山东省枣庄市2019年中考英语总复习 语法十三 复合句语法随堂演练.doc

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山东省枣庄市2019年中考英语总复习 语法十三 复合句语法随堂演练.doc_第1页
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语法十三 复合句语法随堂演练(一)根据汉语意思完成英语句子1(xx吉林中考改编)打扰了,我想知道飞机是否能按时着陆。请稍等,我帮您查一下。Excuse me. I wonder on time. Wait a minute, please. Let me check it out.2(xx甘肃白银中考改编)多么可爱的花啊!能告诉我你从哪里得到它们的吗?What lovely flowers! Could you please tell me ?3(xx安徽中考改编)我想知道简为什么和她的同学相处得那么好。因为她总是关心别人很多。I wonder Jane gets on so well with her classmates.Because she always cares much about others. 4(xx四川乐山中考改编)能告诉我这里离学校有多远吗?Could you please tell me it is from the school? 5(xx北京中考改编)爱丽斯,能告诉我史密斯先生是什么时候离开伦敦的吗?当然。上周日。Alice, could you tell me ?Sure. Last Sunday.6下个月假期一开始,我们就去一些有趣的地方(玩)。Next month were going somewhere interesting the holiday begins.7晚上如果不下雨的话,你会看到很多成年人一起在广场上跳舞。You will see many adults dancing together on the square in the evening.8我花费更多的时间在功课上是为了得高分。I spend more time on my schoolwork get good grades.9尽管汤姆尽力了,但他考试又没及格。Tom failed in the exam again he tried his best.10. 因为天气太糟糕了,我们没有玩尽兴。We didnt enjoy the day the weather was so bad.(二)在空格处填入适当的连接词1I have never seen him he went to America.2He wont be here unless he is invited.3He will not go to the cinema because he is very busy.4We found the key she had lost it.5We found the books two days he had gone away.6Well make a trip the weather is bad.7He speaks English he were an Englishman.8He explained as clearly as possible they could understand.9Dont leave the room you have finished the test.10She sang she went along.(三)单句改错1I wont go to tomorrows party when Im invited.2Although I live in a safe community, but I still feel a little worried when I go out at night.3This math problem is as easier as anything.4It is so a beautiful garden that we like to play in it.5The students cant go home since they finish cleaning the classroom, for its their duty. 参考答案(一)1.if the plane can land2where you got them 3why4.how far5when Mr. Smith left London 6as soon as7.if it doesnt rain8in order to9.though/although10.because(二)1.since2.unless3.because4.where 5after6.even if/even though7as if/as though8.so that/in order that9before/until/unless10.as(三)1.when改为unless。2删除but。3easier改为easy。4so改为such。5since改为until。


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