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语法填空的小技巧 可数名词单数 形容词 可数名词单数 1 Tomis handsomeboy a a an a an 2 NewJerseywaskilledby blackbearduringtheweekend a 3 Theteacherdecidedtoteachus veryimportantlesson a a an the 1 IshallneverfeardifficultyandIshallneverknowthe exist oftheword failure 2 Hisvoiceishisoutstandinggift itvirtuallydefinedhimasa perform 3 Oneiswhenwebreatheinthingsfromthe environmental n performer existence environment 冠词 n 1 RecentlyinGreeceinmanyparentscomplainedaboutthe difficulty homeworkwhichteachersgavetotheirchildren 2 Ina danger partoftheseaoofthecoastofNewZealand theylearntto 3 Hisbirthday 2October iscommemorated 庆祝 thereasa n nation holiday 形容词 difficult dangerous national 注意 1 Lookthe sleep baby Howlovelyitis 2 Shecriedoutwhensheheardthe excite news 3 The shake buildingsshowedusthatanearthquakewascoming sleeping exciting shaking the adj n 1 Probablythe important thinghethoughtwasmakingmoremoney 2 Merryisthe hard workerinouroffice 3 TheNanjingRoadisthe crowd streetinthecityofShanghai 最高级 mostimportant hardest crowdest 4 Onedaytheycrossedthe old Chinesestonebridgebehindthepalace 5 Thisisthe popular songofMichaelJackson oldest mostpopular the adj of n 1 Fatheristhe old ofthefivesonsofhisparents 2 Heisthe clever ofthewholeclass 3 soonthe real ofbeingafarmer swifeheldbackherthought oldest cleverest reality adj than 1 Insummeritismuch hot inWuhanthaninBeijing 2 Thepeopleinthevillagewere badly offthantheywerefiveyearsagobecauseofwar 3 Thebookonthetableis interesting thanthatonthedesk 比较级 hotter worse moreinteresting 4 Ispend little timedoinghomeworkthanJohndoes5 Aboxmadeofsteelis strong thanonemadeofwood less stronger 情态动词 do 1 IthinkMissGaomust be inthelibrary Shesaidshewould go there 2 Incrowdedplaceslikeairportsandrailwaystations youmust take careofyourluggage 原型 can couldshall shouldmay mightwill wouldneed be go take 3 Thebosshasgiveneveryoneaspecialholiday soweneedn t go toworktomorrow 4 Youdon thavetoknowthenameoftheauthortofindabook Youcan find thebookbythetitle go find adj do adj adj do adj 1 Thechildrencan free helponeanother 2 SteveJobs familydaidinastatement Stevedied peace today 副词 副词 freely 副词 peacefully 3 Thecoloursoonbecameassosiatedwiththeupperclass especial royalty 4 Inotherwords hewillberelying most onbicyclesandhisownlegs especially mostly adj 1 final onedayhewentintotheshop 2 immediate ifeltmoreyouthful 3 interesting ithasaconnectionwiththeBritishporcelain 瓷器 industry 4 fortunate hiscarlostcontrol adv Finally Immediately Interestingly Unfortunately 介词 do 1 whatmakestheadobedwellings 土坯房 admirableistheir able to aircondition ahousewithout use Electricequipment 2 Butthestrangerhadnodifficultyin find theway 3 andwhat smore hedoesn tneedamap hecandoitwithout think doing ability using finding thinking adj 1 Itisalegal require fortraffictostopatthiscommand 2 My suggest isthatweshouldalwayshaveanotebookandanEnglish Chinesedictionary requirement n suggestion n 1 Thelittleboypulled righthandoutofthepocketandstudiedanumberofcoinsinit 形容词 his 代词 名词 引导词 do 1 He serve asthefirstSecretaryoftheSmithsonianInstitution2 whenHarryTruman push intotheUSpresidencyafterthedeathofFrankinRoosevelt acolleage 3 Avisitor who invit toanEnglishhomemightwellenjoysteakand 谓语 时态语态 served waspushed isinvited 4 thecobblerhandedhimasmallpackagewhich wrap inbrownpaper 5 IncommonwithmanyotherBritishteenagers