四川省成都市金牛区七年级英语下学期期末测试试题 人教新目标版.doc

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四川省成都市金牛区七年级英语下学期期末测试试题 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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四川省成都市金牛区七年级英语下学期期末测试试题 人教新目标版注意事项:1. 本场考试时间为120分钟;2. 请按照番号顺序把所有答案填到答题卡上。选择题部分请用2B铅笔按顺序认真填涂到答题卡规定位置。笔试部分请用黑色签字笔按顺序填写到答题卡方框中的对应题号横线上。超出答题区域不得分。3. 请保证答题卷上字迹清晰、卷面完整、整洁、无折痕。不得使用修正带或修正液。听力部分(30 scores)I. Listen to five questions or sentences and choose the correct responses according to what youve heard from the tape. Each question or sentence will be read twice. 听句子选出正确的应答, 每题念两遍。(5 scores) 1. A. No, thank you. B. Yes, please. C. No way.D. A mixed salad, please.2. A. Dont worry. B. You are joking. C. Great. D. Thank you. 3. A. Its really nice. B. Its down the street. C. Its got many great collections. D. Its quite big.4. A. He is tall and very interesting. B. He is a policeman.C. She is pretty with blonde hair. D. She likes chocolate.5. A. Leave me alone. B. Sure. Whats wrong.C. Nothing, really. D. How can I know?II. Listen to 4 sentences and choose the right picture according to what youve heard from the tape. Each sentence will be read twice. 听句子选出对应的图片,每题念两遍。(4scores) A B C D6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _III. listen to six short dialogues and answer the following questions. Each dialogue will be read twice. 听短对话回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(6scores)10. When will the film start?A. 8.20. B. 8.30. C. 8.40. D. 8.10.11. How does Iris usually go to school?A. By car B. By bus C. On foot . D. By bike.12. Where does Jenny go to school?A. Ireland. B. The United States. C. France. D. Japan.13. What would the lady like for her starter?A. Vegetable curry. B. Roast lamb with rice C. Mixed salad. D. Soup of the day. 14. Who loves watching sports programmes?A. I do. B. Father does. C. Mother does. D. My sister does.15. Whos got some freckles?A. Izzie has. B. Sue has. C. Tom has. D. Daniel has. IV. Listen to a long conversation carefully and judge the following statements true or false. If its true, choose A; if its false, choose B. The passage will be read three times.听对话,判断正误,正确请选A, 错误请选B。该对话念三遍。(5%)16. Becky travels, works and lives on the boat.17. The life on the boat is always quiet and easy.18. Becky sometimes watches TV and often listens to the radio.19. Its not a big boat and it has got three rooms.20. Becky does shopping twice a month in London. V. Listen to two short passages (passage A and passage B) and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passages will be read three times. 听短文,选择正确答案,短文念三遍。(10%) Passage A21. Which is NOT one of the three most popular sport in America?A. Volleyball. B. Basketball. C. Baseball. D. American football. 22. When can people usually enjoy football games in America?A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday. D. A,B &C.23. What day is the Super Bowl usually on every year?A. The last Sunday of January or the first Sunday of February.B. The first Sunday of January or the first Sunday of February.C. The last Sunday of January or the last Sunday of February.D. The first Sunday of January or the last Sunday of February.24. How many people watch the Super Bowl on TV every year?A. Nearly 10,000. B. Nearly 100,000. C. Nearly 10 million. D. Nearly 100million.25. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. American football is the same as soccer. B. The final match of basketball is called the Super Bowl.C. Children can make friends and learn important things when they play sports.D. Many American people love watching sports games but dont like doing them. Passage B26. What make is the movie Coco?A. American. B. Mexican. C. Indian. D. Not known. (未告知)27. Who likes the movie?A. Children do. B. Young people do. C. Old people do. D. People of all ages do.28. How old is Miguel?A. 17. B. 20. C. 12. D. 8.29. Where do Miguel and his family live?A. In China. B. In Mexica. C. In America. D. In Portugal.30. