2019春九年级英语下册 Unit 4 Life on Mars(第3课时)Reading 2教案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019春九年级英语下册 Unit 4 Life on Mars(第3课时)Reading 2教案 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019春九年级英语下册 Unit 4 Life on Mars(第3课时)Reading 2教案 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019春九年级英语下册 Unit 4 Life on Mars(第3课时)Reading 2教案 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Life on Mars第三课时Reading (2)目标导航类别课时要点重点短语more and more 越来越because of 因为large numbers of 大量的(all) over again 再;重新with the development of technology 随着科技的发展at the speed of light 以光速in the form of 以的形式compare to/with 与相比connect.to.与相连重点句型1.Some people believe that humans could live on the planet Mars by the year 2100.一些人相信到2100年,人类能住在火星上。2.However,the spacecraft would travel so fast that the journey to Mars might be quite uncomfortable.然而,宇宙飞船行驶得太快以至于到火星的旅途可能会很不舒服。3.Also,robots would do most of their work so that they could have more time to relax.并且,机器人会做他们(人类)的大部分工作以便他们能有更多的时间放松。4.Life on Mars would be interesting as well as challenging.火星上的生活不仅有挑战性,还很有趣。教学重点1.让学生识别和理解有关火星生活的词汇。2.让学生学会快速浏览文章,通过查找细节迅速掌握文章大意的阅读技巧。教学难点让学生能用英语说出地球生活与火星生活的不同之处。教学过程预习指导一、方法指导1.总结介绍在火星生活的词汇和句式。2.复习上节课内容并尝试复述Page 5253的文章。二、预习检测.汉译英1.越来越more and more2.因为because of3.大量的large numbers of4.再;重新(all) over again5.随着科技的发展with the development of technology6.以光速at the speed of light7.以的形式in the form of8.与相比compare to/with9.与相连connect.to.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.Dont drink the water in the river.It is polluted(被污染的).2.How many planets(行星) are there in the solar system(太阳系)?There are eight.3.The bus is so crowded(拥挤的) that you cant find any more room.4.The journey to Mars will probably be very uncomfortable(不舒服的).5.When we compare(比较) Western culture with Chinese culture,youll find many differences.6.Believe it or not,all the passengers(乘客) came through the plane crash alive.7.He made such rapid(快速的) progress that his parents were very glad.8.The population(人口) in the world is getting larger and larger.课堂教学Step 1情景导入在音乐声中,展示一些在火星和地球生活的相关图片。Step 2 复习1.认真复习一遍课文,并复述课文。2.小组合作讨论,总结归纳火星生活的优缺点。AdvantagesIts not crowded or polluted.The transport is convenient(方便).People will wear special boots.People will have more space.Robots will do most of our work.Well have more time for hobbies.Students will study in online schools.DisadvantagesLow gravity will be dangerous.Food does not taste good.Space travel makes people feel ill/sick/uncomfortable.Its too dangerous to stay outside.Its too far away from friends on Earth.Step 3 完成教材B3的任务1.认真阅读Page 5253的文章,完成B3的任务。2.老师请几名学生分享他们的答案,并核对答案。Step 4 完成教材B4的任务1.再次认真阅读Page 5253的文章,完成B4的任务。2.老师请几名学生分享他们的答案,并核对答案。限时训练.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.The empty boat was floating(float) on the sea.2.The towns are connected(connect) by train and bus services.3.Today is my mothers birthday.I bought the book specially(special) for her.4.The restaurant offers better services and tastier(tasty) food than others.5.The bad news spread rapidly(rapid) from mouth to mouth.Thats terrible.单项填空(D)1.Luckily,the number of giant pandas is becomingthan before.A.moreB.largerC.fewerD.smaller(D)2.Theair and water are harmful to peoples health.A.valuableB.lastingC.freshD.polluted(D)3.What do you think of yesterdays speech?I think it is well worth.A.listeningB.to listenC.to listening toD.listening to(A)4.David,could you help me carry the table?Im afraid it isheavy for uscarry.A.too;toB.so;thatC.enough;toD.such;that(B)5.It seems that it will stop raining.It has kept raining for a week.A.Im afraid soB.I hope soC.What a pityD.Im sorry to hear that板书设计1.increase作名词,意为“增加”。表示“在方面增长”用in 来引导的短语。increase还可作动词,意为“增加;提高”。2.so.that.的用法。(1)so.that.意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句,so是副词,常用来修饰形容词或副词。“如此以至于”的其他表达:so+形容词+an+单数名词+that从句=such+an+形容词+单数名词+that从句such+形容词+复数名词/不可数名词+that从句注意:当名词前有many,much,few,little等词修饰时,只能用so.that.。(2)辨析so.that.与so that。“so+形容词或副词+that.”引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。so that 引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”,从句中常用can/could/may/might等情态动词,so that 也可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此”,此时so that前可用逗号。3.as well as意为“既又”,连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语的单复数形式通常要与as well as前主语保持一致。as well as后接动词时,一般用动名词形式。教学反思本课时主要以复习前面几个课时所学内容为主,并对本单元知识进行复习巩固。学生在课堂上可以锻炼口语交际能力,且通常分组训练达到合作互动的目的,活跃了课堂气氛。但学生程度不一,学生还需多加巩固所学内容。

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