江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题2(新版)牛津版.doc

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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题2(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题2(新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities易错题2(新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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U7 错题一、填空题1.She is a true friend I _(相信) what she said.2. I think you have_(能力)to finish the work.3.Can you lend your _(笔记本 )to me?- Sorry, I left them at home.4.It was too late. Li Ming _(run quickly) into the classroom this morning.5.May I use crayon?sorry, Imine at home.6. Superman can see through walls. His eyes are just like _.7.May I use crayon?sorry, Imine at home.8. Superman can see through walls. His eyes are just like _.9.When he was young, I never believed that he _be a good English teacher.10._(学期)11e_,(错误)12.The notebooks are those_.13.Different people have different _.二、选择单词填空Piano nod 1._,l2._C.选用动词的适当形式填空protect , leave ,stand , leave, keep ,not be 1.If we dont work hard, we_ able to pass the coming exam.2.Did you do anything _yourself at that moment?3._ with the door open when you are away.4._?playing,5. _ protect , rain , pour , help , sing , drink1.Did you do anything _ yourself from danger.2.Look. How hard it_outside!3.We put out the fire by _ water. How brave we are!4.We must do something _the poor children.5.Listen! How well she_ in the next room.6.Mr. Green often_ a lot when he was young.二、单项选择( )1.It took him half a day_ trees _ Tree-planting Day. A.To plant;on B. planting;in C.to pant ;in D.planting ;on( )2.-Look. Simon is wearing a jacket and a pair of jeans. -_A. How cool B. What cool C. How a cool. D. What a cool( )3.The house was_ fire last night. People put _ the fire at last.A. At; down B. in; out C. on; out D.on; down( )4.-I heard Jane helped a little girl out of the water. -_brave girl she is!A.What B. What a C. How D.How a( )5.Fire may be very dangerous if we are not_.A. enough carefully B. carefully enough C. careful enough D .enough careful( )6.-Excuse me, sir. But smoking is not allowed here.-Sorry. I didnt see the sign. Ill_ my cigarette(香烟)at once.(xx江苏连云港)A. put out B. put away C. put up D. put off( )7.When Jessica was young ,she _ able to dance very well.A. Can be B. might be C. could be D. was( )8.-Mum, _ I go to the cinema? -No, you_.Youfinish your homework fist.A. could;couldnt; could B. must; may not; may C. can; cant ;must D.may; musnt; might( )9. May I play football in the street, Mum?-_.Its dangerous.A. Yes you may B. No, I cant C .Yes you do D. No, you mustn t( )10._milk it is!A. How nice B. How nice a C. What nice D. What a nice( )11.When Jessica was young ,she _ able to dance very well.A. Can be B. might be C. could be D. was( )12.-Mum, _ I go to the cinema? -No, you_.Youfinish your homework fist.A. Could;couldnt; could B. must; may not; may C.can; cant ;must D.may; musnt; might( )13. May I play football in the street, Mum?-_.Its dangerous.A. Yes you may B. No, I cant C .Yes you do D. No, you mustnt()14_, ()15e_ _;( )16. The house was on fire ,but they _quickly.A. put out it B. put it out. C. putted it out. D. putted out it( )17.-what can we do for the children in the poor areas? - We can collect some books _ them and raise money _them. A. for, for B. to,for C. for, to D. to,to( )18. _ important news it is! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an( )19. I am so _ this time. I believe I will get _ results in the next exam. A. careful, good B. carefully, better C. careless, better D. carelessly, better( )20. That man _ Mr, Smith. He flew to London this morning. A. may be B. cant be C. couldnt be D. mustnt be( )21.Lang Lang is a famous pianist. He began to learn the piano _ A. at the age of three B. when he is three. C. in age three D. A. and B三、句型转换1. My mother often sends pool children some old clothes(改为同义句)My mother often _ some old clothes_ pool children2.Hobo is a clever dog.(改为感叹句)_ _ _ dog Hobo is!3.Amy couldnt use her mobile phone because it was broken.(对划线部分提问) _ _Amy use her mobile phone?4. The music sounds very beautiful.(改为感叹句)_ _ the music sounds!5.They had a great time yesterday. (改为感叹句)_ _ _ _ they had yesterday!6The fireman came to the burning house in the fire engine.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the fireman _ to the burning house?7. 学习历史很有用,她对它了解很多。


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