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xx-2019学年高一英语上学期寒假作业(VI)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI am a city girl, and my idea of a big animal was a German dog. Meeting Dan changed everything. Early in our dating, he told me of his dream to own a farm. “Dont cows kick?” I worried when I saw the huge cattle. Dan laughed. “Dont be afraid,” he said. “Just try milking a few times a day. Youll get used to them.” After six months, I still was too nervous to try it. One evening I heard the low mooing of the cows in their lot. Then I heard the cows again, but louder. I looked out of the window. A storm was ing. Suddenly I saw a cow running past the window. Another cow passed, and a third one moved into the yard. “Dan!” I shoutedthen remembered he had gone into town. I rushed back into the house and pulled on my coat. The noise had roused the children, and they called to me from upstairs. “Stay inside,” I shouted as I went out of the door, “no matter what!” I was running to the yard. Suddenly the hundred cows turned and were ing in my direction! Beside me there was an old gate leading into an empty lot. I threw myself against the gate. Got it! And all at once the cows entered the lot. When Dan got home, I told him the story. “You rescued a whole herd of cows!” Dan said. Lying in bed beside Dan, I felt safe and fortable. The next time I went out into the lot, I felt a little bigger beside the cows. And it wasnt too long before I started milking.1. The writer was brave to start milking thanks to _. A. her childrens help B. a danger she experienced C. her husbands encouragementD. getting on with the cows long2. What is the right order in which the writer story happened? a. She was married to Dan.b. She dreamed of a German dog. c. She saved a whole herd of cows.d. She and her husband began to run a farm. e. She was brave to start milking.f. A storm roused the herd of cattle. A. badfce B. cbdfea C. cbefda D. bcaefd3. The underlined sentence “I felt a little bigger beside the cows” shows the writer _. A. felt the cows grew a little bigger B. felt she was a bit bigger than the cows C. was able to fight against the cows. D. was not as afraid of the cows as before BHere are some schools in Southeast England. Find out if you are interested in any of them.Caterham SchoolHeadmaster: Mr. J.P. ThomasAges: Boys/Girls: 11-18 yearsAttendance:Day Boarding(寄宿)Number of Students: 900Tel:+44(0)1883 343028The school aims to provide a great all-roundeducation so that every pupil can reach their fullpotential(潜能). Covering80 acres. it is a familyschool providing a caring environmentDeepdene SchoolBursar: Mr. Stephen BallAges: Boys/Girls: I-11 yearsAttendance: DayNumber of Students: 400Tel:+44(0)1273 418984Deepdene offers a great education where everychild matters. An exciting programme of sport,music, Latin& French, dance, drama and art isprovided.Claires CourtContact: Hugh &James Wilding, Principals Ages: Boys/Girls 3-18 yearsAttendance: DayNumber of Students: 1,000Tel:+44(0)1628 411472Claires Court is a school for families, run by afamily, providing education for young people aged3-18 years. Based on three sites across Maidenhead, they are an all-ability school where boys and girls are educated separately during their main school years, but e together for trips and visits.Crosfields SchoolContact: Mr. J Wansey, HeadmasterAges: Boys/Girls: 3-13 yearsAttendance: DayNumber of Students: 515Tel:+44(0)1189 871810Crosfields is a great Prep School for childrenaged 3-13. From early years aged 3, through to teenage years aged 13, it provides a first-class educational start. The school has the most modem facilities(设备) in 40 acres of grounds which provide children with exciting and different learning chances.4. What makes Caterham School different from the other three schools?A. Accepting more students B. Accepting Il-year-oldsC. Being a day schoolD. Offering boarding5. Which number would you call if youre interested in Deepdene School?A.+44(0)1883 343028B.+44(0)1273 418984C.+44(0)1628 411472D.+44(0)118 987 18106. Which school can a 5-year-old student and a 16-year-old student attend together?A. Caterham SchoolB. Deepdene School C. Claires CourtD. Crosfields School7. What do we know about Crosfields School from the text?A. It is a family school providing a caring environment.B. Boys and girls are educated separately thereC. It has the most modern facilities D. It has three studying sitesCSome birds are masters of crime(犯罪). That means these species steal food from other birds and get away with it. Scientists have long wondered what these birds have in mon. A new study suggests that big body size does not predict bad behavior. Instead, it is the size of the birds brains that matters most.To learn more about what makes some birds tend toward a life of crime and how they steal food from other birds, scientists analyzed 856 published reports of thieves. Researcher Julie says she started the project after watching birds steal dry dog food out of unattended bowls. She read about some dramatic examples of thieves, including birds that steal food from others flying in midair or bending through the sky. She learned that members of some species disturb other birds until they spit up food in their mouth.Families that steal also tend to eat fish, mice, and other vertebrates(脊椎动物) instead of just insects. These meatier (多肉的) meals are hard to catch, and they deliver lots of valuable calories, so they are tempting to steal.Finally, birds that steal tend to have big brains in relation to their bodies. That may seem surprising, since human bullies(欺凌弱小者) are often thought to be stronger in size.But for birds, stealing isnt about strength. It takes a clever brain to get food out of another hungry birds claws, especially if that bird is bigger than you are.8. The best title for the passage can be _.A. Diet Habits of a FeatherB. Hunting Skills of a FeatherC. Brains of a FeatherD. Thieves of a Feather9. What is the key factor of the birds stealing food? A. Body size. B. Living environment. C. Brain size. D. Mouth length.10. