八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby Section D教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby Section D教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby Section D教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby Section D教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第3页
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Unit 3 topic 1基于“课程标准、中招视野、两类结构”八(上)Unit3 Topic1 Section D教案设计(新授课)一、学习目标确定的依据:1、课程标准相关要求:英语课程标准(xx年版)要求学生能够会读会写知汉意的单词和短语单词: everyday snake provide owner comfort pig bath pond dirtyunfriendly短语:1.provide with 2.light pink 3.take a bath4.whether.or not语法:复习 used to do来表达过去的喜好的句型及like/enjoy/prefer/be fond of /be interested in +doing来 表达“喜欢做.”这一结构。2、教材分析:本节课为该话题的第四节课,建议用1课时上完。主要学习如何描述自己的宠物。是本话题的重点。在Section D的1,为阅读部分,重点培养学生的阅读能力,并让学生了解如何描述自己的宠物。2部分主要让学生通过讨论描述自己的宠物,培养学生的写作能力。3部分让学生复习topic1的重要知识点。3、中招考点:Used to 句型及be/get /become interested in sth/doing sth, like/love/prefer/be fond of sth/doing sth 是学生必须掌握的知识要点,所以一定要让学生弄明白这些知识点的用法。4、学情分析:学生英语学科基础参差不齐,部分学生学习兴趣不是很足。而Used to 句型及be/get /become interested in sth/doing sth, like/love/prefer/be fond of sth/doing sth 的用法十分重要,鉴于这一点,上课前应当充分备足课,知识点应让学生一点一点地归纳出来,努力提高学生的学习兴趣。二、学习目标1、学习并能说出、写出P6162的生词。2、读P61.1,能熟记1的知识点,并能用自己的语言简单描述自己喜爱的宠物。3、能独立填写课本61页的Grammar and Functions,并能灵活运用。三、评价任务1、针对目标1,通过学习P6162的生词,让学生能熟练说出、写出P6162的生词,并能进行英汉互译。2、针对目标2,通过阅读1,了解短文大意,找知识点,让学生能够掌握如何描述宠物,并能用自己的语言描述自己喜爱的宠物。3、针对目标3,通过复习Topic1的知识点,让学生进一步巩固这些知识点。四、教学过程学习目 标教学活动评价要点要点归纳1、学习并能说出、写出P6162的生词。自学指导11、自学内容:课本P6162的生词。2、自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互 相正音,提问。3、自学时间:5分钟4、自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思,并能英汉互译语。自学检测1 英译汉 :everydaysnake provideownercomfortpigbathponddirtyunfriendly通过学习P61-62的生词,让学生能熟练说出、写出生词,并能进行英汉互译。注意新词的组合方式everyday- every +dayowner- own+erunfriendly-un+friendly学习目 标教学活动评价要点要点归纳2、读P61.1,能熟记1的知识点,并能用自己的语言简单描述自己喜爱的宠物。自学指导11.自学内容:课本61页的短文2.自学方法:听录音和扫读。3.自学时间:8分钟4.自学要求:了解短文大意,能独立完成表格。 找知识点,并能正确使用自学检测.自学检测21. Listen and read the passage and complete the table on Page 62.Everyday petsdogs, catsDangerous pets _Function provide their owners with _ and_ My favorite petA pig Pink He is very _and _ .He enjoys eating _and _.He likes _ .2.Discuss the following questions in groups, using the words in the boxes. Then report your ideas to the class. 了解文章大意,能独立完成P62表格;找出并熟记知识点;能用自己的语言来简单描述自己喜爱的宠物。All pets provide their owners with love and comfort in their lives. 宠物能给主人的生活带来爱和安慰。 provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物 = provide sth. for sb. Eg: 学校为孩子们提供午餐。The school _ lunch_ children. = The school _ the children _ lunch.3、能独立填写课本61页的Grammar and Functions,并能灵活运用。自学指导3自学内容:课本61页Grammar and Functions自学方法:填写,朗读。自学时间:4分钟自学要求:独立填写,并熟记。自学检测 3 Grammar and FunctionsI used to _ baseball cards.I _ _ enjoy pop music, but now I dont like it.I _ _ go shopping, but now I like it.What hobbies _ you _ have?I am interested in _ basketball. I like _ poems.I love singing and playing the _. I am fond _ acting.I prefer _ soccer.自学检测31.He enjoyed _ sports news on the Internet. A. to read B. reading C. to look at D. looking at 2.He is _ in the interesting story book.A. interesting B. interested C. interests D. interest 3.Look ,there are so many collections, I am _of it. A.Interested B.enjoy C.fond D.prefer4.Li Yutings grandpa is an opera fan,he prefer_ it.A.see B.sees C.saw D.seeing通过复习Topic1的知识点,让学生进一步巩固这些知识点并能熟练做题.要点归纳Used to 句型及be/get /become interested in sth/doing sth, like/love/prefer/be fond of sth/doing sth ,provide with light pink take a bathwhether.or not 当 堂训 练 Choose the best answer.1.Everyone has his or her hobby, because they can _ them happiness. A. get B. take C. have D. bring2. All the parents provide their children _ clothes and food. A. for B. to C. with D. of3. My little dog likes eating bread and meat , and he doesnt mind _ theyre good or not. A. what B. which C. whether D. if看学生是否能快速、准确作答,以此来检测并反馈学生的学习情况。合 作探 究1.探究内容:课本P62的Project. 2.探究方法:随机选取2人小组调查后填写. 3.探究时间:5分钟 4.探究要求:能根据表格口头表述过去和现在的 爱好.课 堂小 结单词: everyday snake provide owner comfort pig bath pond dirty unfriendly短语:1.provide with 2.light pink 3.take a bath 4.whether.or not语法:1.Used to 句型2.be/get /become interested in sth/doing sth, like/love/prefer/be fond of sth/ + doing sth 家 庭作 业1. Write a report about your survey in Project and deliver it in class.2. Recite the useful expressions in this topic.


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