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UnitFifteenLesson30 语音学习 au nowhowWow aboutbrowncowhousehousewifetowerthousandcrowd 读以下句子练习发音 1 Now tellmesomethingaboutMissKaren 2 Wow Susan shairisbrown she sverybeautiful 3 Thehousewifealwaysdoalotofthingsinthehouse 4 Drawatoweronthepaperandshowusafterthat 5 Getout Don tmakenoiseinthehouse 该音是个双元音 发这个音时 要特别注意舌位和口形的变化 要从舌位低 口形大的 a 滑到舌位较高 口形小的 u 发第一个音时舌尖要抵住下齿 发第二个音时舌尖后缩 不抵下齿 且嘴巴要前突 收圆 有明显的滑动 发音时一定要发够长度 常发这个音的字母组合有 ou ow UnitFifteenLesson30 生词和短语学习 1 Wecanbuyalotofthingsfromthatshop 2 Therearealotofpeopleonthestreetinthemorning 3 Thereisanoldboatintheriver 4 Wecanseemanyanimalsinthewaterfromthatbeach 5 Thisbenchisbrownandthatchairiswhite 6 Thecowscanmakemilkforus inthesteet 车辆在马路中间 开动 onthestreet 行人在马路边 行走 UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There samaninfrontoftheshop B No therearetwomeninfrontoftheshop 2 A Aretheretwomeninfrontoftheshop B Yes thereare A Aretheypolicemen B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanymenarethereinfrontoftheshop B Therearetwo They repolicemen 4 A Therearetwomeninfrontoftheshop Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They repolicemen UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There sawomanneartheschoolgates B No therearefourwomenneartheschoolgates 2 A Aretherefourwomenneartheschoolgates B Yes thereare A Aretheyhousewives B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanywomenarethereneartheschoolgates B Therearefour They rehousewives 4 A Therearefourwomenneartheschoolgates Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They rehousewives UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There sacarinthestreet B No therearetwocarsinthestreet 2 A Aretheretwocarsinthestreet B Yes thereare A Aretheyoldones B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanycarsarethereinthestreet B Therearetwo They reoldones 4 A Therearetwocarsinthestreet Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They reoldones UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There saboatonthebeach B No therearethreeboatsonthebeach 2 A Aretherethreeboatsonthebeach B Yes thereare A Aretheynewones B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanyboatsarethereonthebeach B Therearethree They renewones 4 A Therearethreeboatsonthebeach Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They renewones UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There sananimalunderthetrees B No therearethreeanimalsunderthetrees 2 A Aretherethreeanimalsunderthetrees B Yes thereare A Aretheycows B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanyanimalsarethereunderthetrees B Therearethree They recows 4 A Therearethreeanimalsunderthetrees Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They recows UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There sananimalinthefield B No therearefiveanimalsinthefield 2 A Aretherefiveanimalsinthefield B Yes thereare A Aretheyhorses B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanyanimalsarethereinthefield B Therearefive They rehorses 4 A Therearefiveanimalsinthefield Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They rehorses UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There sadogunderthebench B No therearetwodogsunderthebench 2 A Aretheretwodogsunderthebench B Yes thereare A Aretheybigblackones B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanydogsarethereunderthebench B Therearetwo They rebigblackones 4 A Therearetwodogsunderthebench Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They rebigblackones UnitFifteenLesson30 句型学习 1 A There sacatbesidethegate B No therearethreecatsbesidethegate 2 A Aretherethreecatsbesidethegate B Yes thereare A Aretheyprettywhiteones B Yes theyare 3 A Howmanycatsaretherebesidethegate B Therearethree They reprettywhiteones 4 A Therearethreecatsbesidethegate Canyouseethem B Yes Ican They reprettywhiteones UnitFifteenLesson30 书面练习 仿照例子做练习 1 fourwomen neartheschoolgates housewives 2 twocars inthestreet oldones 3 threeboats onthebeach newones 4 threeanimals underthetrees cows 1 Aretherefourwomenneartheschoolgates Yes thereare Aretheyhousewives Yes theyare 2 Aretheretwocarsinthestreet Yes thereare Aretheyoldones Yes theyare 3 Aretherethreeboatsonthebeach Yes thereare Aretheynewones Yes theyare 4 Aretherethreeanimalsunderthetrees Yes thereare Aretheycows Yes theyare UnitFifteenLesson30 书面练习 读下面的对话 用下表中的短语完成对话 然后写出来 Paul Let splayfootball1 Robert 2 Oh Paul 3 Robert Robert Wecan t4 Thereisn tafootballhere Paul Thereis There soneinthekitchen Robert Oh yes Hereitis 5 Paul 6 Paul 7 I mnotready playfootball inthefield that sagoodidea that snotfairwhat sthematter hereyouare catch inthefield That sagoodidea What sthematter playfootball Hereyouare Catch That snotfair UnitFifteenLesson30 句子结构 填入所缺的单词 然后查看第29课的课文 1 arePaulandGary They reTomandMr Ford pic 1 2 Canwefootballwithyou pic 2 3 You retheofoneside Robert pic 3 4 AndSam you rethecaptainoftheside pic 3 5 Now howmanyarethere pic 4 6 That snot pic 5 7 Hecanplayvery pic 6 Where with play captain other players fair well UnitFifteenLesson30 听力 听录音 并回答问题 1 WhoisWilliam sfavouritewriter William sfavouritewriterishiswifeKaren UnitFifteenLesson30 听力材料 Karen En Areyoubusy Busy Yes Iam IseverythingOK Yes everythingisfine Karen therearesometeainthekitchen Tea Yes tea CanIbringyousometea Yes thankyou William Karen whattimeisit Whattimeisit En I mnotsure Tellme isitlate Lookattheclock It sabitlate It ssixo clock UnitFifteenLesson30 听力材料 Sixo clock Really Oh whataboutthekids Andwhataboutyou Oh I msorry William Areyouhungry No I mOK Karen andthekidsarefine Theyaredownstairs But whataboutmyfavouritewriter Areyouhungry En I mnothungry butIamthirsty Well teaisreadyinthekitchen How sthebook Karen It sfine well I mfine MaybethebookisOK too I msureitis Well Mrs Jenkins myfavouritewriter yourteaisready pleasecomedownstairs Goodidea Mum William Iamhungry That snice thechildrenareinthekitchen Let sgo UnitFifteenLesson30 仿照例句 根据回答写出合适的问题 1 Therearethreehundredstudentsinourschool 2 ThatcatisLucy s 3 Underthetrees That sourteacher Mr Ford 4 Therearesixgoodplayersonourside 5 No I mnothungry butI mthirsty 6 Therearethreehorsesinthatfield 7 I mnotverywell 8 No therearetencarsinthestreet 9 It seighto clock 10 Hisnewfootball sblackandwhite Howmanystudentsarethereinyourschool Whoseisthatcat Who situnderthetrees Howmanygoodplayersarethereonyourside Areyouhungry Howmanyhorsesarethereinthatfield Howdoyoudo Aretheretwocarsinthestreet Whattimeisit Whatcolourishisnewfootball UnitFifteenLesson30 选择填空 1 PaulandGaryareovertherethefootballfield pic 1 a inb onc with2 Wecanplayfootballthem pic 1 a onb inc with3 You rethecaptainoneside Robert pic 3 a withb forc of4 Now howmanyplayers pic 4 a thereareb aretherec theyare5 Hecanplayvery pic 6 a fairb wellc good6 He stwoplayers pic 6 a lateb letc like 从a b和c中选择正确的答案填空 然后查看第29课的课文 b c c b b c

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