九年级英语全册 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of测试卷 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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Unit 5达标测试卷时间:90分钟总分:120分题号总分得分.听力(共20分)() 听句子,选择正确的图片。每个句子读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)1.,A) ,B) ,C)2.,A) ,B) ,C)3.,A) ,B) ,C)4.,A) ,B) ,C)5.,A) ,B) ,C)() 听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)6A.Its made of cotton.BIts made from wood.CIts used for keeping warm.7A.In xx. BIn the hospital. CIn Jiangsu.8A.I went to an international kite festival.BThat sounds interesting.CI would like to go.9A.Because these small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.BBecause I like it.CBecause its boring.10A.In 1876. BBy Bell. CIn the US.() 听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话及问题读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,完成第11至12小题。11A.Going camping.BGoing shopping.CGoing on a vacation.12A.Yes,he has. BNo,he hasnt. CI dont know.听第二段对话,完成第13至15小题。13A.Food. BClothes. CKites.14A.Bamboo and paper.BMetal and paper.CBamboo and steel.15A.In March. BIn April. CIn July.()听短文,补全所缺的单词或短语。短文读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) Chester Greenwood was a fifteenyearold boy who lived in America.Chesters parents_16_ him to play outside,even in the cold winter.Chester didnt like to wear a _17_ .So he decided to _18_ something to keep warm.He _19_ a tool to bend wire into loops(圈,环)His grandmother then sewed fur onto them.Oh,that is the first pair of ear muffs(耳套)It is one of the most useful _20_ in our everyday life.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)21Your sweater looks nice.Is it made of wool?Yes,and its made _ Shanghai. Aby Bin Cfor Dfrom22Sanya is famous _ its beautiful beaches. Aof Bas Cfor Dfrom23I have some good friends,_ dogs,cats and toys. Aas for Bsuch as Cfor example Dsuddenly24The whole city is _ fog. Acover with BcoveredCcover Dcovered with25 The wall of our building is made of_.Thats good.So the room will be bright.Aglass Bsteel Cwood Dpaper26Our English teacher always keeps his lessons _.Thats why he is so popular among his students.Alively Bhappily Cfreely Dfriendly27My aunt is a writer.She_ more than ten books since 1980.Awrites Bwrote Chas written Dwill write28Today its normal for married women to go out to work,but it was_in the past.Acommon Bmore commonCless common Dthe most common29This sentence_right.Please write it down.Afeels Bsounds Ctastes Dsmells30I think drinking milk every morning is good_our health. Yes.I agree with you. Ato Bwith Cat Dfor 31Most of my friends like loud music _they can dance to. Athat Bwhat Cwhen Dwhose 32People from different parts of the world will go to Brazil_the Olympic Games in xx.Ain Bfrom Cto Dfor33I will have a match tomorrow.I hope I will win. _. AGood luck BNo idea CThats such a pity DIts all right34At present,one of the best ways to study is working in groups. More chances _to students to learn from each other. Aoffer Bare offered Chave offered Dare offering 35Merry Christmas! _. AYoure welcome BThe same to you CCongratulations DMy pleasure.