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题型六任务型阅读理解素养训练提高S U Y A N GX U N L I A NT I G A O【1】(xx山东莱芜)阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Stress is a feeling you can have both in your mind and in your body.3.It can make you want to eat less,not talk to your friends and family.A little stress in life is normal.But controlling stress is important because if you feel stressed too long,it can seriously affect your body.Older people who have stress for a long time can develop heart disease,high blood pressure and other serious health problems.The good news is that it can be very easy to control stress.Here are three tips.Tip 1:Try to eat right.Some people who feel stressed try to feel much better by eating chocolates,ice cream and other sweets.A little sugar isnt bad for you but dont stop eating fruit and vegetables.Tip 2:Exercise regularly.4.People who are very busy with jobs or family life can feel tired a lot. Getting regular exercise can give you more energy and help you think about the things in your life that give you stress.Tip 3:Most importantly,watch out for each other.Stress can make you feel alone.Its important to pay attention to the stress in people that are close to you:friends look out for friends,teachers look out for students.A.根据短文内容简要回答问题。1.Why is controlling stress important?2.What health problems can develop if older people have stress for a long time?B.将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。3.4.C.请给短文拟一个适当的标题。5.【2】阅读短文,根据短文后的要求答题。At many Thanksgiving dinners,everyone around the table shares something they are thankful for.As we know,most can do this easily.Its more important to know how to be thankful people all the time.Be positive(乐观).No matter what happens,its best to remember the good things.Find the bright side in bad situations,and push back against negative(负面的)opinions.Also,do your best not to compare yourself to others.But when youre around others,give expression to what you like about them.By keeping good in mind,youll give thanks for it even more than before.Accept the negative.At the same time,we cant pay no attention to bad things that have happened.We should learn from mistakes.It makes us become strong.Before we know it,were thankful for negative things,too.Our mistakes can also make us humble(谦逊的),which is not all bad.Humble people have better relationships and see lifes blessings(祝福) much more clearly!Acts of kindness.Thankful people know that its much better to give than to receive.When youre thankful,you feel its your duty to show love to others.Some people volunteer to help people in need.Studies show that volunteers might feel happier and healthier.Use of time.By spending time with others,you show them how much they mean to you.But being thankful is also better realized by spending time alone.When youre alone,you can think about the best parts of your day. You can list them out and think them over.You can find your way to make thanksgiving a part of your life.How wonderful it is!Just enjoy it every day!任务一:根据文意,完成下列句子,每空限填一词。You need to find in bad situations.任务二:根据文意,完成下列句子,每空限填一词。Learning from mistakes can make us and humble.任务三:根据文意,简略回答下列问题。How do volunteers probably feel according to studies?任务四:写出文章的主题句。任务五:将文中画线句子译成汉语。【3】阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。Savetheworldstrees“When it comes to the Earth,there is no time to waste,” says the Earth Day Network.And that is right.Protecting our environment is very important,and World Earth Day was created in 1970 to ask more people to protect our environment.On April 22,people around the world celebrate Earth Day.Every year there is a special topic,and this year it is “Trees for the Earth”,so Earth Day this year will be all about planting trees.They are planning to plant 7.8 billion trees within the next five years.Thats a big goal,and you might wonder why trees are so important.Because they can take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and protect the air quality(质量).CO2 is a chemical in our atmosphere,but humans make too much of it.Each person makes about 2.3 tons a year,which is bad for the