he choose tomakeayearoutbeforesettingdowntostudy 6 butwhennewsofthesurrenderreachedthecapital theemperor sjealousministers begin todegradeLiLling waswrapped chose began 名词 代词 1 Nowafterschool Daniel sfavouritegameisdrawingmapsoftheroadsystemsinallsortsofplaces hehasneverevenvisited 2 WhenJanewasnine shehadabigaccident Shegetsscardevennow shethinksaboutit Which that whom who when which when 动词 1 Lollipoppeoplewereintroducedtoenablepolicemen hadpreviouslyruncrossingpatrals 2 SzumaChien hadalwaysrespectedLiLing believed 3 Aten year oldboycameoverandbeggedmetobuyabook hadthewords InterestingIndia onitscover which who where when who who which 4 Hespentmuchtimeteachingherhowtoskate butshestilldidn tlearnmuch madehimveryangry which as as 1 Itwasproducedfromacertainspeciesofsnailandwassorabeandpreciousthatformanycenuriesitwasas value asgold 2 Insomeplacesyoumayborrowas more booksasyouneed butinothersyouarelimitedtoacertainnumberofbooks 形容词 副词 valuable many and and前后形式要一致 1 becausesomanypeoplehavebeenspendingtheirHolidaysabroadand learn toappreciateunfamiliardishes 2 Themobilephoneisa fashion andusefulinvention 3 Theteachersareveryenthusiasticand friend andtheclassroomsareamazing learning fashionable friendly 4 apersonwhowasinchargeofcookingand take careofus taking 系动词 1 Eventhoughwehavetobe care inthisworld 2 Thenshewentwithaclassmatewhowasvery experience 3 Maryfelt please becausethereweremanyemptyseatsintheroom 形容词 careful experienced pleased enough do 1 thewallshavegivenuptheirtheatandnowcoldenough cool thehouse 2 yetaheartygoodwillisenough cover allfaults 3 福建 Shereturnedhomefromtheoffice only find thedooropenandsomethingmissing todo tocool tocover tofind 非谓语 Thereweremanypeople skate inthelakenearher 2 广东 Yourcompositionisgoodbutyourhandwritingstillrequires improve 3 福建 Shereturnedhomefromtheoffice only find thedooropenandsomethingmissing skating improving tofind 非谓语动词4 全国 Thechildrenallturnedback look atthefamousactressassheenteredtheclassroom 5 北京 Forbreakfastheonlydrinksjuicefromfreshfruit grow onhisownfarm 6 上海 Asmallplanecrashedintoahillsidefivemileseastofthecity kill allfourpeopleonboard tolook killing grown 特殊句型 1 Sherememberedhowdifficult wastochooseasuitableChristmaspresentforherfather 2 Ifound hardtoadaptthenewsurroundingforme 3 Ican tbelieve soeasytopassthetest it it it 强调句 2 Itwasbecauseofherheadache sharonwenttosendadoctorwithherfatheryesterday 3 ItwasSharon wenttoseeadoctorwithherfatheryesterdaybecauseofherheadache that who that 常考点 1 call Liming2 include 3 add 4 fortunate 5 fortunate called including addision fortunately unfortunately 6 Theauthorofthestudysuggestedthatencouragingmorebooksreadingmightbe usefulwaytopreventchildhoodaccidents in it的句型 1 It be adj ofsb todosth It ssillyoftheboytofeedthecatwithacarrot 2 It be adj forsb todosth It simpossibleforSimontoswimacrosstheriver 3 It be nouse nogood nofun awasteoftime doingsth 做某事是 ItisnogoodwatchingtoomuchTV 4 It be timetodosth Ithinkit stimeforustoleavenow 下课 吃午饭 5 Itseemsthat 看起来像 Itseemsthatheisquitehappy 虚词 冠词 a an the 介词 in at on with without for by from before after through over under 并列连词 连接并列句 并列关系 and or either or neither nor notonly but also both and 转折关系 but yet 因果关系 for so Testpoints 考点 纯空格 实词 Testpoints 考点 动词 谓语动词 时态 语态 主谓一致非谓语动词 ing ed todo及变形 名词 单复数 形容词 副词 比较级 最高级 反义词 词性转换 有提示词


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