完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)The Family Computer (家用电脑) Now most people cant live without the cellphone or computer.Do you agree with me?The family computer is _36_ and not very expensive,but it has a good look.It can be used_37_.You can calculate,make notes,learn English,_38_others and type letters on it.Computers can_39_ hundreds of times faster than human beings.Whats more,you can surf on the net,watch VCDs,play games,do office work and even _40_in a supermarket _41_it.By connecting (连接) a computer to the _42_,we can get the latest information in all fields.We can get_43_ by computers.Through the Internet,computers help us_44_a more convenient (方便的) life.They link the world and make the world a large _45_.36A.wide Bsmall Clong Dlittle 37A.quickly Bfast Cslowly Deasily 38A.call Bgive Cvisit Dlove 39A.do Bstudy Cwork Dsay 40A.do shopping Bdo cleaning Cdo reading Ddo housework 41A.from Bwith Cto Dbetween 42A.telephone Binformation Cradio DInternet 43A.money Bbook Chelp Dfriend 44A.lives Bliving Clived Dlive 45A.school Broom Ccity Dfamily .阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A(xx 济宁中考改编) Do you still remember the great snacks in your childhood? Do they remind you of your happy childhood? In the old days,you could always find people making sugar figures at the school gate.First,the maker would take a little maltose(麦芽糖) with a small spoon,using his hands to make a figure,such as the Monkey King,the White Dragonet,and so on.It was not expensive,only 1 yuan for one.If one child bought a sugar figure,many other children would crowd around and admire it. Almost every kid is fond of bubble gum.They often gather together to see who gets the largest bubble.I still remember my cousin once blew a big bubble and then it broke,covering her face with gum! It was cheap.I could get 2 for one yuan. We prefer to call it snowman ice cream.It tastes very delicious.It was rather expensive;I remember the price was 2 yuan for each piece,which was not easy for me to buy them those days.Each time I got one,the happiness would last for several days. Malt Sugar Candy is usually called Tangguar in northern China,and is offered during the days just before the Spring Festival.Its delicious but cheap,and you could get five pieces for 1 yuan.My friends and I would get together to enjoy Tangguar.What happy time!46A child who wants a cartoon character should choose_. ASugar Figure BDada Bubble GumCBaby Face Ice Cream DMalt Sugar Candy47If you had 10 yuan,you could buy_.A20 sugar figures B10 dada bubble gumsC5 pieces of baby face ice cream D25 pieces of Tangguar48Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? APeople made sugar figures mainly for boys.BChildren usually enjoy blowing bubbles together. CThe writer used to eat lots of baby face ice cream.DYou can buy Malt Sugar Candy at any time.49From the passage we can know _.Athe writer was very rich Bthe writer was very poor Cher parents didnt like her Dall the things were expensive 50What is the purpose of the passage?ATo sell some popular snacks.BTo tell some funny stories.CTo remember the poor childhood.DTo introduce some great snacks.BChina is a country with a long history.It has great traditional culture,especially Chinese characters.Chinese characters usually have more than one meaning and some of them are very interesting.Here are six ones.We use “pinyin” here because “pinyin” is the Chinese spelling way for the characters.For example,“fu” is the “pinyin” for good luck in Chinese.