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Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater第二课时Section A (2d3c) A基础起航 . 根据句意及首字母提示完成句中单词。1. The movie theater is pretty_ good. 2. My cousin is not good at singing. Maybe he sings the worst_ in his group.3. The service_ in the store is very good. Lets go.4. Zhang Ziyi acted_ the best in the movie. 5Please open the window and let in some fresh_ air. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1You can sit the most _comfortably_ (comfortable) because they have the biggest _seats_(seat)2He can always find the most interesting role _to_play_(play)3Welcome to the new_neighborhood_(neighbor)4We can buy tickets the most _quickly_(quick) here. 5After a very long _waiting_(wait) time, he bought two tickets. . 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1你觉得这部电影怎么样?_How_ do you _like_ the film?2感谢你告诉我这个好消息。_Thank_ _you_ _for_ _telling_ me the good news.3服务一点儿也不好!The _service_ was not good _at_ _all_!4它离你家有多远?_How_ _far_ is it _from_ your home?5这附近有电影院吗?Is there a cinema _around_ _here_?B语法扬帆 . 单项选择。(D)1.In our class, Jenny is the _. She always makes everybody laugh.AtallestByoungestCquietest Dfunniest(A)2.Beijing, the capital of China, is one of _ cities in the world.Athe biggest BbiggerCmuch bigger Dbig (C)3.Who is _ teacher in your school?Mary is.Afriendlier BfriendCthe friendliest Dfriendly(C)4.What do you think of the movie?It cant be _. I dont like it at all.Agood BbetterCworse Dbest(C)5.Which is_ way to travel, by plane, by train or by bus?Aless expensiveBmore cheaperCthe least expensiveDcheaper(A)6.Did Mike do his homework yesterday?Yes. And he wrote as _ as his sister.Acarefully Bmore carefulCmore carefully Dcareful. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1She sang a song I believe I can fly in Yangzhou English Classic Reading Contest. I have never heard a _better_ voice than that before.2This is _the_worst_ article by far that I have ever read. I dont like it.3Town Cinema is one of _the_cheapest_ cinemas in our town.4He is a very careful student. He does homework _the_most_carefully_ in our class.5This coat is too small. Do you have a _bigger_ one?6Lily is the second _thinnest_ girl in our group.C提升冲浪 .阅读短文,用所给单词的适当形式或根据上下文填写出合适的单词完成短文,使短文通顺。Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is also the 1._biggest_(big)city in Thailand. Bangkok is a good place 2._to_shop_(shop) for jewelry(珠宝) and clothes. They are beautiful 3._but_not expensive.The people in Bangkok are very friendly. If you eat in a restaurant, the 4._waiters_(waiter) will always smile at you.The food is very delicious, but it is a little hot. You can 5._also_ enjoy Chinese food there because lots of Chinese people live in Bangkok. In Bangkok, you can also 6._find_(find) American food.The weather in Bangkok changes a lot 7._from_ June to September. July is the rain season in Bangkok. If you come in this month, you must take 8._an_ umbrella with you because it always 9._rains_(rain) heavily.10._If_you come from October to February next year, you will feel very cool there. Bangkok is a very interesting place to visit.完形填空。Books are our greatest friends. They _1_ us stories of every country in the world. They give us all _2_ knowledge.Life is short. One cannot know and see _3_ in the world. _4_ the help of books, one is able to know what happened thousands of years ago and _5_ is happening in every part of the world now. Books give_6_ not only knowledge(知识) but also pleasure. Reading good books is the best way of _7_ our free time. And many beautiful stories for children are _8_ and full of wisdom(智慧)All the great men _9_ books. Knowledge from books helps them to succeed, because books are the source(源泉) of knowledge and knowledge is the source of _10_(C)1.A.say BtalkCtell Dspeak(A)2.A.kinds of Bkind ofCa kind of Dlots of(B)3.A.nothing BeverythingCsomething Danything(A)4.A.With BUnderCAt DFor(C)5.A.how BwhenCwhat Dwhere(B)6.A.me BusCthem Dour(A)7.A.spending BtakingCcosting Dhaving(C)8.A.interested BexcitingCinteresting Dexcited(A)9.A.love BhateCdislike Dwould like(B)10.A.friendshipBsuccessCfailure Dhabits.阅读理解。Every girl dreams she could be the most beautiful in the world. Some girls went under the knives to change their looks. Rim Seong Wan, a 23yearold girl, did some operations(手术) in xx, and she looked different. Before the operations, she was shy because she thought she was not beautiful. After the operations, she had much bigger eyes and a higher nose. When she talks with others, there is always a big smile on her face. Rim has more clients(客户) than others. When she does the work, shes much happier and can finish it more quickly. Shes called the most talented girl in the companyRims changes made her life better. However, the scientists didnt think it was good to change life by this way. Its more important to adjust our minds.(B)1.Rim Seong Wans _ was different in xx.AfootBfaceChand Djob(B)2.Rim Seong Wan did the operations when she was _A13 B15C19 D23(A)3.Rim does work_ in the company after the operations. Amore quickly Bmore slowlyCless Dworse(C)4.People in the company call Rim _Athe most beautiful girlBthe most hardworking girl Cthe most talented girlDthe shyest girl(D)5.The scientists ask us to change our _Alooks BclothesCjobs Dminds 猜出画线单词的词性和中文意思,并收入自己的小词典。1change _v变化;改变_2company _n公司_3adjust _v调整_

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