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?A. Miguel loves music.B. Miguel has a big family. C. Coco never forgets her father.D. Coco is the grandmother of Miguel.Written test(笔试部分)Part A (50 scores)I. Multiple choice. (单项选择)(15 scores) 31. -Excuse me, are you Julies friend? - Well, actually, Im her brother.A. in factB. of courseC. reallyD. absolutely32. I have no idea how he finds the leisure centre.A. know B. dont knowC. have the ideaD. dont have the idea33. Finally, the holiday comes. How happy the students are!A. MostlyB. HardlyC. At firstD. At last34. Kate and her friend Emma have got very similar hairstyles.A. very differentB. totally different C. nearly the sameD. totally the same35. Do you want to try the new restaurant in town with me _ next week?A. onB. in C. atD. 不填36. People in Africa are poor, and _ they dont keep a pet. A. thats whyB. thats whenC. thats howD. thats what37. My daughter is ill. Ill go to the _ to buy some medicine(药). A. newsagentB. post officeC. bankD. chemist38. When you are lost(迷路), you can ask a policeman _. A. for directionB. for directionsC. with directionD. with directions39. Please phone me if your train _ early. A. arrivesB. arrives inC. arrives atD. gets to40. I still dont understand. Can you give me some _ examples, please? A. the otherB. otherC. othersD. another41. Most parents look after their children _ they grow up. A. after B. when C. until D. if 42. Sally has got _ new friends here. She feels lonely. A. a few B. some C. a lot of D. very few 43. O.K, guys, thank you so much for _. I cant finish the work without you. A. you helpB. help meC. helping me D. you helping44. Dont get _ with me, mum. I know the score isnt good enough, but Im trying my best. A. angry B. angrilyC. happyD. happily45. Would you like some lamb, Kate? - _, Mark. I dont like lamb at all.A. Good idea!B. You are welcome.C. No, thanks.D. Thats right!II. Choose the wrong one from the four underlined parts. (选出划线部分有错的一项)(10scores)46. The station is always full of people in a rainy morning. A B C D47. It is difficult for the children to find interesting something to do in the building. A B C D48. Id like an onion if there is some, please. A B C D 49. Julie is very angry with Steve and she doesnt want Steve to contact with her any more. A B C D50. There are only few than 10 students studying in the classroom now. Its time for lunch. A B C D51. Does Emma usually have a lot of funs when she stays at home alone in the holidays? A B C D52. Jo is always busy with his school work during the week, so most he watches TV at weekends. A B C D53. Some people choose to be a teacher because love for teaching, but some dont. A B C D54. Id like to keep an usual animal as a pet, for example, dogs, cats, and so on.A B C D55. Which would you like to start, some cheese or a salad?A B C DIII. Cloze test. (完形填空) ( 10 scores) Do you drink bottle water? How long does it _56_ you to drink a bottle of water? Maybe just five minutes. But the plastic (塑料的) bottle will stay in nature(大自然) for 500 years! Plastic does not disappear (消失) _57_. It is a big _58_ for humans. There are many plastic things in our lives. They are cheap, light and easy to make. Every year, the world uses 500 billion plastic bags. Every minute, we buy 1 million plastic bottles. The plastic we throw _59_ in one year can circle (环绕) Earth _60_! For plastic things, the trash can (垃圾桶) is not _61_ place they go in their lives. Every minute, a full truck of plastic things _62_ into the sea. They make the seawater _63_. They are dangerous for sea animals, too, _64_ when they eat. So, is there _65_ useful we can do to help? Here are some tips.(小提示) First, carry your own cup to school. Second, take cloth (布的) bags to shopping, and buy fewer new toys, or you can exchange toys with your friends. Yes, just these small things, then you can help make the world a better place.56. A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend57. A. easy B. easily C. difficult D. difficultly58. A. answer B. surprise C. example D. problem59. A. up B. away C. down D. far60. A. four B. the fourth C. four times D. the fourth time61. A. the only B. the first C. the very D. the second62. A. go B. goes C. come D. comes63. A. dirty B. clean C. cold D. hot64. A. really B. totally C. absolutely D. especially65. A. anything B. any thing C. some thing D. some thingsIV. Reading comprehension. (阅读理解) ( 15 scores) A Do you have an English name? I have noticed (注意到) one thing in China: lots of people have uncommon(不常见) English