“Pinyin” “fu” is only the phonic part of the character and if you want to know the meaning of good luck “fu”,you must read Chinese character 福 because “fu” also represents (代表)other Chinese characters that sound the same. “Fu” means blessing,good fortune,good luck.Chinese character “fu” is one of the most popular ones used during Chinese New Year.Chinese people often put up “fu” upside down on the front door of a house or an apartment.The upside down “fu” means good luck comes since the character for upside down in Chinese sounds the same as the character for “come”“Lu” is used to mean officials pay in old China.“Shou” means long life,age or birthday.“Xi” is happiness.The doubled character “xi” means double happiness.It is usually put up everywhere at Chinese weddings.“Cai” is wealth or money.Chinese often say “money can make a ghost turn a millstone”It is to say money really can do a lot of things.But,money cant buy everything.“He” is an important part of Chinese culture.It means good relations with other people;when you have “he”,things will be a lot easier for you. The top six lucky Chinese characters,“fu” “lu” “shou” “xi” “cai” “he”,are particularly loved by Chinese people.51We use _ to show how to read the Chinese characters.A“pinyin” Bletters Cwords Dspelling52The upside down 福 “fu” means _.Acoming Bgood luck comes Cgood fortune D“fu” is upside down53People in China most probably put up the Chinese characters _ on the front door at their weddings.Aupside down “cai” Bupside down “fu” Cdoubled “xi” Ddoubled “he”54Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A“Cai” is wealth or money. B“Lu” is used to mean officials pay in old China.C“Shou” means keeping thin. DThings will be a lot easier if you have “he”55The underlined word “character” means _ in this passage.A角色 B特征 C性格 D汉字.根据短文内容完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)Have you ever seen the film Titanic? “Titanic” was one of the largest and finest ships in 1912.It hit an iceberg(冰山)on its first sailing from England to America and sank very soon,leaving a love story to us.Do you know what an iceberg is? The earth is round,like a ball.The top of the earth is the north.The bottom of the earth is the south.At the top and the bottom of the earth,there is a lot of ice.It is very cold there.Sometimes there is no sunshine for many months.There is ice everywhere all the time.Large pieces of ice fall into the sea.They dont go to the bottom of the sea.They float(漂浮)near the top of the water.We call these large pieces of ice “icebergs”Some icebergs are bigger than a tall building.Icebergs are dangerous for ships.Sometimes a ship hits an iceberg.Then the ship sinks. You can make a small iceberg.Put a piece of ice in a glass of water.Look at it.The ice does not sink.56Titanic is the name of a film and its also the name of a_.57“Titanic”sank_it hit an iceberg.58The_is very cold in North Pole (北极) and in South Pole.59At times we cant see the_in North Pole and in South Pole for a long time.60Icebergs are made of large_.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)61Paris is the capital of F_62Most of the earths s_is covered by water.63The _(筷子) are made of bamboo.64The _(国际的) Kite Festival is held in Weifang every year.65They were taken into a _(当地的) hospital at once.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)66这把椅子是用木头做成的。This chair is_ _wood.67无论你在会上说什么,我都同意你的观点。_ _what you say at the meeting,I agree with you.68这个风筝是手工做的。The kite is made _ _.69我们应该帮助困境中的人们。We should help the people _ _.70屋顶被雪覆盖了。The roof is _ _snow.