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Unit2How often do you exercise?第一课时Section A (1a2c)A基础起航 . 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词。1shop_shops_shopping_2go _goes_going_3watch _watches_watching_4exercise _exercises_exercising_5dance _dances_dancing_6do _does_doing_7have _has_having_8play _plays_playing_9open _opens_opening_10drink _drinks_drinking_. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句中单词。1The girl often helps her mother do housework_2Surfing the Internet_ is a quick way to get information.3What a lazy boy! Peter takes a shower twice_ a month.4My favorite program_ is Animal World.5My sister hardly_ exercises, so she isnt very healthy.6Do you ever_ want to go out to exercise?7Do you often go shopping with your mother? No, I never_ go shopping.8Once_ he lived in America, but now he lives in England. 用所给短语的适当形式填空。help. with housework, go to the movies, go shopping, watch TV, do exercise1I usually _go_to_the_movies_ with my friends on weekends. Most of the films are interesting.2Though my brother is a bit young, he often _helps_ my mother _with_housework_3Tony is very lazy, and he never _does_exercise_ in the morning.4I _watch_TV_ twice a week, because I have a lot of homework to do.5Im very busy, and I hardly ever _go_shopping_. I buy things on the Internet.根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1周六你妹妹通常做什么?_What_ _does_ your sister usually_do_ on Saturday?2一周我上两次网。I surf the Internet _twice_ _a_ _week_3玛丽多久看一次电影?How often does Mary _go_ _to_ _the_ _movies_?4周末,我经常和我的朋友一块儿打篮球。I often play basketball with my friends _on_ _weekends_B语法扬帆 . 根据句意,选用合适的词(组)填空。usually, how often, sometimes, always, never, hardly ever1The good schoolgirl _always_ comes to school on time and shes _never_ late.2I _usually_ walk to school. But today I want to take a taxi because its raining.3Sometimes I have dinner at home, and _sometimes_ I have it at school.4_How_often_ do you write to your parents? About three times a month.5He is not good at basketball, so he _hardly_ever_ plays it. 根据提示或用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1What do you often do _on_ (填介词)weekends?2Does your aunt like _shopping_ (shop)?3Jim goes to help the kids in hospital three _times_ (time) a month.4Lily usually _reads_ (read) English books in the evening.5Tom and I _exercise_ (exercise) together almost every day.C提升冲浪 .阅读短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空或根据上下文填写出合适的单词,使短文通顺。Joy loves instant noodles(方便面). She eats them at least 1._once_ (one) a week. She has a way to make them more delicious. She 2._wrote_ (write), “Although I know it is not good 3._for_ me to eat a lot, I still love instant noodles I think they are cheap and delicious. When I cook 4._them_(they), I often add(加) something to make them more delicious.”And she also said, “I discard (丢弃) their flavorings(调味品). I make the flavorings 5._myself_ (my). When I cook the noodles, I 6._usually_(usual) put an egg in them. I love eggs. They are one of my 7._favorites_ (favorite). Sometimes I put some pieces of meat. I 8._also_ put some vegetables, sometimes cabbages and sometimes broccoli. Yesterday I tried tomatoes. They tasted well. Next time Id like 9._to_try_(try) some beans. 10._After_ I enjoy instant noodles, I often go for a walk in the park. I feel great.”.完形填空。How can we keep healthy?One important thing is to exercise _1_The Smith family try to exercise every day. Mr. Smith _2_ not exercise in the morning because he must be at his job at seven oclock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, _3_. He walks to school every day and after school he _4_ basketball with his friends. Mrs. Smith goes to a yoga class _5_ a week. But it isnt _6_ this way. Last year Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith drove everywhere. They thought they should use the _7_ all the time. Now the Smiths dont use their car, and they all _8_ better now. And they think they mustnt be _9_They dont have to exercise every day, but they should _10_ to keep in_good_health(B)1.A.sometimesBoftenCnever Dalways(B)2.A.may BcanCmay be Dcan be(C)3.A.either BalsoCtoo Dwell (A)4.A.plays BwatchesCsurfs Dlooks(C)5.A.sometimes Bthree timeCthree times Dsome time(A)6.A.always BusuallyChardly Dsometimes(C)7.A.skateboard BbikeCcar Dship(C)8.A.have BmakeCfeel Dstudy(A)9.A.lazy BhealthyCactive Dwell(D)10.A.want BkeepCstay Dtry完成完形填空后,再次阅读短文,回答下列问题。(A)11.What is the writers idea about how to keep healthy?ATo exercise often.BTo walk to school every day.CTo drive to work often.DTo eat well.(C)12.How often does Mrs. Smith go to the yoga class?AEvery day.BNot often.CThree times a week.DTwo or three times.(A)13.How did Mr. Smith go to work last year?ABy car. BOn foot.CBy subway. DBy bike.(B)14.What do the Smiths think of keeping healthy now?AThey must be lazy.BThey mustnt be lazy.CThey should exercise every day.DThey should walk everywhere. 猜出画线词组的中文意思,并收入自己的小词典。in good health_身体健康_

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