否定句 Iamnotwateringtheflowers 2 She sopeningtheboxnow 一般疑问句 Issheopeningtheboxnow 3 Theboysareplayingcards 划线提问 Whataretheboysdoing 4 Heisdoinghishomework 复数句 Theyaredoingtheirhomework Homework 1 单词 size perfect foot clothes theatre rest stay lie exercise soon 2 口语打卡 句型2 33 练习unit6

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