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Unit 7课 题Unit 7 Section A (1a2d)课 型听说课教学目标知识与能力 New words and expressions过程与方法 listen, answer, speak, pairwork情感态度与价值观 We should protect the nature. 教学重点Whats the highest mountain in the world?Its - in size/-meters deep /long/ highFeel free to ask /as far as I know 教学难点用英语表达高度,深度,长度,和大小。形容词最高级的用法教学策略泛听与精听相结合,创设情境与对话操练相结合教学方法对话法、合作法、任务型教学法教学反思目标达成课堂生成教学效果改进措施一、基础知识梳理1、单词1.square n.平方 2.meter n. 米 3.deep adj 深的 4.population n. 人口 5.protect vt 保护 6.wide adj. 宽的2、短语 面积10平方千米 10 square kilometers in size深5米 5 meters deep所有咸水湖中最深的 the deepest of all the salt lakes最多的人口 the biggest population一段长得多的历史 a much longer history最古老的城市之一 one of the oldest cities随意做 feel free to do问我任何关于今天旅行的事儿 ask me anything on todays tour使它成为最长的墙 make it the longest wall在古时候 in ancient times保护不受伤害 protect from据我所知 as far as I know/so far as I know的一部分 (a) part of 3、句式 它是世界上最高的山(三种)Its the highest mountain in the worldIts higher than any other mountain in the worldIts higher than the other mountains in the world 中国的人口比美国的多得多The population of China is a lot bigger than (that) of the US.没有其他跟这个一样大的人造物体There are no other man-made objects as big as this二、重难点分析 1.square:n平方:The Sahara is about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size.n正方形:draw a squaren.广场:Our school faces the square.2.meter:Qomolangma is 8,844.43meters high.3.deep: adj 深的 deeper, deepest 反:shallow1.The Caspain Sea(里海)is 1025meters deep. 2.a deep hole adv. They studied deep into the night. deeply adv. We are deeply moved by the movie. (highly, closely, widely)4.desert n. 沙漠The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.5.population:n. 人口 1.The population is very large in China. /Whats the population in the world?/The city has a large/small population. There are more/few people. 2.Three quarters of the population in the city are workers.6.Asia: n. in Asia/Southeast Asia adj. Asian the Asian nations 亚洲各国(人民)7.feel free: 随便(做某事)feel free to do sth8.tour:n. 旅行 on todays Great Wall tour/a tour around the world v. They will tour around Europe.9.tourist n. 旅行者10.wall n. 墙the Great Wall build the wall 11.amazing adj 令人大为惊奇的be amazing/ an amazing talent for music amazed adj. be amazed at sth/to do sth/that 学法指导及个性化设计amazement to ones amazement/in amazement12.ancient adj.古代的 more ancient /most ancientthe ancient emperors/in ancient times/many ancient buildings13.protect vt 保护 protectfrom He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. We must protect the earth from being polluted.protection n. under the protection of 14.wide adj. 宽的 wider/widest 反:narrow a wide river /The river is 22 meters wide. adv The window is wide open.widely adv. English is widely used in many ways.15.as far as I know: 就我所知As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this.三、测一测1面积10平方千米 2深5米 _ _3所有咸水湖中最深的 _ _4最多的人口 _ _5一段长得多的历史 _ _6最古老的城市之一 _ _7随意做 _ _8使它成为最长的墙 _ _9在古时候 _ _10保护不受伤害 _ _11据我所知 _ _12中国的人口比美国的多得多_13没有其他跟这个一样大的人造物体_

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