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xx-2019学年高一英语上学期寒假作业1第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 A、B、C 和 D 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。British MuseumLocated in Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, the British Museum houses a vast collection of world art and artifacts and is free to all visitors. The British Museums remarkable collection spans over two million years of human history and culture, and it has more than 7 million objects, so it would probably take a week to see everything.Over 6 million visitors every year experience the collection, including world-famous objects such as the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies.Admission and opening timesFree, open daily 10:00 to 17:30.Open until 20:30 on Fridays, except Good Friday.Closed on 24, 25 and 26 December and 1 January.Large luggage, suitcases and cabin baggageFor everyones safety, all bags, packages and personal items may be searched before entry. Wheeled cases and large items of luggage are not allowed on British Museum for safety and security reasons. Storage for luggage is available at major rail stations, including Euston, Kings Cross and Charing Cross.MembershipMembership allows you to discover 2 million years of human history with free unlimited entry to special exhibitions, an exclusive discount offer on magazine subscription and many more benefits.Individual membership: 74Under 26 membership: 54Young friends (ages 8-15): 25ShopsThe Museum has four shops where you can buy books, souvenirs, and family gifts.1. When can you visit the British Museum?A. At 9:00 Friday. B. At 12:00 Monday. C. On Christmas Day.D. On Good Friday.2. Where can visitors store their large luggage.A. At major train stations. B. At some crossings.C. In the hall of the Museum.D. At the entrance to the Museum.3. If two friends aged 14 and 18 apply for membership of the Museum, how much should they pay?A. 25. B. 79. C. 50. D. 148.BEvery day when Glen Oliver orders his morning coffee at the drive-through window of a local cafe, he insists on paying for the order of the person behind him. He also asks the restaurant workers to tell the customer to have a great day, in case theyre not already having one.Oliver has never made a big deal out of his own generous actions until a letter was published by a news website in November. He found out that he had not just bought someone his breakfast he had saved a life.According to the website, someone had written a letter stating that on July 18th, he was planning on mitting suicide. The writer said that while he was at the drive-through window, he was planning on going home, writing a note and ending his life. When he went to pay for his coffee and muffin, however, the cashier told him that the man in the SUV in front of him had picked up the tab and told him to have a great day.“I wondered why someone would buy coffee for a stranger for no reason,” said the writer. “Why me? Why today? If I were a religious man, I would take this as a sign. This random act of kindness was directed at me on this day for a purpose.”When the writer arrived home, he couldnt hold back his tears and started to think about the simple good deed that had affected him so deeply. “I decided at that moment to change my plans for the day and do something nice for someone. I ended up helping a neighbor take groceries out of her car and into the house.”The writer says that in the months following that fateful event, he does at least one kind thing for others every day. “To the nice man in the SUV, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please know your kind gesture has truly saved a life,” he said. “On July 18, xx, I had the greatest day.”4. What is Olivers act of kindness every day?A. Buying others breakfast. B. Greeting restaurant workers.C. Publishing positive news. D. Taking groceries for neighbors.5. What is special about Olivers act of kindness on July 18, xx?A. It brought him thank-you letters. B. It was reported on a news website.C. It was the first time hed paid for others. D. It stopped someone from killing himself.6. What does the underlined phrase “picked up the tab” mean in Paragraph 3?A. Paid the bill. B. Parked the car. C. Left a message. D. Ordered a drink.7. How did the writer of the letter feel after the event?A. He felt guilty. B. He felt grateful. C. He felt confused. D. He felt saddened.第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day my partner and I went out to help one customer, and time passed so quickly. We realized that we needed to eat something after we 8 our work. We stopped at a local hamburger shop and ordered some hamburgers and cokes for 9 . It was Sunday, late afternoon, so there were only a few people. We watched around and found a(an) 10 table easily. After we ordered some food, we were seated and waited. A few minutes later, 11 of us noticed a woman who was 12 in her 80s, e in and order some food.She was dressed in what was probably her 13 clothes that looked clean and neat. The woman set everything up around her and you could tell that this meal was a real 14 for her. My partner often had dinner in the shop and he was 15 with the people who worked there. He was curious about the 16 and went and talked with the working people, 17 them about the woman. They said she came in every 18 , ordered the same meal and always was alone. They 19 she lived alone and that this meal was a special treat she did for herself at least once a week.Our hearts were 20 by this older woman even though we never spoke. When we paid our 21 , we also paid for hers and then 22 enough money to pay for that older womans meals at least three more times.The staff (员工)were 23 and so tickled by what we did. We didnt want the older woman to know what we did, 24 we just left. It would have been wonderful to see her 25 when they told her what we did for her. I know we touched the hearts of the 26 and I am sure we touched the heart of that older woman. It always feels so wonderful to do something so unexpected for a (an) 27 ! After all, our life is full of surprises. 8. A. startedB. finishedC. removedD. lasted9. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supperD. food10. A. nearB. farC. emptyD. full11. A. bothB. neitherC. noneD. more12. A. definitelyB. probablyC. firmlyD. casually13. A. brokenB. dirtyC. properD. best14. A. treatB. preparationC. experienceD. turn15. A. satisfiedB. familiarC. concernedD. worried16. A. womanB. employerC. managerD. passenger17. A. passingB. receivingC. explodingD. asking18. A. weekdayB. weekendC. yearD. decade19. A. realizedB. confirmedC. knewD. determined20. A. recalledB. remindedC. informedD. touched21. A. effortB. workC. checkD. grocery22. A. leftB. gainedC. abandonedD. brought23. A. pleasedB. surprisedC. relievedD. disappointed24. A. althoughB. untilC. unlessD. so25. A. resultB. effectC. reactionD. introduction26. A. staffB. colleagueC. partnerD. cook27. A. waiterB. readerC. strangerD. writer第二卷(共50分)第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mr. Turner turned over in bed _28_ time to time last night, for he was so excited _29_ he could not fall asleep. Yesterday morning, he went to a big gardening pany, _30_(know) as Green Fingers, for _31_ interview. Mr. Turner, who liked to help his grandfather grow flowers in the garden, _32_(look) forward to the job _33_(offer)by the pany. When he got to the pany, he found there were many people waiting and he didnt know _34_ he could get the job. While _35_(wait), he helped the workers there to remove the _36_(fall) trees and clear the road. _37_(luck), he was the only one who finally got the job, because the manager decided to give the job to whoever he believed was helpful.答案A篇 1-3 BAB B篇4-7 ADAB完形填空:8-27 BBCAB DABAD BDDCA BDCAC语法填空:28. from 29.that 30.known 31.an 32.looked 33.offered 34.whether/if 35.waiting 36.fallen 37.Luckily

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