names.One of my Chinese friends calls herself Big Bird, like the character(角色) from the childrens TV show Sesame Street(芝麻街). Another one of my friends is an English teacher. She had students with the names like Tomato and Potato. There were also two girls named Echo. Before I came to China, I had never met anyone with these names.People choose these strange names for different reasons. Sometimes they copy the names from someone famous. Other times, they want names that have the same meaning as their Chinese name.But having an uncommon English name isnt a big deal, is it? It can be fun sometimes. I once heard about a girl named Shmily. It stands for “see how much I love you”. It is my favorite strange English name.66. _ is the name of a character in Sesame Street.A. Tomato B. Potato C. Echo D. Big Bird67. The writer thinks many Chinese people _.A. dont have English names B. have strange English namesC. have usual English names D. have fantastic English names68. Before the writer comes to China, she _ called Echo.A. knows two girls B. knows a student C. doesnt know anyone D. knows an English teacher 69. Sometimes, people have strange names because _.A. they are famous B. they want to be famousC. they think they will be famous D. they copy the names from someone famous70. From this passage we can know that _.A. the writer doesnt like Chinese peopleB. the writer doesnt like Chinese peoples English names.C. the writer likes some of the English names that Chinese people have.D. the writer thinks having an uncommon English name is a big deal and it is never fun.B John has got many things to do this week. The following chart is about what he will do: Monday10:30am-11:00amvisit Uncle Mike in the hospital Tuesday4:00pm- 6:00pmswimming class at the youth center Wednesday11:30am-1:00pmlunch with Jo at The Couch House restaurant Thursday8:00pm-9:30pmShopping with mum at the supermarket Friday2:00pmMeet Matt at the railways station and then catch the 2:30pm train to Oxford together3:00pm-6:00pmWork at the dogs home in OxfordSaturday 11:00am-12:30amA river boat tour with Sam on the River Cam 7:00pm-9:00pmKates birthday party at Kates homeSunday10:00am-12:00am Watch Jo run a charity marathon in the park71. _ is ill in hospital. A. Matt B. Jo C. Mike D. Kate72. Where does John have his swimming class? A. In the Park B. At the youth center C. On the River Cam D. At The Couch House73. When does John work at the dogs home? A. On Friday B. On SaturdayC. On Thursday D. On Wednesday 74. Why does John go to the railway station on Friday? A. We dont know. B. Because Matts train arrives at the station at 2:00pm. C. Because he will catch the 2:30pm train to Oxford.D. Because Matts train leaves at the station at 2:00pm.75. You can probably see the table(表格)above on a _. A. newspaper B. book C. magazine D. notebookCWhen you are doing homework, sometimes your eyes may suddenly twitch (抽动). You may hear some superstitions (迷信) about this. For example, if your right eye jumps, you will hear good news. If your left eye jumps, you will hear bad news.But science can tell you that it has nothing to do with these superstitions. It is just a movement of your muscles (肌肉). There are a few reasons why this happens.According to ZME Science, when you feel stressed or tired, your eyes will twitch. This tells you that you need to get more rest.Looking at a TV or computer screen for a long time can also make your eye twitch. Looking at screens can make your eye dry (干涩的). So it twitches to make itself wet.Lacking(缺乏) some minerals (矿物质) in your diet(饮食) is another reason. Eating food such as almonds (杏仁) or spinach (菠菜) can be helpful.76. According to the article(根据这篇文章), if your eyes twitch, it means _.A. you will hear good news Byou will hear bad news C. your eyes need some rest Dyou are doing your homework77. Your eyes twitch because _. Which of the following answer is NOT right?Ayou are tired Byou are stressedCyou look at the TV screen for a long time Dyou do some homework78. The writer gives us _ reasons in the article to tell us why our eyes twitch sometimes.A. one B. two C. three D. four. 79. We can eat some _ if our eyes twitch.A. spinachB. beefC. mouseD. cucumbers80. The best title of the article is _. A. The Food We Eat B. Why Do Eyes TwitchC. Science and Superstitions D. Bad News or Good News.Part B (70 scores)I. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. (用所给单词的适当形式填空) (15 scores) 81. The director, with the main actors and actresses of his new film, _ (come) to the cinema near my home tomorrow. 82. Would you like to have a walk with me in the park this Sunday? - Sure. Lets meet at the _ (enter) of the park at 7:00p.m.83. -Why do you enjoy _ ( run) a marathon, Olivia? -I can think when I run.84. Jo, _ (no believe) what Darren says. He is naughty all the time.85. These kids can be quite _ (noise) if you are too nice to them. 86. Can I have a hairstyle like the _ (act) in the picture? She looks really gorgeous with that hairstyle. - Let me see. Sure, no problem.87. Can these children look after _ (they) when their mothers are not around?88. If you understand this question _ (complete), it wont be difficult to answer.89. The xx World Cup is on in Russia now. Many football fans stay up very late to watch the _ ( excite) matches.90. The school year is finally over. Now its time _ (do) something you like to relax.91. Every time Julie _ (past) the bookshop, she buys a new book. She just cant help it.(忍不住)92. -Do you enjoy the TV program _ (call) Britains Got Talent, Mary? - No, not really.93. Look! Everyone in blue on the bleachers(看台) _ (jump) up and down excitedly. Their team wins the final match.94. Billy is having his _ (14) birthday party with his friends at home.95. Dont forget to look at the both sides of the street before you go _ (cross) it.II. Pattern shift. (句型转换) (10 scores)96. It takes the girl two hours to have the piano lesson every week. = The girl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.97. Izzie often worries about her school work.= Izzie _ _ _ _ _ _ _.98. Sandy wouldnt like anything to eat for lunch. (Change it into an affirmative sentence.) (变成肯定句。) _.99. There is a good film on TV at 8:30 on Sundays. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。) _?100. Most of us feel upset when we dont win. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?101. Ill play basketball twice a week in the summer holiday. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?102. Johns niece has got spiky hair and blue eyes.(Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?103. Sixty percent of the parcels in the room have only got the address on them. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?104. The university is only a ten minute walk from my home. (Ask a question according to the underlined part.) (根据划线部分提问。)_?105. You and Darren can get on well with each other. (Change the sentence into a tag question .) (把句子变成反义疑问句。)You and Darren can get on well with each other, _?III. Fill in the blanks according to the texts and the first letters given. (课文填空)(20 scores)One night, Steve and Julie are watching a film at home. The film is t 106 because it makes Steve bored and Julie c 107 . Then, Julie hears a noise from the o 108 . Steve goes out to check and l 109 Julie alone in the room. Julie is s 110 . At this moment, Steve wants to play a joke on Julie. He howls like a wolf(像狼一样叫), which makes Julie cry. What an i 111 he is!People from different places have different lives. Calvin lives on a small i 112 in Scotland. There isnt a school there so his mother t 113 him and his three sisters at home. Mawar lives in a v 114 . It is a seven kilometer walk to a r 115 school. Mawar says that she never goes to that school because it is too far away and there are always s 116 and rain. Does that mean Mawar studies at home too? Well, no. There is a t 117 school near her home. She and 100 other pupils have their lessons there every day.Claire is a sixteen-year-old British girl. She lives in s 118 England. She doesnt watch TV every day because in her o 119 , it can be a w 120 of time. And she is s 121 . She only watches the programs that she likes. C 122 are her favorite. She thinks people do great things in these shows. She also watches d 123 . Sometimes, she watches cartoons at the weekend.People eat u 124 food around the world. For example, people in Japan like eating r 125_ eggs and in China there are

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