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培优班语法 一般将来时 TheSimpleFutureTense 一般将来时的意义 时间标志 表达将来会发生的动作或事情 时间标志 Tomorrow nextmonth in 时间段 用howsoon提问 this 例子 Thedayaftertomorrow tomorrowmorning nextyear intwodays ThisFriday Thissummer等Inthefuture oneday someday fromnowon soon tonight when引导的时间状语从句 in2030 一般将来时的结构 常见的一般将来时有两大种结构 主语 will 动词原形主语 begoingto 动词原形 注意 第一种结构中 will为助动词 没有人称和数的变化 即 I You He She We They will 注意 第二种结构中 be有人称和数的变化 即 跟随句子中的主语 将be换成am is are 一般将来时的结构变化 主语 will 动原 肯定句 主语 will 动词原形否定句 主语 willnot 动词原形一般疑问句 Will 主语 动词原形 特殊疑问句 W H开头特殊疑问词 一般疑问句 肯定 否定回答 Yes 主语 will No 主语 willnot willnot won t 一般将来时的结构变化 主语 begoingto 动原 肯定句 主语 begoingto 动词原形否定句 主语 benotgoingto 动词原形一般疑问句 Be 主语 goingto 动词原形 特殊疑问句 W H开头特殊疑问词 一般疑问句 肯定 否定回答 Yes 主语 be No 主语 benot 易错点 Therebe句型的一般将来时 TherewillbeTherewon tbeWilltherebe Yes therewill No therewillnot Thereis aregoingtobeThereis arenotgoingtobeIs Aretheregoingtobe Yes thereis are No thereis arenot 练习 主语 will 动原 一 用所给动词的适当形式填空1 Idon tthinkthatit rain tomorrow 2 Thestudents clean theirclassroomthisevening 3 She go tothecinemawithherclassmatesthedayaftertomorrow 4 There be ameetingnextMonday 5 They have anEngllisheveningnextweek 6 It take himhalfanhourtofinishhishomeworksoon 练习 主语 will 动原 二单选1Lookatthoseclouds It soon I mafraid A rainedB rainsC willrainD won train2 he someshoppingtomorrow A Will doesB Does doB Did doD will do3 He inhisgardeneverymorningnextyear A willworkB worksC workedD isworking4 There apartytonight A willhaveB willbeC isgoingtohaveD begoingtobe5 They abasketballmatchnextSunday A don twatchB willnotwatchC didn twatchedD notwillwatch 练习 主语 begoingto 动原 一 单项选择1 There ameetingtomorrowafternoon A willbegoingtoB willgoingtobeC isgoingtobeD willgotobe2 Charlie herenextmonth A isn tworkB doesn tworkingC isn tgoingtoworkD won tworking3 He verybusythisweek he freenextweek A willbe isgoingtobeB is isC isgoingtobe isD is willbe4 there adolphinshowinthezootomorrowevening A was beB Is goingtohaveC will haveD is goingtobe 练习 主语 begoingto 动原 5 you freetomorrow No I freethedayaftertomorrow A Are goingto willB Are goingtobe willC Are goingto willbeD Are goingtobe willbe6 Who we swimmingwithtomorrowafternoon A are goB do goC are goingtoD shall go7 We theworklikethisnexttime A don tdoB willdonotC arenotgoingtodoD willdoing 非常见结构1 一般现在时表将来 在if when assoonas unless引导时间或条件状语从句中 用一般现在时态表示将来例如 WhenBillcomes 不是willcome Iwilltellhimtocallyou 比尔来后 我会让他给你电话 I llwritetoyouassoonasIarrivethere 我到了那里 就写信给你 Ifitrainstomorrow weshallstayathome 如果明天下雨 我们将待在家 Theywon tleaveunlessyougivethemanewbook 他们是不会走的 除非你给他们一本新书 主将从现 主将从现练习 1 Thestudentswillplanttreesifit tomorrow A didn trainB hasn trainedC won trainD doesn train2 We homeifthereisnobus Oh whatapity A willwalkB havewalkedC walkedD walk3 Ifit tomorrow I llgobycar A rainB willrainC rainsD wouldrain4 IfMary nextSunday wewillgoboatingtogether A willcomeB comesC shallcomeD shouldcome5 Don tforgettoaskhimtowritetome Iwon t Assoonashe I llaskhimtowritetoyou A willcomeB cameC comesD iscoming 主将从现练习 6 Pleasetellherthenewswhenshe OK Iwill A comesB willcome C comeD wouldcome7 Ifhe harder hewillgetbettergradessoon A studyB studiesC willstudyD studied8 Frank toseehisgrandmaifhe freetomorrow A willcome willbeB comes isC willcome isD comes willbe9 Whenwillyoutellhimthegoodnews Iwilltellhimaboutitassoonashe back A comesB cameC willcomeD iscoming 非常见结构2 现在进行时 bedoing 表将来 现在进行时除表进行外 还可以表示将来 例如 Whereareyougoing I mcomingWhatareyoudoingonvacation Thebusiscoming 非常见结构3 beaboutto表将来 I mabouttogotoBeijingnextyear Sheisabouttojointhemusicclubwhenshefinisheshighschool Thesoccergameisabouttostartinafewminutes Samisabouttoleavetomorrow 有些动词不常使用将来时 hope wish like love must want can should 例子 Ihopetobeateachersomeday Imustgotomorrow 汉译英综合练习 1 明年我要去上海拜访我的爷爷 2 这个周五他们要去看电影 3 我的姐姐打算在放学后去购物 4 教室里将会有一张新的桌子 5 100年后人们会使用钱吗 6 当Tom来的时候你打算做什么 7 如果Cindy不在家 你打算做什么 8 他将不会和你一起去爬山 9 从现在起我要更努力的学习 10 我的妈妈想让我有一天成为一名医生


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