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GoodluckonSunday Unit2 reporter London sDocklands 多克兰 London sDocklands ExCelCentre marathon马拉松赛跑 耐力的考验 MarathonExpo Expo Exposition 展览 Howmanycompetitorsarethere Thousandsofcompetitors 成千上万 tradefair tradefair exhibitor film village lookforwardto laugh radio television luck运气reporter记者centre中心visit参观 访问tradefair贸易博览会noisy嘈杂的 喧闹的hundredsof数以百计的exhibitor参展者thousandsof数以千计的 visitor参观者village村庄laugh大笑competitor竞争者 参赛者listener听众lookforwardto盼望 期望spirit本质 精神film电影say说town市镇 城镇city城市 单词记忆大比拼 根据汉语说出英语单词 单词记忆大比拼 根据汉语说出英语单词 单词记忆大比拼 根据英语说出汉语意思 reporter London sDocklandsMarathonExpo PaulBruce GoodluckonSunday R Myname sTomFrench I mspeakingtoyoufromtheExCelCentreinLondon sDocklands Wearevisitingthisyear sMarathonExpo GoodluckonSunday R ThisistheTradeFairoftheLondonMarathon It sverynoisy Therearehundredsofexhibitorsandthousandsofvisitorshere GoodluckonSunday R Thisisabiginternationalevent Butit slikeavillage Peoplearetalkingandlaughinglikeoldfriends GoodluckonSunday R I mstandingwithoneofthecompetitors LetmeintroducePaulBruce Hi Paul P Hi Tom GoodluckonSunday R Paul pleasetellourlisteners ThisisyourfirstMarathon isn tit P Yes itis GoodluckonSunday R AreyoulookingforwardtoSunday P Yes Iam R That sthespirit Paul GoodluckonSunday Unit5 33 Whatisshedoing Sheislookingattheblackboard Unit5 34 Whatishedoing Heiseatingsomemeat Unit5 35 Whatishedoing Heislisteningtoher Unit5 36 Whatareyoudoing Iamdrinkingtea 选择填空 1 Mymotheris TV A lookingatB seeingC readingD watching2 you abook Yes Iam A Do readB Are readC Are readingD Are looking3 Kate theothers A sing listenB issinging islisteningC sing arelisteningD issinging arelistening D C D 1 She twodaughters hasB doeshaveC haveD haves2 Therearetwo inthehouse A familyB familiesC familysD home3 Myfatherandmother teachers A areB isC doD does4 Theyare Jenny sfamily A B aC anD the6 Whatisyouruncle Heis officer A aB anC theD ABADB 8 KateandI doing homeworknow A am theirB aretheirC isourD areour9 Myfatherandmotherare A BusesdriverB busesdriversC busdriversD busdriver10 Theyaretalking today snewspaper A ToB withC ofD about11 Doyoulike onthegrass TositB sitingC sittingD bothAandC12 Thisistheway ourhair ThatwecombB tocombC ofcombingD alltheabove DCDDD 选择适当的动词 用动词的适当形式填空watchhavetalktakecomecomb梳playgetsaylisten1 Lilysays I threemarkersandmysister one 2 Iwantto totheradioafterlunch 3 She herhairinthemorningaftershe up 4 MissZhangis onthecomputerwithJenny 5 I milkandbreadformybreakfasteveryday havehaslistencombsgetsplayinghave Unit5 41 We work onafarmnow Listen Someone knock atthedoor 3 Lucy notread atthemoment 4 Wherearethey They run outside areworking isknocking isn treading arerunning 一 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Look Thecat run upthetree 2 Thetwins have breakfast 3 he clean theblackboard No heisn t 4 Tom play thepianointheroom Pleaseaskhimtocomehere 5 Listen They sing intheclassroom isrunning arehaving Is cleaning isplaying aresinging Unit5 43 用所给动词的适当形式填空 6 It s6o clockinthemorning They have theirbreakfast 7 Myfatherisoverthere He clean hiscar 8 CanIspeaktoMrSmith I mafraidnot 恐怕不行 He have ameetingatthemoment 9 Look Somestudents run there 10 What theboysandgirls do there arehaving iscleaning ishaving arerunning are doing Unit5 44 二 用下列单词 构成含有现在进行时的句子 1 Bill eat some leaves now 2 Lily play with her friends 3 I talk to a policeman 4 the children wait for a bus 5 a boy read an interesting book Billiseatingsomeleavesnow IsLilyplayingwithherfriends Iamtalkingtoapoliceman Thechildrenarewaitingforabus Aboyisreadinganinterestingbook 句型转换1 WeliveinChina 就画线部分提问 2 Ihavenobrothers 同义句 3 Myfatherisaworker 就画线部分提问 4 Iwillhaveabirthdayparty 变为一般疑问句 Wheredoyoulive Idon thaveanybrothers Whatisyourfather Whatdoesyourfatherdo Willyouhaveabirthdayparty 5 Theboyislaughing 就画线部分提问 6 Theoldmanhasnochildren 同义句 7 Wearelisteningtotheradio 就画线部分提问 8 Sheisfifteenyearsold 就画线部分提问 Whatistheboydoing Theoldmandoesn thaveanychildren Whatareyoulisteningto Howoldisshe Unit5 47 1 我的妈妈正在做早饭 Mymotherismakingbreakfast 他正在弹吉他吗 Isheplayingtheguitar 她不在拉小提琴 Sheisn tplayingtheviolin 她们在干什么 正在打篮球 Whataretheydoing Theyareplayingbasketball Lucy和Mary正在打排球 LucyandMaryareplayingvolleyball 三 把下面的汉语翻译成英语 Unit5 48 四 句型转换1 Iamwateringtheflowers 否定句 2 She sjumpingnow 一般疑问句 3 Theboysareplayingcards 划线提问 4 Heisdoinghishomework 复数句 Iamnotwateringtheflowers Isshejumpingnow Whataretheboysdoing Theyaredoingtheirhomework 谢谢 放映结束感谢各位的批评指导 让我们共同进步

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