用方框中所给词的适当形式补全短文(每小题2分,共10分) Paper cutting is popular around the world,_71_ only the Chinese paper cutting is listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists (世界非物质文化遗产名录)The Chinese paper cutting gets_72_ place because it has a history of more than 1,500 years and it _73_ so much of Chinese history and culture. Paper cutting has developed fast over the years.It is still popular in China,especially during special_74_ like the Chinese New Year.They are often_75_ at Chinese weddings as well.书面表达(共20分) Rita是你新交的朋友,她对中国的传统节日很感兴趣,请你以刘敏的名义给她写一封信,介绍中国人是如何庆祝春节的。 词数:80左右。Dear Rita,Thank you for your card.Best wishes to you!Yours,Liu MinUnit 5达标测试卷.()1.A2.C3.B4.A5.B()6.A7.C8.A9.A10.B()11.C12.B13.C14.A15.B()16.allowed17.cap18.find out19.used20.products.21.B提示:在哪里制造,用词组be made in,故选B。22.C提示:由于什么而出名,词组为be famous for,故选C。23.B提示:小狗,猫和玩具都是举的例子,而且不止一例,故选B。24.D提示:句意:整个城市被雾覆盖着。be covered with“被覆盖着”,故选D。25.A提示:根据最后一句,可知为玻璃的房屋,故选A。26.A提示:同学们很喜欢英语老师,可知他的课程很活泼,“keep n.adj.”为固定结构,故选A。27.C提示:考查动词时态的用法。由since 1980可知,用现在完成时,故选C。28.C提示:考查形容词比较等级的用法。句意:今天,已婚妇女外出工作是很正常的,但是在过去是不常见的。29.B提示:考查系动词的辨析。句意:这个句子听起来正确。请记下来。sound听起来,符合题意,故选B。30.D提示:考查介词的用法。句意为“我认为每天早晨喝牛奶对我们的健康有好处。”“是的。我同意你的说法”。be good for意为“对有好处”,故选D。31.A提示:考查定语从句关系词的用法。句意:我的大多数朋友都喜欢可以跟着跳舞的响亮的音乐。先行词为music,关系代词使用that,在从句中作宾语。32.D提示:考查介词的用法。介词for意为“为了”,表示目的。33.A提示: 考查交际用语的用法。对方去参加比赛之前,应该表示祝福。Good luck.祝你好运。34.B提示:考查动词时态和语态的用法。chances与offer之间存在“被动”关系,用被动语态,故选B。35.B提示:考查交际用语的用法。当别人对你说“圣诞节快乐”时,同样送去对别人的祝福。.36.B提示:考查形容词的用法。句意:家用电脑很小而且也不太贵,可知选B。37.D提示:考查副词的用法。我们知道电脑能给我们带来便利,使用起来应该是很容易的。38.A提示:考查动词辨析。在网上可以给别人打电话,所以选A。39.C提示:考查词语辨析。句意“电脑工作起来比人类要快几百倍”,故选C。40.A提示:考查短语辨析。根据后面的短语“in a supermarket”可知是买东西,故选A。41.B提示:考查介词的用法。前面罗列的事情当然都是用电脑来完成的。42.D提示:考查名词辨析。根据常识可知电脑要联网,才可以浏览网页,看各种新闻,所以D项正确。43.C提示:考查名词的用法。用电脑我们不仅可以得到金钱、书本、朋友,甚至更多,所以用help来概括,比较合适,故C正确。44.D提示:考查固定词组的用法。help sb.(to) do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。45.D提示:考查名词辨析。句意:电脑连接着世界,使世界变成一个大家庭,故选D。.46.A提示:细节理解题。根据文中句子First,the maker would take a little maltose(麦芽糖) with a small spoon,using his hands to make a figure,such as the Monkey King,the White Dragonet,and so on.可知糖人制作者能做出很多不同的卡通形象,故选A。47.C提示:数字计算题。通读短文我们知道,糖人一元一个,所以10元能买10个;泡泡糖一元两个,所以10元能买20个;雪人冰激凌两元一个,所以10元能买5个;糖瓜一元五个,所以10元能买50个,故选C。48.B提示:细节理解题。根据第一段可知人们为孩子们做糖人,不分男孩女孩,因此A说给男孩做不对;根据第三段可知每当我得到一个就开心好几天,因此C说作者过去常吃许多也不对;根据第四段糖瓜只在春节前做,因此D说在任何时候买到是不对的;只有B孩子们喜欢吹泡泡糖符合第二段的意思,故本题选B。49.B提示:推断理解题。作者买两元钱的东西都不容易,可知那时很穷,故选B。 50.D提示:主旨归纳题。本文分四段介绍了四种小吃,因此本文的主要目的是介绍一些小吃,故本题选D。51.A提示:细节理解题。由第一段第五句“We use pinyin here because pinyin is the Chinese spelling way for the characters.” 可知答案为A。52.B提示:细节理解题。第二段第四句 “倒贴的福字,意味着好运到来”,故选B。 53.C提示:细节理解题。第三段第四句 “双喜字意味着双重幸福”可知答案为C。 54.C提示:判断题。由全文可知,“寿意味着长命百岁”,故C是错的。55.D提示:细节理解题。由第二段开头可知,该词意为“汉字”,故选D。 .56.ship57.because58.weather59.sun/sunshine60.ice.61.France62.surface63.chopsticks64.International65.local .66.made of67.No matter68.by hand69.in trouble70.covered with.71.but72.its 73.tells 74.festivals 75.seen.Dear Rita,Thank you for your card.Im glad to tell you something about the Spring Festival in China.The Spring Festival is important in China.Its like Christmas in your country.Everyone in China likes it very much.When it comes,people usually clean their house and do some shopping.We can eat a lot of nice food,like jiaozi.The children like it very much because they can get some money from their parents.I hope you can come and celebrate the Spring Festival with us next year.Best wishes to you!Yours,Liu Min

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