安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 九全 第14课时 Units 7-8习题.doc

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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 九全 第14课时 Units 7-8习题.doc_第1页
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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 九全 第14课时 Units 7-8习题.doc_第3页
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第14课时.单项选择。(D)1.(xx安徽中考导向模拟二)The man in blue_be Lucys father.He has gone to Hefei on business.AmayBmightCmustDcant(C)2.(原创题)Why is your brother so sad over there?Because he regretted_an expensive CD by mistake.AboughtBbuyCbuyingDto buy(A)3.(预测题)Its very_for you to wear this coat to take part in the party.Thanks a lot.Ill wear it to the party.AsuitableBfunnyChelpfulDmeaningless(D)4.(改编题)I believe our teacher will manage_us out of hunger.AhelpsBhelpChelpingDto help(B)5.(预测题)Who does this sweater belong to?_.AHeBHimCHisDShe(B)6.(xx芜湖三模)In fact,swimming is a good_for health.Its really good for our body.AchanceBchoiceCideaDpurpose(A)7.(改编题)What is their decision about the trip?Im not sure.They_choose to travel to Hainan.AmightBcanCmustDshould(C)8.(原创题)What did she_last week?A model plan,but she didnt_it.Aaccept; receiveBaccept; acceptCreceive; acceptDreceive; receive(D)9.(原创题)Their purpose is_the old peoples trust.AgettingBgotCgetDto get(D)10.(预测题)These homeless animals are so poor.We should do something to help them.Youre right.Something must_by all of us.AdoBbe doingCbe to doDbe done.(xx合肥庐阳区模拟)完形填空。A week before this term stared, Zhou Ziyu, a student from Heilongjiang, got some big _1_. Her school plans to delay(推迟) its start time to 8 am.She was quite _2_. Zhou used to get up at 6 am, but would _3_ until 10 or 11 pm the night before. She worked very hard.Her school asked students to arrive at 6:30 am in summer and 7 am in winter. She didnt get enough_4_.“I often feel sleepy in class. But if my school plans to delay the start time, Ill be very glad,” Zhou said._5_, all of the schools in Heilongjiang plan to change their start time. Primary and middle schools will expect students to arrive at 8 am or later. The _6_ will help more students get enough sleep.In general,most Chinese middle school students have to arrive at school at around 7 am. Students have to get up at 6 am or even _7_ if they live far away from school.As they often stay up late at night, they cant get the nine _8_ of sleep that they need to stay healthy.Zhejiang and Guizhou are carrying out similar policies (政策),though only at primary schools.In the future, more places might join in. However, some _9_still worry about the rule. For example, Liang Chen from Harbin No. 69 High School, _10_ to have some time to study before class begins in the morning. He thinks this is the best time to study and remember things.(B)1.ApracticeBnewsCadviceDtrouble(C)2.AcarefulBpatientChappyDhumorous(D)3.AplayBdance CrepeatDstudy(A)4.AsleepBhomework CfoodDspace(A)5.AIn factBIn general CIn shortDIn all(B)6.AshowBchangeCprogressDlaw(D)7.AlaterBfaster CsoonerDearlier(C)8.AsecondsBminutesChoursDdays(A)9.AstudentsBparentsCteachersDworkers(B)10.AhatesBprefersCrefusesDforgets.(原创题)阅读理解。Joe was a 75yearold man.He lived very happily with his happy family.His children grew up and moved to different cities.He lived in a small village.Joe had 4 grandchildren and they used to visit him during their holidays.It was the vacation time and Joe was waiting for his grandchildren to arrive.He was buying the favorite foods and cleaning the home for the kids.However,he lost his favorite watch when he was busy.His dead wife gave it to him when their first child was born.The next day,he was very sad and said,“Dear children,I lost the most important watch I have ever had.Your grandma gave it to me.I feel like Im missing my heart.”The children looked for the watch everywhere in the home for more than 2 hours,but could not find it.Joe asked the children to stop looking for it as they could not find anything.One grandson sat there quietly.The other children reached him and asked him what he was doing.He asked them not to make noise.He sat there for about 15 minutes and then ran to his grandfather.He got the watch and happily gave it to Joe.He was surprised and asked how he was able to find it.The little boy replied,“I sat there without making a noise.After a few minutes,I heard the sound of the watch.”(A)1.When did Joes grandchildren come to see him?AOn vacations.BDuring Christmas.CAfter long work.DBefore New Year.(B)2.Who gave the special watch to Joe?AThe childrens mother.BThe childrens grandmother.CThe childrens father.DThe childrens grandfather.(D)3.How long did the children look for the watch?ALess than two hours.BAt most two hours.CNot more than two hours.DOver two hours.(D)4.How did one of the children find the watch?ABy smelling the watch.BBy pouring water.CBy seeing the light of the watch.DBy hearing the sound of the watch.(C)5.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AThe great familyBThe friendly childrenCThe use of be quietDThe quiet child.(原创题)单词拼写。1Therabbits(兔子)all like eating carrots very much.2My cousinreceived(收到)a special present from her mother.3This girl loves thepink(粉红色的)skirts very much.4They are drawing somecircles(圆圈)on the blackboard.5The studentssafety(安全)is the most important to every school.


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