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. birds stealing isnt related to their environment B. for birds, stealing is about cleverness and tricks C. birds steal food only from those that are smaller in size D. birds that steal have small brains for their bodies第三部分:语言运用(共三节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Bell had seen better days, despite his present unhappiness. At the age of fifteen both his 11 had been crushed by a carriage. From that time he 12 dragging himself along the roads. For two days he had 13 nothing. No one gave him anything now. Every ones patience in the village was exhausted. Women 14 to him from their doorsteps when they saw him ing: Be off with you. Why, I gave you a piece of bread only three days 15 !” And Bell went on his way. At every door, he got nothing but hard words. He made the round of the whole village for hours, _16 received not a halfpenny for his pains. Suddenly, a number of black hens ran there, 17 their food. Bell watched them at first without thinking of anything. Then a thought occurred to his mind-the thought that one of those 18 would be good to eat if it were cooked over a fire of dead wood. He 19 up a stone and killed at the first shot the hen nearest to him. The bird fell on its side, flapping(煽动) its 20 . The others fled wildly, and Bell picking up his sticks, walked slowly to where the hen lay.Just as he reached the little 21 body he received a violent hit in his back. It was Farmer Chiquet that kicked Bell. The farm workers came up also and joined their boss in hitting the beggar. Then when they were 22 of beating him they carried him off and shut him up in the woodshed, while they went to fetch the 23 . He was shut up in the town prison. It did not 24 the police that he might need food, and he was left alone 25 the following day. When in the early morning they came to examine him he was found dead on the floor. Such a/an astonishing thing!11. A. legs12. A. cried13. A. wasted14. A. chatted15. A. ago16. A. because17. A. finding18. A. chickens19. A. picked20. A. feet21. A. blue22. A. tired23. A. prison24. A. seem25. A. duringB. armsB. laughedB. eatenB. talkedB. beforeB. soB. lookingB. hensB. madeB. wingsB. redB. afraidB. policeB. happenB. byC. handsC. beggedC. savedC. whisperedC. earlierC. butC. seeingC. ratsC. cameC. earsC. whiteC. frightenedC. bossC. hit C. onD. kneesD. walkedD. drankD. shoutedD. laterD. andD. seekingD. rabbitsD. gotD. eyesD. blackD. scaredD. judgeD. occurD. until第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about being late for school. There were many people (26)_ (wait) at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and disappointed. When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next to the window, so I had (27) _ good view of the sidewalk. A boy (28) _ was riding a bike caught my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused (29) _ (stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept riding. He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. (30) _ (final), when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door (31) _ the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, “Did anyone lose a suitcase at the (32) _ stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! Its (33) _ (I)”. She pushed her way to the driver and (34) _ (take) the suitcase thankfully. Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of (35) _ (stranger) suddenly became friendly to one another.试题参考答案1-5 BADDB 6-10CCDCB 11-15 ACBDA 16-20 CDBAB 21-25 DABCD 26. waiting 27. a 28. who/that 29. to stop 30. Finally 31. of 32. last 33. mine/me 34. took 35. strangers解析:A篇【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。一个城市姑娘嫁给了一个乡下男子,婚后他们办起了一个奶牛场,但是女主人始终不敢给牛挤奶。最后,经历了一场险情后女主人终于勇敢地挤奶了。这是一场什么样的险情呢?21. B 推理判断题。第三、四、五段记叙的是作者在暴风雨中奋力使奶牛脱险的经历,正是这段经历使作变得勇敢起来,最终敢于挤奶了。 22.C 排序题。纵观全文可知故事梗概:作者少女时期梦想有一条德国犬与Dan结婚婚后与丈夫一起办起奶牛场一场暴风雨袭来作者奋力护救奶牛作者敢于挤奶了。23.D 句意理解题。作者开始害怕被奶牛踢到不敢挤奶,最终经历了一场险情后克服了胆怯的心理障碍后敢于挤奶了。所以本句的含义应为:作者感到自己强大起来了,不再像以前那样害怕奶牛了。C篇【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。 文章主要介绍一些鸟儿是怎样偷食以及它们为何偷食。28.D 标题归纳题。文章主要介绍一些鸟儿是怎样偷食以及它们为何偷食,其次根据第一段第一句:有些天生就是犯罪的主,可知以D项为标题有吸引力。29.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Instead, it is the size of the birds” brains that matters most.”可知:鸟儿偷到食物的决定性要素是它的大脑。故选C。30.B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段后部分所讲的鸟儿偷食技巧以及最后一段所讲的鸟儿偷食靠的不是蛮力而是聪明,可推断出:鸟儿偷食关乎智商和技能。故选B。完形填空:36. A 联系后面的dragging himself可知是他的双腿(legs)被马车碾压。37. C 联系第50空后面的beggar可知他一路讨饭(beg)。38. B 他2天没吃(eaten)东西了,因为没人施舍他了。39. D 根据后文be off with you(滚开)可知人们对他大吼大叫(shout)。40. A 3天前(ago)我才给你面包了的。before和earlier多与过去时联用。41. C 他在村子里讨饭几小时了,但(but)一无所获。42. D 一群母鸡跑来寻(seek)食。43. B 第44空前出现有hens。44. A 他捡起(pick up)石子向母鸡砸去。45. B 母鸡煽动翅膀(wings)。46. D 第44空前出现有black。47. A 他们打Bell打得累了(tired)。48. B 他们去把警察(police)找来。49. C It hit somebody that某人突然想到。50. D 他独自一人直到(until)第二天。

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