environment.Well,guess what!Planting new trees is important because people cut down a huge number of trees.Last year,there were 3 trillion trees in the world,about 139 billion in China.But according to ChinaDaily,the worlds total number has been almost cut in half since human civilization(文明) began.Thats because 15 billion trees are cut down every year.So we need to plant more to make up for(弥补)the ones we lost.One tree can take in 21.8 kilograms of CO2 per year.And its still one of the cheapest and best ways to get rid of CO2.But dont forget that we can also help the environment by cutting down on how much energy(能源) or water we use every day.Every little thing helps.任务一:根据短文内容,回答问题。1.When do people around the world celebrate World Earth Day?2.What is the topic of Earth Day this year?3.Why are trees so important to the earth?4.How much CO2 can two trees take in each year?任务二:英译汉5.Translate the sentence “And its still one of the cheapest and best ways to get rid of CO2.” into Chinese.【4】(xx甘肃天水)短文改错假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When Mr.David retired,he bought a small house in a village.He liked it and hoped himself to live a quiet life in it.But to his surprise,lots of tourists came see his house because it was the most interesting buildings in the village.They always looked into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into David garden.So he puts a notice on the window.A notice said:“If you want to satisfy your curiosity,come in and look around.Price:twenty dollars.” Mr.David was surely that the visitors would stop coming,but he was wrong.Plenty of visitors came and he had to pay every day showing them around his house.“I came here to retire,not to work for a guide,”he said angrily.In the end,he sold the house and moving away.答案:【1】1.Because (if you feel stressed for too long,) it can seriously affect your body.2.They /Older people (who have stress for a long time) can develop heart disease,high blood pressure and other serious health problems./Heart disease,high pressure and other serious health problems.3.它/压力会使你食欲不振,不想跟你的朋友们和家人交谈/谈话/说话。/它/压力会使你想吃的更少,不想跟你的朋友们和家人交谈/谈话/说话。4.忙于工作或家庭生活的人可能/会感觉/感到很累/疲惫/疲倦/劳累。5.Stress/Stress feelings/How to control stress/The ways of controlling stress /Tips of controlling stress.【2】任务一:the bright side考查细节理解能力。从“Findthebrightsideinbadsituations”可知在困境中也要找到光明的一面,填thebrightside即可。任务二:strong考查细节理解能力。由“Weshouldlearnfrommistakes.Itmakesusbecomestrong.”可知从错误中学习会使我们变坚强,填strong即可。任务三:Happier and healthier.考查细节理解能力。由“Studiesshowthatvolunteersmightfeelhappierandhealthier.”可知:研究表明志愿者们可能会觉得更开心和更健康。故用Happierandhealthier回答即可。任务四:Its more important to know how to be thankful people all the time.考查对文章主旨大意的总结和归纳。通过文章第2、3、4、5段的“Bepositive,Acceptthenegative,Actsofkindness,Useoftime”的阅读可知:文章主体是介绍如何成为“会感恩的人”,用第一段中的“Itsmoreimportanttoknowhowtobethankfulpeopleallthetime.”作主题句即可。任务五:当你独自一人时,你可以想想你这一天中最精彩的部分。考查英语翻译能力。此句中when引导的时间状语从句,译为“当时”,翻译时需注意:alone表示“独自一人”;thinkabout表示“想,思考”;thebestpartsof.表示“最精彩的部分”。【3】1.On April 22.由第一段最后一句可知,世界地球日是每年的四月二十二日。2.Trees for the Earth.由第二段第一句“Everyyearthereisaspecialtopic,andthisyearitisTreesfortheEarth”可知今年地球日的主题是TreesfortheEarth。3.Becausetheycantakeincarbondioxide/CO2andprotecttheairquality.根据第三段可知,树木可以吸收二氧化碳并且保护空气的质量。4.43.6 kilograms.根据倒数第二段第二句可知,一棵树一年可以吸收21.8千克二氧化碳,21.82=43.6千克。5.而且这仍然是清除二氧化碳的最廉价也是最好的方式之一。Oneof“之一”;thewaytodosth.“做的方式”;getridof“除掉,清除”。【4】第一句:去掉himself考查动词hope的用法。hopetodosth.“希望做某事”。第三句:在came后加to考查非谓语动词的用法。动词come后跟动词不定式tosee做目的状语。第三句:buildingsbuilding考查名词。结合该句的主语和谓语动词itwas可知这里指“它是这个村里最有趣的建筑物”,故用名词单数building。第四句:DavidDavids考查名词的所有格。这里指“大卫的花园”,故要用名词的所有格Davids,做定语,修饰名词garden。第五句:putsput考查动词的时态。联系上下文,这里是叙述过去的故事,故句中的谓语动词要用一般过去时,动词put的过去式还是put。第六句:AThe考查冠词的用法。上文已经提到“(put)anotice”,这里第二次出现“这个通知”,表示特指,要用定冠词the。第八句:surelysure考查形容词。此处用在be动词后做表语,要用形容词sure,表示“确定的”。第九句:payspend考查动词的用法。固定用法:sb.+spend+时间+(in)doingsth.意为“某人花费时间做某事”;由句中的showingthem可知要用spend。haveto意为“不得不”,后跟动词原形。第十句:foras考查介词。句意:我来这儿是退休(休闲)的,不是来当导游的。根据句意故要用介词as,意为“作为,以的身份”。第十一句:movingmoved考查动词的时态。本句为连词and连接的并列句,前后两个分句中的动词的时态要一致,由不规则动词sell的过去式sold可知:moving要改为moved。

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